TN DT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - SATURDAY, 1, 1919. officers, but they have no training for WAR'S INFLUENCE ON THE civil life, and it is bard for them to begin at the bottom rung of the lad- der in commercial life, after having MEN WHO COME BACK held command of men with fairly y high pay and aM the respect of a bat- ' talon for officers with the military (Continued from Page 9.) cross or the D.8.0. ind the power of "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY lasurance Company Ui ] What is it? The new mar As good as butter for all table and cooking purposes. [ii > Try Our Special Blend Coffee 45¢ ; PIREB INSURANCE of liberty, which is in every heart. leadership. Thousands of young * Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Chick Feed Ls Sens Office Rove! Insurance Bidg So that when once they are demobi- fiying men, mere boys In age, have will develop chicks into broilers for market faster i MONTREAL lized--""demoralized," as they call it] been heroes of the war, with plenty with ironfeal humor---they convey all | of money to spend Qi leave and the discipline to the devil, and Indulge | adulation of every pretty girl for the in a natural and complete reaction. | wings on their breasts. What are Truly, for a time at least, they find {they going to do now when they are themselves "demoralized." The [out gf the service, #ud when they steel of nerve control by which they | still have the desire of fii ging money kept up their courage and conduet in about without the necessary refilling the army snaps within them, and |process? After all apart from mo- they "flop" "into a queer kind of las- ments pf extreme fright and horrible situde, They are at a "loose end." | danger, their life in the army was In the army everything was done for | not so bad. There are tens of thou- them 'in return for their service: sands of men who are eoming round and bring them to the egg-layi much earlier than ordinary feed. Patina Fo. are adapted tov young chicks, and give perfect development. PERCY J. JUINN, Masager, Ontario Branch Toronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS ' AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. - A Ved fli TIO Le Wm nn A Pi lS PN ng Grain feed suppli xcess of heat og is deficient in elements >. += that make lood, bone, nerve, lean meat and feathers. Purina Chicken Chowder contains an Tse ADE abundance of the very elements which Prem ; 4 NION MADE They had their food sent up from the |to that point of view now that the lacks. The Chowder and Cl ; License §-3979 iy Sawed in Stove (@ AY 3 2 Al BA base with the regularity of cloek-| worst side of war fs fading out of Feed should be fed in about equal Phone -- a a. b work. They had their billet assign | thelr memory. : quantities, ed to them. Every hour of their Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street SUIT Tur [ ------------------------------. v - 9 day was ordered. Even their amuse- "It Wasn't So Bad!» PURINA ©CouLTRY FEEDS. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY 4 ments and their sporiy were organ- "It wasn't so bad!" They re- 3H ized. Now, back to civil life again, | member the comradeship of the life}: they feel lost, confused, rather help- | the laughter they had even in the bad less----literally at a loose end. For | places, the gay spirit of pdls even in four years, or whatever their length {hours of imminent death. There of service was, they have had a were wonderful "hinges" out of the tough time--though not without pe-|line In French towns where pret- riods of fellowship and fun. Now | ty girls were kind, It was a great I oarTua_BAING AS HUA they want to-have a good time. They adventure where, if a man was not | expected that peace would be a kind afraid of death, he had lots of fun. || TREN aEAlEs Neth SFFEQ- of paradfse--a continual good time. { Peace looked enormously good when | i . . 