PAGE SIX NER CANANOGUE '(From Our Own Correspondent.) Julie 6. ~ile 'wome vi Mmr.: and Mrs. &. ¥. Wonght, charles street was the scene ui a préity event at 8.0 0 ClOCK last evening wien their second daughter, Miss wleunor ms ory Wright, was united in marriage to Van Heusen Skinner, only bon of Mr. and Mas. 7, J. Skin- ner, King street west, by Rev. Wal- ter Cox, rector of cinurch be- lore a goodly Sumper of resatives and inviced guests, 'Ine brides look- ed charming 1n a dainty gown of white crepe meteor and georgette, with bodice of silver lace, and cat rying a stower bouguet ol waie ros- es and pink sweet peas. She was attended Dy" her sister Miss Bessie Wright, tastily attired in a becoming gown of yellow duchess and georg- ette, and carrying a bouquet of crim- Bon Toses, Cedric Gibson supported the groom, and the little ribbon bear- ers Miss Mary Skinner, niece of the groom, and Miss Jean Wright, sister of the Wide, looked quite charming in gowns of white organdie. After , the ceremony a dainty wedding sup per was enjoyed by the gathering, and Mr. and Mrs, Skinner left ou the midnight train for a honeymoon trip west, the bride travelling in a handsome tailcred suit of brown serge with hat of brown milan with small wings. On their return they will 'reside in Gananoque of which both are natives. Many beautiful and valuable marks of esteem from their many friends attested to their popu- larity in this community. Mrs, William Lynn of Sunbury, who has been undergoing medical treatment Gt the home of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Knight, Garden street, ' Any; Corps, returned to the olty on Thursday might and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Rento Oe raity avenue. 5 1 Kane, trained nurse, was taken home afternocod. She Miss Anna for doveral months, by auto yesterday was accompanied by ter and brother-in-law Mr, and Mbps, Knight, Mr, and Mrs. Williams of = New York, purchased the suinmer home of Prof. Nicholls of Ithaca, N.Y., a few years ago, spent a few days during the past weck getting their place in order for opening up for the season at an early date. Irving Rouse of Rochester, N.Y., has arrived here and has opened up his summer home at Black Duck Is- land, Miss Clara Allan, confined to her home on account of illness for the past few weeks, has returned to Kingston to complete her studies at business college. Miss Eva Sheets of Kingston spent a short time in town with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Sheets, Stone street. Mrs, John Amo and children of Clayton, N.Y,, are spending a short time in town with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, King street. Miss Elsie Wood, of Joyceville, spent a few days in town this week, guest of Miss Mary Pickett, North street, Mrs, A. Mallory, 'William street, is spending the week in King: ston, with her daughter, Mrs. Hut- cheson, TO CONTROL FISH PRICES Ontario Government Will Protect the Public This Season, Toronto, June 6.-.---Extra precau- tions' are being taken this season, by the Sales Branch of the Ontario Flh- eries Department to insure the gon sumers' interests being protected, carrying out its policy qf os freshwater fish available to the larg- est number of the people of the Pro- vince at a low price. While Ontario igs Fk fish were last year sold at a price fixed by the department, reports reached officials from time to time that some unscrupulous deal- ers were disposing of the Govern- ment article at a higher price than was intended by the Government. It is to put a stop to this practise that the Government this year is re- quiring that each dealer, before he can purchase fish from the Govern- ment shall sign a contract, under which he agrees that, insofar as the white and trout varieties are con- cerned, he will handle only the Gov- ernment article. These contracts be- came effective about a week ago, and they are for the duration of the navi- gation season, thus expiring about the end of November. They only limit the dealer in his sale of the two varieties mentioned. He is peérmit- ted to buy all other kinds of fish wherever he will, and sell them at whatever price he chooses. Seventy-eight men lost their lives and thirty-one were injured in the explosion to-day at