SR ' y Ky Fim f Summer Furs in Seal, Mink, Mole, Sable, Squirell, Baum and Stone 'Martin, Etc. Our Fresh sdlected Collection of Hudson Seal Skins Arriving ¥. ra Xour inspection invited--No obligation to buy. John McKay, Limited + Manufacturers of Fine Furs 1 to 155 Brock Street WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 6,1919, DR. BIDWELL'S DELIVERANCE APTRAOT ATTENTION. The Lane of Action of the Ontario ton by the bit Rev. BE. J. Bidwell includes an important deliverance. on the temperance qaestion--a deliver. ance which will attract much atten. tion throughout the province. The government, as he says, instituted prolifbition as a war meafure, neces- sitated by the special circumstances of the time. 'As a war measure this action received 'the approval of the large majority of the people. The question now to be decided is what shall be the permanent law of the province. 'The government are to be highly commended for their, states. manlike and constructive policy in the lime of action upon which they have determined. The referendum to be submitted to the people, as is only Just and fair, gives to all an oppor tunity of ex ng their opinions. It includes those Yio, while support- ing prohibition awd strongly opposed to the return of the saloon and bar, are not convinced that apsolute legal prohibition of every kind of alco- folic beverage is, in nérmal times, the best method of securing the ob- Jeet in view." The Bishop of Ontario ds mot con- vinced that prohibition prohibits. He feels that under existing conditions a privileged few are able to indulge in Mquors while others are not in a financial position to do go. He would like to see what he calls am unjust discrimination removed. He sug- ®ests the sale of light beers and wines as a means not only of placing all citizens on an equal footing, but also as a means of providing a com- paratively light beverage for those who mow indulge in illegal decoec- tions of the worst possible character. Many people will' fiercely condemn this expression of opinion; but the time has come when the issue must be fought to a finish. The more open the ak fon from mow onwards the more conclusive will be the refer- endum then to be taken. His Lordship is undoubtedly right in commending the course of the government in arranging for a popu- lar vote. The juestions placed on the ballot paper show that Bir Wil- Rise the synod at Kings- LOCAL: NOYES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the Oity and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. ; 'W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. Nearly all the delegates to the Ontario Synod returned home on Thursday. A few stayed over til] Friday. ? Rose Day, Saturday, June 7th, La Salle Chapter Daughters of the Em-~ pire. Friends kindly assist. The cooler weather of Friday came as a great relief to the eciti- zens who had been sweltering in the heat for the past three days. Rey. J. H. Miller has been trans- ferred from Winchester to Morris- burg Methodist church. He is a brother-in-law of W. H. Godwin. $3.00. Cleveland, Ohio, Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, It was suggested to the county property committee that a medical dispensary be installed in the jail, but the committee does not look with favor on the expenditure of $2,000 for the purpose. s The power went off the street railway line early last night, and citizens who were on their way in from Lake Ontario Park had a very interesting time waiting. There were many late suppers as a result. We will rent you a piano, and at end Of six months it you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal: ance. