x THE DAILY BRITISH The DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE Co. Is noted for the dividends paid to policyholders. The fol- lowing is typical of dividends being paid this year : FIFTEEN YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY FOR $1,000.00 Issued 1904 Matures 1919. Age ... tes des ane 30 Premium Sum assur Ve ma ee ee Dividend '... ... .iis.viice .$67.55 '+i. $1,000.00 : 413.04 Ce ra ede Cash avallable ... ... (J, jv, 2 00s 0 ed 451,418.04 Buch remarkable results are worthy of attention. Ask us for rates at your own age, and examples of other maturities. The Dominion Life J.K. Carroll, District HAVE YOU - YOUR ~ SEEDS Pla If not, why not buy them from Hoag. We bave them in pack- age and bulk. HOAG'S Dmg Branch Post Office, Kingston Nesting--Mosdays at 130. Chapter, LOD, Sud and 4th Thursdays. When You Want An Auctioneer Store| 1.1. BEDFORD, (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R.) Office, G.W.V.A Rooms. Phone 2191w T0 CONTRACTORS BEAL)! TENDERS addressed to the SECM RY, Board of Education, Sydenham street, Kingston, Ont, and endorsed "TENDER FOR CATARAQUI PUBLIC SCHOOL, KINGSTON," will be recelved by. the. above board until 13 noon Friday, the 20th day of June, 1818, for the erection of & Public school in the City of Kingston. ne can be Pla, and: 'specifications seen pod form of tefider may be ob- tained at the office of Power, Son & Dever, Architects, Kingston; also at the office of the Board of Education. » The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Architects, 7 SPECIAL VALUE ATT 1Holbrook's Imperial Custard Powder, eack package makes 8 pints. of delicious custard. freon supply just recelved in alt vors, 60 'dog pack to sell at 2 paskages for 20c., at The Unique Grocery CH Hoge Rt Cor, Princess and versity. + Power, Son & Drever, 3 Merchants' Bank Chambers. n, Ont, PHOTO FINISHING AND SUPPLIES A. G. WILLIAMS FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE BY TENDER i ¢ _Star Fruit §& Candy Store srt JT 2a, es gai be received hy the une 00 of June Sth ext 3 NO, Kingston. house Seven rooms. and Nghted by electric purchasers are at liberty to property at any time, AB. Conninghitm, 79 A Ens Tenders LW Mme, Special {GRAND To-night, Friday & Sat. Goldwin Presents Clara Kimball Young 'In a Five-Reel Feature, The SAVAGE WOMAN 3 Big Vaudeville Acts--3 Comedies, News Weekly 'and Other Features. Daily, 2.30, Evg. at 7.30 10c & 15¢| 15¢ & 25¢ THURSDAY; JUNE 12; 1919. WANTED GENERAL. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT Skiff and tent. Apply Wiig Office. WANTED TO RENT & HOUSE AnovT seven or sight rooms. Apply 164 Princess street, WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE ROUSE in central locality: sent reasonable. Apply Box 1717, Whig Office, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO CONDENSED aDVERTISING RATES secutive inse . thereafter, cent word. one - 2Wey ingertions Boe; six 81) ome ¢ ANOR, xX 10, y HELP WANTED. A GIRL. APPLY AT THE HOTEL Royal. =~ RAND ALWAYS cooL .s Fri., Sat. The Girl With thé Bewitching Smile May Allison wn] Noe Castles in the Air A Metro Story With Laughs And a Tear or Two ALICE BRADY Ina Powerful Play "Woman and Wife" LIGHTNING RAIDER With Pearl White Pictares of the ' Arrival in Kingston, May Sist : THE R.C.H.A. Special Music by the Strand Orches- tra. By Request, Overture, "Jolly Robbers." Also; Baby Marie Osborne In i DOLLY'S VACATION FANCY IRONERS AT THE IMPERIAL Steam Laundry. A NURSE MAID. APPLY MRS, STAN- ley Graham, 136 Bagot. A GOOD COOK, $50; REFERENCES, Apply Bex X; Cobourg. A POOKKEREEPER AND STENOGRAP. her. Apply Lemmon & Sons, A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY WHIT. ney Hotel 29 Brogk street. WOMAN TO WASH AND IRON, ply at once, 34 Division street. AN ASSISTANT COOK AND A DINING room girl, Apply the Steward, Frontenac Club, for cash or in part Jom to het anos and grafono! WL - ey Limited, 121 Princess street. CUSTOMERS FOR NEW BAGGAGE transfer business, Prompt service. 