Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1919, p. 6

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am ER na WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Watts In PAGE SIX - Ladies Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Men's Saits, Overalls, Underwear, Yewelery, Suitcases, ete. N. Morris, 374 King St. 179 Wellington St. Fresh i, flowers dally; funeral and wedding bouquets to order. Out of town orders given special attention. PHOTO FINISHING AND SUPPLIES A. G. WILLIAMS 171 Welllsgton St. Phone 40, THOMAS COPLEY t Makers of Hollow Damp- tles, an in Til also Grave Vaults. t And all kinds or Ornamental ent Work. Factory, cor. of "Charles and Pairick streets. Phone 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN ry tre New a or GANANOQUE | & (From Our Own-Correspondent.) June "1.~The funeral of the late Miss Greta M. Richardson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Front of Leeds and Lans- downe Township, was held from the family residence yesterday after noon to Grace Church, where Rev. W. 8. Lennon conducted service. Gananoque High School, of which de- was a pupil, closed to permit body. No. 2 company, Grace Church Girl Guides, of which de- ceased was an active member, at- tended In a body, as did also No. 2 company, Grace Church Boy Scouts. The remains were placed in the vault at Gananoque cemetery. The fol- lowing school mates acted" as pall bearers: Frank Henne, Donald Bracken, Charles Meggs, William Robinson, William Belfie and Hordce Gould. Quite a number of local Liberals; including Mayor W. J. Wilson, Dr. J. P. Sinclair and W. A. Peck, at- tended the Liberal convention fa Brockville on Thursday. The visit of Brockville troop of Boy Scouts, which was to have been yesterday, was postponed until Wed- nesday next John B. Gould, recently telurned from overseas, who has been spend- ing a few weeks with relatives in Cleveland, Ohia, bas returned to town. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick V. Skin- ner, who have heen spending part of their honeymoon at western points, arrived home on Thursday after- noon, A Pte. Clayton Van Allen, of Belle- ville, a former 59th Battalion man, ia spending a few days in town with friends. Mrs. E. J. Ryan, widow of the late Chief of Police Ryan, who has been spending several mouths with rela- tives in the Southern States, has re- turned to town for a time. FOR SALE We hike 's large number of Military Tents Pte. J. J. Kerr, of Lansdowne, a former member of the 59th Battal- fon, is spending=h short time with local friends. Mrs. Bryson, of El- gin, spent a few days this week with friends and relatives in town. Mrs. D. H. Stunden, Wellington = street, spending the past few weeks with relatives in Toronto, returned home Bell and Marquees for kale, cheap \ I. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 Arter re ns Made a Fine Record. Picton, June 14.--~Two small boys Jack and David Cole, sons of Dur- ward Cole, Green Point, ten 'and twelve years of age; one day fast week swam from ithe Prince Edward shore, Cole's dock, across the bay to. Adolphustown shore without a stop. The bay at this place is thres quarters of a mile in width. The on Thursday . Miss Helen Mabee is at Lake Cou- chiching as one of the. representa- tives of McMaster College at the Y. W. C. A. convention. Of InteFest to Plano Owners. W. P. Flynn, expert plano tuner of C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Kingston, will be in Verona and district, June 17th, 18th and 19th. All orders left with E. M. Revell, Verona, will receive prompt attention. Mr. and Mrs. German I. Bailey, Stirling, announce the engagement of their daughter, Maude Clara, to John Gay Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler, Belleville, the ner boy theug t he could swim ack to Prince Edward again with- Out & stop. Some swimmer. . J. Galli ville, bi RSE Sie. wl OUR BUYER has just re wii A Scare marriage to take place quietly the last of June.' 0 Quite a large number were in swimming at Macdonald Park on Friday } 1 Ba : * Ww. ay students and teachers to attend in alg THE WuALD'S NEWS "IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From All Over Told in al Poinwg and Pithy ay. ---- Advices from China indicate that he Jap 'boycott may develop in10 an' anti-foreign movement, Maple Leaf Milling Company had Profits of $929,105, compared with $1,021,266 the previous year. The newspapers have resumed pib- {ication In Buenos Afres. This is their first appearance for thirteen ays. 3 Ofliclil 'Word has been received that King Albert of Belgium = will Take his visit to America in Aug- St. The British War Office has issued a denial of the report from Stockholm that British troops are advancing on Petrograd. : A meeting of the City League was held on Friday night and made final arrangements for the opening game at the Cricket Field to-day. Some of the Parisfan society