* ; SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1919. FIFTEEN - So PAGE J Yeats CANADA REVISITED | Aften Ten Years' Absence F. A. McKenzie, War Tours Canada and Tells What He Sees and | Suna Services in Churches MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Correspondent, Hears ARTICLE NO. 4. By F. A. McKENZIE, (Specially Written for the Whig.) . Bach ety of Canada has its own distinctive note. Even where there is a surface Hkeness, ane discovers marked differences immediately you go below the surface. Hali- fax and Victoria are both pro- nouncedly English, but thelr cha- racter| are very different, One marvels not at what Halifax 1s, but what it is not. It reminds one of the duke 'who dressed shabbily, "All the 'world knows what I am. What does it matter how I look?" The monster drydocks, the rapid- ly extending terminals, the ever- growing ocean trade, and the new h oe ofl refining 'works, tell of the strik- ing industrial advance. of the place. None has forgotten how in past years Halifax was the pioneer in many things, from dally newspapers to bank clearing hoses. Yet the cy gives one at first glance an impression of eivic ap- athy, The very drinking water is red. "That is only rust from the water. pipes," old residents declare. "It Is quite' harmless." Personally, it my water has to be adulterated, I will not clbose rust as the ad- mixture, Some day, I suppose, Halifax. will have a spasm of re- form, The street of "speak easies" will be cleaned up, the dives will he closed down, modern hotels "will be opened, the rusty water will be made pure, and the roadways ean great industrial regions of the world. At is siready approaching thst posi- tion. Hamilton, solidly wealtoy, London, Guelph, that once seemed likely to pass into mediaeval sleep, but is now wide awake, Gali! the park city, Kitchener, loyal and prosperous--I1 choose my adjectives deliberately--and Windsor, happy in is position and in its ever growing Americo-Canadian factories, from a group that will be to Canuda what Lancashire is in England, but with- out the grime of Lancashire. To ronto will be their Manchester. And the cities will do well to remember that for much of their coming pro- gresy they have to thank Sir Adam Beck and the Hydro-Electric. 1 do not crticise Winnipeg--1 ad- mire it. 1 never walk down Portage avenue and Main street, witaout feel- ing that 1 want to fake off my hat as one would do in a splendid cathed- ral, to an example of the supreme work of man. Winnipeg has been rightly called the Chicago of Can ada; some day we may reverse the title and call Chicago the Winn.peg of the United States, The domin~ ant feature of Winnipeg is not its public buildings or the rapid growth of populution, but the spirit of the people, They have many handicaps. Winalpeg is built on that prairie, It lacks natural beauty. Its climate is th orst of any white city of its size in the world. Its cold is the penetrating kind of cold, and cured the Parliament House and University of Alberta. Edmonton conveys the impression of a lad who has outgrown his strength. He wants tonics and rest for a time. Many boys outgrow their strength and yet grow to great men. Edmonton's future greatness is assured. Calgary buzzes with life. Its streets are full; its stores are crowded; and its citi- Zens wear the air of men accustomed to. be millionaires one year and dead broke the next. There is a spirit of gambling in the air. Land, ofl, irri- gation anything so long as we keep moving. ~The Calgary '"boomsters' were long famous as the best of their kind. Their spirit had entered the people. . The record is going to be broken at any cost, Calgary, despite its ups and downs, shows to-day every sign of amazing prosperity and vitality, « Vancouver is more than a collec. tion of houses. It is the birthplace of the movements of a new era. The place is fermenting with new life and fresh ideas. 'Some of the growth may be rank. East meets West here, and north touches south. Vancouver la- bor is strongly influenced by what, labor is doing across the border at Seattle. The men from the Arotic come here. The Seattle boats go to Alaska and to eastern Asia, and through the Panima Canal direct to Europe. The LW.W. obtained its entry into Canada here. Here Bol- ng Canon FitzGerald. tor, Capt, J. K. Fairfull service, 11 a.m.; Bible school, 8 p.m.; evening service, 7 pm. You are cor- dially invited to worship with us; Evangelist Stephen, minister. Professor James Toronto; 7 p.m., Rev. Prof. Richard Davidson, D.D., Toronto. soldiers and strangers welcome, and Johnson streets--Rev. J. Flair, pastor. "The Cry p.m; Bible school; St,y Paul's--Morning prayer' And ¥ holy communion, 11 o'clock; 8 school and Bible class, 3 pm; even- prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Union Street Baptist Church-----Pas- Morning Holiness " Movement Church, cor. Division street and Raglan road-- | Tompkins will preach at both services, 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 pm. A cordial invitation is W. J xtended to all. oe Street Methodist Chueh The minister, Pev. D. A. Lough, will préach at 11 am. and Rev. J. D. Ellis will preach at 7 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. primary classes at 11 a.m. 