3 But they find it curiously flat, boring, | war Was on, but now it is. rather ; 2 Established 1870 Der J.D.Keg LLOGGS [and disappointing, After the first|drab, and something of the spice has || He CHISHOLM MILLING C2 11D, JARVIS ST TORONTO SOLD BY ALL FEED DEALERS CITY \ SYSTEM Farms 'For Sale W. H. GODWIN FORALL 8 STEAMSHIP | } warm greeting, péople at home do [gone out of lite. So officers and || wd | r E: ¥ . not seem very enthusiastic about |men are filled with perplexities ot ll TWEDDE 'S H 2 3 MA MED them and tire of their hero worship. | thought and emotion, without any || ! LINES . } They miss the comradeship of the|clear or definite convictions as to |} WHER + battalion. They mooch about, won-|how they will shape their future, and || 3 | EAE ; & SON ABLE MORE. TraTo, A Agnes. dering what they shall do next, keep- | with no clear-cut phllosophy derived il For all new style, good wearing |, Special attention will he given Ing close to the lights of the big |from their experience, or their suf- || WHICH PROMPTLY ALLAYS IRRITA TION. A TRIAL WiLL CONVINCE. YOU OF ITS MERITS, Real Hetate & Insurance Phone 434 if Your family or friends, Boing to or y cities and hating the idea of loneli-|féring, or their view of war. ve=|ll i} returning from the Old Country, ness, They spend a good deal of [shall have to wait, perhaps, for ten money In going to theatres or music| years before we see clearly the effect halls or "movies," but get bored at-|of those four years upon the char- I ~ {ter some weeks or months of that acter of men. My opinion is that || For information and rates Suits $20 up to $45 lio mes x | . ' Il} Kingst. ' Y| kind of thing. Then they begin to|the influence of war will be to inten- [iif - All Prices Between | ston, Ont. : " * look around for a job, and they want | sify all the qualities previously ex- |{i . a better one than a mere Hving with- | isting in those masses of men. Those {Il oy re gs on ~ p ] : out a margin for enjoyment or any | who were naturally brutal will be C U N A | g er : ) prospect. They want wages which | more brutalized by thé torch of war. a HSE AN ih . will have a level at best with those |Those who had some spiritual strain ; ; ] ANCHOR i ; . earned by non-combatants during [in them will he more spiritualized, ir Sah BOCKEORY A aaon Ras ado; TYASTON, an the war--or a higher level, even, be-| and seek to level up humanity to a ANCHOR-DON a Bo EYe] } five May int, 1910. Dally, Sundays Included cause with war service they deserve | higher plane than the way of life in 4 Ly Kinghtde so oo: : 6.30 a.m. and 1.00 p.m, a bigger reward. They are aston-|that frightful shambles of the battle- Regular Passenger Servicea i an ine. pnp if 50 oe wre Bl am 4 180 Bu. Ished and distressed when they find | ®alds, Passions nent up in the old to all ports, 8 v Ar. Kingnton S55. 1) lL tine 1.40 aim. and 6.30 pom. that they do not tumble into sneh|times of peace will flame out in sud- i i | oT ESRI eh Sha i deo -DONALDSON y § touring or other i, $4.00, e . at capital has been 80 cripple y | men believing rightly or wrongly that r * a cent with N.Y.0. lines for ull N.Y.C, points. Phone 2195, war taxes that wages must drop rath-| their liberties are threatened or 2 - . FROM TO GLASGOW : 4 er than rise. "What have we been | their rights thwarted. If barriers ) alue of a Montréal, Saturnia .., .. , May 80 3 % J fighting for," they ask, "if we are to|of Injustice.are built across their Y ¢ i Montreal, Cassandra :.. .. .. Ju A re Y spend the rest of our lives worse off | path they will just smagh through J 28 4 '. "= { Montreal, Saturnia |, ie uly © v TN|than if we had never served? = We [them like a battering ram "against a Human ] ife TY Ly ) EVE [ geri don't stand that, you know, It's|brown-paper screen. But I am an gk ig TO LIVERPOOL » ieMay 20 rank injustice, and we shall smash ontimist as to the ultimate outcome . oi - things if we don't get justice." ot all this upheaval of human nature, T is calculated that a man of |New York, Caronin i. .. Ma 3 j It is all very difficult in this time eve that the majority of our 3 New York, Carmanis June § 3 S erior Ice Cream Par lor of transition, and the re-absorption |soldiers whe dre coming back from 30' has an expectation of NeW Sor boi A FE re June a: : Into civil life is not so easy as it|the war are bigger men in niinds and y 2 years. Hf he is earning New Yorks Ordunn ... co. .. Juse 3% id bes d : fi looked. ~ For the young officer is Bodies, with Jisger views of the des- 5 $1,000 a year, ex : wil ste " _~ TO SOUTHAMPTON , . 