Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1919, p. 1

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132 KINGSTON, YEAR 86: 10 ROUND UP - ALL ANARCHISTS vagy dn 1 Wo Overthrow of Government HDING NEW YORK MANY TERRORISTS BELIEVED & TO BE IN METROPOLIS. NO. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, i919. = TARIFF CHANGES [re vor owe ARE, ANNOUNCED The War Tarif on Food And Clothing is HGIER INCOME TAXES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS T0 BE CHEAPER. -- -- Lower Tariff: on Coffee and Tea---| Reciprocal Free, Trade in Wheat and Potatoes--Business Tax Con- [expect that, including the loss due tinued. : to' the reductions now proposed, we Ottawa, June 6. --Concluding nis | shall sustain a toial loss in customs revenue for the present fiscal year budget speech yesterday afternoon of at least $25,000,000. Sir Thomas White announced the proposals of the Government for iu- creasing 'the revehue and the tariff changes which are to be made. Under the Customs Tariff War Revenue Act, 1915, a British pre- ferential tariff rate of five per cent. and an intermediate and general tariff rate of seven and a half per cent. were imposed upon, with cer- tain exceptions, all imported goods. We propose to wholly repeal this British preferential tariff rate of five per cent. Further wé proposs to partially repeal the intermediate and general tariff rate of seven ano one-half per cent. at present in ef- fect under the Customs Tariff War . Revenue Act referred to, by mak: certain that morning. and Saturday lino i+ no longer applicable to: the sittings of the Commons will com~je mn wi 1 5 mence next week with the fixed de- ol Wing classes: of articles, name termination of winding up the ses-| ° poodstuffs, linen and cotton sion before the end of June. Inlelothing, woollen clothing, boots view of the fact that & full session is|and shoes, fur caps and fur oloth- almost certain to Ud held, and thatling, hats, caps, hoods and bonnets, the franchise act will go over until gloves and mitts, collars and cuffs, then, it is gp os to be possible to hides, ekins, leather, harness and bring about rogation in three |saddlery, agricultural implements, weeks. petroleum, oils, mining machinery, The autumn session {s¢ predicted |and bituminous coal, to conveme in = October, and last : ---- 01d Ireland's Ald. Ou eancution of The Other Modifications. (Canadian Press Despatch) and consideration Of matters which The minister proceeded to an- Paris, June 6.--Frank P. Walsh, . i nounce other-modifications: ; cannot he finatly dealt with this one of the delegates of the Irish 80} csnion, including tite final of} Reduction of five cents per| cieties in the United States, who vis-| the special committée enguiring into pound on all tariffs, on ground coffee And three cents per pound ited Ireland recently, has presented|the cost of living, Will constitute the|, io. the preferential on British a demand to President Wilson that fain business of the fall meeting of frown teas. This is a new preter- the peace conference investigate the aHiament ence. righ It will not be necessary to vote) pres Importation to Canada of 1 question. His demand is ac-{§unniy at this ion because the | wheat, Wheat flour and = potatoes companied by- a six thousand-word!bstimates now ' b the . House |from countries where no duty is im- teport on observations made by Mr, + cover } 3st; on such articles trom. Can Walsh aid his colleagues, Michael J.| 1920, and by 'that time the - fourth ada. Ryan and Edward Dunne, during session since the enral election Alteration in rates on sods ash ' will be under way. to one-fifth cent pound, preferential In the event of Mr. Wilson's fail- Hr. ure to push the matter, Mr, Wdlsh .. 3 Specific, instead of ad valorem » Tho 86. Mauretania Was Docked Many y i cts TthMan delegation, and, falling there, PIR er Press Despatch) appe! Shsola and sertaln produ to the British delegates. liner Mauretania, with 182 officers 'ments Sir Thomas announced a Co» and 3,067 other fanks, Including operative arrangement, making for ON FOURTH WEEK 75th and 102nd Battalions for To-|moent, he said, has been made With front and the 54th Battalion for \the railways whereby the rates on was 'an Episode That ees Jum 2 at avn 314 dockea at as on the American lines, Winnipeg. P : (Catiadian Press I Press Dew atch) . LAST SDITION KINGSTON BOYS HARROWING TALE Of Cnty Pred Abad te A IS Tt ate 1 = NAPANEE REAL ESTATE BOOM. Gunner Horace Ward Returns From Overséas. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Napanee, June 6. Gordon, Toronto, is renewing acquaintances in Napanee for a few weeks. Mr. and 'Mrs. Manson Stevens and familyymo- tored to Toronto on Sunday last and spent a few days. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Todd and family also went to Toron- to and spent the holiday with friends. Napanee is exper a real es- tate boom. The following propésties have been 80ld at good figures: J. W. Robinson purchased H. B, Sher- wood's handsome residence on Rely Hill; A. E. Caton has purchased the W. T. Waller store next to hls present stand; W. R. Lott purchased the W. T. Waller residence, West Bridge street; John T. Soby has purchased J. W. Robinson's house on Dundas street, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Allen are spend- ing a few days in Ottawa with Dr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Miss Jean Daly is home from Boston for the summer vacation. Miss Carrie Cowan, graduate nurse of Teronto General Hospital, is spending fher holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff and son, Leeman, of Toronto, spent the week- end the guests of Mr. and Mrs, N. H _ | Hunter, Jolin street. Major Miles Mil- ler and Miss Josephine Vrooman ar ved home from England on Thurs GERMANY RUSSIA "Prague CZECHO" , SLOVAKIA, Five per cent, war tari on British imports repealed. Lower tariff on coffee and dea. z fl is > 2 PT R JOUDAPEST - dy NG A RY * Cement duty cut 2¢ per cwt. Reductions mean revenue loss of $25,000,000, Higher taxes on all incomes over $1,000 for bachelors and $2,000 for pmarried men, Tpcomes under $6,000 4 per cent. over $6,000 8 per cent., with extra 2 per cent. for every extrn $2,000 in« come. Business profits 'tax continned. CAPTAIN CLIBEED SENAY UNTIL HE. SIGNED DOCUMENT ' . PRESENTED T0 HIM, en James Campbell, of Kingston, Wit- d the Document--The Terrie ble Scene in the Captain's Cabin. New York, June S.~--=Talen of cruslty alleged to been per petrated on the high aboard the American barkentine jaka, were told in Judge Hough' rt, In the federal building yesterday, by four seamen. 'Each of the stories in har- rowing detail dovetailed into the oth- er. The stories were told from the witness stand in the trial of Capt. Adolph C. Pedersen and his son, Adolph Eric Pedersen, who are charged with the murder of Axel Hansen, a seaman of the Puaka, on Aug. 6th, 1918, while the vessel was at sea. William Jones, a 'Welsh miner, who shipped eboard the Puaka at Vie. toria, B.O., just befo sailing ship left that or Cape Town, South Africa, declared Capt. Peder- sen had struck him across the back with a club 50 hard that he was ren- Mdered unconscious for more than an hour and a half, Officials Hold Conference---Many Alien Agitators Will Likely Be Deported From the United States. New York, June 6.--The eight cities In which bomb outrages were : perpetrated Monday night have ar- ranged for an interchange of police | officers "to facilitate co-operation "of all the agencies at work running "down the radieals responsible for the explosions, it 'was announced at _ police headquarters here to-day. The statement.came at the close of a conference between federal agents and representatives of the municipal police departments of various cities, It was stated that detachments of the New York bomb squad have heen sent to Pittsburgh, Washing: ton, Philadelphia, Boston and other cities In the hope that they can be of assistance in rounding up anar- chists and other radicals who are familiar figures in the exclusive "reid" society of New York. Officers connected with the pol- fee departments of several of the cities in which there were bomb outrages Monday night will conie to New York and give the police __/here whatever help they ean. 'The belief was expressed that anarchists in severgl of the eities have fled to New York in an effort to avoid ar- rest. WER OLD AUSTRIAN BOUNDARY ®mm NEW AUSTRIAN BOUNDARY x THE OLD AND NEW AUSTRIA. The above map shows the new frontiers of Rr] SIHEN DEWAND ENQUR nto Me Tish Question By the Peace Conlereact. ASK PRESIDENT WILSON TO TAKE UP MATTER WITH HIS COLLEAGUES. Heavy Income Taxation. To partially 'offset this logs and close tue gup of whe deficit of nr- teen milion aoliars between revenue and current expemditure which it would cause we propose a heavy in- crease in lncome iaxation, Four per cent is to be levied on all indiviaual monies over one thousand dollars, and not<exceeding six thou- sand aoliars, in the case of unmar- ried persons, widows and civihans without depenaent caildren, wand upon all incomes exceeding $2,000 up to $6,000 of married people and eight per cent normal tax on all in- comes exceeding $6,000, The surtax will commence from $5,000 and shall increase by gradul- tion going up at the rate of one per cent. as incomes reaches $6,000, $8,« 000, $10,000, $12,000 and so on wu to 65 per centum on an income o $1,000,000, 'The rate is 24 per cent, on $50, 000 52 per cent. on $100,000, 60 '© per Asked by Benjamin' Maitth ows, as cent. on $200,000. sistant district attormey, On an income of $3,000 of a mar- Figt, ato 10. desoribe ried man, the present tax is $20, the| new tax $40; on $4,000, increased from $60 to $80; od $5,000, from $100 to $120; on $6,000 from 0 to $170; on $8,000 from $266 $370; on $10,000 from jtle - $690. The business profits war tax act is extended for another year at the sgme rates as heretofore. By way of compensating the rail- ways for their concession in rates any. water in. the bilges. 