Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1919, p. 1

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"soll. Leaves lo soldiers permitting them to visil recrealion|creat River swamps of Georgia. and ~ until it is known-whether the Germans will accept or reject|from Jacksonville. man leaders held an extended eonference at Weimar Tuesday "Germany. 11 is expected that the amended conditions will be "laid before the German National Assembly to-day by the FERRER ER ILE BEER MRR Mb bd bility of political and economic chaos in Germany afterwards. J S SOLDIERS od = Aa " ; DNADNEE DALY THE WORLD'S TIDINGS Ve Mr. Pardes Assorted That Profiteers 'tention of living himeeit i he nse of Quebec has risen to forty- {GT =Cr 1 troobs bY General Brwiv. =4 supporto i with respect' to the tariff, contend. 14 PAGES The Daily British Whi PAGES 18 YEAR 86: NO, 142 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919, LAST SDITION CONCENTRAT pin. nd oH swamps of Georgia. The oollection is to replenish and form a new ex- hibit which will be open to the pub. GREAT REPTILE HUNT. Suake Known. New York, June 18.--Dr. Ray [zoological gardens, his wife and a crew of snake and animal hunters, | returned yesterday with 100 snakes; ered in a month's hunt through the Women Captures Most Dangerous The Town of Danzig Is Constituted itmars, curator of the Bronx Danzig hag been constituted as a turtles, lizards, and alligators, gath- of tne Polish state. Poland has been COLEMENCEAU'S STATEMENT, Free City, Paris, June 18.-"'The town of free eity, so that 'the | inhabitants will be autonomous and do not come under Polish rule, and farm mo part given a certain economic right in Danzig, and the city itself has been severed from Germany, becaise in no for that 'free and secure access to the . BLUMENBERG UNDER ARREST fic Walked Into a Police Station And Was Apprcheaded. of Westminster granted a divorce from the Duke of DUKE OF WESTMINSTER IS DIVORCED BY WIFE English Cou Is Crowded With Society and Hears "Desertion Charges. London, June 18.--The Duchess yesterday wap estminster, on charges of \deser- on and infidelity. The biggest society crush in years . n . it . I lic on Sunday; Mrs. Ditmars captr. other way wus it possible to provide man d 10 gS ; I ed the most rare and dangerous sea," which Germany has promised : to concede," M, Clemenceau in cov- specimens brought back. The snake ering note. ce ii specimen of the snake family in this country that is included among the -. oS: - Not Sign the Peace Terms---Official hunting crew freely praised her & skill and courage in this dangerous Germany Has Not Yet Made U ork Curator Ditmars said the snake . captured by his wife is the most Its Mind deadly specimen ever in captivity. » The only name for it that he haa yet found is "The Southern Snake." (Canadian Press Despatch.) it weighs twentysis Pounds and is v : 3 i oY »{six feet in length. Mrs. Ditmars pin- Coblenz, June 1S Concentration of iraops Reeparalory aod the noi of the knaka ars pil 10 advancing further into Germany if they refuse to sign the ground with 4 hunting fork and held terms of peace will begin on Wednesday throughout all thelit until some of the erew got other ocoupied areas, Orders to this effect were received to-day {forks over the body: (hen ts esp. from Marshal Foeh, eommander-in-chief of the Allied armies, Sure Nas comparatively easy for the wha, sent similae orders to all the Allied forces on German |* hy party nade their hui fn the points within the occupied zones have all been suspended {brought back their live cargo by boat the peace conditions. Might Sign To Prevent Chaos. (Canadian Press Despatch.) : « New York, Jime 18.