Established 1859 Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. Summer Furs in Seal, Mink, Mole, Sable, Squirell, Baum and "Stone Martin, Etc. Our Fresh selected Collection a of Hudsok Seal Skins Arriving Your inspection invited--No obligation to buy. John McKay, Limited Manufacturers of Fine Furs 149 to 155 Brock Street 33' Ont. HIS MASTER'S VOICE RECORDS Camp Music 'When sitting in the Pp of the evening by your camp let the Victor and His Master's Voice records entertain you. They will bring the greatest artists and bands of the time into your camp. We recommend the following for your camp. All the World Will be Jealous of Me-----Harrison That Girl of Mine--~Harrison . . »18802--00¢ Chin Chin--Fox Trot (Saxaphone)--Brown Bros. Laverne--Waltz Caprice--Henton and Conway's Band 181490--00c "Oradle Song, 1915---MeCormack . .. , 646006---8$1.28 Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes--McCormack. +74204--82.00 High Cost of Living and the Burglar Story--Hitcheock~--55046 Hitchcock's Speech~--Hitcheock .., ... . $2.00 All the popular vocal and dance records in stock. Mahood Bros. SOLEMNIZED aN CHALMERS" CHURCH AT NOON WEDNESDAY. The Commanding Officer of the 21st Battalion Weds Miss Dorothy Nicol---Rev. Dr. Macgillivray Was the Officiating Clergyman. The marriage was solemnized in Chalmers church at moon on Wed- nesday of Miss Dorothy Nicol, sec- ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nicol, of Cataraqui, and Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward Pense, D.S.0.,, M.C., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James P, Pense, of this city. 'The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Dr. Malcolm Macgilliviay, emeritus minister of Chalmers, in the pres- ence of immediate relatives. The bride and bridegroom were unattend-] od, © The bride, who was given in margiage by her father, wore a travelling suit of pavy blue with hat to match and carried red roses. The pulpit and the front of the platform were banked with beautiful June flowers armanged by friends of the bride and groom. After the ceremony, Lieut.-Col, and Mrs. Pease left for the west on the G.T.R. Internavional Limited, and will spend their honeymoon at Algonquin PP , Muskoka. The bride is a recent graduate of the Kingston General Hospital Training School for Nurses while Colonel Pense recently returned after four years' service overseas with the 21st Battalion, The 21st Battalion Club of King- ston and ex-officers and men of ths battalion presented Col. Pense with a beautiful 'cabinet of silver. i" Another June, Wedding. The marriage was solemnized on Wednesday morning, of Miss Bertha Laurine Marchand and Russell Del- mar Bruce, both of this city. The ceremony took place in St. Mary's cathedral, Rev. Father Keaney officis ating, The bride wore a duchess silk, ni- non overdress, with pearl trimmings, and a veil caught up with a wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses. The bride'was given away by her brother, Ray Marchand, and was attended by{* 'her sister, Miss Bernadetta March- and. The groom was supported by the bride's brother, Leo Harold Marchand. The groom's gift to the bride was a maribou fux; to the bridesmaid, a pearl sunburst, and to] the groomsman, gold ¢uff links. Prof. Nourry played the wedding march: Following the ceremony, a very sumptuous wedding breakfast was served, ~ when about twenty-five guests were present. The happy couple left on the after- noon train for Toronto, and on their return; they will reside at 44 Col- borne street, Gee-Morrison Nuptials. A quiet wedding was sdlémuized on Tuesday at 3 p.m. when Marion Pear! Morrison, daughter of Thomas Morrison of Portland, was united. in marriage to Stamley Gee, son of BEE 'mother, Mrs, B David Gee, of King street west King- ston. The marriage was performed by Rev. D. A, Lough, pastor of Brock and Mme. Walter Ferguson, 116 Barrack street. Those present were the immediate friends of the contracting parties Mr. and Mrs. Coe left for a tour of the lakes by the steamer Toronto on Tuesday. After the honeymoon they will reside on King street west, LATE SOCIAL NEWS. ed the first dance of the Gananoque evening. They included. L. Smith, J. M, Hickey, R. Young, J. H. Odell, W. Chown, R. Blmer, H. Brownfield, J. C. Biliott, J. C. Reynolds and Dr. MacGregor. os * » - Mrs. William Anderson, Princess street, has left to spend several months in Ireland. Miss mond Hill, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Scott, 148 Division street, for a few weeks. Alan Daly. Jhon been the guest] of the Misses Dal ¢ Sinclair and Miss} 'returned to Otta- [fi | i I A number or Rissatontads attend- | Agatha Alcombrack, Rich-| LOCAL NOTES BND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the he Clty and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. New string Deans and green peas, Thursday at Camnovsky's. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. Kingston's maximum tempera- ture on Tuesday was' elghty-eighit degrees. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sleeth left for Hamilton where they will reside in future, James Milligan, Toronto, came to the city on Monday and is renewing acquaintances, Capt. C. B. F. Jones left on Mon- day for Cornwall, to relieve in the branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The thermbdmeter at the police sta: tion door showed ninety-four degrees at i Hires o'clock Wednesday after- 3 wll Nayloy, of Lindsay, has re- |i turned from a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Naylon, Raglan Road. Now is the time to have your g plano tuned. ~ We carry two expert} tuners and will assure eutire satls- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Mrs, James Coffey is spending two months with her daughters Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Helstron in Water: town, N.Y. Capt. Ima 8. Foley, Howe Island, has returned Gy overseas and will practiqe his profession as @ medical man in Watertown, N.Y. Prevost, Brock street, hes just re- ceived a case 'of tweed, cheviot andl! blue serge for his order department. | His ready-made clothing and gents' corted with the latest goods, excursion from Brockville to Alex- andria Bay on Tuesday night. County Council for Leeds and Gren- joyable time was spent. Dr. Thomas O"Hagan, editor of the Canadian Freeman, left on Wednes- day morning to attend the golden {abiles of Cornell University, Ithaca, a graduate student. F. G. Lockett, vice-president of the Canadian Club shared in the welcoming of the Duke of Devon- shire when he arrived at the From: tenac Club and - also accompanied His Excellency to the dining room. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months If you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal ance, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Dr. Ralph H. Salshers, of the De partment of Soldiers' Civil lishment, River Glade, N.B., has been successful in passing the exam: Council held in Toronto recently Sulsberg | is a of H, Ses Dur e sir a Yueen na Devlin, on on Peter has just Sombleted: thice between Quebec an: street Methodist ohurch, at the home| Canoe and Motor Club on: Tuesday | dred The biggest crowd is there ate. when Gia Sol Seling Albert street, left! down. Tor ia. boma tu, Lioyd:| Fleming. San, is i847 furnishing depertment are well as- " The steamer Brockville ran an il The ville 'was on board and a most ens 1 N.X., where the roctor had once heen |} i inations of the Dominion Sedical 1 F | |] e-estab- 1} Seiven a big crowd to the priv ovsd Books for Summer Reding Now Formerly .. .. ../.. .. . ou wane a ileihe The Brown Study, Grace Richmond; Tarzan Books, ..$1.75 and $1.50 by Bur- roughs, The Girls at His Billet, Bertha Ruck; His Last Bow, Conan Doyle, In Another Girl's Shoes, Bertha Ruck; Bab, Mary hart; In a Little Town, Rupert Hughes; Red Re hes; The Dar bers; Nhe Riders, Ridgwell Cullum; Lifted Veil, Basil Kin tery of the Hasty Arrow, A. K. Green: The Bolted Deer, bers; ty Pockets, Rupert Hu ane; Rider in Khaki, Nat Gould. + * R. Rine- epublic R- Ww. Cham- Star, R. W. Cham- ; Mys-. McFar- See Our Special 25¢, 35¢ and 50¢ Tables of Books. | THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS Air-Lux Slat shades for the verandah; all widths. Japabiese Mats for the verandah, size 27 x 54, $1.50. > Japanese Rugs for the summer cottage or camp--small or large sizes, $2.50 up. 'Congoleum Rugs--All sizes. "Rubber Mats for the bathroom. Special, '$1.50. SUMMER WEARABLES - White Wash Skirts in gabardine, repp or "drill. Special at $2.25, Ladies' Wash Dresses . . $3.95 trimming. $2.00 each. Nice cool underwear for each member of PHONE 919 Xi RH Sa ------ We Have WR. MeRae&Co Lioanea No. 4.54 6-548 a We can now: v made deliveries of the best quality land coal