'The cap- on agricultural implements' the war {tain and ithe two mates were pres- tax of 7% per cent, on bitaminous jen ent." coal is taken off. ¥ 'The MIGISter considered a general revision of tariff unsound at this] time, but within a year conditions, he thought, would be stabilized to permit of this, A thorough inquiry would precede it, commenting wo ably this fall. Austria as THE STRIKE SITUATION UNCHANGED AT PARIS Contempt For Persons Who Say Bolshevism Is Behind the Strike. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Paris, June 6.--The strike sitna- tion was stationary 'this morning. Transport workers at meetings 'held yesterday - pledged emselves {(o remain out until the demands were fully satisfied, and the subway employees passed resolutions ex- pressing contempt for "persons who have been insinuating that Bol shevism is behind the strike." The metal industries have made virtually no progress towaras a settlement as yet. A meeting to consider the situation was held late last night by the executive com- mittee of the General Labor Fede- ration. The prefect of police, prin- cipal officers and commander or the staff of military governors had a long conference at a meeting Several police measures were 'de- elded upon, and fresh detachmenis of infantry and cavalry will be call- ed in this morning to co-operate with the city officials, OFFERS $¢ PRIZE [orrens socom Thomas H. Ince's Offer to Man Who Flies From California to Australia. Venice, Cal., Juve ¢ 6.--An, offer 'of $50,000 as prize money for "aviators who will attemy nit. oH a flight from this feity to Austral made yester- day by Thomas H. nce, motion pic- ture producer. 'To the first man to land on Australian soil, $35,000 will be paid, the sanouncement said. To the first aviator attempting the flight, who although failed to reach Austra Ha, reaches the Hawallan Islands, $10,- 000 will be paid. In the event pone of those attempting the flight reaches the 'Hawaiian Islands, $5, aed will be paid to the one making the best showing. Guniier Horace Ward arrived home on Saturday after three years' service overseas. TO HASTEN PROROGATION. Sittings of Commons Like. ly Next Week. Ottawa, June §.~--It is practically An Exgra If He Refuses Then the Italian Dele gatioh Will Be Invited to Come to sons, who wera officers of the ship, Jones testified: "I was chainéd in the old with another man for the pmo and three nights. = We were chained to the pump, The gasoline bose attached, was nariod and b water was pumped on us for half hour at a time, as long ae there Agitators to be Deported. Washington, June 6.--Many of the allens now being caught in the dragnet thrown owt by federal and municipal police as the result of the bomb outrages last Monday . might may be deported. It became known: to-day that records in the Gives Evidence. il; of Kingeton: Ont. of the crew, ond 4 harro He y story, last July he was called into the ¢abi by BF 4ha captain to witness a Sir Thomas announced that in or nsen was compelled to ture all corporations shall pay a 10 [This incident lasted two and a per cent, on their net income in ex- {hiours, during which the cess of $2,000, mates, the cabin were present. In relating the incident from witness stand. Campbell sen was handeuffed. 3 swollen and his eyes ¢ There was a big gash "Deportation of at least ~ allen agitators is understood to be pending. Some of the men ard sald to have taken out their first _ citizenship papers.' . a Kin, James another m both Crerar Resigns From Cabinet (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, June 6.---The re- signation of Hon. T. A. Creratt as minister of agri- culture ' 'was announced to- .day, and In the Commons Sir -- The Country's Debt. Probably «the most interesting statement made by Sir Thomas was that the ultimate debt of the Dom- inion when all expenditures are mét will be $1,960,000,000, or $220 per head of - population and involving ls an annual interest burden of $115,- their visit to Ireland, _and three tenths cent general tar- REACHED HALIFAX. says he will present his request to the duties on pig lead, zinc, spelter and Halifax, = June ' 6.