SmEm------ ! 'story of hfs downfall, and 'as usual f2 RE i ¥ UNG MAN'S SAD 101 it could be blamed upon bad ¢ompan- | " ions whom he had met when he was ireleased. from the restraints of par: A PRIBON OONVIOT WHOSE LIFE ental control. When only fifteen years : ® x © p . of age he had been sentenced by a I Special Bargains [J ees Tm EReEn . ary ad years in the Portsmouth penitenti- : By Being Sent to Penitentiary In- ary on charges of theft. "On three ; a 8 stead of a Reformatory<The Case charges of robbing hardware stores' or 1S "of . of Leo Rogers, Who Broke Prison.|he pleaded guilty but he would not! : One' of those hitler admit that he had stolen a railway! HH } episodes wifiel Seutiroom speeder or a horse for which he was == iif ®l. Are repeated day jo, three: years. He stated that > fff #fter day in a thousand courts|ne had understood thet he mould bo == Ford Inner Tubes, 30 xX 34, ; $2.75 each. throughout the land, tpok place in i for seven days, heres' J Lavell' he was brought up five days before Dunlop Guaranteed. udge i's rhambers on Tues. the anticipated time and comsequent- White Footwear Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords 2 Pumps; leather and rubber sole goods. Bestgrades .. .. ....... .. .. .. ...3.00 to 6.00 TTT ZT iii day afternoon, when Leo Rogers, | -- 'tly was unprepared to go-on with = 5 . 'wiho made a sensational escape from|ih bee the } he bad |= ] + . ) e case ause awyer he bad a Hot Spot Batteries, Motor Oils, Electric penitentiary after seriously wound-|engaged was busy on high court |== $ L . » ing Guard Berrigan, on March 22nd, | duties, In court, he had opposed the Tail Lamps and Dash Mirrors. [haa eight years added to his sen.|cORtentions that he had stolen the ; & = : » horse gnd speeder, but twice when e tence of seven years. he had endeavored to plead he was There were only a few persons in| told to remain quiet. 'Moreover, he i 4 jthe room as the youthful prisoner} claimed that the prosecuting counsel 8tood up to receive his sentence, for had made him say almost anything, : . the heat was oppressive and the When he was put in the police stad Blinds on the windows had been pull tion he had an o i 80; 3 : A pportunity to escape & 5 * ; ed down to keep out the rays of thelr. ili egort a - 272 Bagot Street. 3 Phone 542 jo But in the half-darkéned room| tein "ont a boy oF Alteos: mad a) : Td Ha see the tears streaming), means familiar with the rigor of 3 Y down the cheeks of even visiting i 5 the law, he had taken it. For that HH aa Bie lawyers, It took less than forty-five : : minutes to dispose of the case, bul offence he was given an additional A 's. Shoe Sto -- : two years which with two years for " x bernethy s : oe - tore 7 : they were heart-rending minutes for robbing hardware stores made seven : | \f Tl, ne smootn-taced 1ad of seventeen Lemiinry durin th past. vont | ul TTT who had already served two years ot = his sentence, eat very = quietly}Bad never forgotten what he consid- throughout the proceedings and|ered 0 be injustice and he sought - . only occasionally moved over to|at fhe first opportunity to gain for Eastern JUVENILE STviESs ; speak to his counsel, A. B. Day, His| himself that freedom for which his CABINETS OF right leg was shackled with a heavy} Youth craved. He said that he haa ~ steel weight, his prison garb was}po intention of wounding the guard CY. SILVER dusty and streaked and at his feetfbut hie wanted to get away so badly lay the old straw hat which protects] that he had to take whatéver chances perspiring convicts from the}the had. This is a pleasing gift for heat in the summer.' Behind him Speaking on his son's behalf, Mr, the June Bride and one to sat R. R. Creighton, warden of the] Rogers pointed out that he had been which fond and loving memi- penitentiary, with a- guard at 'his brought up on the farm up to the ories will always be attached. left holding the handcuffs to be ap- age of thirteen years and that he a plied the mings sentence yas Prof had always been s good boy while 2 Make it the family gift, eith- nounced, Seldom has there been alhe was at school. He had enlisted a er in: Sterling re a "stiver sadder Sight or Sue to arouse sym-|when he was fifteen years of age and of plate: pathy as that of the young so-called| had met a chum' while Te was work- on criminal with cropped hair, whose ing on the CNR. who seemed to o Sterling Silver Cabinet fitted Angers twitched continually on theltiave Jed him astray.' He told his with 26 pieces. Price, $75.00. , Almost directly opposite him were Tn fio Nas golug to work on Others from $100.00 to $350.00 his _heart-broken parents, who haa his father had taken: him out of the Silver plated Cabinets--fitted }jcome all the way trom North Bay to army as soon as be learned it. The 0 ot HH with 26 pleces. Prices $15.00. plead for mercy for their son. The Ind's father said that after his trial EASTERN hers from $25.00 up to $75. lad's mother's face 'was stained with he had called up the jail to find out 8 £ ns 24 : tears and swelling under the ea ' You have your new . hats, {I showed that this a of the fr when he would be leaving for King- CHILDREN S boots, suits, etc. But did you oceasion for weeping. Her "husband | Ston but everything was kept in an Summer HATS 3 welfare of your eye-~ : {|sat beside her, but he too suffered] Uncertain state and when his mother 5 : ; (Are your glasses mo- from the strain, for nothing could as-| and two sisters went to see him they Our children's - 'department id correct for your J|suage the broken