11 Bros, returned sol- 437 Alfred street, hone WANTED--OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $50 per set. Send by parcel post and réceive check by" return mall, ¥. Terl, 403 N. Woife St, Baitl- more, Md. TEETH, $2 AP- FURNISHED HOUSE, FIVER rooms, for month of July; longer. Centrally ocated; Wiolfe Island would a gWer or city. Ap Ply '24 Frontendc street, somth, or Telephone 1706. OR.SIX probably AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC WITH $500, as partner in auto repair businegs, Apply Box 11, Whig Office, COOK GENERAL WOR SMALL FAM. by; references required; apply evenings, 13 Sydenham street. GIRLS FOR THE WORK ROOM, WE WI BUY YOUR SCRAP Ubber and rags. W kinds of bags, flour and. potato bags, for farmers and merchants. Nn & Company, 140 Rideau Phone 2067, Ls « Rose street, TO-LET, SINGLE FRONT ROOM, 213 Division St. ONE OR TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Apply 417 Johnson street. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Tooms. 'Apply 230 Barrie street, A LARGE GARAGE AND A GOOD stable. Apply 39 Tin street, ii bt FIRST ASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all provements; centrally locats ed. Apply 243 Brock street. FURNISHED © HOUSE FROM JUNE 15th to September 15th, In central local'ty. Phone 2131 or 1340, BATH FLAT. LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME or steadily---selling onr Buaranteed trees and plants. . Outfit free. Lib- eral commission, "Brown Brothers Company, Nursgrymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontario, Preresdestiriemeiersesies Light, pleasant work, Apply Miss MeCallum, N. ©. Polson & Co., On- tario street. GIRL FOR GENERAY, HOUSE. worg. Apply any evening before seven to Mrs. TT. J. Elliott, 35 Un- fon street west. eel = BOOKKEEPER, WOMAN WITH experience, position and pay. Write cane Box 106 Whig. All % communications strietly confldene + tial, * Seb dbedbdobdoted dh dedi dddid doe desde do deeds A GOOD LAUNDRESS, PLAIV WORK ; no laundry 'work: also girl for kitchen work: also assistant wait- ress; references. Good wages paid, Apply the New Dunham, Cobourg Xen STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; OLEAN and dry. apply B. E athen, 143 Nelson Btreet. Phone 18813, ga street, Phone ® 0 TORAGE Fou EURNITY 3 cCann's Ri Agency, 86 Brock NICE FRONT BED ROOM, ELECTRIC ¥ a light and ail convenience. Apply # WANTED AT oNeR 4 REFINED after 4 8¢ 6 Jenkins Street, or my 3 rel phone hi. 3 time, Ing $1 ¢ ¥ 0 DOUBLE. FRONT Srght snd tractive; a Jnodern © noes ply to Mrs, KE. Lytle, 245 Alfred strons, FAR AND : "Children pre nnd. b i mile Sut rel an Wood opiugt be' goo mil STORAGE FOR i APRY 200 Welling. | dry, ary ome; 10h strew pe SAWN t's oy, Queen st EXPERIENCED -- BOOKKERPIR for hae dan. Lop whe Ing age, refers ' 3 ed ry inl; Oare Hox 77, Whig. £3 : JAA dbp LARGE ONT ROOM or unfurnished; Neh housekeeping | ed. room on first vo Appl phone' 1903w, "ply YOUNG. MEN Who WANT D0 BR competent telegraph operators learn With experienced instru cellent op soldiers ag or tel AN FIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, tric light. gas for cooking, three soe room, garden and a cellar. Rent rp 1 Apply 87 Collihgwood street. or 1 8 and Hght. Apply, id neer A Ison Street. "Phone 1434w. nolo "you: STRAW ° HAT ON PRIN. cess street. Loser may have same: by calling at Whig Office, POUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything asd wishin do so By repontin, he acts The British Whig, adver tisement will be printed in this column free of charge, FOR SALE. HULL, 20 PERT X 4"FEET: APPLY 14 Patrick, between 5 and € pam. p ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI« ture. Apply Mrs. Carola Bochmer, 38 Clarence street. . DOUBLE SEATED COVERED