Full Dress Haberdashery That's Absolutely Correct " Full Dress Shirts" Full Dress Vests Full Dress Ties - Full Dress Collags Full Gloves Full Dress' Hosiery Thi No Full Dress Require- That You Cannot Fill Here ivingstons , | | BROCK STREET ._If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk WE CLOSE AT S P. M. & S martest | i Ll LLL on At the Grand. For to-night, tomorrow and Sat- urday a special hoteweather attrac~ tion of high-class photoplays and vaudeville has been secured for the feature for these days wili be "The Savage Woman," in which Clara Kimball Young and her own company will appear, In this picture the Sel- ect Pictures Corporation bas furnishs ed a role for the beautiful and tile young actress vastly differeiit from the Trequently chosen society [18 plays. "The Savage Woman' con tains many eldborately produced acenes, costly and marvellously stag- ed. A Charlie Chaplin confedy, the Pathe News and other films will be shown. 'Three acts 'of big" time vaudeville include Frank Morréll & Co. in.-a singing and {alking dct ot merit, Harry & Etta Conley in' comedy skit entitled "At the roms Roads," and Smith and Troy In a musieal act of piano and songs called "A Breege from the Phillipines." Advt. At Griffin's. who think themselves neglected by their hard working husbands, and who engage in more or less harm- Jess flirtations with other men, are embraced in the development of the story, "Let's Elope,"' the new stir- ring vehicle of Marguerite Clark, which will be presented at Griffids today, Friday and Saturday. Toe theme is a fascinating one and Ms treatment hy producer and star has been guided by delicacy and taste with superb effect. Mjss Clark Wears several stunning gowns in this picture, all of which will inter- est her women, admirers. Baby Marie Oghorne, known to millions of childeen as "Little .. Mary Sun- shine," will also be shown in her latest Pathe feature, "Dolly's Vaca- tion," wherein Baby Marie and her ttle colored playmate, Sambo, con- jure of dreams of spooks and Ingi- ana and horrid big beasts when they are lost in the woods. But she brings "Mumsy" and "Daddy" . to- gether again, stops the strike at the factory and causes = everything to end happily. This is a delightiul comedy drama in five amusing parts. Don't miss this programme. ~=Advt. At the Strand. May Allison, the beautiful young {Metro star, 'of "Castles in the Air," at ths Strand theatre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, hag. acquired new laurels, and is now considered the cleverest comedienne of the screen. After. a brilliant career on the stage the screen claimed the ai- === (tention of the rising young stat and ghe, became associated with = the Famous Players and was later star- red by the Ameri ighn- Mutual, Here she met Harold kwood. and. not {long after joined the: Metro forces, For some time Miss Allison Frying Mr. Lockwood Were cosstarred and then each hee an individual star. Miss Allison . has attained "the heights of fame. In uch © plays as "The Island of Intrigue," . "Peggy Her Darndest," "In. For Thirty Days," Her Inspiration' and. many others, "Castles in the Air" was ad- il apted from. the clever story by Kate HH peal. Advi: | Jordan, published in the Saturday Evening Post,' and is. a rare com~ {bination of humor and heart-aps VOTED FOR BEER, Bl cinescon Labor i lantie, N.J., Convention. { Three out of four Canadian dele gates to the American Federation of Labor convention at Atlantic City, HH N.J., voted with the majority' of th IH United States delegates in favor o bear, and wine licenses as against otal prohibition, according to al' ha despateh to the - Toronto a Kingston, Ottawa id Mont- 1, represented respectively bw es 4 for Wine and eos , The. -- ropto delegate, James, Simpson, 3 bominent Srebbicionist, "id {companied by Major McManus. He Grand Opera House. The five real! Salutary lessons to young brides] - Delegate at At} Messrs: Noble, Draper and auc, : Brig.-Gen. Williams visited Queen's Military Hospital on Wednesday, ac- saw etery patient individually. Yo tany he visited the Home for the Aged to see some old veterans there and to inquire into their ciresmstances. The local representative of the Military "¥" states that it: is not possible to give the soldier patients «jin Kingston hospitals automobile and fot boat trips because the money not 'available, 4s only hall of the objective was raised at the last eam- paign for funds; | He tivinks that thd people of Kingston who have cars should put them at the disposal of the soldiers and he will be glad to arrange the trips along with Capt: MeNabb; hospital chaplain. George "Young, the seeretary, took a party to Kingston Mills on Wednesday and] the men appreciated the trip very mush, They prefer going in groups. "Lieut. David L. | Bennett has been promoted to: acting adjutant, with the rank of Sapmin at Fort Henry. 88th Battalion, wil all members and &x-members of the 38th Battalion call Lieut. 8, 8. Kirby, at the Distriet Depot--phone 1644--Dbétwéen the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and after that at 142 Johnson street, phone 8337 KINGSTON TOWNSHIP 'YOUNG MAN DROWNED Frederick 'Q.. derson Lost His Life at Credit on Tuesday, A sad drowning accident occurred at Port Credit on Tuesday, when Fred- erick G. Henderson, aged eighteen} son of J. R. Henderson, of Kingstow| township, lost his life. . He was visity ing 'his 'uwhdle, Erhest 'Hust, and went to Port Credit about ten days ago. He is survived by his parents) one. brothes, James, and twa sisters, Mrs. Bert Thompson and Miss Olive who reside at home. = Mr. Milne, 124 Raglan Road, is an uncle; The body will be brought tg Kingston for in- terment. STANDING OF CLUBS, National League, Boston, 6; St. Louis, 4 Pittsburgh, 3; Brooklyn, 2. Cincinnati, 2; New York, 1. Chicago, id Philadelphia; 2 rr------ » League. Chicago, 8 i Boston, 0, New York; Tai poi, 0. 8t. Louis, 4. Philadelphia, 3. , "Washington, §; Cleveland, 3. £1 TT $1100 $300; 2.16: pace, $260; 2.40 Bass bats: Belleville, ont nad Mammon Fri i Ist. he to. the peni- and Max Leisohite ary wo 5 Steading - trunk and $3.0 yiro Kiso who hand ® se on Drap- er street, Forontd pour. 1 eidine took place at the h st ehurch, June 4th, when Myrtle Jean Hutton, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mts. James Hut- ton, became the wife of Stanley W. Caldwell, Solvay, N.Y. : #, Morrison, a 'special oT stable, shot th the during a a small bol in Winsipes i The White Goods i Section Will Show To-morrow a Broad Range of Sheer Materials, Cor- rect For the New Summer : 'Frocks xt X i ) The Low Prices Will Surely Make Them Attractive To- morrow Real | "English Voiles Sa pieces of very fine plain' chiffon ' voile; woven from the finest 1: Egyptian: icottop. : yarns, hard twist, round thread, an ar-/ ticle of real merit. Tomorrow 45¢c to $125 a Yard Novelty White Voiles and: Suitings 1000. yards of the Prettiest fovelty. yailss will be of--- ered to-morrow at prices that ¢ a real worth- while saving. . . The Yange, consists (of the following sheer materials: 4 36 IN. SATIN STRIPED VOILE 36 IN. FLAKED RICE VOILE. Eh IN. {ly PLAIL YOILL ii