OPERA The DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE Co. G R A N D ws : Is noted for the dividends pald to polieyholders. The fol- : ( )- lowing is typieal of dividends being PAI This your T NIGHT FIFTEEN YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY FOR $1,000.00 ? Bsued 1904 - Mat 1919. . Goldwin Presents Bie sae we seals Fea al vd 55 3 Bi assured: eee Premiom aisoses | Clara Kimball Young FN es Ser ae WEE A Dividend ... .. ovis vino 0 sl de ass 418.08 In a Five-Reel Featare. 7 Cash available ... rea ewhisae es $1,418.04 Buch rémarkable Tesuits are worthy of attention. Ask us The SAVAGE WOMAN for rates at your own age, and examples of other maturities. 5 WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR Fo The Dominion Life Assurance Company {> 0:8 Vaudeville Acts--3| "ir otradion® toi. | "IFT SAN, TB, FORD BUNK SANT. AVFLY 30% WING WE. Hin Apply Box 126, Whig Office, FOlU JND - PE Comedies, News Weekly and Other| 202¢ issertism, Shree WANTED T6 RENT AT One mors, ULL, 20 FEET FEET. APPLY 14 J. K. Carroll, Disteiet Manager, 58 Brock Hs y rr ¥ Boos - 1) ome month. $2. A enn Joely Font radians : Patrick, between 5 and § pan. L Ap Office, 3 i ply Box 1717, ALL KINDS 0 HUUSEROLD FURNI. 3 w. DHAND | UPRIGHT. Piive ATOR CAP OX Daily, 2.30, Evg. at 7.30] mse wawmn. | ooons gr A or cash or I a he. wecedve jit at 103 Raglan ron, boii Road. JPOUBLE SEATED CO _-- = CW 10¢c & 15¢| 15¢ & 25¢ FANCY IRONERS AT THE IMPERIAL]. ian, ted princes" I Aha re ERED PHAR. ; . A, roi MacGregor's, 34 Russell stron. 17 HAVE YOU BOUGHT ey este) ~ISTRAND A con PLAIN COOK. APPLY WHIT | A EI E-ROOMED in READY FORNISH. POUND. ARSICLED ADVISES re camnizR, ee ood month of July. Apply - 24 Fron- cart and baby siel YOUNG LADY CLERK. PERMANENT temac street; south. Telephone TISED FREER. condition. 8 A Ee BT = Jos os ion. Apply the College Book 1708. Y O UR ALWAYS cool tore, CUSTOMERS ~ FOR NEW BAGGAGE A finding anything snd era Tote; CSIR SUF RISERS R MOWAT. APPLY trénsfer business. Prompt service. wi to reach the S owner may renid urs,, Fri, Sat. ha To the djetitian, Mowat Apply Rothwell Bros. returned sol-{} @o n cts 19 ve 2 pe. Brock SEEDS Ta AY ALTON fr ets | Ee | TLES AN ASSISTANT LOOK ARD A INING pura, Dred trom shor aired cols oom vy e Wi 5 s Ss. one 1108 r- Ceylon C A S th A IR na ub, ' WANTED-OLD FALSE TEETH, obin 50 orem in e Frontanag £1 don't matter if broken. I pay $5 =" RP outh 3 . A Metro Story With Laughs And hy «APPLY $50 per set. Send by parcel post so not, ce ¢ Bava thom 1a Son A ucti oneer n Tear aughy A HY amphi. 5 bmi and receive dheck by return mail : ONE MeLAUGHLIN 6-45 SPECIAL, . or Two F. Terl, 403 N. Wolte St. - ot ALICE BRADY Lu TeEt, Bf phone 11 -- more, Md. ase. St, Da LOST. nr, on COOK GENERAL FOR SMALL FAM. one Chevrolpt touring car. A A St In a Powerful Play ily: references squirted; apply | FURNISHED HOUSE, FIVE OR A ROLE OF BILLS . AND 810s RA. McMahon, ey ov holy H L. BEI YF( JR D, rooms, for month of July; probabil " 29 evenings, 13 Sydenham street. and some small bills, total between (Returhod solder, late of C.MR.) Woman and Wife -m hs longer. Centrally Joeated; Wolfe] $130 and $200. Finder retarn B J Office, G.W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2191w FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN EXPERI. Island would answer or city. Ap- 171 Raglan Road, or phone €95 and FOOT LOTS ON MAD P Office, Kingst v P LIGHTNING RAIDER ence unnecessany, 3150-3200 month: pls 24 Frontenac street, south, or receive reward. Street, for $175. Terme 30) y iy; write, send stamp. Railway, 'eléphone 1706. --- and $5 month. A n PUBLIC NOTICE Sosdiar' ai Petr] White Care Whig' : WL THE PARTIES WHO REMOV-| Carroll Agency. 