'Beginners and St. Andrew's--Rev. John .W. 11 a.m. Rew. Ballantyne, D.D.. Students, Chalmers Presbyterian Church, corner Clergy and Barrie streets-- Rey, Dr. R. J. Wilson, minister. Ser- vices, 11 ister will preach at both services. In the morning he will preach a special sermon to children and young people. .m. and 7 p.m. The min- First Baptist Churcech, Sydenham 8. La a.m. subject, Human"; 2.46 7 p.m. subject, 11 of the at 2, '8 8 St at » 9. w m ce co th 8 " { In and Sunday school, 3 pm.; People's meeting, Monday, prayer meeting. Weduesaay, 8. pm. | All are welcome. ---Rev. J. Services 11 a.m, and'7 p.m. Minister Corner Barrie and Johnson streets-- Chas. Patterson, pustor, will preach Sunday school and bible classes, 3 Pp.m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, § dal welcome is extended to all, Johnson street, between. 'Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday "God the Only Cause and Creator." address, open every afternoon, Arch street--T. W. Savary, B.A. rec- tor, the Rectory, 152 Barrie street, morning prayer and holy ion. Judgment"; 3 p.m., Sunday school; Preacher, Rev. F, 8. iford, Kangra, v ---- a uns Act as a stimulant to the sluggish or liver, clean the furred tongue, sweét- en the foul obnoxious breath, and clear away all the poisonous aceumu- lations from the system by causing the bowels to move regularly and na- turally every-day, thus preventing as well as curing consti on, sick headaches, bilious heada hes, water brash, heartburn, and, sAl" diseases SHsing from a lazy, slow or torpid ver. Princéss Street Methodist Church A. Waddell, minister, both services. Sunday school, 45 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday; P.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday pm.; W.M.S, Thursday, § p.m. rangers and visitors welcome, k a . They are purely vegetable, small Bethel Church, | 8nd easy to take, and there is noth- ing of the griping, weakening and sickening effects of the old fashioned purgatives. Mrs. John Kadey, Chipman, N.B., writes: --'1 have been using : Mil- burn's Laxa<Liver Pills for some time and can recommend them to anyone suffering from heartburn and liver trouble. I tried other remedies, but they only relieved me for a short time. I always recommend Laxa- Liver Pills to all sufferers, as I think they are a valuable remedy." When you go to your dealer and ask for Laxa-Liver Pilg, see that you get the genuine '"Milburn's." Price 26¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ° Canada A Needs Trained Men Never were op nities great, Thousands of baying positions are waiting in every field of endeavor for men trained to fill them, There is a big job waiting for you in your present work any work you onal both services, 11 a.m. and 7 pm; m,; Y.P.S.C.E., Friday, 8 p.m. Cor First Church of Christ, Scientist, sehool 45 a.m. Service 11 a.m.; subject, ednesday, 8 p.m, testimonial eeting; public reading room, same ex- pt Sunday, 3 to § o'clock. All are rdially invited to 'the services and @ reading room, St. James' Church, cor. Union and a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m.; communs sermon subject, "A Right P.m., evening prayer and sermon. dia. "Rejected Terms." The pastor will its | shevism, open and unatished, stands conduct the services. arefout for its principles; here the new most! labor movement, which must not be confounded 'with either Bolshevism or the LW.W,, is being fostéred, As | gaze at Vancouver from across waters: on the northern suburb, I am whole community. The man in the|reminded of the skyline of New York Street might wear i button all the |City. This is the city of abundance, time, "1 am Winnipeg." He ~acts{The workman in the shipyard re: as though he were, and at the call of|gards his seven dollars a day as mo- Winaipeg 'he is: ready to open = his|derately reasonable provision until purse, ta work day and night, to dojhe is able to take over the control or: give anything. The standard of [of the shipyard himself, and reduce public life here is high. For example, [bls daily working hours to six. The the prohibition law is better observ-|main streets swarm with picture the- ed in Winnipeg than in any other] atres, candy stores and