Er 10 Per Cent. Discount to Returned Soldiers You Know What's Coming Get ready for it. youl icy sacursion, visiting or SAVE lowe. 1% Yon and look well. y Get a Palm Beach Suit: $15, $18, $20.00 Get a Soft Shirt, . .. .. $1.25 up to $4.00 Get a Straw or Panama Hat, . $2.50 to $5 Get your cool nnderwear, hosiery, neckwear, etc, White duck trousers, khaki-duck trousers, lustre coats, etc. ! Livingston's : 65-71 Brock St. HH) Kingston If Off Your Route, It Pays to Walk. * We Close To-night at 9 p.m. DAINTY VOILES for cool dresses in the ' newest designs; pretty patterns in a big "variety of colors. At 50c, 60c, 75¢, 90c ; and $1.00 a yard. INGHAMS in the new stripes, "checks and large plaids; very serviceable; Shecially priced at 27c, 30c, 35¢, and AON a - NG SUITS for men, women, boys s; a-great many different styles CHARLES LASHER WAS FINED! $500 AND COSTS, | [LATITIS -r The troops from the Empress "of o In spect Russia reached the city via Canadian Tdcense : and Police Visited! 5, cific Railway on Sunday at 2.45 His Home and Corrslled .Abowt| nm They were received at Tete de Three Gallons--Young Man Fined Pont barracks by representatives of For Reckless Driving. suriet hendquaress and Mayor H. Pleadin flty to having Hquor| W: Newman, who gave a very, Narw for sale Ey Lasher ng fined Nojcome ta the boys a Sipatia. ® costs p e R.C.H/A. ban ay "Home S500 AN Oo thige months by Sweet Home." The soldiers left for 2 . ' : Barribfield barracks. The list was ., Jasher's prosencein squrt, and his), itished in Friday's Wuig. The made' liquor, cam about as a result| Montague is due at Vancouver with of 'a surprise visit License Inspector 931 soldiers from Sibatia, hare axe McCammon, with *Sergt. Marshall 19 officers and 49 patients for King- Armstrong 4nd Constables Downey| ston military hospitals. and Hughes, paid to, his home on . a Johnson street, about ten o'clock on| . The S.8. Olympic is due at Halifax Saturday night. Lasher was just{on 11th inst with 1026 troops in- about to eome out of the house, and cluding the 28th Battalion, which when accosted by Sergt. Armstrong, | will be demobilized at Ottawa. There he had a bottle In his coat pocket.iare 3 officers and 60 other ranks for A search was then made of the house, | Kingston. and the police uncovered about thet -- gallons, Lasher had been peddlingi mp, sxaminations for admission ft around the city to the thirsty ones}, he Royal A iilitary College are who were willing top pay $56 per bot-ly ie held this week, starting to- tle or higher. Pretty good wusiness day. Lieut.-Col. @. 'H. Gillespie, 80 long as you don't get caugat. The Major Pierce and Capt. Powis are ligior is of a very poor variety, and| oving as supervisors at the fxami- it will not find its way to any of the nations in Ottawa. 'The ' Kingston local charitable institutions. Tt does}, yc.ngs are - writing at the ar- not even Took good enough to flush mouries . under the supervision of the eity sewers with, but in these Major Lafferty and Captains Rob- guys. when the eountey is on tlie erts and Taylor "dry map," some fellows are ady ri x i to take a chance at anything The Kingston Boys taking the R.M.C. entrance examinations are R. Gordore Doyle celebrated thel o King's birthday by dashing around F. B. Taylor, R. E. Ogilvie, C. D. T. the eity is an automobile at top- Mundell. \ i noteh speed. The charge/ which was] .ue xt' i ' fald by Constable James Downey, Capt.'Y. Edwaius has gone to Ot- sald "reckless driving' and Doyle, tawa \to arrange musketry instruc- when arraigned, pleaded guilty and tion for the C.G.R. detachment. made no statement. Some person did -- gay that Doyle claimed his brakes Lieut.-Col. F. D. Boggs, late A. J. were out of order, but but he did pot|A4., M.D: No. 3, has returnad to Co- say anything to the court about | bourg from St. John, N.B., where he hem, was a member of the general court- "Pretty serious to be driving on martial. He is resuming the pfuc- Princess. street at a reckless rate."{iice of his law profession. remarked the magistrate, who dis- \ Be posed of the case by imposing a fine TO RUN ON THE RIVER. of $10 and costs. : ETAT EEA OTRAS ORES RR LAR OARA THETA FLERATI ---- Steamer Island Belle Will Make ; Three Trips a Week Into Kingston. Through the activity of J. M. THEATRICAL. Campbell, president of the Board of Trades, arrangements have been | a ed | made with Holmes Bros. of Red- wood, N.Y., to Tun an excursion At the Grand. steamer into Kingston from river For to-night, to-morrow and Wed- | ports. The steamer Island Belle nesday a special big double pro- {will make three trips a week into gramme has been arranged tor the | Kingston and will eall at the ferry Grand Opera House. Gladys Brock- {'whart at the fdot 'of Brock street. well, the famous Fox Film favorite, | Holmes Bros. also operate the will 'appear in "The Strange Wo- steamers Riverside and