a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919. Established 1859 Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. ) Summer Furs in Seal, Mink, Mole, Sable, Squirell, Baum and Stone Martin, Etc. Our Fresh selected Collection of Hudson Seal Skins Arriving Daily, Your inspection invited--No obligation to buy. | John McKay, Limited Manufacturers of Fine Furs | THREE TEAMS ARE ENTERED T% : THE JUNIOR SERIES. ! ---- Wolfe Island. Not Likely to Be Re- |" presented--No Decision As to a | Senior Series. | Ata representative meeting of the | City Baseball League on Friday even- ing it was'decided ta revise the con- stitution by appointing a board of management to conduct the affairs of the Teague. In accordance with this motion the managers of the teams will not hereafter be members of the executive and all matters of dispute will come directly before the board. The following were appoint- ed to the board: Bent Booth, presi- dent; P. J. Moran, first vice-presi- dent; G, R, Smith, secretary-treas- urer; Hugh Shanahan and E. J. Hartrick, committeemen. B. Moris, representi the King- ston Collegiate Instityge, réguested the league to permit-fhat institution to enter 1 team in the junior series. This was doue and it is probable that there will be three teams in the league, viz., Orioles, Y.I.C.B.A. and KCL. Welfe Island had no repres- entative present and it was consid- ered. wise to eliminate them from 149 to 155 Brock Street Kingston 3 His Master's Voice Records Mischa Elman Genius of the Voilin ~The music of the violin with its singin tone, which in many respects so closely approaches the human voice, appeal Strongly to most lovers of music, On His Master's Voice Re- cords you can hear the greatest violinist of the day. Ont. an's String QF... 74515--$2.00 dance records in stock. tne schedule until definite assur ances had been received that a team would be entered. The first gamé will be played on Saturday, June 7th, between K.C.I. and ¥.I.C.B.A. The advisubility of organizing a senlor division of th eleague 'was discussed but the matter was left over for the board of management to consider, Athletics and Red Sox have strong aggregations entered and a third team would complete the series, The Croquet Club Revived. A meeting of the Croquet Club was held on Thursday afternoon, when arrangements were made to start play as soon as possible. The grounds ate in splendid condition, and it 1s hoped that it will be & most enthusiastic club this season. Military Football Meeting. Thére was a very good representa tion at thé meeting of the Military Football League on Friday evening in the Y.M.C.A. with Mejor McManus in the chair. -Dhe following teams were entered: Vocational 'I'maining School, 21st Battalion - Club, Ship- builders, Army and Navy Veterans, and R.C.H.A. It was decided that the first game would be played oh Saturday, June 14th. SATURDAY'S MARKET. Eggs and Butter Higher--Lots of Fresh, Vegetables. There was a large erowd at the market on Saturday morning, the ideal weathér having dried up the roads and made it possible for many farmers to come into the city. Prices remained at a high level for mest + 18 Iricreased or decreased sc- cording to the tanner in which | the glasses are 'fitted and ad- -" Justed : r When ordering your glas- ses let us give you our personal attention in preparing, fitting and adjusting them. Consult: LS. 342 King St, Kingston, Ont. «vv 25¢ to 28c Asselstine, D.0S.| commodities, the only things which showed any reduction being fresh 'vegetables, ' Eggs generally sold at 55 cents a dozen, with un few at 50 cents. The rise in the price of cheese affected the supply of butter, which was selling at 56 and 60 cents a pound, and was scarce. Fowls were dear, the price going as high as $3 a pair fof choice specimens, with very few selling under $2. In: the meat section supplies were poor, Pork was 32 cems a pound for forequarters and 35 cents a pound for hindquarters. Veal sold ut 15 to 17 cents a pound for fronts, and 20 to 22 cents a pound for hinds. A small supply of yearling lambs were on sale, the price being 30 cents a pound for forequarters and 33 cents a pound for hindquarters, Potatoes sold at $1.75 to $2.25 a bag for good quality = tubers, with Doorer ones going at $1.50. Rheu- barb sold at two bunches for fifteen cents; asparagus 10 cents a bunch. Lettuce, fresh and green, sold at 10 cents and 12% cents a bunch, and green onjons at 10 cents, The feature of the market was the large supply of plants for trans- purposes, # planting pi pr ------------ . CONVENIENT DAY TRAINS. To and From he Ca Capitals Ottiwa- Kingston will enjoy a greatly im: proved train service when on Monday, Juné 2nd, Canadian Pacific: will in genvice, additional day thains bet : ito and Ottawa. The Rideau" will leave Toronto | (Union Station) 1.80 p.m., arrive Ot- NCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL There was no session of the Police Court on Saturday. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders al McAuley's, or 'phone 564W. Kingston' will have a holiday on June 3rd, the King's birthday. On Sunday last James Lavis, Howe Island, had a horse killed by light- ning. 7g Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson preaches A niversary services in Prescott Piles byterian church: on Sunday. Dr. H. A. Boyce has been elected a member of thé council of the On- tarfo Medical Association. : Unexcelled inCanada, DALY'S GOOD TEA, flavor always the same. Sold at MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, Kingston. A Boldiers" Civil Re-establishment office is to be opened in Gananoque regarding employment for returned men, R. M, Smith is the chief engineer of the government 'highway from Kingston eastward to the Ontarie boundary. 