Jewellers' big centre of population. shops. There are more palmists and We come to the cities of the mid-}fortune tellers down one short street dle West, marvel cities, mushroom {than in any street of similar lengih cities, struggling cities. There fallin Canada. Skyscraper rivals skys Regina, a city of public palaces. [5craper, dich more sumptuous than "This beats the House of Commons/|the other. If there is poverty, I did in London," I whispered to the Rat seo it. Statesman showing me over the new da ne acquaintance remembers the Parliament Building. "Yes, I think |g®¥s "When bears came at night time we have gone one better than them," No as Into the main street. he replied with proud modesty. Thef Ort uver houses are still population of Saskatchewan is about a i wn Tidernees, ad the 660,000; the population of Great-| ooo covered the place a re forest Britain fs--! But why 16 ago. But Vencouver has fo otten shout sordid - details like that. Irs otumps and bears. tte oriotien should like to know the vost of all " oF fi i 3 a the public butidings in. Sasktohe- ls tun fufure Ie sacs Lhe vision wan, per head of population. . Hap-|are men who betielle jter you have been im Montreal &|pily, the farmer is prosperous and]ihe chosen prophets to lead the work- month, and think you know it, you|the farmer can pay, 5 ers through the desert to the millen- diseover fresh aspects of its lite. Live 'saskatoon 'i% unrecognized by nial land, there a year, and at the end of the People who have not visited it for ~F. A, McKENZIE, Year here will be. froth Siscoveries some Fears, The few. huts by the : A ------ esi, : made. short, riverside have developed into e Ji..0 neva ox ae: infinitely varied) dnest built medern city for Ms size A Grand Medicine Mrs. Avila Noel, Haut Lameque, N.B.; writes: 1 ean rr Bg check the commercial progress of the eastern gateway of Canada; some things, however, may accele: Fig ontrast Halithe with Victoria! You cannot for no comparison is possible. Victoria is a world beauty epot, all in keeping. Its surroundings, its approaches, its streets, its shops, and its hotel make one feel that here one will stay, not for a day, but for all time, "Sleepy Victoria," they once c3lled it. When I was a lad, people told how Vietoria business men would refuse to drade on the days when «| the weather was right for hunting or fishing. Maybe! But if e#he Victoria folk devoted their main time to other things shan money grubbing, they seem tq, have secur: ed an adequate supply bf cash' in their odd moments. Contrast Montreal and Toronto; with their race for supremacy, their apen rivalry, their intense civie pride. Montreal has not enough local gov- ernment; Toronto has too much, The first impression one receives of Mont- real, stepping out of Windsor street station; is unworthy of it. It is as though the city was anxious to put its worst aspect foremost. But when you penetrate the business quarter, you forget the carelessly kept streets. Af- choose. No matter where you live the L C. 8. will come to you. No matter what your handicaps gr hoy smal your means, we have a meet your circumstances. pan, No matter how limited your previous education, the simpl, tten, wonders fully illustrated 1. C. 5. textbooks make it easy to learn. No matter iat cancer ou may choose, some one or the 1. C. 8. will surely meet your needs. Fors the International Corres sonocly Revelvsen halning men for Shendsnos wT Ia 4 fod out = dn en, sin ne TEAR OUT HEH Si smn si sins INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOMDE! Dept. 7 , 745 5¢. Catherine West, 8 Sydenham Street Church (Me- thogdjst ) -- . W. T. G, Brown, minigter, ervices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach at morning service. Evening preach- er, Rev. D. A. Lough; 2 pm, Men's Club; 2.46 p.m., Bible school; Monday, 8 p.m., Epworth League; Wednesday, 8 pm. prayer and praise service. Strangers and visit- ors 'welcome. neat is crushing. But the people the most strenuous and the public-spirited that I know. Everything In Winnipeg goes with a 2ip. People there seem to live, not for themselves alone, but for the QUICK"S CHOICE Western Meat Mar- ket Cholee Western Heef Lholce Rib and Shoulder Roasts 80e Calvary Congregational Church F. GQ. Mackenzie, pastor, Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. H .D .Whit- more will preach at both services. Sunday school and Bible class, 8 m.; Monday, 8 pm, Y.PS.CR.; 'ednesday, 8 p.m. Rrayer meeting, First Congregational corper «Wellington and Johnson streets----Preacher, Rev. J. Le Roy Rice. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Communion after the evening ser- vice. