Established 1859 - Bors CIWS DEll§ 8 0 clock. Sumtittier Furs in Seal, Mink, Mole, Sable, Squirell, Baum and Stone Martin, Ete. On? Fresh selected Gallecion of Wutoh Seid Skins Aetiving Your tispeetion inyited--No obligation to buy. John McKay, Limited Manufacturers of Fine Furs o M9 to 155 Brock Street Kingston 8 Ont. | plano tamed. Clab on § 8 5 3 Whoever has a gollaction of records, will, of course, have some violin records; and whoever has violin records is sure to hive Some by Mischa Eltian--that young wizard of the bow, whose péMoTnaticos have thrilled and delighted thousands who have attended his comeerts and literally millions who have listened to his records. Now ax Biman dibuta or albums would add wonderfully to the enjoyment of Elman 'récords, for your entire collection Would bs together, dnd you could edsity and quickly select the partituldy onés you or your friends wished to enjoy. veemt and - Swaine, plano tuner, orders at | McAuley', or 'phone 564w i Is splendid bass fishing in the ha river just now. Frank Pollitt, who was awey from 1 tHe oity for fwelve yedrs, is visiting | friends here. If you want the best, use DALY'S DRUG The summer visitors are flocking || GOOD TRA. For sale at MAHOOD'S STORE. {to the Thousand Island resorts, and §i the hotels are rapidly filling up. Now is the time to have your © Carry two: expert | tuners and will assure entire satis faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, ¥. Harper is in Brantford attend- ing & convention of the Canadian of Stationary Engin- The wet ooudition of the green Prevented any games being played by the members of Queen's Bowling Wednesddy evehing The graves of deceased members of the Independent Order of : ¥ morning. The. heavy main on Thursday morning washéd off the streets. A jj great amount of dust and dirt Had gathered during the dry spell. Thomas Henry Sedore, Elgin burg, alleged defaulter, now releas- ed under $800 bond, will appear be- fore County Magistrate J. W. Bad- shaw on Friday for hearing. Provost, Brock stieét; had just re cetved a cade of tweed, cheviot and blue serge for his order department. His roaqy male clothing and gents' furnishing ment are well as- corted with the latest: goods. W. F. Niekle, M.P.. epposed the bill of the minister of militia to in- crease the permanént force from §,- 000 to 16,000. He thought the pre- sent was not = good time to create a larger force. The Athletics have agreed. to play the Havana Red Sex in Ganinogue on July 2nd. "Pop" Watkins claims to have gathered together a gona team this year and a keen struggle will likely take place. i ud SF a De oat @ 8 you © purchasing instrament we will allow the six months' rental oun Shale Price, and easy terms on ance, C. W. Lindon Limited. The commence the Ca held ence. The diplomas Were presented by F. L. Burd) esident of th Board oF Bento H there will 'be something - McKay, Noble Steacy. The. first Club Bandios , match play, of the season Will open on Sat urday next, when tH qualifying round will be played, The players -turpiug in the Mighest ®ix- teen scores will go into the first round. " ow The work of layhig thé = watér pipes to the greems will be compilet- ed in the course of a week and from then on great improvement may be looked for dm the: course. The greens commiites has recomniended that a permanent 9-hole course he laid out, and has selected one of a little over 3000 yards, The com- mittee to chobse a site for the Club House is to meet/ Friday for jhe 'purpose of makin preliminary urvey of the de. BARBERS MAY BE STRIKE -- Redulsition Mas Been Sent to $508 garding Wages and Working y -- D The barbers have been calling "NEXT" and from rumors going the tounds, they may be "Next" to 80 on strike. The journéymen barbers held =a meeting on Monday wight, to consid- er the question of wages and Work- ing hours, and have put in a requisi- tion to the bows barbers. The boss barbers will have a m to-night, to take up the matter, and fo-mor- row it will be known whether or fot "doling." . Jers who fre too nervous to nse a razor better get in a little prac tice in case the po artists take the Hotion to My down their todls, Underwent an Opération. Melville Hyland, 3) John street, who has heen suffering. trom a lengthy fifness, yah 8 tities) operation at the Mite tal at Rochester, Minn., and @ report fo- teived regar his condition stat- 6d that he jg d be expect 2] a) Tand, The many friends of 'Mel" are blessed to learn thit Ne withstood the operation so well, 'and look for- _j ward to Nig reco 1 & driver tor Toyes | [Hl & paralytic stroke as. well. as could |i eB ¥ oks TF ormerly $1.50 & $1 Az 5 Now 75¢ ZANE GREY: Wildfire, The Botder Legion, Betty Zane, Last of the Plainsmen, Rainbow Trail, Heritage of the Desert, Lone Star Ra , Riders of the Purple Sage, Desert Gold. : B. M. : Chip of the Flying U, Flying U Ranch, Flying U's Last Stand, Her Prairie Knight, Heritage of the Sioux, The Range Dwellers, Ranch at the Wolverine. : JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD: Kazan, The Danger Trail; Honor of the Big Snows, God's Country and the Woman, Flower of the North, The Hunted Woman. GEO. 3. The Yella Dove, Paradise Garden. : T. W. HANSHEW; Cleek of Scotland Yard, Cleek's Government : Cases. Cleek, the Man of Forty Faces. \ The Dark Star; Maids of Paradise, Ailsa Streets of Ascalon. ROBT. W. BERS: Page, e Girl Phillippa, Over 1,500 to choose from. - 5 THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS PHONE 919 « LINE ae [#{FTN Just received. | They are beauties. Prices: 45¢, 59¢, and 69¢c per yard. White Voile Be -------- Special 500 yards white, 40 inch dress voile will be placed on the 1 fmprovemants, with an office butllding, for all. it] HE x sorid brick provements, barn yard, $3,850. _ On Markland St. 'counter at a very _spetiit lls 2 erin 0 Sse. price, 35¢ per yard. The, Carpet - Dept. and large | tes Tor. $1,850. Posseminn os pace, ST ET a] LUMULK & SO0 WMOLLR