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If you have not a Savings Account; joe Yds Sutases none 19 SR we Wi SYNOD OF 'ONTARIO OPENS GOOD ATTENDANCE AT THE SESSIONS ON THE HOLIDAY. F---- Report of the Treasurer One of the Best Presented in Many Years-- An tfle Ola Officers of Synod Were Re-elected. With a good attendance of clergy and lay delegates, the finty- -third session bf the Incorporated Synod of the Digeese of Ontario opened in St, Geo¥ge's Hall on Tuesday noon, Bishop Bidwell presiding. Among the veteran members of the clergy to attend was Canon Loucks, who just a few days ago completed siXiy-ome years in the ministry, and as he answerad tie roll call he was tendered a big ova- tion by members of synod. Bishop Bidwell appeared in his new robe presented to him by members of Synod on the occasion of his re- ceiving in person the degree of D.D. from 'Oxford. His Lordship 'took occasion to thank the members for the presentation, and stated that every time he wore the robe it re- called to him the love 'and affection he had for all the members. 'Before business was | proceeded with, Dean Starr moved that ay the Synod was meeting on the King's birthday, that the members extend congratulations to His Majesty on the occasion of his 54th birthday, and assure him of their loyal de- votion. The motion was carried great enthusiasm, followed by the singing of the National Antifem. The Synod will cable the King. All the old officers of Synod were re-elected, and tribute paid to their good work. Rev. J. W. Jones was re-elected clerical' secretary; . Rev. A. L. McTear, honorary clerical sec; retary; R. J. Carson, treasurer; Francis King, honorary lay secre- tary. The members of the audit and ac- counts commitiee were also re-elect- ed as follows: G. F. Ruttan (chair- man), Rev. J. O. Criep and P. D, Eyman. G. FP. Ruttan presented the report of the audit and accounts com- mittee, which was adopted. R. J. Carson presented his Tre- port as treasurer, and stated that it was the best report he had given in his long experience in this office, and after the report had heen read and discussed, Mr. ® Carson" was warmly congratulated." Mr. Carson safd all the funds were "gilt-edged." The investment committee deserved to be congratulated. He praised the wo of the secretary of synod for.eclearing an old mortgage. The Synod had been able to pay 6 per cont. dividend, and he hoped that it would be able to, pay this amount for some years. The. report shows the consolidat- ed fund, amounting to $440,709.70, made up as follows: Rectory 'lands fund, $207,574.70; clergy trust fund, $134,970; susteniltion fund, $29, 530; widows 'and orphans' finds, $27,115: Gainfort = bequest, $14, 580; clergy superannuation fund, $13,715; divinity - students' fund, $6,000; rest fund,, $7,225. The Synod received a lbtter from with - fehancellor moved a r "charge. JActorence to the returned J. B. Walkem, regretting his ab- gence from Synod, owing to recen! 'bereavement. The Synod appoint- ed a committee to draft a suitable resolution of condolence, which will be forwarded to Mr. Wilkem, in which the members will = express their deep sympathy meh him over the loss of his wife. gr Ede has for many years -- promin- ent member of Synod and will be much missed at this session. or A communication was received 4rom the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican church asking that Synod take action to permit of womeh be- ing 'chosen as delegates to the ees- sions of Synod. This will be taken up later, The request from Trenton, through Canon Armstrong, for per- mission to sell some lots, was 'laid over till the fall meeting of the executive. ' The Synod adjournéd at 1 em. till 3 p.m., when Bishop Bidwell de- livered his charge, which appears elsewhere in this Issue. ris Add Triplo--Ontario synod Opans i fternoon's Following the oharge of Bishop "i Bidwell at the Tuesday afternobn session of the Ontario Synod, 'the olution which 'was adopted, and in Short, was 10 'this effect: "That the thanks of the Synod be given to Bishop Bidwell for His Lordships views 1 soldiers nd as to the relations between <1 capital and labor are concurred in by this Synod, and it is hoped that this suggostions may - receive care. ~ RAR mA rims nidnaint. "land, of $1,000. tul- attention and result in improv- ed conditions of affairs. It is a matter of rejoicing that the clergy- men who went overseas as chap- lains Were able to give loyal ser- vice in the discharge of their sacred dufies, and the Synod extends to themwho have returfied a warm and hearty welcome, The Synod also heartily concurs im his lord- ship's suggestion and recommen- dations as to stipends of the clergy." Venerable Archdeacon Paterson Smyth, of Montreal, was welcomed by Synod, also Rey. A. H. Coleman, of Ottawa, an old friend of the members of Synod. Rev. Thomas Leeeh, of Wolfe Is- intimated his intention