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Justice of the Peace Hunter, on Friday, had a case over an organ, valued at $125, in which two women Were involved. A charge of theft was lodged, and the accused was com- mitted for trial. Jerome Thomson, ex-warden of the county, who is in the city, says that in the Sharbot Lake région there promises to be an immense crop of bay. Grain is also doing well con. sidering the lateness of the season. Prevost, Broék street, hag' just re- ceived a case of tweed, cheviot ana blue serge for his order department. His ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing department dre well as- corted with the latest goods. a, AAI A. 55 it City, New Jersey. OPEN NIGHTS EO AUTOMOBILE BLUE BOO. ing Long Island and ad jacent states as fa bury, and Waterbury, Conn., Rutland Pittsburgh, Wilkesh Water Gap, Pennsylvania, Trenton, Asbury Pa . AUTOMOBILE BLUE BOOK time Provinces, including 1. ern New York State, as far also Albany, Lake George include the Blue Mountain sections. Also Montreal an These three books answer your thing you wish to know abo and Lake Cham hite Mountain d Quebec. every question and ut your trip. THE COLLEGE BOOK $20, at Excur- a - s ons to the Islands Arrange For Automobile Trips in Quebes and U.S.--1919 Guide AUTOMOBILE ROAD GUIDE OF CANADA covering Canada completely and also giving New York State, Adirondacks, ete, 3 K NO. 1 gives New York State includ- r as New Haven, Dan- and Burlington, Vermont, ave, Scranton, Deleware rk and Atlantic NO. 2 gives New England and Mari- ong Island, New York City and East- as the Eastern shore of the Hudson, plain sections, which and Adirondacks gives you every- STORE PHONE '919 liam Hearst is intent upon Securing the clearest possible mandate from the people as a whole. This 1s surely the omly democratic way of settling a vital issue, The question of regu- lating the Mquor trafic is in the hands of the electors. Every shade of opinion can be registered without fear of confusfon. Whatever policy 1s endorsed by the voters, the premier is pledged to implement it by legis- lation. His past record shows that he will keep his promise. The out- and-out prohibitionists have equality of opportunity with the beer and Bry : lH wine advocates to express their views. MAHOOD: BROS. co 4 434 side which loses in the appeal to HE Gi 4 , @ Boats of every kind, from the modest canoe to the palatial steam yacht, carry a Victrola nowadays, Delightful music--particularly beauti- ful on the water, If you have a boat you'll want 3 Viewrols: And you can get one' easily-- #34 to 887. 4nd on easy terms if desired, | Come in any time and hear avorite music. Io ) "The Hat Store." Sensational : 300 Yards of W.R.McRae&Co : License No. 6-54 i the people will have no. occasion for & + Fou® bo (BF MED: int against the administra. tion, and no political small practice will be possible. ------------ DIED OF INFLUENZA. Sigualler Harold J. Farrar Passed Away In England. Word was received in the city oh Newman & Shaw . The Always Busy Store 7) 's Old Sand) | Ell we fy * El Estate Passed away in England after severe JAMES 8ST, | cleverest students and wlso took con- ses lot us glve you our personal 5 ; ucements. in hat & eo Here's three good chances to : ~Cottage, barn attack of influenza. Signaller Far- and good yird for $1900. siderable interest in sport. He was attention in" preparing, fitting values. In our big i buy: YORK STREET -- Detached dwelling, 5 rooms (near Bare rar enlisted in Kingston three years i / 4 i = 7 & =|ll Place your property on our ago with the 72nd Battery after he id 0 = ; I selling lst, x had completed his senjor matricula- 1a skilitul dstator and spoke tor his ie have planned TET sch, in Kingston and tawa 3 Is creased or decreased ac- sn 1 3 {if for a record day in cording to the manner in which . and adjusting them. stock we are now - showing every kind 1 of a hat thata lady fi coul | Friday that Signaller Harold J. Far- rie) for $1400. tion work 'with honors 'at Kingston the glasses are fitted and ad- "ur ladies hat de- Silk and cotton mixture, pink, light grey, dark grey, sky, champagne, Nile. 36 inches wide. 8s : v3 : BARRIE 8 w=Dwelling and ry i rs, Sosoplh Fur. lot. $2000. Collegiate Institufe, In the insti- tution hé was considered one of the Jans pusapions. When ihe sis lll partment for to-mor- When ordering your glas- 3 | row, with surprisi i p & Rl 3 i oe ------_ o . a -- - er wear, from a fine [ll caxaniay NATIONAL RAILWAYS | Ital: Pan 10 8 low: | change ot iit oe for dum 1, 3 outing dif The 0. N. R. announce fhe follow- ffl he Shang In train service effective Train No. 61 for Belleville and Picton will leave 5.40 p.m. except Sunday, ingaton a