Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1919, p. 8

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sd Ten Per Cent. Discount to Soldiers in Uniférm at Livingston's ~ Men's suits that have the right style swing. Headquarters for the new fresh ideas in suits for young men. ; The smart styles young men 'seek for college, high &chool, busi- "ness, etc. Extreme values, $25.00 to $45.00 Cool Suits: Palm Beach Suits $13.50, $15, $18 $20... Thin lustre Coats $2.50, $3, $3.50 | wupto$6. Khaki Duck Trousers, $1.25 to $3.50. ; White Duck Trousers $1.50 to $3. 00. Cool dnderwear i in several varieties. Straw and panama hats. Livingstons BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk > Open at Eight; Close.at Five RN RE For the Hot W eather Dainty' osalin, voile and gingham frocks made in the very newest and up-to-date § yles; 'an immense assortment to from a at attractive prices. {il known but it, is suppos At the Grand. Despite the intense heat last evens ing, a large crowd enjoyed the cool- ing atmosphere in the Grand Opera House and were entertained by a MIL of unusual excellence. Alice Brady, the world famous actress, ap- peared fim her latest photoplay sue- cess "The Death Dance," an intricate story of love and adventure. Marie Eve, well known as a story writer, wrote "The. Death Dance," in which Alice Brady is supported by a galaxy of renowned stage favorites. Charlie Chaplin, America's foremost screen comedian appeared in a one reel which shows the funny side of an artist's life. The Universal Screen Magazine showed an interesting col- lection of up-to-the-minute news it- ems gathered from all parts of the world, The vaudeville consisted of Earl Girdeller and Pal in a talking act; Faber and Taylor in a singing and comedy act; and Archie Nichol- son Duo in a classy musical act. This same programme will be offered to- night and to-morrow matinee and night.-p~Adwt, At Griffin's. Enid Bennétt delighted tha audi- ence at this theatre last evening when she was shown in "Partners Three," her latest success. The story opens in a cabaret on "The Great White Way," and here Miss Bennett is seen as an entertainer-- a new role for the demure little star. Shé weds a westerner to es- capa the life she leads, which is re- pellant. But she finds she has on- ly jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Her husband proves to be a dissolute brute. From there on the real drama follows, and for sheer tenseness and thrill this pic- ture has seldom been excelled. An- other delightful photoplay is also shown entitled, "The Bells," and starring talented Frank Kennan. This is a powerful dramatic story interpreted by a master artist, ana is well worth seeing. You will make no mistake by a visit to this theatre, and ean be assured of high- class entertainment either to-night or to-morrow, when this programme will be repeated. --Advt. THIS JUNE WEDDING DID NOT TAKE PLACE Brother of Bride-Elect Fol~ lowed Elopers and "Held Up" Event. June is the month for weddings, but there was one "pretty event" (as the society editors say), in which two Kingston people were to take = | part, called off rather hurriedly, and all on aceount of the action of the g{ bride's brother, who entered a strong protest, The case is that of the eighteen- year-old youth and sixteen year-old girl who eloped on. Monday night, "'Jand went to St. Catharines. ,The brother of the bride followed closely after the couple and succeeded in Feaching St. Catharines ingime to event the knot oa tied. The bide-elect is now backl at her home in Kingston, but word peceived from St. Catharines stated that the youth is being held. Just what charge has been lodged against him is not thiat he is being held for giving the wrong age i} of the. girl when When Securing a license, HH! DROPPED FRO FROM T) THE LEAGUE. Science School May Not Play-- Last Game to~be Replayed. The science summer school, which flentered a team in the and it is probable that will enter a team Instead. It is-al- £0 likely that the G.W.V.A. vora- tional game, which ywas played last Saturday, will be replayed, as the Hllitormer team were under the tm pression that seven innings . was ili the limit for the game according to Hi the copstitutiop. - Definite decision will be made at @ meeting of 'the | Hf league tonight. tH -- Wreath on Grave. | Placed fll On Friday morning Mayor H. W. i }{ Newman, F. J. Hoag, W. R. Giveys, Hl N. RF. McFarlane, Capt. John Donnelly .apd Frank J. Newman Hl motored to Cataraqui cemetery to i place a wreath upon the grave of | the old Conservatives chieftain, Sir iJohn A. Macdonald. With a few appropriate remarks, Mayor News| man laid the wreath' upon the rests ing placa of the leader, who passed| a : June 6th, 1861. comedy of merit "The Ham Artist," |' The following Kingston district soldiers reached the city this morn-. ing at four o'clock: Captain D. G. Pierce, 58 Vietoria street; Captain T. H. Renton, 319 University aven- ue; E. P. Gordon, 272 Johnston | street; Pte. G. Add, 42 Concession street; Pte. 