people are acting as strike-breakers in Paris, Baron Henry Rothschild has been act Ing as chauffeur on an auto bus. Enumeration for the coming refers endum on prohibition is to be com- menced within the next two weeks in the larger cities of the province. No less than-300 special trains will be run to Toledo, Ohio, for the heavyweight contest between Demp- sey and Willard on the 4th of July. Railroad telegraphers throughout the United States are ordered to refuse to handle messages from the Western Union and. Postal Compan- les, whose 'employees are on strike. The bodies of Frank L. Sharp dnd Joseph Higalach, prospectors, have been found, with several billet olde in them, in the Rocky Mountains, 170 miles west of Hudson's Hope: foul play is suspected. By unanimous vote, the congrega- tion of Kew Heack Presbyterian church, Toronto, decided to issue a call to Rev. J.. A. Cranston, M.A, Fort William, fo become pastor of thelr church. The stipepd was fyled at $3,000. 3 A federal court of commerce, in- dependent - of political Interfereiice, and with full powers to inquira into profits and prices, will probably be recommended by the parliamentary commission now investigating the cost 'of living. g dc ind Presentation at Desért Lake. Desert Lake, Jane 13. A pleasing event 'took place Thursday evening, June 12th, on the spacious lawn of H, E. Bauder, when friends and neighbors gathered to welcome home three returned soldiers, viz., Ples. C. Hughes, BE Morey and G. Blackhurst. At ten o'clock the tables were spread and all sat down to a sumptuous re- past. A. splendid programme was given . Sydney Keech vecupied the chair. - The crowd was honored by an interesting speech from each of the soldiers, who related some of their thrilling experience while serv- ing in the great war, A very fit- ine address was read by Mrs. Van A Fas. After which the Misses S. Drader, M. Hawley and ams presented each of the returned men Deal To Every Man jin With a handsome rocker on behalf of Lthe community. SEE : =; were filled brought up for Belleville, - June 12.<-We. have all heard of the goose that laid the golden egg and then lost her life be- cause "of her master's cupidity in wanting to discover the gold mine: Mr. Nicholas Hill; whose home Js on the 1st concessio: has a goose that has never figured in any of the books of fables or gold- en egg' epjsodes. She is just a plain kind of white goose, and lays just the plain kind of 'white eggs with which we are all familiar. But in these days of the H. C. of L. she is something of a gold mine just the same. Here is her record of per- formance for 1919 up-to-date, which is vouched for and verified. On ary 12 last she began business operations and Iafd her first egg. At regular intervals in the suc- ceeding days she laid others until the number was twelve. She was duly asigned the task of incubation, and hatehed nine downy goslings. For four weeks shé gave a fond goose care to her brood, and then decided that they weré old enough and well trained enough to look after them- selves. Anyway she appeared. to feal- triotic goose was production. So in the latter part of April she touvk a loving farewell of her interesting iittle family turned a few goose sieps and started to lay more. On this second lap one dozen more fine eggs were deposited in the nest dnd then she expressed a desire to proceed with the work of incubation. Mr. Hill, by this time, however, had cone to the conclusion that it was a gross waste of time to have this nro- litic songster doing nothing more sensational than merely sitting on eggs, second dozen. and divided them up between two Plymouth Rocks who were willing to take a few days off to lidtch goose eggs. But the white goose was stil en- amored of the thought of the high cost of living and what she might do to mend matter. So last week she again started to lay, and up to the hour of going to press she has pro= duced two more beautiful white eggs cn the beginning of the third round. THE THREATS IGNORED. bmi The Ratlway Services Were All Well (Canadian Press Despatch.) Winnipeg, June 14.---It Is stated ize that the great task of every pa-|*® di Burial--He arning to Boys. Toronto, Juge 14. --Contrary toll the 'usual custom, Frank McCullough {| was not immediately buried in "mur derers' row" in the east jail yard. | is body was buried yesterday after- [Ji Noon at two o'clock in the Jail yard. A funeral service such as is rarely tough: Given Or-|| Sounds a {10,000 Pounds Ceylon and indian Teo h 55e. Ti: at 50¢, This sale ocers an rtuni BoSE ten at a saving of 25 per fy 1 houshoesite $e Wy ta given a murderer was condueted by ji Rev. Mr. Nelles, and was a simple} one, just the same as if McCullough had died a natural death. "Have you anything to say?" usk-|l ed the deputy sheriff, speaking to Me- Cullough before the hanging. "No," replied the condemned man, "except that I would like it known that Frank MeCullough"s death is a warning to { | Bathing Caps and other boys who start op the wrong path in life." , FLEE WEST TRYING TO RETREAT. * +» Sa % (Canadian Press Despatch) # % _ Stockholm, June = 14.