SECORD SECTION c= = Superior Ice Cream Parlor We serve the very best and purest of ice QUICK SERVICE; NO WAITING Home-made Chocolates. and Candy fresn made every day. 204 Princess St. Phone 648 McLaughlin's Old Stand that has just closed, which demon- strated the irresistible . force of splendid traditions. "The call of the blood same to You and you went forth--#sotts, brothers, --husbangs-- hl obedience to that call." Referring 10 those who died of were killed in, battle, he deciarsd that tiey brought imperishable Elory to the ooliege, | for "no greater honor can any mat have than that a man lay down his life for his friend." The cadets had always been true to the traditions. 4 Indeed, it was necessary to restraiy the noble impulses of many in theis desire to be early at the scene of action. "Could the most demos tratie oppotient of titles deny hon- ors to suth mén as 4hese?" asked {the speaker. Their record is one of which all may be justly proud. Buy We can best show our thanksgiving by iting up to the important messy age of this hour: "Go to your féllow men and say that money and posi- ition are not the greates: things in lite, for what shall it profit a man it (GOVERNOR'S PARTY MET BY OFFICIALS They Were Received At 10.40 0'cock on Say Morsng, "I never thought I'would let my ; ------ BN f A name be used in connection with'a medicine, but if # had not been for ATTENDED IN BST. GEORGE'S : OUATHEDRAL AT 11 AM. Tanlac I would still be a sick wo- man, and I feel that I ought to try to help others by telling them about it," sald Mrs. J. F. McKenney, who resides at 31-32 Cedar avenue, Min- neapolls, recently, In a statement in which one of the benefits receive, Bishop Bidwell Was the Preacher The Cathedril Was Crowded--A Drive About the City in the After. noon and Tea With W. F. Nickle, 14 gain the whole world and Tose Mp. this own soul" He directed the at- His. Excellency. ithe. Governor- |iention of those yet in college to the General arrived in Kingston at great heritage and begged them to described 4s a gain of seventeen pounids. stand fast. The message of th 10.40 a.m. on Sunday by service, epitomised ; o GAINS. 17 POUNDS Eats What She Pleases and 8 Like a Ohild Now, iow Bie 0) : ys Minneapolis io Woman. PARMELEE'S VEGETABLE SPECTAL VALUE Holbrook's Imperial Custard Powder, eack package makes § Pints of delicious custard. « Fresh supply just received in all flavors. 60 doz packages to sell at 2 pagkages for 2bc., at Tm mide, Grocery oC 3 le Princess and University. BORDEAUX to control POTATO BLIGHT ¢ "I had been suffering from stom ach trouble for five years," she con tinned, "and had almost despaired of ever getting relief. My appetite was very poor, and I always suffer- ed so much pain in my stomach af- ter meals I had gotten almost afraid to eat 'qnything. My food Attractive surroundings, combined with excellent food 'well prepared, makes this restaurant the ren. dezvous of the best people in 5 Gallons . . Fertilizers For: -40¢ License No. 85-2183 -- wonld ferment and the gas from it would press on my heart until I would just have to fight for breath. I often had nervous, sick headaches, and was very dizzy at times. 1 special | train and was met by Mayor H. W. | Newman, W, F. Nickle, M.P,; Lieut.- Col. R. EE. Kent, George Wright, N A. Smith and 8S. 8. Corbett, compria- Holy to the will of God." ed by Dean Starr The cathedral wag crowded, Was "obedience Communion wag administer- andy GARDENS, LAWNS, FLOWERS, towus--people who understand and appreciate what good eat- ing is. In service; 100, we ex- cel. 'No small part of the en~ joyment of a meal is the way it is served. You will be sutis- In Packages, 25c, 50e, 75¢, $1 many hundreds of people who eould fled with the way we serve Hot gain enfrance fined the streets, you. . Grand Cafe ing the finarce committee of the city couneil; Brig.«Gen. Williams, during the two a j MW' service, wait- G.0.C. M.D. No. 3; and. Bnig.