'H. O. Rix, 6 Raglan Road; Cpl. DB. M. Feltz, 79 Elm street Dvr. A, B. Bush, Portsmouth; Sgt, S. T. Darling, Sydenham; Gar. T. Young, Newburgh; Cpl. IL. Benja- mine, Bancroft; Pte. E. S. Nelson, Bath, MILITARY WEDDING, A R.CH.A. Man Took an English An interesting wedding took place at the parish church, Fairwarp, Eng- land, just before the R.C.H.A. sailed, 'the bride being Miss Mabel B. Sut- ton, third daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Sutton, and the bridegroom Driver A. E. Boutillier (second son of Mr, and Mrs. A. Boutillier, Kings- tom, Ont.), of the R.C.H.A. He went over with the first contingent in 1914, and was stationed at Maresfleld Park, from whence he proceeded to France. The bride was given away by her brother, W. Sutton, formerly of the Royal Siissex iment, and was tastefully attired in violet silk voile with hat to mate. She was attend- ed by three bridesmaids, Miss Kate Sutton (sister), Miss Alice Hazelden (friend), 'and Miss Polly Sutton (Youngest gistér). The twe elder bridesmaids wore dreshes of colored voile, with hats to matéh, and they also wore gold horseshoe brooches, the gifts of the bridegropm. The younger bridesmaid wore white voile, with hat to mateh and wrist wateh, the' gift of the bridegroom. Sergt. C. Birell (brother-in-law. of. bride) acted as best man. There was a large gathering at the church, at which the bride was formerly a member of the choir. A reception was afterwards held at the home of the bride's pars ents. Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Boutillier hope soon to take up their residence in Canada. They were the recipients of many béautiful presents. G.W.V.A. Address by Field Secretary to Re- patriation Committee. H. A, Jarvis, G.W.V.A. field sec- retary to the repatriation committee for Ontario, will 'ad®fess the gene- ral meeting of the Kingston branch 'G,W.V.A. on Monday, 9th June. All members are requested to attend. Capt, Wightman Appointusent. Capt. 'H. Di A man, whe gery- ed: overseas. withthe; 21st Battalion, and recently -returned . with that unit, has 'been appointed in charge, of the Ontario Government Public Employment ~Bursau at Kingston. | This bureau will aid in the employ: ment of all seeking pasiiions, mea and women. § . Bale--Ladies' Hats. For to-morrow Mills & Co. announce a sale of ladies' summer hats for {jyree dollars. i ---------- Major Walton, wife and son, just returned from overseas, will visit Kingston over Sunday. They will be Black Duchess Silk e Saturday Morning 10 O'clock Sharp bear," 250 yards beautiful Swiss made black Duchess silk, full 36 inches wide. Regular $2.75 quality. 'On sale Saturday morning as long as lot lasts: - IT was some work, but we got this silk ny] through our careful and thoughtful buying. OH, WHAT A CHANCE AND JOY! For the thrifty women of Kingston to share in an extraordinary bargain: like this one, Saturday morn- ing. : CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE In order that every customer may attend and bene- fit this sale personally, no phone orders are to be ac- cepted. 'welcomed by. the Salvation Army on Sunday, at an afternoon service in the city park. i: Nn HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTING Kinds 20 Market Street 2 DAILY Mm) | coffee Tor" ris osimeles June 1h. ka | Pay, Salle Cha tor, oH hters of the Em- pite. Friends Kindly assist. DIED, GLENN--In Kingston on June bth, ma. Wil J. Murray, St. Morya Cathedh wiere a solemn ! requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances are respects fully § nvited to ens the mass, at 1919, hie iaee ane + le en, a -. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockrige aged 1 year ana Seven: months. hy ei Fy ston se Honnl al on une Sn, Smith, widow. of the late William ekenra of Wolfe Island, Funeral will tease her ate residence at 8.30 Seturday mo to the petel SR, ined lt lem. m ny r 4 of her found nd acquaintances kindly in- three, right hand | B pa MANY INEXPENSIVE GOOD THINGS . In the wash goods = section will be ready for Saturday. For example: Beautiful Dress Voiles Saturday ..... ........ .. ..35¢c yard and up. Lavely Colored Vaile 4 Saturday .. .. .. . Ww... . J + -40c yard and up Smart New Ginghams ; :30¢ yard and up iq White pique, white gabardine "and me many povelty weaves for the new sport skirts. * Bo a Fear i

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