3 Now is the time to bave yom piano tuned. We garry two. exper: tuners and will assure entire satis faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The death is reported in Mantreal of Mary Deely, widow of the late Sergt. 'E. Cox, late of the R.C.R., Kingsten. Spirella corsets made to measure; will send trained corsitiere to your home. 'Phone 1252), Janet Dunnett, city manager; Harry Dupuis Purdy, Hastings county, defaulter under the M. 8S. A, wis fined $250 by County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw. Capt. and Mrs. T. Scott have taken the house on the cormér of King and West streets formerly. occupied = by Mr. and Mrs. Beggs, asd expect to move in next week. : Information has been received at the Kingston office, G. W. V. A, that the Dominion convention fixed for June 9th at Vancouver, has been in- definitely postponed. Mr. Ayearst, chief license inspect- or, accompanied by one of his ofi- cers, was in the city on Saturday fox the punpose of taking stock at the liquor vendor's store. The annual meeting of the Cana- dian Press Association, to have been held in Toronto next week, has been postponed indefinitely owing to the strikes in the western provinces and also in Toronto. We will rent you a plano, und at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal ance, * C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Sergt. Harold Godwin returned on Friday from overseas, after serving Hor four years and seven months. He is a son of Mrs. W. H. Godwin, Pine street. Prevost, Brock street, has just re- ceived a Sate of tweed, heviot and blue his order department. His ready made clothing and gents' furnishing department 'are well as- sorted with the latest . F. L. Valleau, Trenton, Ont., has leased the Cape Vimeent, N.Y. creamery, and will fit it up for the manufacture of pasteurized butter The cream will be taken from Can- ada, and a large eutput of butter is anticipated. Gnr. Harold 8. McCartney, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. McCartney, Univer- sity avenue, arrived home from over- half, Gr. McCartney enlisted with the 27th Battery. ------ Social Evening st Wolfe Island. town hall, Wolfe Island, on Friday, May 30th, under the auspices of Wolfe Island Trinity Branch of the A. Y. P. A Rev. J. O. Crisp, Ports- mouth, was present and gave an in- teresting lantern lecture on Switzér- land. ments were served by the young peo- ple 'of the association. Austin G. the association, occupied the chair. pr einige. Don't Stay At Home Sunday Night. Spend an hour at Gospel Hall, New Orange Building. Richard ving will speak. ' tawa 10 p.m "The York" will leave Obtawa seas after serving two years and as the R. C. H .A, and transferred to |== A social evening was spent in the |= After the lecture - refresh-|== Friend, president of this branch of = i "LATEST POPULAR MUSIC, TWO FOR Book and Musi: Sale A QUARTER. LATEST POPULAR COPYRIGHTS, SPECIAL AT 65 CENTS BEST S ELLING POPULAR MUSIC You're Some Pretty Doll, Till We Meet Again, "Out of the Fast, Mickey, Watch Wait and Hope, In Soudan, Have a Smile, 'Ja-Da, Johnny's Frenchy, When You Hole Me in Your Arms, Dream in the Moonlight of You, It Took the Su land. TWO FOR A QUARTER. Dreams, Kisses, When You Look in Love's Lullaby, Blue Bird. pana, Sweet Siamese and Enid Waltz. leans, McCall's, politan, etc. OPEN NIGHTS Singapore, Idol, Mummy Mine, in Town, Don't Cry Bring Back Those Wonderful Days, Pickaninny's Paradise, Mammy o' Mine, When | nshine of Old Dikie- LATEST BEST SELLING FORTY CENT NUMBERS Western Land, By the Campfire, Little Birch Canoe, the Heart Kentucky of a Rose, Sing Me ..FOUR BIG MARY EARL NUMBERS Beautiful Ohio, Rus- LATEST JUNE AND JULY MAGAZINES: Good Housekeeping, Green Book, Red Book, Photoplay, Mac- Picture Play, World's Work, Rod and Gun, Metra- THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919 - 0 To-N ight Wide Pleated Frilling, fancy colors. Spec- jalperfrill.... |... «30 Ladies' Collar and Cuff Setts-- White or- gandie trimmed with lace. To-night 50¢ Ladies' Cotton Hose-- White or black; fine quality--sizes 8} to 10---35c or 3 for $1 Ladies' Summer Underwear--in all the wanted makes. Men's and Boys' Balbriggan . Underwear shirts and drawers; all styles Yfierwesy. Ladies' Ready-to-wear specials include mar- = - quisette blouses, $1.50; Fancy silk skirts = $6.95; colored silk dresses, $9.98 and la- = dies' suits at half price. E ' ; ~~ MONDAY 98c 600 yards of Rubber Linoleum in a nice var- iety of Batten: Sexy Jurable; will net crack. Reg. $1.25 quality. On sale Mon- ' day, 98¢ ¥.0n - . We Have in Stock Arrived Tomato | Cor. Johnson ERTIES" Sang ia Union St. (near ~ Barrie), a brick fromt dwelling, furnace and all improvements 8, Princess §t., Wouble brick Awellng i. G0 $8,700. Albert St, frame dwelling, furnace and all conveni- ONCas LL. Lil Lili. vl 82.950 Rideau St., a nbn } brick dwelling, 7 rooms each, liot water heating, all convent.' ences $7,200 Brook St, (down town), brick, 10 rooms, H.W. heating, sun parlor, at a bargain, EWMULLIN & SON Insurance of All Kinds, & Newman & Shaw | : (McFaul's Old Stand) = Tae Mark usc Company lesa = i oc! Ph a good-sized audience at the Grand on Friday evenin, rain water, y| To err is human, fo forgive divine but it's useless t0 mention it to the H | [police justice, Fh ahe =e Shingles This Spring has beer a splen- " season | y hey Rave proved their: fulnéss by hedding barrels They keep fortable,