3 hit as much as the men--even more | tiny of mankind, a broader outlook mate the financial value of his life to be allfax, 4 A ie Yee vi dume "We serve the very best and purest of ice than the men. Al those boys whe [oh Hie wating, & broader outlook Bate i New York, Mauretnnis "dune 18 yoy cream : . jj went straight from public schools [conviction '&nd action. They will {Via Plymouth and Havre) Sa a , and colleges to become officers in ithe | change things, it is eertain, and the Isit not a verysingular thing that the average man New York, Saxonin ... .... ... June 4 3 iy QUICK SERVICE: NO WAITING new army battalions are' wondering [world We know is not going to be the will insure his automobile, piano, house, barn, stock ) : 0 PIRAKUS, GREECE 5 fi i h ' now what on earth they are going to world of the next generation. The A ie hything in fact of material value, New York, Pannouin' ... ... . June 18 i Sele oR 3 : do. They were trained to be. good | laborer will demand a' bigger share } own life--the most valuable possession 5 She 28 Chocolates and fay fresh, made every day... oa ot lia's ont, ahd I think he ne ; pninsused? Other forms gl wealth can be replaced, : ) i ' : , ; we get Ht en will recognize frank human life cannot, so 'the value of human ERE re GOASGOW ' $s i J Princess St. 2 Phone 648 } . 1 Bo B . $ and absolutely the equality of iy should be protected first. : New rate of Boh aia Ree n id i Vt a 5 Old Stand 5 Samp ring men ,and it 'won't be altogether nplea- age roll wd 4 laughlin ' e : X sant for the men, . There. will be a ie eis away, moreover, happi The man Y T™HR ROBERT Raroun Sousinr, : i Cy : koener striving for progress iri "tie 1 biped aside el ea han ted, 50 King Street Kast, Torents 1 eat ts material ways of Hs as well as in " earning Period.» pars of fi ducing each yeu of he L out, : : 3 e arts o a. ere will be 2 surance : . Nt rage --y 4 -- Rreater boldness In the handling of p ; fortn of in feeling Das. aD doin Bhs ex. ¢ = a0 : p 1 erers Find Relief big problems, like the relation be- Chronic Suff, > Swen -- aud labor, and de- 5 9 ' velopment of state organizations. It a ig a he, will be very unpleasant in some cons Gravel, orm. of Kidney trouble are gen. tries iTke uglahd far old-fashioned People with wealth and land and old erally 'w foAry any remedy once. ad things of the future. There is nothing so certain, safe and dependable ay ms are €, i remove their bread winner. y Sh Eo EN 8 TH ; { traditions which they desire to | : 4 WW he ta blag dain Seiad My undisturbed, but youth will march 5 ot The Mutual Life of Canada provides many Ways 10 a RBA Third : neadqu arters ||| bum vo, sd Fae "for n meviabie poisd cnt | Bl he sr fd emaneeproteion, wernt Eu ok Th X other form of Ki trouble; in' so | fully. after an inevitable period "of | St " Lorsicans June § ; a Ce : gosh hs pareony are often [trouble and transition, 02, Ue cluding lute security, dera feature compatible TE = Sore 3 LA. ven 10 spending large sums of money i qd. x Minacdonn, June 37 306 mp. WETH0 ; 11 111 ho) OIl a dexyor 10 154 relief aby The Greatest Tragedy. : s \ {| | Grampian, duis ae ® 35 ws Ssezs - ARR + JH This proven 'of | - The greatest tragedy will be the The Mutual Life N Corsican, July 4 5 up ss : HE A, : 5 : heritage of the war in maimed men, ; or 00 For the Highest-Class Talking Machines in 85.00 24 : : i i "the World © $4250UPWARDS . C.W.LINDSAY, Lid Ae 1H da TER Ji [Femme des eid and blinded men, and nerve-shatter- 21d]: : VANCOUVER-ORIEN, : , | ed men, who will not keep pace with hy : of : TAK Quickent Time: Acrons or b 3 the onward rush of lite, but will sit 3 S, RO » = on the banks brooding over the loss NN District i On "4 MaeCattum, Gout. Agt, Toronte. f thelr youth in th Agent Kings ton, t. on Pent bleh, for miburr pun hae Eo CANADIAN PACIFIC il forget... Youth has no time for pity. Life has no time for morbid memories. This great war, which abgorbs all our thoughts now, "will to the next generation" be only the con- SF Toe SN RE Toa % Yulsion in" which their liberties were Ea ii : i, ) born, the electric storm, caused by | : x the clashing of human' follies, by ot Which they gained their new and vi.| | : . pr tal impulses leading to a re-birth CLR CON OM TON Chet ---- rs ra a and re-shaping of the social order, - . and to a renaissarice of poetry, and Dds . fe af : as y CANADA'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE Han "1® 9 1 atter long stagua-| | ON, efROESS as ies 5 GER J le RL Cr ¥ ofa? pe This war was one of thos hideous rain, storm which afflicts mankind : ree Hiv +. 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. + Mantreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Brockville, Belleville il rg 0 8