-Gen. {ting to get a Slimpse of gg Perreau, commandant of the Royal: cellency the Duke of Devonshire, Military 'College. His ' Excellency | for whatever their views may be re- was accompanied by the Duchess of specting titleg in general they are intensely Joya Devonshire and his two daughters, [jee ¥. loyal to the orev. aud 1 [ore pleased to see Th t Lady Dorothy and Lady Rachel, of Devonshire a man the Duke Eherton, Lord Richard Nevill, {whose ability and attalsments in. aptain Lord Haddington, Captains and Me their fullest tonfidence, ; ' whose unswerving adherence to Miller and Cater, A.D.C's. vi The party drove direct to St | British institutions and Britist jus- George's Cathedral to attend the tice marked him as the worthy re- presentative of His Majesty in Cane service of thanksgiving for ths safe return' of the ex-cadets of the Royal ada. As The party drove, to the Royai Military College, at -the conclusion | Military College for 'luncheon, and of which Holy Communion was cele- brated. 'The vice-regal party cele- PATNI NAN INIA ND wt NPN ®; at 3 p.m. returned to the city and pied 'the front pew on the right and Easiest met_the mayor and aldermen at the To In V est bo City A drive about the city Das : the mayor and aldermen that on tha feft of the centre aisle. "Behind them : w then took place; and at 4.30 His Ex- . F ed eg | cellency had tea at the residence of ie a +P. Niekle, M:P,, later returning were representatives of district headquarters, the college staff and the gentlemen cadets. The ex- to the college, where: he 'was the guest of Brig.-Gen) Perreau. --n cadets occupied the right - gallery. we Xo Among them were Majoj-General Dinner of: the Sir Henry Burstall, K.C8., com- mandér of the 2nd Canadian Divi- A reunion of -ex-vadéts of the "Royal Military College. took place at gion, who reached Kingston on Sat- urday; Col. Lamb, CM.G, who & dinner held 'at the institution on served in the 1st division; Lieut.~ Saturday cvening | I piution on These securities are called War Savings Stamps. : | intéresting and enjoyable event, It - 35 : Col D. MoPherion, a graduate "of {20 Sot I adel The cost now $4.04, but by compounding interest, the $4.04 yout: % s ) - 11879; Col. Constantine, D.S.0.; Col. | » , - z a aa : ; Tr Joi . » 5 Thess Out, GQ. Hiintor Ogilvie, late A.A.G. M.D. dent, and "Bri k P Sprean alla : invest now will be worth $5.00 in 1924. There is no other security; rok at Yin Martin, in Ar-]No 3/°Liew Col. Gerald Hatison, | SMALICE Buc ISL After. the "in-which you can invest such a small amount that is as safe and .dack by M. J. Scullion, "in Sharbot | Liewt~Col. Wi A, Bishop, V.C., : : on \ Lake by W. Y. Cannon.~Advt. D.8.0., M.C., ete; Lieut.-Col.~ Cos- oy, Sursill prague] the that bears so high a rate of interest. grave, Lieut.-Colonel Gilmour, toast to the college, 'and Brig.-Gen.' : . Lieut.-Ovolonel "James C. Stew- Or you can start with 2% byt s a Thrift St | When Perreau and B. 8. M. Adanii replied. Have resigned from the Pleton Col. | ort, Major Paré-Mr. Birmingham, B.S.M. Adami proposed' the toast to legiate Institute staff. H.C. Kiunee, | Mr: Brigstock, Major E.. Bristol, you have sixteen Thrift Stamps, you can exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, : : i Se Dan Major 3. P. Latterty, Major William | SPonded. Sy the soll 'was methomatical § Master, lias applied for Hass) Mar erty aor : RE; by years, Col. McPherson responded Major Alexander Patterson, D.S.0.; 2 - You take no risks, The Government of Canada guarantees to Pay you back your money--with interest--at any time during the five years, or to pay you in 1924 $5.00 for every $4.00 (and a could hardly ever get a good night's cleep, was very weak, and always got up in the morning feeling as tir- ed gs when 1 retired at night. In { fact, that tired, wornout feeling was with me all the time, and IT hardly had strength to do my housework. "Finally I got-to taking Tanlac on the advice of my daughter in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She told me of a minister there who sald he did not believe there was ever a case of stomach trouble Tanlac would not relieve, and the results in my case have convinced me that he was - 'i right. Soon