--A # #% British squadron is bombard: # % Ing the Bolshevik base at # + Kronstadt with heavy guns. # # The Holshevik batteties are # 4 not réplying. It fis reported # that the Bolsheviki are trying & % to evacudte the town. i * * rt ---- NOW "THE BIG FIVE." : Japan Has Been Included in the War Cou Parls, June 14.---Baron Makino, Japanese delegate, to-day joined P miers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando and President Wilson and the council known as the Big Four will hereafter be styled the "Big Five." * The decision adding Baron Ma- Mr. Hill' therefore fook this kino to the Couneil is explained by the fact that his government must be given an opportunity for full com- ference #f full adherence is expected. His entry into the Council meeting Water Wings SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. oe ud 3 Po ROCKPORT NAVIGATION 00. LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. . STEAMER MISSISQUOL 5 Effective Muy 1st, 1010. Daily, § Lv. Kingston .' " * ay Ar. Cape Vincent . Lv. Cape Vincent i » Special accommodation for Automobiles. $3.00; touring or other ears, $4.00. Close connections cent with N.X.C. lines for all N.Y,C. points. Phoue 21 to-day necessitated re-arranging thel. entire réply, article by article. gates as yet are unaware of the ex- ed them. 4 of the German delegation informally that neither the present delegation that the meeting yesterday of train- men who yoted to strike at six o'clock last evening, was unauthorized, and The/ Brotherhood issued a statement stating that the action of the meeting waa illegal. : nor the present Government will igign, but they look for the Immedi- treaty. - 80,000 MARKS REWARD housh the Winnipeg sity sou. cil igno the threat made by the radical elémient of the Engineers, join in the general strike at six o'- clock last night, if an understand ing were not given to reinstate the no J E railway companies. city police, the council's action had serious - eonsequences for the es. A crew could ed 'for the Transcona+ train, but with the excep~ I this train the railway ser- vicos were carried out as usual. Several firemen failed fo report on duty on some of the Canadian Paci: fie way trains, but their places by tien who had been such an emergency, : and the trains for the east and west turned from Toronto. He has pured for you the latest styles in Summer. Wear. The . Veterans' Clothing Co., buys for cash direct from the manufacturer --eliminates, the profits of the travellers and jobbers and gives them to you.--Qur Business is Growing There's a Reason. : got away on schedule time. Firemen's and Tralnmen's Union toi St Offered by Bavarlans Yor Capture [1 Zurich, June 14.~The Bavarian Government has offered a reward of 30,000 marks for the capture of 'the Communist leader Leévien, the only member of the Munich Soviet who has escaped arrest. from Munich says it is presumed that Levien escaped into the Tyrol Jor the Swiss mountains. » The name of Levien figured pro- minently some time ago newspaper despatches , colicerning the Munich Soviet regime, of which Ley: as said t | member 4 presw il Levien 'in reality was Levine Nissen, 'leader of the Munich Communist faction and editor of the Red consequence d by the popular the pro-Japanese " he government, the A hanened, aid the Brod. \ ih Chang, has also. int mated his Intention to guit omc Is anticipated that parliament big be vir. |! The Bavarian Government offered & reward of 10,000 marks for the capture of Levine Ni I middle of May, and he was made Drisoner, tried, wenténced to death and executed at Standelheim = early in June, according to' despatches from various sources. : | GREAT MEETING HELD In London to Popularise the League LT" of Nations. The attitude of the German dele- |} gation on the signing of the peace {il treaty is not clear, because the dele- i on the prospective changes, believe [i : < fate Installation of a radical Socialist [f Nd hot Jouve their Darts {administration which will accept the Hi A despateh [i act' nature of "the instrument they ji are called upon to ratify, owing to [| the conflicting earlier reports on the Jl extenit of the modifications accord-)} The, French, who alone have an op- |i portunity of sounding the members |} B. Bb : Is uniform day after day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to schoo] satisfied, anad hurries them home again for 11 Cents a 1 1-2 Ib. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman will call. Nissén in the) inf. the } One light Ford truck, suitable for bakery One 1917: model Roadster. +. All these cars are in A+] condition and are ; snaps for quick buyers. Fi oid iE x % sa de

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