149 Sydenham #it. Phone ii AREER Rt A MN A NNN Nit Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Ornamental Cement Work. Factory, cor. of Charles and Pairick streets. Phone 730W. Mgr., H. ¥F. NORMAN We have a supply of cut hard wood and kindling. ! J. Sowards Coal Co. CARS FOR SALE OR TRADE One 1918 Ford Sedan, 1~=1917 Chevrolet Roadster, all mew tires. One 1917 Overland Roadster, All kinds of cars bought, sold or exchanged. ©, Oa ' 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1674w , || SPECIAL VALUE Holbrook's Imperial Custard Powder, eack package makes § pia of delicious custard. | 4 Just received in all SS pankagon Tor | [Bsn lows |" "as constipation. returns almost. im- IH the bowels. : ; ti 'Nujol prevents stagnation by soft- WEEPING ECZEMA SOON RELIEVED 4 Trealment For This sing Complaint Wasing, Owe. "I had an attack of Weeping Fezoema; so bad that my clothes would be wet through at times. For four months, Isuffered terribly, I could get no relief until XI tried 'Fruit-a-tives and 'Sootha Salva The first treatment gave me relief. Altogether, I have used three boxes of 'Sootha Salva' and two of 'Fruit-a-tives', and am entirely well" ; G. W. HALL, Both these sterling remedies are sold by dealers at 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50; or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, "Fruit-a-tives" is also put up ina trial size which salls for 25c. - PUBLISHED AsNUALLY London Directory with Provincial & Forelgn Sections enables traders to communloste direc with MAN ACTURERS & DEALERS in Tohigh and in tha Provincial Towns and Industrial Centres of the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe. The names, addresses and other details are classified under more than 2,000 trade headings, including * EXPORT MERCHANTS with detailed particulars of the Goods shipped and the Colonial and Foreign Markets supplied; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail. and' indicating the approxi- mate Sailings. One-inoh BUSINESS CARDS of Firms desiring to extend their connections, or Trade Cards of DEALERS SEEKING AGENCIES can be printed at a cost of 8 dollars Tor each trade heading under which they re inserted. Lapger advertisementy from 1¢ to 30 dollars, A copy of the directory will be sent by patest post tor # dollars, nett cash with order. The LONDON DIRECTORY Co. 14d., ' 25, Abchurch Lane, Londen, B.O. 4, England. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 105 YBARS BA Pg THE POLICE FORCE OF THE BODY AY and night--without ceasing--a stro is going on in your body be- tween the perms of disease and fhe white blood car puscles--the police force of the human body. = It this police force weakens, Constipation is the most common and dangerous way of corrupting the human police force. I'ood waste remains too long inthe in- testines---decays = poisons the blood the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia and a mul- titude of other ills" The culpable habit of using salts, pills, mineral waters, castor oil, ete, to force the bowels to move, makes this condition even worse, mediately. Pea Nujol is entirely different from "drugs as it does not force or irritate ~and opens the way for anack by |. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 19 7 2. Leth EE -- EE . War By EpwiN MARKHAM Author of "The Man with the Hoe, and Other Poems" I O bugles, ripple and shine, Calling the heroes home from the battle-line. Praise, praise, praise, 3 For the last of the desperate days! Shake out 'the lyrical notes From the silvery deep of your throats. Burst into joy-mad carols: tell again The story and glory of heroic men. Glad are the love-birds in the leafy tree, But none so glad as we. High leap the rock-flunig billows to the sky, But none leaps up so gladly and wildly high As leap our jubilant hearts. " The Fear that crouchtiupon the world departs, And Joy comes back pavilioned by the sun: Let all the mountains clap their hands and run: Let all the oceans from their throats of thunder Shout to the streams and storms and stars the wonder! II O bugles, circle on from sky to sky, Travel the roads of the world with joyous cry. Blow, bugles, turn dead air to thrilling breath: Cry, cry eternal victory over death-- Cry into the ear of time the shining word-- Cry solemnly yet elate-- That man is ever greater than his fate, That---at some touch of God--his soul is stirred By swift translunar gleams Which give him power to perish for his dreams. . Praise, praise, praise, For the new Beginning of days! Praise for the living, honor for the dead-- Praise for the wreathéd and the wreathless head. Praise and victorious peace . On hearts that beat and on the hearts that cease-- Peace on the mortal and the immortal way-- Peace on the heroes vanisht from our day, Called back from out these bounds of fleeting breath To join the old democracy of death. AIT Sing and be glad, O nations, in these hours: Blow clarions from all towers! =~ ight. boi ; oy-bells rave; Yet there are ; [¢ 1s ever vain And wild wet eyes behind the window pane, For whom the whale world dwindles to one grave, A lone grave at the gercy of the rain. | The victor's laurel wears a wintry leaf: Sing softly, then, as tho the'mouth of Grief, Remembering all the agony and wrong, Should stir with mighty song, Not all the glad avérment of the guns, Not all our odes, nor all our orisons, Can sweeten these intolerable tears, : These silences that fall between the cheers. And yet our hearts must sing, : Carol and clamor likeghe tides of Spring. For the great work is ended, and again The world is safc for men; The world is safe fos.high heroic themes; The world is safe for dreams. ¢ , dV But now above the thunder of the drums-- . Where, brightening on, the face of Victory comes-- Hark to a mighty sound, A cry out of the ground: Let there be no more battles: field and flood Are weary of battle blood. % ven the patient stones: Are weary of shrieking shells and dying groans. Lay the sad swords asleep: ; They have their fear, 1 to keep. 1 ps ry. battle days, "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE fyens Office, Roya) Insurance Bide. MONTREAL Y J. QUINN, FERC W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON. ONT. ¢ For table and culinary poses. You use only about half as much AprOl as of lard or bute ter, For sale by . D. COUPER 341-3 Princess utrel. Phone 76 Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON &-SON, Limited Cool and Dainty tor the Warmer Months Now that summer is really with us, the well dressed woman seeks a comfortable and snug-fitting pump. We have just re- ceived a new lot of pumps and Oxfords in canvas, buck and poplin, from $3 to $8.00. All sizes and widths. ; J.H. Sutherland &Bro The Home of Good Shoes EVERYBODY'S DOING ; Come on folks, spring is calling ROIHUDE Bows aid we ATe ready te to do the job right. Paints, es, pails, brooms, mops, dusters--everything is more, prices are moderate during this Paint-up time STEVENSON & HUN Phone 53 85-87 Prince: St ey As Charlie Says :