- 2 PAGE SIX ROBINSON & WILTSHIRE GARAGE All kinds of cars repaired promptly; cars washed; gaso- line, ofl, tires and antomobile accessories. Chevrolet Car For Bale. 239% Bagot St. Phone No, 177 -- $200 FROM DELBERT WALKER : 10,000 Pounds era) Soyionand indian Ten The Accused Did Not Give Evidence om t at and 80c per pound. 5%, GRRE aE san of Sn . Will Be At CAVERLY'S Next Week at us Book Your Orduin New Bon Marche Grocery Our. ing 4 nag Earl No. an. 1844. {From Our 0 Own Curresvondent) a ed an June 12.~The Board of Education Way. . on Tuesday evening deciged 10 sub S---- mit fo te town council the questuon Ay? intinensa epidemic in' Alaska oh or ais on, ; vim ti 7 national debt 'has run| Asked For It. cost being $180,400 una also a new [Irom $46 & head in 1914 to $270. After being out for thirty-five min- suacol building for toe West Ward] Mrs. Thomas Oldham, Peterbord.| utes, a jury in the county court, the estimated eos: being $25,000. Srotyed = donq while walking along! presided over by Judge Madden, re- 5 hy 1 Tee! 1 Ak ye uot The Question 5 a voor ae cay]. TE 1s Sotimiated that: tho Nipissing Tae "orc ook Suk" on ratepayers si an eany date. Mine, Cobalt, produced $347,761 dur- William Turlington, charged with Tae local merchants and profes-| ng the or of LN hrBibES Stoalipe $200. from one Robert ares of pide Galt uolnidys, ar| for. week ending Jone 7th, 1319, Turkingtén did not give evidence lunged jor eacu Wednesuay after Poa Botid of Too at in his own behalf, his counsel, T. J. Phin a 1 oe i Sai he? es Sip in Yor ug a Stet ogee, AUEA~T .o ndftions contributing to the high of the jury had*been out for thi vty-1C vurng Be 1, oes Us cost of living, : tWo minutes they returned, and told, Breet and Pre. N. i. ayers] mpc. years in penitentiary was u ¥ Who arrived in Haltiax recently, ar-| go consonoo imposed on James Hen~ 3 is Honor that they oud. Ake to) | rived dn town on the local ast even- | fog and were met by the mayor and dese, Torenth, tor stealing letters) 10 (0 Madden said he could not & lange concourse of citizens, WWOl german military experts are pub-| CoH Turkington. It was the privil- gave nem & hearty welcome, Hishing in German periodicals vari-|e8e of the accused to give evidence Pre, Victor Robertson, who went! ong suggestions for the organiza-| oF decline. The jury then retired overseas with the 106th battalion tion of a new. Ge again and three mibutes later, re- rman army. 4nd bas Lben overseas ever since, isl gin Fein hopes have ray rest turned with w verdict of "not guilty," Although the Jury Returned and i overs an opportunity to h peckers to Best tea at & saving of 25 per cent. Nd use buy tae For flooring, siding and other uses at Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street 3s Phone 1042 Bathing Cape 2 Water Woe -- | arranged for Uue vice-regal party on June 17th. Meat Still Very High Priced eight or mime persons and includes tae Duke and Duchess of Devonsnire and ther two daughters. shortly. The following details have * been The boat will arrive here at 10.30 aah. and remain tere for one hour. THe party numbers 1 were Fish Much Cheaper Choice Fresh Fish Arriving Daily J .80e m Ih Lake Ontario Wikite ¥ish 20¢ u Ib . A3%%e a 1b.) Lake Ontario Trout .. .20¢ a Ib. Market Cod . 10e a Ih) Haddies, Kippered Herrings, Steak Cod ... ... i%%e 4 to 18e) Fillets, Saguenay Salmon, Perch Fresh Muckerel .. .. ..15¢ a 1b.( and Pike. DOMINION -- in uniform and headed ny the Citi- zens' band; these wii form the guard | hip, aged nineteen, die of honor to the town park . where |of being thrown from a loaded man-| money between the spring and the} they will be joined by the local troops | Ure 'spreader and run over by its|miattress before = he of Boy Neouts and high and public | rear wheels. school pupils who wil form escort reported as being on tle Olympic; mulated, the London Daily Mail says, | 20d = Turkington was distharged. seed) which is expectea to dock at nana] py eid an Wilson's or yh Crown attorney J. L. Whiting ~con- receive the krish-Amenican delegates. | ducted the prosecution. Sena nson, nia, is eats Jon of the Senate|tis night arm Said that in December progressive leaders for the lican nomination for Methodist a a rebuke y ev, i The party { Thomas for not having read the in- | rooming house of Edith Best on the Will" be met wt the dail Road wharf !|dustrial report: to the last senoral night of December 10th. An old A by the local bfanch of the G.W.V.A.