66 Brock sired, Applications will be received by ihe | PEC tures of the Arrival in BR SORAR ed the bicycle from the verandah goed a Kingston, GIRLS FOR THE WORK ROOM, of 48 Patrick street, on Wednes- . June 17th 1 - an oi Mire Tor the May 31a Light, pleasant work. Abply Miss SE day night, please réturn same 10/3800 WILL BUY A LOT #8 roor cation GE GarethKer Of the Richards THE R.CH.A. MeCaitim, N.C, Poison & Oo One| feed avoid fdrther trouble, Ms they are! frontage, With Dark Paton ay ths Tet of O tario iv reet. » PIs, Jor and Joerchants. known. read; alse an ovgan for sale, pry Give recommendations and state sale street. Phone 9087. Fe ean Owner at 107 Queen street. a Sanaa, City Clerk \ AN EXPERIENCED MAID WHO OAN z FOR BALE. 0 do plain cooking, No washing or 3 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND Kingston, June 1 14th, 1919 i oa rion £ or thorough-sweeping; , A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY Selections: Your own choice, $84. : in family} no children. - Phone. ii, AGENTS WANTED, A oMINION BRIRESS MONE) | Terms 36 saan 31 pu Ber weok CW! . ! where, dindeay, od, 121 Princess St. AN a GBVERAL MAID I ANTED, Goon AGENT RECENTYL NTLY WRITERS "SHCUR. unpaid taxes due the towns iin cook: m e-aged WOomA! n urs, making! oRD TOURING CAR AND ONE FORD F of Kingston must be paid on or aiy SEALED TENDERS uddre ed io the preferred. No washing or ironing. 3 LY Introducing Roadster, both tn wood Shape, Ap-| A GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY IN ROR AR at Hoard cation, s One in family. Apply in evening, History of World War." Canadian ply to Box 68, Odessa, C the village of Seeley's ay ith fore the 24th of duns 1919. Sydenham st ton, On { | Mrs, Giidersiceve, 199 King street. dition: Sahddian Suthorship; Can- ole" 1% Sad Shthulidings, mupt t * IRARS rsed RNB RCA ShraRAGET h publishers reat opportu | LoTs AND 881 ALFRED urther particulars. . H : PES EXPERIENCED STICKER HAND; ity, returned soldiers, students. streeet: ay No. 922 York street. Ply J. K. Carroll Agency, 6 Prock Collector, BUHL SCHOO Ro }-be ; bést wages and steady work for Taher, others. Special terms: Particulars on application to Miss street. noon Frida. 0 day of June JE a 85 suitable man; also young man to paid; credit. Outfit free. Adams, 252 Alfred street. FRAME HOUSE FOR hg for on Bn OY Pubiio school ¢ f dearn to run sticker. ke Mfg. Winston Ow. Toronto, J 3 1 3 0 rs A SUMMER COTTA in phe City df Kingston. , \ £ head of owland Ave. To A NUMBER OF YEARLING BARRED that part of ek mn hE, aN and specifications oan be 4 ronto. " Rock laymg hens, to make room "hy oy SALE BY TENDER |sofitihs to, ecioraaions,, can be POSITIONS WANTED. Ror Calter: hata Siren, rer on, oe Beush tained at the office of Power, Son & . : py 3 sults shown. Apply 23¢ Barl 1. Dedr 8 ven hy Drever, Architects, Kingston: alse St ho» IF $15 TO $25 A DAY SELLING THE [A POSITION BY A WIDOW WOMAN street. n a hders Ld, be recetved by. the un- | the.offiee of the Board of Education. sl easiest operated and best con- &8 housekeeper; the country pre- Bround floor, na & bedrooms, & Sralgned um Of June 16th next! The lowest or any tender may not structed starter for Ford cars on ferred. Apply Box 136, Whig Of- yn room and tober room on oe or © ame' dxehine house, 'No. 41] necessarily be Bocepted. q market interests you, write to-day fice, AUTOMOBILES--ONE ~~ MeLAUGHLIN rit floor. Price for cottas: age, com « The house | Power, Son & Drever, Architects, for complete information. Auto- I, one Royal Mail Roadster, Plelely furnished and with dishes, nian ee routs, ana bathroom. Merchants' Bank Chambers. p IT It ware Corporation, Windsor, @at. two Chevrolets, three Fords and Doar ey verre Bi BL and y io t. n= | Kingston, Ont. : L°4% : TO-LET. two trucks. Apply sfier § p.m; A tending purchasers are ut iiberty to ne 8 : 218 University, Phone 2160w, just $1,500. Far further particulars spect the propent: an: | uve MAN WANTRD-SPARE TIME .---- apply to H. M. Ryan, Newburgh, Property at any time. oc steadiiy--selling our guaranteed | SINGLE FRONT RooM, mv FLAT. | Somer RESIDENCE, NO on A.B. Cunnl x ! trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib. I 152 Untvetaiy av posite nn ly ) H Clarence greet, mmission. Brown Joiners FURNISHED AND = UNFURNISHED a ty ay Tor | BATEMANS REAL L ESTATE AGENOY Ingaton, hs Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontarle. Tooms. Apply 230 Barrie street, AB cun ROYAL N.