-~The Cunard| yn regard to agricultural imple- THE GENERAL STRIKE the 87th Battalion for Montreal, }q requction of duty. An arrange- Hamilton, arrived early this morn-'iyese commodities will be the same y Created a Riot at SHORTER WORKING Ph t spell of hot th Winnipeg, June 6 hén one of 8 Tecen ot. weathor Mayor Gray's civilian guards was [has made the merchants of Kings + What Farmers Get. Ha "continued: "Including the seven and half per cent war duty reduction, to Robert Borden read corres- pondence relating to M. It is understood he took definite , issue on the budget. It is expected that during the com- ing budget debate Mr. Crerar will further outline his posi- fon on the tariff, ree ~ STRIKE IN TEN SATTES President of Union Predicts Nation-wide Strike in Washington. gv 8 Bumployees the Western No Further Made. (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, June 6---When the Coun- cil of Four met this mo Pre- mier Orlando of Italy was absent. This led to the belief that the Adri- atic question was again under con- sideration. It is understood that no further progress has heen made by various elements working in the solution of this problem. Billion Dollars, (Canadian Press toh) Paris, June 6--It is leved pro- bable that the allied and associated powers will comply with Germany's demand to state definitely the ap- proximate amount of raparation and that this amount will be in the neighborhood ot 260 billion francs (about fifty billion doljars). Calls © (Canadian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, June Sin a formal roclamation, pithiished this morn- ng, Mayor les. F', Gray has or- dered. the stoppage of all cranking his worship's auto, yes- terday, a revolver exploded in his| pocket. Nobody was hurt, but ex+ citement swias caused by . strikers 'who stood by, and hauled the guard off to the station. 'When the mayor secured his release there there were further demonstrations, 'but the arrival of regular police quelled ¢he ineipent riot. ~The strengthening of Winnipe®'s police force, by one thousand veter- ans as special constables, caused any increase during the night in minor; disturbances and personal en~ counters, but no unusual Asman- strations occurred. Conciliation efforts were practt- cally at a standstill, and the strike to-day Shipreq its fourth eek. 'Conditions at i Vancouver. ( canadian, Vancouver, B.C. En wae 6. seve: fal more unions have |e general strike at- ee: ise shipping is almost nounced that, CWilliemsville and tori 'realize that the shorter hours movement is a good one. The lat- est clags of storekeepers to study the interests of their help is coms posed of the grocers in the outlying districts of the ¢city such as Ports: 'mouth, Montreal street, and those. along], Barrie stréet and other parts of the 'eity away from the downtown dis] trict. These grocers have an: commeneing with next Wednesday, they will close at one o'clock every Wedutuiny after]. noon, thus giving their assistants a weekly hailf-holiday during the Jot jsulnmer months. The benefit this wil be. a felt and' out 'which I have alredlly refe Broposals it adopted by the 1 provide for a total vators, harrows, horserakes, drills, manure spreaders and weed: ers, and complete parts thereof, windmills traction engines for farm pu of. fodder or feed cutters, grain crush Sra, tanning mills, tural implements ° the 120 per cemt, jtion "on farm wagons. Te on " i » , our ouse reduction a the genenal tariff from 27% per cent. to 15 per cent. on euhtt 808, thereof, snd from 27% per cent. to 17 per gent on ploughs and complete parts and complete parts thereof, portable engines and horsepower and threshing machin- es, separators and appliances there- On hay loaders, potato. diggers, hay tedders, road o field rollers, pasthole of (diggers, snait other agricul; resolutions will provide for » total reduction in * {the rate from 32 1-2 per cent. to and a similar reduc- 000,000. This is exclusive of pen- sions which will cost the country lars per annum. While impressing upon the House the fact that the burden to be bofne is heavy, Sir "| Thomas said Canada was in a much countries and there was no reason why we should be discouraged. The cost of the war up to March 31st, and close of the fiscal year was $1,327,273,848. For the year twas $450,000,000, as compared with $60, 760.475 for the first year of the war, During the war period, $276,943,971 of its printipal cost was paid out of revenue. With pen- elons and interest disbursements the reps out' of revenue was $4 The Minister told the House that demobilization costs for the San fiscal year will be 'not than $300,000,000 and total ex- divers -$620,000,000. Revenue thie other hand will not exceed from thirty-five to forty million dol-| better position than many other |€ 1.$280,000,000, or about sufficient to i! and forbade ordinary expenditure, would have to be at feast one mors loan to cover demobilization Cement Duties Drop. i ing war customs duty the general ; Sc per 100 pounds. This is a re- the songregation cof :

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