---While sentimient in the Gernian cabinet, according to a Weimar fespatch, is dimost unanimous against signing the treaty, Official Germany dias not definitely committed itself on the amended peace conditions. The Ger- SREP PEPPER RBI PPR MRR ORE a NO STRIKE IN VICTORIA. . | db A ® (Canadian Press Despatch.) + Victoria, B.C., June 18. There will be no strike in Vie- # toda. The strike committee has dissolvéd. Members of the # committee voted 8 to 8 on the + question of a general strike in # sympathy with Winnipeg and + the deadlock called for dissolu- # tion. » to discuss the treaty terms on which hape fhe future fale of 8 SPER P LRP EPH cabinet. If is declared that the only thing that might persuade the German government to agree to the trealy, is the possi- IN BRIEF FORM Way. Tike tymsock moti hay wade 1s aps Every Border Town Protected to Prevent pearance in London. Retaliation By Vila Bandits. Lincoln County Council went on record against hanging as a penalty '} for murder. Were arrested Tuesday aftermoon. : Eh fom ot: living 3 TO-- MAKE BEPRISATS : counsel to oe, AGAINST US. PROPERTY. Thirteen persons were injured, ; . es ------ % Tr ol ; three or four seriously, in a railway |The Carranza Government is Steong- X nl #00 Uh wireck on the GIR. near Lindsay. Iy Endeavoring to Put an End to y Mrs. Fares, wife of Dr. 0.) W.} the Activities. of Mexican Rebels. Roum the Gimaiey, Rampma--Av | 5 ort Colborne, waa rack byl pls Vp EL MUS) Tel ! tacked Attitude of Manufacturers. | jo. : border city, town and hamlet along Ottawa, June 18--F. F. Pardee.| The total number of Liberals ro-|the Rio Grande in this district is bo- of West Lambton, énmounced his in-| turned by acclamation in the = Proy- ing garrisoned by detachments. of Col. W. N. Ponton, Belleville, was|l0 prevent the possibility of a Villa Master amendment When he ad-| giectod Grand 2 oi the annual con- {raid across the border in retaliation dressed the Commons yesterday dur] vocation of 'Grand Chapter, Royal [for the expedition against Villa's§ 4 ing the hudget debate. His defec.| Ach Masons. tH : tion ae Unionist ranks 'dd William J. Shaughnessy, son fofy In Mexico. PER ty the board of the Canadian beer foreshadowed by bis attitude] pacific Ratlway. earlier in the session. Mr. Pardes W. &. Deery, Montreal, twenty-one !minent ~~ Mexican politicians here attacked the Government's course rd age; has Srdwned whit tie urging Villa to make fio campaign : eas tedy-in a fortnight" "lot roprisal against American pro- ing that the time was propitious orl"), Alexandria Bay, N.Y., nearly |perty and: lives in Mexito. : calling for a general reduction. Bf [state association, are in convention son the border towns and the border customs duties, pe jfor a three-day session. west of El Paso has also been rein- "Tax what you will," by a 'West Lambton member, "but kee of doing away with an bonorary titles! = President ; degrees in Canada. Among the concesstons = contem- fen for Ge in case she signs | Meéxiean rebels, and to Forest bres in various parts of Newfo eh undlund have destroyed val- ual DR. J. C. CONNELL , @lected President of the Do- * @® | Kings edical Council,' in "session at miinion First Green Peas Picked. Chatham, June 18.--N. vens believes' that he is setting Pace even for this garden spot of Canada, wh he Hh: icki f a ae in AWAIT RAIDERS Gr on as WOULD NOT TESTIFY, Judge is Fined $500 on Contempt of 1 ------ Ten men' who were picketing thell : A Crescent Company plant, Winnipeg, ] v final reply of the Allies, Andrew Bon- Jend. There must be a just peace; Ee ; : "Three men from the Villa juntx ; 'mot occasion surprise, for ft nal: 2 Lord Shaughnessy was lected dir- here were sent south from the bord- er last night with letters from pro-| JUUGE "B Denver, Colo, 18. : ropitio n Lindsey, judge of Denver's juven! & revision of that, legislation, and |450 liquor dealers, members of fhe| Small patrols of troops will garri- |court, will go to Jail betore ne wil $500 for contempt of ourt here, lie has an- The Colofado supreme t, on June 2nd denied 'Judge deey's. petition for a rehearing. is strongly endeavoring to put an |The judge had fifteen divs to pay as possible, to the acti. orgs to The Toronto Methodist Conference [forced until the entire border front |nounced. large majority voted in favor jis under 'military guard. jeonr Carranza's government | Lin e court insisted. lo treaty i the use of 30 per cent, [guarantee the lives and properties |Lindsey, in cl her a &hipe for a. years, {of foreigners and Mexicans residing !tell what Wright, fourteen- I Mexico. 