hearts and the] Were bitterly disappointed fo find|| contains all the nice new. mo- : blighted hopes of fond parents who|that hie had been sent to the peni- dels in cool hats for children of viewed their son--even though his|tentiary without having an oppor a Ages. face was turned from theirs--sitting} tunity to say good-bye. . His father ys' Straw Hats 25¢ up, g ; Re A \ Jew "Hin conviet's garb and in the worst dis- Stated that a son aight be tightly Nev Wa. h H ne Fim JUNE BRIDES 1! yl X / i olers, grace that man can face. sordered in the min that he: ew as, a or Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the new home ; By : ugh methods, 100 Princess Street There were only four of five others] was obsessed with the belief that he Bo . that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outfitting Nhich re a tie differen; and 4}in the room, including court officials] was not Wanted fairly not only be- ys and Girls newly weds, so perfectly that they become a life long customer. At your curate n usual and representatives of the. press, but| cause he thought he had been sen- an' service. We have a full staff of olsterers and cabinet makers, wh 5 % all were touched with sympathy for tones on false charges but because Ladies P anama Hats Spholat ; 2 ! d ; the boy who, rankling under a sense] the chum with whom he was asso- In . conjunction | with other . % : g of injustice for being confined in}clated was sentenced to two years |} "Progressive stores we close at : : 3 d : erm ee AAR -- ; : . : oe JIL tn s UIZ -- prison at the age of fifteen years,|nnd released after one year and four|| © D-., Saturdays excepted. ' 3 A v2 r 2 when the joys of youth were but be-| months at Burwash while bis sen- a) |1 Ocean Slsamship Tloket } pinning to be untolded. took the jaw rons at. B seven years. CAMPBEL BROS : Phone 147 For Service '» ® enc . he . {in his own hands and now sat meekly it Specialist.' = x jfawaiting the consequences for his} In summing up the evidence, His « Post ; " Ringston C. S. Kirkpatrick toMy. . q Honcr stateu that he was at a loss an a diteand x a i. £36 Clarence St. Phone Ba8w, 4 He pleadad guilty té the charge|to understand why a fifteen year old Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers 'S-- . -- -- \ Jol attempting to escape from the|boy had bi sent tO penitentiary 122 Princess Steet. v , {penitentiary; and for grievously) Low seven rs, 'but thac as 'he was | jwounding a guard in the execution ot] not lamar with all the facts he . i his duty. . In summing up the easef could mot pronounce the , judgment, - {for the prosecution, John L. Whiting, }even it he were caifed: upon, wo be Two Out f Thred Fires Occw : inthe ome r We WIN Protect Your Home . : Contents Against IT'S COMFORT) 5 ; K.C. reviewed the incidents leading narsy. Neverthelews, Rog . . ' @® : up to the trial_tiow the Jad had de-fuad 'an opepritnity (0 secure Bad 5 2 em) FIRE i : livered_ a fake note to Guard Ber-feariier release through official agen. To Grow Hair On ™ ' tof F i vi how he had stroke the guard 'cies and Me had not vhosen to do 50, : al a Cos rom | dangerously wounded h " ial His Honor tated that the last time Bald Heads 3 to 1 Cent : . A nite and anot Te Ho he hud occsion to sentence men for . 3 : nent, I 7 the a and J m he escape it. was for the term of ten § Specialist Gives Simple Reelpe That A Day on Each Thousand Dollars ; } HH Res "a a 3 an how he years, He urged the prisoner to re-| Works Fine Let Us Explain It Fully Ry 5 witiin oD ma ely roug y member that the guard was merely| & : : Call at the office or drop us 8 5 Rising to plead for himself the Song is guts i.Lrying to stop wal : qnougands of people suffer from HERE is as ich e and we will eall, young man in a quiet north country -- bag victs must realite! baldness, and falling hair who, hav- i comfort in good, pure oat ihly | may nef hs nls voles, and with scarcely any emotion( [ft the guards 'Ww Se Yratected. Ing tried nearly every advertised hair food #8 in any other 2 Teer By te a Svat but with intense earnestness, told thef if Berrigan had. died he of thektonie and hair-grower without re-i}| blessing with which, man is - SN Gh opinion that nelhing could nave way sults, have resigned themselves to endowed: + Our bread is at ~ | éd Hogers from the gallows, the top of the perfect prov- 5s i AI Ta arostls d baldness and its attendant discom- ) j Regained As it'was he was influenced by the fort. Yet their case is mot hope- ender programme, It is 1 D. youth of the prisoner and. imposed |ioss: the following simple home pre- tasty and always uniform in Insurance, : Tal aS. a sentence of eight years for assault scription has made bair grow after quality, Ask for our bread . My Health ing a guard and two yeuais, for at-fyears of baldness, and is also un- by name. : wr a i A 3 ¥ Afempting (0 escape, to run coneur-| equalled for resto St, gently, reminded the prisoner iy . Food : t 6. imprisonment was the lp And Drntlitoes Nerve 4 i hon be maximum penalty winich mignt have 'Similar Conditions. been meted out to him but that with [hail : : : is ood our the term might bejdruggist | Becaiise we all have nervous eys-| Consderably shortened. fv {| toms which get out of order at one] While sentence was being pro- 'time or guother ft is of vital im-|BOUDced Rogers elood and took the Juortance that we kmow the best |Jjudsment Without a. whimper, His Juortance restoration. ".fonly words were, "Your honor, Ili When we get fired and langéia, {UY to do my best. IC there is any ey Semi ready alk 3 'Was