|conterence: Raymond Shaw, Chatham town Turkington slept on the floor. Plain- d.as a result tiff bad $200 and he placed this} The management committee of ing the plain Calitor-| Walker; the plaintiff, who is minus last, he was employed as a fireman on the steamer Joyland, Turking- President In ton was also employed on this steam- Toronto | ¢F. Hrnest n of Jayme Plaintiff told of staying at man Shared the room with him, and retired. for the party through the town, At the Toronto Board of Education de-| under the mattress. #He was half, {cided in favor of coatless boys in |asleep at the time, She park a. formal mddress of wei the dispute arising at Harbord Col-| he nd at his wad had disappear- legiate" Institute. The morigagees of the London |ing, Walker said Turkington had and Lake Erle 'Traction COmpany {sean the money he had, and hadall made the remark, 'I would like to come will be presented by Mayor Wilson. The local manufacturers and merchants have been hsked . to ebserve from 10 to 12 o'clock nova that day if possible, The children will all march trom their have accepted an "offer school Imyomas of $26,000. for | all ed, and Turkington: was also miss from SL Rel | kuock you down for that.' SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 Be-Hi tween 3 and 3 o'clock in the morn- ff felt a hand going li In. the morning} SATISF ACTION cu Sd 08 of all kinds, including marine, LAE. WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brook 81. I. I. LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 property 4n that elty. Under the cross-examination of] ; : y respective schools at 10 am. ace Th Turkish o delegation! ut ' companied by their teachers. which roadbed: Toulon, France, oh Mr Higmey. Nalker sig that be has : L ws OR yo THER : r MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS FISH COMPANY | Canada Food Board License No. 90-8246. Joseph Lalonde, who went over. Wednesday, has arrived t Paris to couple of of liquor. He said 63 BROCK STREET fons with the 156th Battalion and | ger the Turkish peace te There] there was considerable "booze". on retumed several months ago, bas i decided to locate shortly in Fort ne Sliial tecepLion, co that a We Steamer on which he had been William. n; the . Miss Greta Richardson, eldest Beri gon mar iho oPernunk 0 the | "ie." Rigney. thought It was ruther daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam! June 4th and is presumed to have] Queer that Walker, on feeling a hand Richardson, Front of Leeds . and'peen lost with all hands. going under the mattress, did not Lansdowne township 4 few miles| Handley-Page four-motored air-| tink about his money. - Walker | east of the town, passed away at the plane takes off from Newfoundland |5ald that he did think Turking- : home of her parents about 8 o'clock for a flight *aecross the Atlantie]08 Would steal his money, For Sale if} last evening after an illness of sev- Ocean some time around the full of | Mr. Rigney asked witness about oral jrsais a victim of tubercula |the June moon; which ocours on the a er). Secured from ..a Secondhand Ford Cars One light F ord truck, suitable for bakery business. The Winnipeg Police Commission "Did you steal the camera?" wsk- removed . Chigt. MacPherson . and {ed Mr 5 : ---- made Deputy Chief Newton acting fl Many Horses In Fields Overcome By chief li co; dence of the former's If the Heat. (Jocbing to Felidquish control of Hi Bloomfield, June 9.--After a week ! ili of heat and: dry weather fine rain fell! The O.N.R: express, which ett ll; on Saturday night which was greatly Pot Alhur or pefipio d » . | a¥ms One 1917 model Roadster. i || rood of the Bible Society. Many - horses were overcoine in the fields' All these cars are n A-1 condition and are Iv te intense Bois Tirls (he past sna for wick ers. : \ lil week. W. J. Gérow. and Jameson ps x ny : Young each lost \¢ Norse. | Sergt. mh, if} Thomas Jordan arrixed nome on Sat 1 ll] arday night last awd was welcomed /an Luven bros. by @ large pumber o\ friauds, ils Foot of Princess Street. i I} where he will still semain ju the « i anny. The road from Slouiheld to Mary | ellington is being graded which daughter of the luis James Trotter, ol ad THRE and of Mrs. 'Katharine Trotte. -45| io take $50 or any oth he pci iam Crack Sled uring | nied io matrimony to Kin EB. sunid: got 16 mks & Spas Jroek after quite a long ill-| yorvey M.D, CM, son Of lar. and] dis 4 ad oo a lutenent| airs," James: Harve, Keown, BC) wor Cone Up. | Is uniform day after * LRev. W. T. G. Brown was the oficiat- case of Charles M. Grass} The bride, Who was] charged with the theft of ome case that pleases; sends the kidd of whiskey from a C.P.R. {reigh NE 520 Payable Canada and New York. Yield 6 1-1% A £ Due any year, 1921 to 10984. BLOOMFIELD NEWS, fhe best martghice investment offering to-d ay. information. amount. Ask us for further during the past week. A Japanese i! student was here last Sunday and ool il spoke in the Methodist chu¥en in the ™ ow the war. Previous to this Le saw if} active service in South Africa. He will move his family to Kingston li] needed. * Seeding has beer completed Boston and Re be atia Wore or 'out and aispecial relief train hab been. overseas ined tie frst of Doct Corn and tomatoes are nbw being planted. A large amount of milk is ing . being received at the cheese factory. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry train, en ro from Tren 4 Montreal, I ois oe satisfied, anad hurries them aot again for more, | onto 'are visiting at H. Taylor's. I Mr, and Mrs, Elmef Christy | family, from Virginia, are' AH hs mother, 'Mrs; 8 this 'af ¢ Tgon, He pleaded "not sully, a is being defended by T. - Rign | or mired oso bre (AL 2.45 pam. the th Teturned vordiet of "not guilty." "11 Cents a 1 1-2 1b. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman w will all. 'Why is a Mistake To * Delay Y A: uy years out eventually. le--or a suit of clothes,