Fifty pairs of good white outing shoes, I. Rubber soles and just the right weight for | " this hot weather. Just the thing for Lawn Tennis Football, baseball and all kinds of out or sport Regular $2.00 for Just a féw of each size, so get yours to- day, because they will go quick at this price. Tennis Racquets We have the finest line of tennis goods ever shown in Kingston. 75¢ to $9.50. All weights to suit every- GET OUT IN THE OPEN The whole world appreciates more than ever the great benefit of sports. ~The Sports Won the world's war, say the great gen- erals. If it had not been for the training given our boys and girls in sports, where would we be to-day? "We have the bike you'll Tike. y I! aT 150 Racquets from ' t Msn. TWO GAMES WERE PLAYED AT THE CRICKET FIELD, Opener In Junior Series a Natty Feature--Military League Game Disappointing, to Those Interest. lo In spite of the. splendid weather on Saturday the baseball officials were very. disappointed with the sparse attendance, Both of tne echeduled games were interesting though by no means clever, but at- tractive enough to draw outs larg. er crowd. Lack of advertising of the events was probably the cause fof the small attendance.' The opening game of the City League junior series was ¢ommoinc- ed at two o'clock between ¥. L OC. B. A. and Red Sox--a tein com posed principally of students at K. C. I. Very good form was #hown by the youngsters, and. it- was only throngh hard work that the Young Irishmen were able to pull & win oi 6 to 4. The Irishmen have had the advantage of Taitly steady and con- sistent practice, but the collegiatois did not permit. an easy wih' They have not played together as much as the Hibernians, but they show class, and Should stand 'up well when the final count is made. The teams: Y.LC.B.A--Fitzgerald, 8.8. and @.; Claire, r.f.; Connolly, ¢. and 3b.; Gourdier, 1b.; McNeill, Lf; Gauth- fer, 3b, and s.8.; Arneill, ¢f.; Dey- iin, 2b.; Koen, p. 5b runs, 7 hits, 3 errors. . Red Sox---F. Morris, c.f.; Sawyer, 2.8; BE. Gill, e.; V. Johngon, Li; 1h. Hunter, 1b.; "A. Ada, 2b; Brennan, r.f.; Neilson, 3b.; B. Morris; p. 4 runs, b hits, 2 errors. Um pire--"Flat" Walsh. The Military League Game, The game between G.W.V.A. and V.T.8., which was the gecheduled opener a week ago, was replayed at the ericket field on Saturday after- noon owing to misunderstanding as have been played. With = W. PF, Nickle, M.P., at bat, Mayor Newman in the box and George Young, mii- 2 & GOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. ' Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." . "Everything For Health and Happiness." Mr. and Mrs. C. BE. Lauder, Mountain View, announce the en- gagement of their ~only daughter, Edith Muriel, Burkitt, Hillier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burkitt, the wedding to take place the middle of June, tary secretary of the Y.M.Q.A., pe- hind the plate, the league gol off to a good start, even though the batter tipped a foul. The rung were notch- ed up so fast that it kept the scor- ers hot, and the game ended 19 to 18 for Voeationals. Without any idea of trying to pick faults or of being a knocker, it conld be gener- to Willlam Edwin} ally agreed that the opening game was a failure. The play was loose and dull and spectacular work- was almost wholly Jacking. The fault lay mostly with the batteries, which were decidedly weak ag well as some of the infield workers. If the crowd is to be enticed to the cricket field to ses games hereafter, thers will have to be decided improvement on Saturday's feature for public ex- hibitions of amateur sporti cannot he . allowed , to become. juvenile These facts ars recognized even by the players themselves, and with a week or two of steady praetice con- siderable improvement savuid ie sult. The original positions of the teams, which were changed on seve- ral occasions during the = game, were: . " Y.T.8.~~Claire, s.s.; Parrott, 1.1.; Stev , P.; Cumming, 1b; Brod- er; 2b.; McGuire, c.f.; Third, el Kane, 3b.; Peppiatt, r.I, G.W.V.A--Gowan, ¢.; Covert, Ib.; Reid, 2b; Weaver, 3b.; Twigg, 8.8.; Shields, 1.1.; Alton, c.f.; Yirr, r.0. Unipire---Dehaney.. Dase ' referee Coyne and Nicholson. The score by innings: vars... GW.VA. .. R HE 020113619 13 lv 9 R. Smith Unabl To be : G. An effort was made to secure G. R. Smith, the popular teacher at the Collegiate Institute, as secretary- treasurer of the City League, but on Saturday he stated that he would be unable to accept the position. He is leaving the city in the early part of July, and for that reason will not te. | Brockville has adopted: a higher standard for milk. | Smith, wha has show he able to take over the duties.' Mr. n to the number of innings that should] Boydy pi L . 