after I began taking it my appetite Improved, and I com- HX] 1} SRE REA menced to gain both in weight and strength. My appetite is just fine FOR ALL AGENCY Dominion Agricul- tural Chemical Co, 18 Market Btreet. Star Fruit dy Sor, ACERS : My at Fresh, A fruit all the Atma. 5 snie on Saturde of home candy. service to all. B06 Princess Nireet, Near King. Phone 278 Canada Food Board License: Frode 9-1020; Candy, 11-410 222 Princess street; Twe House Above O Peler Lee; k: Open from 8 aan to 2 ms SAA bt now, the gas has stopped forming on my stomach, and I can eat what I please and all I want without ever having a pain or an uncomfortable feeling afferwards. I sleep just like a_child every night, get up in the mornings feeling. rested and ro. freshed. When 1 - - Canada, following the example of other Allied countries, hsi made it possible for wage earners--men and women--to inves§; in safe securities without effort. an~taking Tanlac I only weighed one hundred and eigh- teen pounds, but I now weigh one hundred and thirty-five, making an actual gain of seventeen pounds. This is just what six bottles of Tan. | lac-hag done for me, and there's no- thing top good for mg to Say for P 1 Ad Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. STEAMSHIP LINES Spetint attention will Be givén your fal ar friends, go to or aE or the Old Country, SEES Tae sm ny ny. Foe information and rates a to J. ¥. Hanley, O.P.AT.A;, GT. Ry. Kingston, Ont. ' » \ George V, Savage, G.T.R. station agent ut Napanee has received a Dbrometion; that of claims' agent for the Belleville district of the Grand Trunk Railway. | CANADI Misses H. M. Solmer and M. Hubbs x ing 18, the number of the last to Captain G. F, Hilliard, Lieu respond was 1295... It was shown that 900 cadets and ex-cadets serv- ed in the present war and 140 were killed or died. There were 70 mem- bers 'present % the dinner, among them being rig.+Gen. Williams, Major-Gen. Sir Henry Burstall, Col. Lamb, Col. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Col. Constantine, D.8.0.; Col. = W. A. Bishop, V.C., DS.0,, etc; Lieut. Col. Gerald Hanson, Lieut.-Col. D. cPherson, a graduate of 1879; Ldeut.-Cbl. Cosgrave,. Lieut.-Col. Gilmour, Lieut.-Col. J. Stewart, Major Parr, W. Birmingham, Mr. Brigstock, Major E. Bristol, Major H. P Major William' C. Caldwell, The servicce was conducted by Rev. Dean Starr, roctor of the cathedral, and opened with the pro- cessional hymn, en Holy Holy, AN PACIFIC | DAYLIGHT TRAINS ® Lord God Almighty." The Epistle Wag taken from Ephpsians vi, 10; 18, beginning "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord," and the Gospel from St. Matt. x., 24-39, the concluding verse of which was, "He that, findeth his life 'shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for M sake shall find it." The hymns "Were "Fight the good fight with all thy might" and "The Son of God goes. forth to war, a kingly crown to gain," the rocosslonal, tO God Our Help In Ages Past." . the ng" tollowed the offertory. . "God Save Bishop Bidwell was the preacher. His text was taken from II. Thessa- lonians, xi, 15, "Therefore, bre- thern, stand fast; and.hold the fra- ditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistie'" "It 'was always human," said thg | breacher, "to take the line of least resistance, but the traditions of the Fistian martyrs show us that the noblest fate 'that can befall a man Was to die In the faith and hand it | 08 to those that come after." He saw this borne out in the conduct] . : fof the grad tes of the Royal Mill] during the gieat war HO DAY IING for the year 1879, his' mumber be- p t.-Col. fraction) you invest now. Make Your Savings Serve e You and Serve Your Country--Invest Them in War nid Stamps, NTT WRB ate, Parlor, and Qbservation \ se' ) Reville, Flower Sta tion, and Marshall M. Molfaft, youngest don of Mr, and Mrs. Moffatt, | Clyde Forks, were married, k + 18. to: be securing the de- from Toronto Uni- died at of pneumonia, Particulars and tickets from F. Conway, C.P Ticket Office, Corner Princess and Wellington streets, Pe