5 Sa Juvenile court, oe . e¢ about the shoot~ ther. Neal's mother charged with: murder. year-old: § = COMMITTEE WERE EXAMINED. And Some Startling ' Disclosures Were Made--Bolshevik Money Was Acknowledged by the Strike Leader+----The Minister of Labor Explains, (Canadian Press Despatch.) labor leaders is Sam Blumenberg, in Winnipeg, and who was named ceadings were to be taken. It was the special crown prosecutor, The records of the strike com- terday morning, indicate that a electric power from the city. correspondence also shows that the receipt of Bolshevik money was ac- knowledged by the strike leader. Information to the above effect wag given last night by Hon. Gidesn Robertson, Minister of Labor, 'in agrested yesterday and not hyfore that date, as being suspected of tak- ing part in a seditious conspiracy. IF TREATY UNSIGN ARMISTI Dif grom. ars Are No 2 wa i es June 18--The peace ed-to Germany are the ar Law, government 'spokesman in at the Guild Hall. The speaker said he hoped earnestly the "Germans would sign the "terms. but' a just peace must be a stern on, ahd added: "It is not all over. It is quite has been bought so dearly." TO GEN. I'ERREAU, tion Building. to show their appre- clation of the t 'Brigadier General" Perreau, . com- mandant of the school by presenting h a handsome silver tray and Yt is Hoped That an Amicable Ar erowded the King's Bench Court to -- hear the testimony. The Duke was WAS ADY not represented by counsel. Iie en- tered a denial. Lord Coleridge, judgé of the di- vorce division, presided. There was THE RECORDS OF THE STRIKE [no jury. The duchess took the witness stand and occupied a-guarter of an hour in presenting her story. She said their early married life was appy, but that in 1909 they be- me estranged. J "After that the duke paid no at- tention to me," she said. "He stay- od out at night. I begged him to Winnipeg, June. 18 The latest come back for the sake of the child- . ren and keep up appearances, but addition to the lst of arrests 'olipe refused. P 4p) "At 11.30 every night a motor who has been for years a prominent vould call and hy him away. He Socialist circles : Would return about seven o'clock in figure in advanced Socialist ef the morning. He agreed to aljow me £11,000 a year and free use of among those against whom - pro-!his yacht." The duchess sald that in 1915 the this that led to his apprehension. !fduke tried to have her evicted from : Walking into a police station, he en- quired for Acting-Chief Newton. He provision for whom was made i was placed under arrest, and is now{1913, when they became wards of being held awaiting instructions of 'the court. her house. Her statement contain- ed no mention of the two children, The duke is one of the wealthiest men in Great Britain, his income be- ing estimated at $6 a minute. He mittee, which were seized when the lwas an officer during the way and Labor Temple was raided early yes-{the duchess a nurse. special committees was selected on bi . June 10th to investigate and report on the possibility of cutting off ihe ne 8 PISTRONE tervi lain- Strike he Ee a I es laa The Order Was Withdrawn Late on Tuesday Afternoon, WIL TRY EVERY. MEANS Bonar Law 8a: Twenty Three TO EFFECT A SETTLEMENT BE- . FORE STRIKING, v rangement Will Result--Dangcr of Btrike Not Entirely Dissipated. Montreal, June 18.--The Canada the House of Commons declared Id {wide strike of the raflway shopmen opening the vietory loan campaign of division No. 4, which was to Bae come. effective at ten o'clock this morning, has been temporarily post. "It ds for them to choose withiniponed. This was the announcement five days,' Bonar Law added. "They made at four o'clock yesterday by must sign or the armistice is at anipresidont Tallon of the No. 4 Divi slon 'Railway Shopmen of America peace." 16 the Star. The speaker said that the chief of {decided, in view of late develop- the British staff had declared twenty-| mets in the situation," he said, "lo three different wars were NOW g0IBElyemporarily postpone the strike. In doing this we have in mind further possible by want of wisdom, by = ab-|negotiatons with the Rallway War mee of restraint, by disunion among | Board. 