of bringing a motion before © Synod favoring the extension and making permanent the present law existing regarding liguor. Rev. Mr. Leech) presented his notice of motion at] the close of the afternoon session. The report of the committee 'on general missions showed the esti- mated acquirements for 1919 as follows: T Diocesan missionsc, $7,200; wid- ows and orphans, $2,650; clergy superannuation, $100; M.S.C.C., $8,390; total, $18,340. -- Increased Stipends. John Elliott, lay aSlegaie from Belleville, sounded a strong appeal for increased stipends for the clergy and a lively debate followed. in these days of high cost of living, he' said, the 'clergy. should be remem- bered. Rev. A. Li. McTear aldo made a strong appeal for higher stipends for the clergy. He drew attentifn to the fact that money was being rais- ed for the foreign field, where sometimés workers were being paid at a higher rate than some at home. and they were also working under better conditions. W. B. Carroll, of Gananoque, said that the question of stipends 'was the burning question. If Synod did not J30 anything else it should have this matter settled. Several niembers of Synod engag- ed tn the discussion. One clergy- man remarked that it was a joke to think of a clergyman'living on less than $1,200 a year and a manse. Another pointed out that the sys- tem cf collection was wrong. 'I'he money could be raised if it was ask- ed for. Another suggestion was that a diocesan canvasser should be appointed. "How ean a man preach tho Gos- pel if he does not pay his debts?" asked another clergyman. Just think of a clergyman preaching a sermon when he owes the milkman Or some other person money.' A layman asked for some practi-' cal system for the laymen to work on, and he felt sure thai the amount asked for would be raised. in a jocular manner a clergyman remarked that a good deal had been said on the question, and if there was anything further there might be danger of the clergy go- jng on strike, It had heen suggpst- ed to make the objective $1,200 and 4 manse. Mechanics were now earning $1,600. Why not fix the stipend at $1,600 and a house? The quedtion of stipends will come up later in the sessions. The proposal is to make the minimun: salary of the clergy 31, 200 instead Bishop Bidwell stated that well knew conditions, and promised to give the move for an increase in stipends hig warmest support. Mission Roport. Most encouraging was the report given by thé committee on general missions, presented by Archdeacon Dobbs. The total amount raised by 'the parishes exceeds that of 19 17 by $234.17, and in addition there has been contributed: for War emergency $489.84; north-west missions, $643.32, making a total increase of $1,376.43. The contributions from the parishes to, the Jewish work ex ceeded those of last year by about $150. Ten parishes failed to re- part. Following 1s an analysis of the returns by deaneries: ~* ! Frontenac, amount asked, $4. 830; ral $5,131; Grenville, ask- ed, $2,000; raised, $1,697.12; Hast- ings, asked, $2,200; raised, $2, 093: 236; Leeds asked, $4,635; raised, $4,784.09; Lennox :and Addington, asked, $1, '890; raised, $1,499.94; 'Prince Edward, asked, $2,040; raised, $1,814.31 The report of the M.5.C.C. Pre- sented by hdeacon Dobbs récom- mended that Synod appoint a' Sun- day to consider the need of Hebrew to-day, that a. field secredry be appointed, and that Jews should .be inéluded in parish visiting, t | lottérs Te sent to them by the rec- tor, that invitdtions be extended to them to ated special services, and that church" members be asked to ners or the. M arly avange in ne | If you want to Succeed-- Savel More than 90% of the world's successful men began poor, but they learned early to save. Saving made them thrifty, and thriftbuilds character--self-denial, --the will to succeed. | Build for success by opening & Savings Account here to-day and add to it regular- ly. Interest paid every six | As Charlie Says If you are looking fof a car that can be depended upon to get you there and bring you back, then your choice must eventually be a Reo, For built in dependability, low fuel ' consumption, repairs and general up- keep the Reo more than | holds it own with any other car of its size and weight. Puidup Capital § 6500000 If "il? ) == = 1! Boyd's Garage, | THE BANK OF | 129 Brock Street Phone 201 A, N: LYSTER Established 1870 i FTWEDDELL'S For all new style, good wearing FOR BCALDS., CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR COLDS, COUGHS AND BRON= CHIAL AFFLICTIONS. FOR STIFF MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD "DE THOMAS® . Suits $20 up to $45 D2 THOMAS' All Prices Between ECLECTRIC OlL i Sil Lf JONES > & CO ry An Oversize Hose ~ 25), More Water nite 1" hose de- livers 25), less water at the nozzle than at couplings--all have : been scientifically de- _ signed to permit a full . flow of water. :