Brockville, man," a story of love, courage and and both are doing good business With a well balanced | The Brockville, has been chartered pendous production, | for seve al special trips. ; {his story was cinematized from the} The securing of the new steamer play that ran on Broadway for 8ifor trips in Kingston will mean a whole season and:made all New YOTK | 5604 deal to the city and the presi- Phe second . feature o~ the | qn of the Board of Trade is to be ay bill will be Bessie barns: icongratulated. cale in "A Trick of Fate," a wonder- ful presentation of an accepted fact of every day life. Other films on GW. Vl the programme will be a Mutt and en Jeff cartoon pioture, a comedy and | Address by Field Secretary to Re- the Pathe News, showing it's usual patriation Commitee. quota of animated news items which H. A. Jarvis, G.W.V.A, field sec- are photographed new each week. | retary to the repatriation committee Special vaudeville 'from a big time |for Ontario, | address the gene- vapdeville circuit will complete ral meeting of the branch ql photoplay and variety programme |G.w.V.A. on Monday, 9th June. Al fll that should: prove both refreshing | members are requested to attend... Hand entertaining for the first three ---------------- Mtl aaye of the week. ---Advt. Hi ay f the nit i The te. iH At the Strand, The Liberator is not a War Pilec- Ml "The Great Romance," the Soreen |ture, although "Maciste" is always lH crassics, Inc. production, starring {in tondlict of one kind or another, iH s1ar01d Lockwood, is to be shown at | 1t biristles 'with action, satisfies with lithe Strand theatre to-nighty Tues-ithrills, stunts and startling situa- ll day and Wednesday, and will pre- | tions, supplies many a laugh when licens to the public an anusnai thems pest needed. There is romance and Ml enacted jn this favorsts of the| mystery aplenty. and 'Maciste" is at ll] screen's most vir Je. and winning {pis pest from main title to trailer. ll manner. The story is laid in a mM¥- | Ayes Monroe Shiisbusy in a five Teel Hii thical principality to which a YOUng i reaure entitled 'The Millionaire Pir- id American falls nets, With his {rec | sya at the King Bdward Theatre to- Hl and democratic u ngin © ta : li of ruling by inheritance does not night and Tuesday. Usual admission. Hl appeal to him---the pomp and glory li of being a monarch does not seem - Dump On Fire Again. as attractive as being just a free.{ mhe firemen had a call to the Bag- adibloodsd young American in the lo street dump at 11.50 o'clook Sat- Ilana he loves. He abont decides to} rgay night, where a fire smould- | decline the thrine with thanks when fone among the debris caused the hi he finds that thé girl he loves is in- people of the melghborhbod much i nl volved In a deep intrigue in thi3 |, peenjence. The firemen from Noj! very c¢ountry--she has been taken : hore by a scheming mother, who 1 station attended to the fire. Hil| hopes to marry her to an impover- i] ished member of the royal family. H Determining to rescue her he sets oft for this remote corner of Eu: rope and encouute Purchases Coal. The city property committee has purchased A oe ans at many strange m James Ai Son and. S01 1 (00 Sate avons ani oi | ELE 2b. ths ot periences the ' great remamce." pg stove. and 3 'tous, of pes ] rilliantly told, the story is mag- g i' a sient acted and the production coal at $12 a net ton. one which will hold an audience } a nes are: very laborate sets Supporting Mr. Lockwood | 4 » such experienced players as by de. Remer, Frank Carrier} i p Granby, Morgan Thorpe, { is n, J. P. Laffey, Franklyn | | Hanna, Clare Grenvilleband A newly arrived collection awaiting your approval, unrivaled in quantity, style, variety and value in the four groups featured below. 1 With the smart simplicity which is always the key- note of fashion's frocks when she expects to have them tubbed into cool, dainty freshness every week or so. | At $6 At$ll Of gingham, in checks and plaids, and dainty col- ors, also some of linene, neatly finished with col- lars and cuffs of organdie and pique. At $8 Daintily styled of voile with organdie vestees, col- lars and cuffs. Also of gingham, in new color combination. ies. A Dressy styles, suitable for all summer occasions. Fashioned of solid colored voiles, also dotted and fig- - ured voiles as well as ging- hams in plaids and checks. At Tailored dresses, fash- joned of linen styles and voiles, trimmed with laces and embroider- ty $15 in belted r 3 Groups of Tub at $1.50, $2.25, $3.00 : Skirts for street, skirts for dress, and skirts for sports. | Al fashioned of the most ha uttons:o plentiful, ranging from 25 to 38 waist. - favored and de- including garbardine, pique, striped effects, in a diversity of styles. Large : earl, novel pockets and original belt ar- rangements add to their attractiveness. The sizes are ~ Skirts tricotine,