PHAR. ton; eheap. Ran be seen at Mr, MacGregor's, 24 Russell street. WHEN YOU WANT THE CA BR see James Selby, Contractor, $18 University 'avenue, Phone 1896, ONE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE; Q0- cart and baby sleigh; all in g condition 428 Princess street. . ONE HORSE AND DOUBLE SLEIGHS, wagon and single Hares: also dump cart and harness, Apply 232 King street, stables, AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, sip covers, ete, 15 Loar at the pugs nga, Judson's Auto Tops, B o ville A ROLL A, LOST, OF BILLS, 820s AND $10's and some small bills, total between $180 and $200. Finder. return to 171 Raglan Road, or phone 695 and receive rewand, DENTAL, E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, office 250 Princess 'street. 6562, D,0.8,, DR. GORDON ©, 200 DEWAR, Princess streat, straet, DENTIST, near Montreal Phone 1878. PRS, £ r SPARKS AND. SPARKS, DENG late, 150 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 348. CARPENTERING; SEVERAL MOTORCYCLES IN GOON condition, also Columbia and Per. fect bicycles; all makes of bi- cycles repaired and to rent; also baby carriage tires put on 'while you wait." George Muller, 371-374 King street. Phone 1032w. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and skin b » all growths and ishes removed permanently, - out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, Turcut Tint Sein Spiers Vy Ton an n Spec Bagot street. y ANCIENT © RDER OF FORESTERS Count, British Oak, 9662. Will the members of the. above any members of the "ordey In' Kingston temporarily' or { nently, Kindly commiinicate with Bro. P. H. Sterry, 'Secretary, 262 Johnson street. This court has the proud. distinction that every mem- ber "hats "Servedl 'overséns, HIT but one, with ghe first contingent. LEGAL, B. OUNNI 4 and solicitor an ance ¥ ARCHITEOT POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH. LIVERPOOL, two furn-|' - ts, 212.314 Div.| tects, Merchants' Bank Corner, streets, Chamb, of, Brock "and Wallin ron % 4 ston FINANCIAL LONDON A G Fire Insurance oD ND Company. Available oe addition t- AND Phonef HEINTZMAN SWALL GRAND PIANO, mahogany case, new 1805; excel lent condition, Owner leaving city, hone 1126), & BLACK AND WHITE COL PUPS, bred from short h ie dogs. Phone 1108 r=5, Ceylon Robinson, Portsmouth, A SMALL FRAME HOUSE WITH Goon lot on Macdonnell street for $500. Easy permis, Apply J. K. Carroll Apeney, 56 Brook street. 3 ONE MeLAUGHLIN 8.45 SPRCIAL, one McLaughlin 645 régular, one Hght six McLaughlin and Olle Uhevpolet touring car. Apply vA MoeMahon, Angrove's Garage, 25 FOOT LOTS ON MACDONNEL Breet, fog $175. Terms $10 pray 19800 WILL ROY A perma.' "and $5 per -hionth, Apply J. KK Carroll Agency, 66 Brock street, LOT 98 ¥o frontage, with "barn, on Hagley road; also an organ for sale, chedp, Owner at 107 Queen street. GRAPHONOLA AND ed Your own choice, $34. cash, §1 per week, C, W. h, § Y + Limited, 131 Princess ut, 32 FOOT MOTOR LAUNCH, 25 cycle engine; engine and boat in on. Speed 14 m k RKabt, 116 Princess street, GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY the village of Seeley's or way dwelling and outbuildings, must rag ofr ther particulars, be y Joi Cameo ency, Bro 5. Street, § y AS i nk 8 ok i ---- 8 ROOM HOUSE, CORNER Divi) and Quebec streets; 7 ay fon front tie J.D, Boyd, oy Tre ------ i eres, Sent oo oo 0 LY, ! sf Piet ia -- Ls t on i 5 Bh ip 2 ALL KINDS op we HAVE ron 5A 0 con an 8 se . iture of, we Phone Theo BEAUTIFULLY FINISH New boro, lake; 2 adres of la: ia and gardan, 0 quarter out oak. stable and Era aT ome. No reasonable' offer * Views of this nro ¥ can be at office, Yad RKO Agency, 56 Biock Street, treet. Via refused, 7 155 ACRES op LAND, clay loam, 130 8 failing 'spring, Water to bag fen e barn and DO 51 5 also barn In situated in'the Lustoivn, a splendid hn Nt further ¥ J. - - a : Carroll Agency, 4 REAL ip