24040012x--19 12 4 -- would have been a valuable acquisi- tion to the City League. "POP" GOING TO "GAN." Colored Aggregation Will Conduct , Operations From River Town, { #Pop' Watking and his famous Havana Red Sox aggregation will probably settle in Gananoque for the season. Some correspondence has passed between "Pop" and Mayor Wilson of that town in regard to the location in Gananoque for the sum- mer of the famous colored team of baseball players, with the result that Pop will be in Qananoque this week to conclude negotiations: "Pop" has just returned from the South, and says he has picked up the finest aggregation he has yet man- aged, and promises that wherever they appear there will be something doing in the baseball line, ed" of a baseball team that ranked with the best, but when thé war was on the enterprise was abandoned. 'So, 'when Pop's propositien - came along, it was taken .by the Mayor and those with whom he conferred as'n fitting opportunity to revive in- terest in the great American sport. "Pop's" bunch will probably ap- pear In Kingston at an early date. Think The Spell. Of Fourth Is Broken. There has beén a change of atti- tude on the part of the two younger teams in the K.C.1. Baseball League. For some time past the second form especially has seemed to be some- what frightened to come up against the fourth form. On Friday after- noon however, the third form stood their ground against the senior form and cleaned up by 10 to 2, gaining six of their runs in the sixth inning. The second form now seems to have a hunch that the spell which put the fourth in the win column each time is broken and they are going to work hard to smash a win at the next game they 'are pitted against the fourth form. For many years Gananoque boapt= 3 orl * | IT SEEMS THAT -- Jinx says: "It ain't so much thuh humidity as thuh remarks 'bout it that makes us sweat." The Military League showed good Lsportsmanship on Saturday after- noon when the junior City League game was permitted to start at two o'clock, although the military gomd was scheduled to commence Ratt an hour later. It is probable that re. presentatives of the Military League will wait an the board of manage- ment of the City League at their meeting next Tuesday night to come to some amicable arrangement re- specting the hour of starting. It is like old times. to see "Bill" Dehaney at the ball games. "Bill" handles the game in the role of Mr. Umps. for the Military League very well and his voice carries for a good distance, Arthur Twigg, who was a star player with the 21st Battalion in France, shows up very well in the G.W.V.A. team. He makes a much better pitcher than a shortstop, as his arm does not seem strong enough to shoot the ball from the infield to catcher, Most of his throws from that position on Saturday were short. Stevenson, twirler for Vocationals, had an exaggerated idea of his pitching rights on Saturday. At times he would balk very conspicu- ously with a peculiar little jump and he had to be warned to stop it. Both the teams in the junior game on Saturday were well balanced. They hand out good steady Ball, When a gallant man is asked fo guess a woman's age, he first makes a silent guess and then knocks off one-third. . All the features a good shirt should have Sire PLUS DOUBLE WEAR CUFFS to-day. They are the onl cuffs which fol interest in sport at the Collegiate, 'has the confidence of the: pupils, [CICERO ISN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO § Fine, 4 SuEry wee WANTS YoU To Now, CACERD, YOU'VE Got Youm SUNDAY ScHooL LESSOA Dowar TM WILLING TD HELP "the cuff that doubles the life of the shirt" That's why W.G. & R. Shirts are the best buy shirts with these clever, new perfectly, lie flat and look equally dressy whether turned in or turned out. Patented 1918 514 Free Demonstration 230 PRINCESS mer RJ. REID The Leading Undertaker x 3 ~ Dy THOMAS COPLEY o It Now Send us your'hair or felt mattress to be recetve attention. Queen rant Py FORD CARS FOR SALE Cars Whizh: wo. sa Soil remo wi able. All antomobile repaly work gnaranteed. Central 885 King St. Na ' Phone 2188 Le ee -------- | As Charlie Says: The reason that the Reo is fast be- coming the taxi driver's favorite car, is because he has begun to realize that if he is going to make the business pay, he has got to be on the job all thé time--and with a car that can be relied upon to give service to the uttermost. That's are on sale all over Canada. Ask your dealer, If he caunot supply: you, write us. EET DEPT. A The Williams, Greene & Rome Co., Limited "what the Reo does. - n [SUch A QuesTion: You DoART ki AS MUCH AS CICERD. LOT'S |