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Young People's Soclety of the Christian Endeavor, Monday, 8 p.m. Oholee 'line of bacon at lowest Church, woods. "Prices. Call and see ony To St. Luke's Church, Nelson street-- Rev, J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D. Rector, Whitsunday, 8 a.m., holy communion. All those who were confirmed last Sunday will make their first communion at this - ser- vice. 11 a.m., morning prayer; 2.45 p.m., Sunday school and bible class; 4 p/m, holy baptism; 7 p.m., even- ing prayer. Music--special music will be rendered by the choir. Seats free, Sthangers and visitors cor- dially invited to attend. 112 CLERGY STREET ESTLESS CHILDREN RAV; P pag T WILL QUICKLY Be aA THAT RELIABLE UtOS y ERS Worm * WDERS Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street--The minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale, will preach at 11 am. and 7'p.m. Beginners and primary Sunday school classes, 11 a.m.; main school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Strangers and visitors cor- dially welcomed to all services. St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., Dean and rector, 78 Wellington street, phone 2156, Rev. Cecil Whalley, M.A., B.D. priest vicar, 164 King street, telephone 1444, Whitsunday, 8 a.m. Holy communion; 11 am. Holy communion. Preacher, Rey, F, 8B, Ford, 'missionary at Kaugara, India. - 3 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m: holp baptism; 7 pm, v 8 Preacher, the Dean of Ontario. Ser- ices dally in thé chapel at 10 a.m. except on Thursday, = Thursday, holy communion, § a.m, Queen Street Methodist Churche-- Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor; public wor- hip, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 2.45 p.m. All services in Brock street church. The pastor will preach in the evening. Topic, "A Forward Movement." In morn- ing Rev.'D. A. Lough will preach. Calvary Congregational Churche Rev. H. D. Whitmore, formet pastor, will preach both morning and even ing. Morning service at 11 am. Evening service at 7 p.m. Bille class . $25,000 for Breach of Promise, Ottawa, June 7.--Miss Lillia Hog- an, whose mother it is said, resides at Oharlottetown, P.EL, is suing Sinelair Sutherland, a local optician for $26,000 for breach of promise, The case will come up at the sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario, which opens here on June 10th, Miss F or and . Peterboro By-Law Passes. Peterboro, June 7.--A by-law granting the Stickney Motors a fixed assessment of $10,000 for ten years was carried here, Thé vote was very light. The company will manufacture motor trucks, tractors and gasoline engines. » 130 Clarence St. District Representative. Hogan alleges that she made a trip from Portland, Oregon, and incurred other expenses In connection 'with her expected marriage to Suther- land. prosperity. When Winnipeg boosts its trade up a million dollars. Mont- real automatically reaps is percent og Ro pls ts : z some One. m) Montreal adds a little to Lg Nin the ont Montreal wilt \ year eo most advertised and the most X in the world. Saskatoon had its Montreal cannot. help being great. | mad years, the years when it squan- Its geographical position asaures 'b dered with both hands, and when Every gain sith ho ontreal's| MONSY Was so. cheap that, metaphor- east of Moose Jaw i 3 feally, the people lit their pipes with | mend Baby's Own Tablets as th dollar bills. It had its dour years. [have worked wonders in Now it is regaining fost ground. No |my baby. 1 always keep them in the one doubts but that both Regina and [house and would not feel safe with. Saskatoon have in the years im-|out them." What Mrs. Noel says mediately. ahead prosperity iu store [concerning Baby's: Own Tablets fa Jor them far than ever be-|just what thousands of other mothers fore. It is diffic J Tablets grea mild G. H. W, Field, formerly of the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Au- rors, has rejoined the bank at the Belleville branch, where he fs to take over the position of teller. On June 4th, at the home of Mrs. Martin Reid, Deseronto, the niar- | riage was solemnized of her only daughter, Olive Ferne, to Miller 8. | Parks, Latta" jai nay pe : SEE it : °f In the rece be ton, Calg HH Superior Ice Cream Parlor 3 - . : ice . For ile And. tullanry Poses. You use only abou as mueh AprOl as of lard or ter. For sale by D. COUPER - 8 We serve the very best and purest of : Ty 28 | : _ + cream ney . QUICK SERVICE; NO WAITING : : . Home-made Chocolates and Candy fresn made every day, By rill Slack. © ville, ! 204 Princess St. 32° Phone 648 My Monet nan ud boo Yn A : : 1 ty o , where Tae ND : : 2) rip I long to be there! Tait ? i 841 Fn, i 5 § Back to the village and wildwood, Br anaes ix merved we Invite your patron- Ee ------ RENN ry