" MRS. NEWHALL ON = VERGE OF DESP yh Oshawa Woman Says She Is eeling aking Tanlac. "Tanlac was the only thing that gave meé dry relief, and I am con- vinced that it is the right medicine for people in the condition I was in." said Mrs. Elzaleth Newhall, of Oshawa, Ont,, recently. "1 had been in a general rundown condition for/over a year," she con- tinued, 'was extremely nervous, had 3 mo strength jor energy and the least little exertion would so exhaust me that 1 would 1 real faint. I ached all over and felt half dead all the time. 1 had no appetite and would skip 'meal after meal. Nervous, blinding headaches would almost drive me distracted; my nerves were shattered so that the least litle thing would upset me and I'd get up in the morning feeling so miserable I could hardly keep on my feet. "After taking Tanlac a few days I began to feel better, My appetite is now splendid and nothing I eat hurts me at all. Those terrible head- aches are all gone. I have more life and energy and my work is a real pleasure to me." Janlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in .Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, in Battersea by C. 8. Clark, in Fern- leigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. --Advt, Canada Needs Trained Men Never were nities so great. Thousands of paying positions are waiting in every field of endeavor for men trained to fill them. There is a big job waiting for you in your work or any work you p matter where you live the LC ' aoe 10 Yau. No matter what Caps or al Your y 'we have a plan to meet your circumstances. 3 No matter how limited your previous education, the Simply w tten, wonder. fully illustrated 1. C. 8. textbooks make it easy to learn. No matter what career Jou may Shidus, Soe Spe of the 20 urses of the I. C. 8. will surely meet your needs. sf OT ny They ean train you, a ISS Rs vd So owt - -- -- -- avs TEAR OUT MEN Cm none som exists for the purpose of distributing LONG IN HL Y CTY American Resident of Jerusalem for Many Years. M. M. Whelan First to Welcome Brite ish Troops When They Enterade-- Was Representative There of the Bible Society. Although It is a year since Allenby's victorious army entered Jerusalem, and the greatest Christian shrine In the world was wrested forever from the clutches of the ffidel Turk, one of the most striking episodes of all those that marked tht entry has only re cently become known. To. Americans this episode is of especial Interest, since it came as the climax of perhaps the most picturesque of all the many services that have been rendered by the allied nations, and to humanity generally, by individ- ual Americans, from Gerard und Brand Wilitlock down, since the beginding of the war, v For nearly three years, or from early in 1915 until the deliverance of Jerusalém in December, 1917, obe of the oldest and most famous of British organizations remained in unblissful ignorance as to what had become of its "depot" in the Holy City. This or- ganization is the British and Foreign Bible society, which like its great sis ter organigation in the United States, the Good Book among Christians in Every part of the world. In February, 1915, or soon after Turkey threw in her lot with the cen- tral powers, thé Bible society's depot in Jerusalem, which contained many thousands of volumes, had to be aban- doned hastily. The workers there were brought to Hgypt on an American. Warship. . From that day until guite re- cently nothing whatever was known re- garding the fate of the depot or its contents. It was assumed, that both bad probably been destroyed by the Turks. But then came a letter from thie soclety's secretary at Port Said in- closing one from the commander of the London Scottish, the first British regiment to enter the Holy City. In this officer's letter the striking story was 1018 of how « venerable American resident of Jerusalem, by name M. M. Whelan, came torward aptanetoaly after 'the abandonment of the le society's dépat, took up his residence therein dnd courageously "carriel on" as its custodian, i "It may interest you to know," this officer wrote, "that as: I entered Jeru- stlem with the first troops, I was met by a quaint old American, named Whe- lan, seventy years of age, who told me he represented' the Bible society, snd presented me with a beautiful copy of Abe Seriptures." * ® Beyond the fact that M. M. Whelan is a naturalized Irish citizen of the United States, and t he had been of its venerable American benefactor, which shown him to be a truly patri- archal type. " ? Germany Has Lest Mexican Trade, All the glasses and most i 'sold in the Salinas Crus district of Mexico are of American manufacture, according tou recent "Do you ever keep any secrsts from your husband?" "Do 1, oh myl No! I'm so busy finding out ghe secrets he is trying to keep from me that | have not time for any of my own. " "In my opinion, noother medicine | about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis; PARALYSIS Ror Be Br 589 ALS Sramer, Mowmmak. is so curative for Constipation and Indigestion as 'Froit-a-tives'. Iwas a sufferer from these com- plaints for five years, (and my sedentary occupation, Musie, brought with nasty Headaches, belching gus, drowsiness after eating, and pein in the back, I was induced to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and now for six months I have boon entirely well". A, ROSENBURG, 806. abox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by | Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, For a) 4. Pp. information and rates. apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P.&T.A., GT. Ry. Corsican, Tunisian, Melita, Seotian Minnedosa Scandina vian Gram pian War » VANCOUVER-ORIENT Quickest Tipe Across the Pacific ; Rpply Local Agents wa Genl.Agt, Toronto, CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES , $0 up $67. June ¥2 $85 up June 17. $0 up June Sup $56.7 July 2 $86 up $06.45 $5.00 $3.00 Every single thing on earth has its use, and it Is probably just as well that we do not know about some things, JUST WHAT YOU WANT---A PORT- ABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE * Use it anywhere in the house. {Connect to any electric light 'socket and you are ready for work. 'See the samples in our window and call in and let us demonstrate, CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS 1 = AGENTS'VOR | St. Lawrence Ale & Porter nisiufuctare all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver to parts of the city. is and ' éngineers Goodyear organization, 'Fourteen years ago they started to develop a which would com fi Ko ® One Tire ? in. the tire ith oy Suppleness which puts un. believable smoothness mto the ridi car; saves Strength to battle with the road long after cheaper \ of your: gasoline; lowers it depreciation; combats : Injuries. 2 All Virtues Lower Cost Through Great Mileage. Comfort and | : Freedom from Trouble. Saving of Gasoline and Car. All the" hings a tire should be have long been known to the Scientists _ tires have failed. Tires bring. One season on 'them 'will convince you. ; Near you is a Goodyear Service Station Dealer who can fit the proper size of Goodyear Cord Tire to your car. Askhim also about the Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube- extra . thick and extra good, a fit mate for the s6odyear Cord Tire and read which overcomes The Goodyear Cord Tire A