-W. MOUNTED POLIOR Let. AS Hota PY $2000-BRICK VEN RECRUITS i TOA LARGE GARAGE AND A "GOOD New ack VENEER BEAGALOW, | \,L The term of Engagement 1s as fol- - ¢ d THREE TON TRUCK OWNRR To] _ SWbIS Apply 39 Bim ¥B HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF (a) For three years' service. . > : Daan) Jelaspar i dle; late Tats A FURNISHED ROOM FOR A GEN- Second hand - furniture and |$400--LOT, J Joo FOOT FRONTAGE ON° (b) For Ex-members, one years sers 3 § trips per: day. Three months, Seman, centrally located, Apply Hove' Xny Bardon having Savet Maucdonell street, near Johason, of vice aE hit be British subs Fi» work guaranteed, Apply to Am- OX J-13, Whig Office. pose of, We Ww! jects. intelligent, active, able-bodied rican tonsul of thoroughly sound const n, = Ss WH, AL nae ARES om ARLE, Lit 0 TO Sn, FR se rmres mo 0 WO! ¥ Sop reliabie Te , naan J Bro REL to Yearly arm FE HOUSE FROM JUNE a nable price. Also gas plate Boden; a nts, Tae Sable persons i an " tract, Free house, milk, vegetables 15th t mber 15th, In central wiih ree large size burners, gas Heor ood write either the En and wovd. ust be g5od milkers| 10CBNty, Thome FIL of 1040; Ape 1s 169 Shuace paratively new. trance. "Besutlfl Fed reste i tn language. lave some knowleds hel § Also: Baby Maric Osborne' ang mlougher. Apply 203 Welling= | * = 1307 oe whone and managem. ton BIPOeL. «7 ;.. STORAGE Fom ases_nmIcK House, IMPROVE. rae 4nd be vet te DOLLY'S. VACATION I NOL. ADL WAR | smvenar MOTORCYCLES IN GOOD minimum height ls § feet § | THREE OR' FOUR ENERGETIC AND n Phone 1302). gondition, slso Columbia and Per. s MILES whom ches, the minimum chest measure- reliable returned men wanted t font hey kes of bi AR Ton ana who, + Hakielt TTD ons for the "Can: STORAGE FOR Em a Bn . paired "ina to rent; slso : one Per nen The rates of pay are as follows, - position and "bora commission. and ary 'ge Tou 0" WALL + Gsorie Maller, 371-374 | 180 WELLINGTON, PHONE stow. ¢ | commencing from lst Pay 'Special 1919: : Apply E. R. ing str one 1032w, Hotel, Monday from ten to twelve Wo ¥y highest prices. J. Thom aon 8500--BRICK HO Ooms; rings guAss n 38 Princess Street. Phone 1 all FR A floory a Jp Dea ents: i stily oan - and stable. oa i ' ij E zs g DOUBLE FRONT = ROOMS, bright and Sutraetive; 2 Dodern {A BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED 8 ROOM- convendences. Apply to EB ed house in Newboro, overlooking YOUNG MEN Who WANT BE Lytle, 248 Alfred Street. ine: 3 acres of land, pleety A wood- mpetent telegra erators leary Constables, 1st PAT = : AE indo pr abereton STORAGE FOR mo Jone sn iook dnd In and eraen, i ps 1.60 00 CGellent Sppantus iy for rebienad ary, al roomy; yous le ' 8 a ' own Joel 2nd dierg deman Fars $1.55 : s ; . eran; day oy Suman EE ueen atrost. oe 8 See 89. Views of this p oy youu ; 3 ese Apply Metrvar third at office. Apply T x Carroll wor 2 8060 { Fook Army end Navy. Buildin ne, Agency, 56 Brock Street. an Ath d : FOUR water a d near Sh A - ne : er an ne! Ap. pi Years HE JE ply' Clarence Ohambora, Mar. ACRES OF LAND, i Bi: loam, 120 acres tillable, AN x for fue. hy never dant te ov ARS er SeetaJr Phone Na. 3 Tabling spring. windmill inh : Water to barn and house, and wire rd pay -- » a Ci on En ay fencing, ood outbuildings with other: Artem: oar : FRONT ROOM FURNISHED barn ana ® and wire. fencing, Members of the force are SE a : Me Applicants: have or unfurhished: convenient ouwnulldings with cement free rations, a free kit of . Hght housekeeping; also two furn- also good tenant house and 0 Doria et as on _- eh pcr ished rooms on frst Roor. Apply n connection. This farm is Yea situated in the Township of Adolp- Phone 1803w. hustown, a splendid farming acts tion. For further particulars. - hi SUT le douse Kegan Bly J. K, Carroll Agency, 86 Brook or cooking . iy, Ro Fata Phone 143 a i : PERSONAL AUTOS_TRACTORS MiG el hear rom sats i EEE ONORTHO YOR ous xs {rotor men. Olde] UE : ond Te to i, Aan of Felisble school in' USA SR a, Br Te ia] peor Dig at Hh re lt De Big ifs paws el ---------- oY rae ds ite State Rio "Sono, 51 94 a 10 REST, PASTURE FOR ENE