'J the allies and by want of upity at} home to lose, not the victory, butithat a strike "of this magnitude the full force of the victory wihichiwould serfonsly atfect Canada in- dustrially an might indeed bb ing to a head a general strike in av- ery cbatre in Canada, and we would Parents of Hamilton .Boys .Honor not wish to be responsible for that the Commandant. until we had satisfied ourselves tha' Hamilton, June 18.---Fathers of we had not only used every reason- boys . of Royal Military Collegejable means, but every possible thought it would be a good opportun- means; to avert such a catastrophe." ) | ity, when in Kingston, at the laying of the corner stone of the new educa-|desd a proof that there was nothing "The committees has "On the other hand we realize commercially, and the means of bring- He reiterated. that this was in-|Breat route of inva f the Bolshevistic tendency or the valuable. services of |O.B.U. idea in the minds of the om- mittes handling the situation. Tele- tres over wihiich the éom- have jurisdiction, ordering 'proceed Vo work thls morn- £ 8 re despatched last night-to EP ing 8s usual and to await further ot FOR INVASION He WII Move. the Aled Troops Forward Al Nong fhe Lise. KRUPPS WOULD BE SEIZEL > AND COMPLETE CONTROL TAKEN += OF SILESIA, With Her Two Great Productive Centres Lost, Germany Would Be Completely Crushed. Paris, June 18.--If Germany re: fuses to sign the peace treaty, the Allied armies will begin immediately one of the greatest and most dro- matic moves in history. While the public generally is in- clined to think of an advance into Germany under present conditions as little more than & triumphal par- ade, in which no resistance wild be met, Marshal Foch has been obliged to be prepared for any smergency. The Allies would move forward with every detail worked out for a campaign extending from the Dutch to the Swiss frontier--designed to give Germany a death-blow in the shortest possible time---against the maximum force whidy the unified Aled command knows the Germans might throw Into action in a crisis. The Allied campaign, according to the highest French military critics and authorities, would embrace three break down all possible defense; seize. the most important points in Ger- many, and cut that country coniplete~ ly in two. 3 The Allies left wing, consisting of the. Belgian army, with the British protecting its right flank at eastward from D : network of railways of which Essen, only a day's march away, Is the centre. : With the British army in position to execute a flank movement from the , should 'this be ne« cessary, Germany would lose 3 dhe outset not only her. great pp ordnance and munitiobs Works at Essen, but the- entire surrounding mineral basin. This would open the way Immedistely (6 Minden, where Germany has constructed a t fortress for defending her ne from entrance through Westphalia. Without doubt Germany should she fight, would make her supreme re- sistance against the Allies' left wing before Minden, ' i En The Other Spearheads, Simultaneously, however, the Al- les' right wing, composed exclusive ly of the bulk of the Frenh army, Would "drive out from the Alsace Lorraine front, where they have the advantage of a great depression be- fore them extending for eighty miles, and which would } them directly. up to Germany's big Southern fort. ress ot Ulm. Here Al military authirities = figure that would have to make her prindipal re- sistance along the Danube, between Ulm and Ingolstadt, by the Allled centre, comp ot the American army cent at Co blenz, the French tenth army at Mayence and fhe French army now in the Bavarian ogy \ The Allied centre has it the 'of Germany by way of the wi of whioh flows Into th Frankfort. The Main ve directly across Germany mountains on the rem Although the 1 river makes the a ten days' the Cologne bridgehead, would drive usseldorf into the FOCH 1S READY. great routes of itivasion, designed to With these two actions in progress | a big stroke would be smashed home

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