*™ { twenty years of age, he was promot- ed to the rank of captain, and there ; was-hot 2 man who did not believe At B £ that the promotion was well-merit- A & v ed. es & § Meanwhile his younger hrother,} gm : x Douglas, had signed up in April | ® ; J 1916, with the 224th Battalion, {#8 ~~ You Can Procure Toronto City when only seventeen years of age, He went to England In June and {js : > A Wedding Gift either £ ; spent some 'time with the forestry |g Ice Cream : Bride, Beidog room, Brides Ivo Sons of Kingston's MP. Did Their corps before he was transferred ia I maid or best man, why not use Bit in Great Va the Royal Flying Corps ig April, [BS the most lasting gift of all, . 1917. * 5 ------ In October, 1917, when eighteen IriC years of age, . Flight-Licut. Nickie "BILLY" IS A MAJOR went to France as a pilaf and was a . attached to the 16th Squadron. Lat- inal Davors Tor 30 mia: and . er he was transferred to the 9th' want them you Squadron and detailed for service in : HE CLIMBED FROM THE RANKs]Belgium. In November, 1917, just : - TO POSITION AS A.D.C one month after his arrival in the Phone 59 Best'. y a war area, he took part in the Pass- XT 8 z ------ chendaele show and acquittad hum- . Flight-Commander Douglas Nickle's|selt splendidly, i Drug Store or 2018, . H'\(areer Was Out Short by Injuries] After two months' service in Bel- : ; bute to Major Nickle. glum' Flight-Lieut. Nickle retarned The Toronto Star-Weekly pub-(i¢ the 16th Squadron and did ex-|f Bes ' B shes the following: cellent service during the autumn of t's Branch . Major Willlam McA. Nickle, M.c,, {1917 and the winter of 1918. ie 8 A.D.C., better known as "Billy atiracted Lhe attention of his su For Quick Delivery Nickle, was just enghteen years of | Superior officers by his prowess as age and a student of the Kingston |2R a¥lator and in March, 1918, was Collegiate Institute when he , re- Brothoted 19 the i 2 Hight com i sponded to the call to take part in |mander. Gwever, 2' experienc pe . the big game in France. in France was cut short in the fol- |g completing his work in a lowing April, when his machine eol- : j New Models m Wool Jersey form, and incidentally taking part |lded in the air just above Vimy and fn all the sports of the institution |Flight-Commandgr Nickle miracul- A varied and interesting collection Sf the when he decided that it was time Sasly sseaned death ia Je 1 A: ; ] ol ® Iti 1 ore' for him te do his share. According- was le Was severely burned abou i ; atest nove ct ly he informed his father of his _ the upper part of his body. His 8 { Y ten, 2 extremely effect In the form of Ring, Bar Pin, victions, sought no soft job which [Shoulders and neek were terribly [os " \ * : Scarf Pin, Pendant, Cuff Links, might Lave been obtained for him, |Durt, and for weeks hd was so Priced at $37 50 to $57 50 . . .- .- . . . » » Brooch. but enlisted In March, 1915, as a |SWathed in bandages that just one i buck private in 'the Universities')e¥e could be seen as he lay in hos- 4 : . C £ the Prince: ital. In the early summer of 1915 [gu Q Wedding Marriage J|vas then in process of tormsimen® [Re was able to robara ta Canada on |B PONGEE SPORT, SUITS On his arrival in Montreal he was leave, and when the armistice waa |S 2 Rings Licenses transferred to the 30th Battalion, [Signed he 'entered Queen's Univer- but managed t as wi sity, Cool, light weigh ; 1 draft. for the P.b.Oll. already] DUrINE this time his brother, or Sh summer suits on famed for splendid service, in the| Billy," was rendering splendid ser- |i ; smart new lines. rl vice in France, an in Januagy, | mm 3 x month of June, when Canadians 5 1 sah Priced from . . . c+... .$35.00 on up FOX FURS were just beginning to realize the|1918, he was recalled to England; magnificence of the stand of Can-,Where he was honored with the For summer wear in black ition of aide-d to. General a brown and white, : Spun, at. St. Julien and Ypres. Sir Richard E. Turner, V.C., K.C.1h |M A PALM BEACH SUITS N private in July, just four months af ter his enlistment. More than the |More honors were to come for in |S AN } ) styles. hi | "Billy" remained In England for N less than a month amd left for|The "buck": private who had leti 7 Va : - France and the Princess Pats as a|School to enlist had certainly reach-|§ BR\Z J ln . ed a pinnacle of sugeess, but stil |g Si Numerous models in extremely smart English Channel would have been|March, 1918, he was promoted to Limited required to keep him in England, |the rank of major. He served on {ll 7 , Priced from Nba a a, $23.50 to $35.00 for his fighting blood 'could not be}the staff of Gen. Turner during the Eetablisned 1840 cooled. final days of the campaign, and re- King Street, anion Up™o the following December he |cently completed a visit to Germany |g served In the ranks of the Pats, and | With the troops. : it was not until it could be sald of Perhaps the finest tribute him that he went over the top as a|Major Nickle--and there have been ) private that he could be induced to|many--was that Sulalned in a 1et- ™E FRENOR REMEDY. 80: to Hngland to receive his com-|ter from Capt. James T. Suth- | YT =r P 8.1 mission. Heavy fighting had bereft |erland, a former president of the | . Lieut.-Col (mow RWrig-Gen.) W. st.