Wilkesbarre, Pa. PRP RR PRR P ORS bib dlb ddd - * % VIOLATES NO PRINCIPLE; - # (Canadian Press Despatch) 4 "I am convinced that our $ % treaty project violates none of & # my principles," President Wil- & # son eaid when he was made ac- & % quainted with the German # Toauited. | + counter-proposals. "If I held # ronald. | + a contrary opinion I would mot hod. | hesitate to confess it." +> N You can buy BRAN, a FEED FLOUR H MILLING CO. Phone 52. iC oot of Gore St. Kingston, Ont. at mill prices and by her sis-} THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1919. TT CANADIAN AIRMAN LOST IN AMERICAN FLIGHT. Cap. Mans, ell R. James, lantic City's -r m---- OVER-DEVELOPMENT * "Don't you think that fishing Is good exercise?" "Yes, for the imagination" HE GETS IT AGAIN Percy -- Yes, I Judge others by myself, don't J t t . Ainslie D. Bank nkler, P. A. rs 1 A list | _---- Ranger, e R. Me- "Lee, W. Grant, H. Smith, Chas. Saunder, H. , B. Bearance, C. F. Haftiner, R. W. , Murphy, E. H, Baker, E. B. Gage & A.W. Wright, Toronto, vice-chair- man of the Workmen's Compensation Board, and for many yéars prominent in labor circles, is dying. He has been been ill for some weeks, You May Be Skeptical ¢ What Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Will Do _for You, But Here ! is the Evidence. Abo When the blood gets thin and . watery, when the nerves become {weak and exhausted, when your | vitality is. run down and you feel | weak and tired it is because nourish- "ment is lacking. You may be eating as usual ait : your digestive system fails to ob- {tain from the food you eat the ele- ments from which new blood. "and | DIVE force is created." Because Dr. Chase's Nave Food | supplies this element to the blood | Ma and nerves it is the most Successtul 'of restoratives. of Watford, Ont., s meet's richest prizes, w ho has been lost since leaving"Lee, Mass., on return to Mitchell Field, L.I. Resources of Canadian and American aviation forces are being used in! search for the ace who dewned ten Hun is the figure at the right. (At the left is of Toronto, his flying partner, who is directing the search. : ~Photo by Underwood and Underwood. winner of Af- lanes, Capt. James ieut. Alan L. Clark, "> ONE HOUR A DAY FOR i GOVERNMENT How Germany Would Utilize Its 21,000,000 Workers For Nine Hours. Berlin, June ' 6.--Dr. Bernhard Dernburg, the minister of finance, has evolved a plan to raise for the government seven billion marks a year. by means of a "government working hour," according to the Neue Zeitung. The" plan will become a law, it is added, if the government is convinced that it is. workable. Herr Dernburg's scheme provides that each worker in Germany shall labor an extra hour each day, for which the employers will pay a pro- portionate: wage, plus one mark, overtime. The extra mark will go to the government, Dernburg estimates that there are 21,000,000 workers, and that the plan will bring in, more than 7,000,000,000 marks a year. The only objection. to the plan, it is 'said, 1s that the cabinet may de- side that it violates the eight-hour day, with wich the government das gained much uch popularity. ORRISTIANTTY THEATRE, | ------------ Playhouse in Connection With Church Proposed. London, June 6.--The establish- ment of a theatre in London exclu- sively fer thé Christian Church through which. the message now giv- en from the pulpit might be ampli- fied, has been advocated by the Rev. KR. R. L. Sheppard, vicar of St. Mar- tin's-in-the-ields. He Said the thea- tre was essential to the welfare of the people, especially those in such places as east London. They like good things; they did not,any more than himself, want bedroom scenes =--not because they or he were shock- ed by them, but because such ..cnes were an insult to ety intelligence. He was convinced, sald, that the chief reason why a e church did not count as it ought to was that its leadenship had mot the courage to realize that such a venture as he proposed was absolutely essental for the Weitire of 'Christanity in Eng- an I at her residence, on Thursday. Jlollowing an operation, death is the occasion of mueh gret among a wide cirele 'ot friends Hed, ren survive. » STIR TIT IEe Th ni | Local Notes and Items of General Monday night and conclude its busi- ness for the season. until October. a re-union of graduates of the Royal Military College to be held oh Sat- urday, June 14th. be one of the features. oranges 24c per dozen Saturday at 1 Carnovsky's. tario Synod on Thursday afternoon; there was a meeting of tive were appointed for various matters. as seats in the street cars during the rush hours. big night for ice cream drinks. their supply the evening. former master at Upp The Late Mrs. W. Glenn, Ellen Jane Murray, widow of the late William Glenn, passed away 493 Barrie stree The late Mra. loan wag born al Brewer's: Mills, sixty- nine years ago, and #he remains were sent to that plage by James Reid, undertaker. The funeral will take places on Saturday. Death of Wolfe Island Lady. Mrs. McKenna "passed away. at the Hotel Dieu on Wednesday night and her Te- on Wolfe Island, where she resjd« The body was taken to her home and the funeral is to take place on Saturday. Her husband, William McKenna, and eight ehfid- Li BOLSHEVIKI TAKE TOWN. (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, June 6.---The Bol- sheviki have recaptured Sara- pul, on the Kanrari 'river south-west of Perm, which was one 'of the important towns taken by Admiral Kolchak's forces in their spring advance, a Boshevik wireless message claims. ERIE SIP BE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Interest. Russett apples at Carnovsky's. The City Council is to meet on It Will adjourn Artangements are being made for A banquet is to Pine apples 2.50 per. dozen, Hi Following the closing of the On-|} the execu- i committee, when committees il Seats in the ice cream parlors ast night were about as plentiful it was certainiy & and "Tool Some of the shops solid out of ice cream ecztly in in foot ers on his person disclosed his board ing place and the proprietor identifi- ed the body. boarded with him from January un- til the middle of April, and that time had not seen or heard of Rim, 10,000 Ceylon and Pounds | Tea from 80c to, $1.00. : On Sale at 50c, » 55c¢, and 60c per pound. This ale ocers an opportunity to _housepeskers to buy the Dest tea at a saving of 25 per cent, * The Thompson Battling bo amo. Son Phone 304 ar F Bathing Caps. and Water Wings SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 5A Neti J John Healey Drowned. John Healey, formerly bookkeeper for James McParland, was drowned at Montreal on Thursday. His body is likely to be brought here for burial. His body was found on Wednesday the St Lawrence near the of Aylwin street. Pap He said the man had since Sympathy is the connecting link} between joy and sorrow, Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts, 25 acres good land, house and barn, six miles from Kings- ton, for sale. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate & Insurance 39 Brock St. Phone 424 SATISFAGIION G On repalr work of magnetos of stationary and motor cars, lighting GUARANTEED all kinds, including systems of all makes, and storage batteries, I new threaded bone dry battery before purshnstng # 19 Brock St. WILLARD SERVICE STATION I 1- LESSER Prov. Phone 1340 VETERAN EDUCATOR PASSES Late Wiliam Wead, M.A. ~ LLD. er Canada Col- lege, Throntd, lived trough reigns of five British sovereigns and was oldest living' graduate of ithe University of Toronto, being 85 years of age. A VOSGES TUNNEL. Superior Council of Alsace and Lor- {|i raine Meets. Stransbourg, June 6.---The su- perior couneil of Alsace and Lor: raine held Ms first the new French regime on Monday | in the building formerly pccupied |i by the German ministry of the w\i- terior of Alsace and Lorraine. Alexs andre Millerand,. the governor-gene- || tribute to the péople of Alsace an Lorraine, = said that no abrapt in the laws of the two pro-{l { tal, in a speech in which ho paid fff | change {vinces was contemplated The University of Strasbourg was |] Wu Important in -the cultural life of For flooring, siding and other uses at 'Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street - 32 Phone 1042 meeting under {Ji Is uniform day after day, has the flavor ¥ that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school more. 11 Cents a 1 satisfied, anad hurries them home 1-21b. Toit : Phone 167 and our salesman will call. ims se ma.