|Ontario Hoekey Association, when p AP 02 |Piorre Hughes, D.S.0.,. of some of|he wrote: "Kingston can boast of P his officers and in the following|being the home of probably the - January he asked Nickle to come to [youngest officer with the rank of Diseases, We. § for Chreaio the 21st Battalion, which was large- | major in the overseas military forc- nx ly composed of men from Kingston. |es of Canada in the person of ; that AREED woxD Ome of the veterans of that bat- [gallant young officer; Major "Billy" oraur TOA tallon in" a letter remarked that it|Nickle, M.C., who was selected on 8 ==, was "funny to have young = Bill |the Basia of foal merit jor the hign | 3 | s Nickle, who was only a kid back | honor of act ng as AD.C. to the 4 \ N47 - : ary home, as one of our officers, but he [general officer Commanding 0. mH FMVS All exclusive Steacy 8 Limited models, has been through {he ranks and he{¥.C. "Billy" went bver t e top on J A 17 : + 5 . Won his promotion on merit." many occasions, and = has ; three developed a figured and flowered voiles in Lieut. Nickle continued his ser- casualty stripe§ to his credit. i : / N77; / 2 3 . 2 . vice with the 21ét Battalion during have Bad the opportunity of taiking M07 E ective co Oo hinations; practical ging- his term in France, and be became{to several of the old members or IN wn ang 1n ga 148; tun flo oT one of the most popular subalterns. | "Billy" Nickle's platoon, and they § RA, TIA kirts: g YB it me, aped, wered In June, 1916, ho was wounded 'ai |one and all declared that they never aA 7) skirts; organdie vestees, collars and cuffs, St. Blol, but returned to the 21st in fwant to fight under a gamer 'or frills ribb s dl " January, 1917, after convalescence | better officer. "Billy" is very popu- | » 110DoN girdles. X in. England. lar with all ranks on account of ie . 54 : It 'was at the battle of Vimy Ridge | unassuming nature. . Do not be a o . that Lieut, Nickle won the Military [all surprised in the years to come if OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL VALUES li] Cross for bravery. 'Though wound-|the successor of W. ¥. Nickle, M.P. A 3 a ed he led his men forward, and with | tor Kingston, proves to be none oth- a 38 exemplary coolness directed their fer than the present Major "Billy" | $5.75 : $10.50 $16.50 operations, Finally he had to be|Nickle, M.C. Kingston could not 3 ity *X . Mli}taken back to the base, and thelhonor a braver lad and illustrious We have Just taken the agency for JJ. > 'wounds In his Teg and head necessi- [father in a more fitting manner," puumer & Sons, Awnings, Tents, Sails, ffflisie"s" pono" ot civdiosios Ie CHARMING GEORGETTE FROCKS Flags, Waterproof Goods and Camp Fur- Kingston during the summer of| ~ BLONDE WAYS GIODIEST. [8 Most Jelightfal for the summer festivities are these picture- Riture, and would be pleased to supply your [l1™1" .. cutumn he had recovered | Character Analyst Makes Intercst-|H sque new frocks of georgette crepe in a variety of colors. Some eeds 3 . Ii} | sufficiently to permjt his return and | Observations on Complexions, [BR * : ba of these articles. lll |e rejoined nis battalion In Sepiem-| The divorce court ang the cabaret | IN smartly trimmed with beads and tucks. TI Re i ei oR i % i) ber, 1917. A mont later, "When | are the stamping grounds "6f the : > ; 3 p | = - - . blon but the old family fireside, hr Screen Doors & Window Screens. We ll Nothing Like It Vith os Kngting Dep ang rl rons |i $27.50 can supply you with any. of five styles of [II F hiti paper, {s waiere you'll find' the brun-|3 d Ln : ss i or Bronchitis eftes, iv the 'belief expressed. by ms oor complete with fittings for $2.00 and } And Weak Throat] Horey L. Fogleman. Jie was the|S : t th 1 1 oo speaker at ine weekly civic indus- up, according to the style. Ht CL ---- trial meeting of the Chicago Asso- : Wo tats mnie: Remakable Son In the Worst] ciation of Commerce, | We have window'screens all sizes. Our prices are low, | WI > . "You can take. it f me, you'll ; Ji] CURES. WITHOUT USING DRuGS|, "05 G0 ¥ ruattre. Vee: pr | 5 HH Doctors now advocate an entirely husbands sal ath to-night |g Give the lady comfort in the kitchen while getting the [iow method for treating bronchitis] o> ed lay 3 ome o-RIgHt meals. NEW PERPHCTION OIL STO? ES. Ii and irritable throat. Stomach dosing| a8 You will blondes," he said. fog Bbper.., 5 ULE , is no longer necessary, The dark type of man loves de-|S *Sbumer... i. Lou Sar | The - most approved treatment yandenes and stabil ity, ni Burner * jconsists of a healing vapor resem-| means when he. fell in love with a bling the pure air of Adiron- sin hed yw to hor Soraver, But, This soothing vapor Is full of germ young woman is quick to get" =) i | destro bstances, i 'blues' and just as quick to dance eg Satroying ou a oeestihise at the with joy; so she's a pretty doubtful agent. It is sent to the bronchial] Proposition when it comes to holds tubes and lungs through a skilitully| ing her affections." he \ sed inhaler that can be carried] And listen 'wives: Mr. Fogleman She ost pocket, Simuticity itself] --he's A character ahalyst---says the | IR eynote i man 6 protruding eyes |g exmote o Sa ies En Sa seta Pt sono. ARRHOZONE is the name of|don't try to put any over onl rr