Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1919, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1819. . -- __ THE] a HHH ir Son mm myo or rand Whitlock 's | a Te ---- B HIN » SHEE BOTILE BEHIND A BUREAD MANY APPLICANTS PLACED MAGISTRATE TOLD NAPOLEON NEWELL IT WAS LAST ONE. IN SUITABLE POSITIONS BY EM. PLOYMENT BUAHAT, BELGIUM The Story of the Heart of the War By far the most important book of the tragic story of the Rape of Belgium--the heart of the war --& book that will live forever, tinguished author, the The complete story by the man whose testimony is final--- one official whom the Germans permitted to leave Belgium with the diaries he had kept during the invasion--the most valuable literary work that has grown out of the war, The World's Greatest Human-Interest Story Two Volumes, Illustrated Padi AtiUg 141 PRINCESS STREET United States Minister to Belginm, the Twentieth Centory-- by a great diplomat and a dis- ony 0.87.50 low's adies You have your new hats, boots, suits, ete... But did you forget the welfare of your eye- sight? Are your. glasses mo- gern and correct for your vision? HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED By our thorough methods, which are a little different and more accurate than usual. ! EXQUISITE CUT GLASS We take great pride in showing our cut glass as the designs are new and tasty, with the very latest patterns of cutting. Bowls, $5.00 up to $20.00 Cream and Sugar Sets $2.50 ap to $10.00 $8.00 up to $25.00 Sandwich Trays $8.00 up to $15.00, Bon Bons, $1.75 up to $5.00. Water Bets $10.00 up to $35. No trouble to show and prices Vases, & d'Esterre Jewelers, 100 Princess Street 4 NNN a, SN Yh St ---- Ocean Steamship Ticket C. S. Kirkpe 2 St. Phone 58Sw, > is B¥ "88 Oliven: TAG HAE AER I Moore's Rebuilt ~~ Tires ra Ann }s SHG Into that Ea v "and produce. - In workmanship and ma- terial these tires are a. product of 'whi the house of Moore's is justly experienice can | glous movement," said Mr. Poor Condition of the Roads Is No Excuse for Ricyclists Taking a Spin On the Sidewalks. ~Two Young Riders Fined, Napoleon Newell was in great Juck on Wednesday." It certainly was his lueky, day according to the story he told Magistrate Farrell, in the Pol- ice Court on Thursday, He was hailed before the cadi, .on a charge of being intoxicated. Asked by ithe magistrate as to where he. had secur- ed the liquor, Newell stated that he found a Dettle behind a bureau in his home. Just how long said bottle had been there he did not know. He bad been overseas three years and' it might have been there all that | time but he did not know for sure. "That's the last bottle you can find behind the burean," remarked His Worship, 4s he tacked on a fine of $10 and costs. Kingston roads are in very bad condition. Everyone will hold up both hands in support of this motion, but nevertheléas, the condition of the roads will not justify you in speed- ing your bicycle on thé side walk. Two young bicyclists paid a fine of $1 and costs, or a grand total of $3.50 each in to 'the police court treasury because they took a spin on a Wilk that looked more inviting than the roadway. Two wide-awake policemen caught the offenders while they were cut looking for auto speeders the other afternoon. Splendid Young Men Golug on Farms--Only Men 'Who Want io TT a Become Farmers Are Wanted For == Rusal Wok. The government; employment bureau has been very successful in placing returned soldier applicants in suitable positions. The work for- merly done by Soldiers' Aid Com- mission is about elosed up. The bureau, too, has taken «ver the work of the G.W.V.A. and the Army and Navy Veterans, thus closing up three offices that had to be supported, two of them at the expense of the sol- diers themselves. office at the market square is busy every hour. When asked whether the banks were taking back their former clerks, it was stated 'that they held the posi- tions open for the return of all their employees who enlisted, hat the girls who were taken in are in many cases being retained, although ft is the futention of the banks to employ males chiefly, as before the war, The Soldiers and 'Séttlement Board is placing many splendid young men on farms and Mis re- cognized that the success of the un- dertaking depends upon the greatest discrimination, in 'order that only suitable men who are détermined to make farming their permanent oceu- pation may get the benefit of the gov« ernment aid. While the board has great' scope and could place large numbers of men, experience thus far shows that it is dificult to carry on the work as extensively as desir- ed. «It is not a charity, but a pure- ly business) proposition, and its sue- cess depends upon the ability of the applicant. AMONG THIRTY THOUSAND ISLANDS OF GEORGIAN BAY The 30,000 Islands of the Georgian Bay is one of the most attractive ot Canada's summer resort .territorios, with its shaded nooks, wave-lashed shores and rocky forest depths, 1t comprises some of the finest fishing grounds, where bass, pickerel ana maskinonge are plentiful, and lake trout are caught weighing from tén to fifteen pounds, Among the attrac- tions other than fishing, this district offers fine canoe routes for long ana short trips amiong the islands and (amid fascinating scenery. bathing beaches are found ait-all the princip#l points. As a health Fesort the region is famous, the air being ~ PREMIER 'W.. M.° MARTIN The Federal Liberals - of Manitoba Are discussing no one for leader but William Martin, pt of Saskatche<¥ wan. LETTER" CARRIER ORGANIZER. i Address Herve. ESSA a mass meeting in the Trades and Labor Council hall Wednesday afternoon Mr. Hoop, organizer of J the Winnipeg letter carriers, gave an address on the labor . situation in that city. At the outset-he stated that nobody expected that it would be. a six weeks strike, The labor movement was a youhg man's fight, but there were too many old men in it who were inclined to be overs cautious, : : Taking up the question of capital and labor, he safd that they repres~ | ented two great extremes; and de- clared that Jabor would be justified 'in putting up a 'scaffold for the capitalists who made 300 per cent. and toasted of thelr-ill-gotten gains a8 disclosed by the evidence taken before the cost of living commission. "Labor has got to become a reli- Hoop, and referring to the One Big Union, he said it must be made bigger. This was the great objective of organizea labor. k He could not see that increase in wages has a chance fot 'the in. crease in the cost of living. Taking up the Lemieux Act he said it was Makes Some Pointed Remarks In An |- is refiched hy the Grand Trunk Rail. way System, the trains connecting Steamer which calls at all the im- portant resorts. For full informa. tion apply to J.P, Hanley,C.P, & T.A., G.T.R., Kingston, Ont. i hn MARRIED IN OTTAWA. Ft St and; Miss Rdith 1. he 7 Street P Froth, The marriage took place on Wed- nesday in St. Josephts church Ottawa. Ot Miss Edith Isabel \Street, daughter of Lisut-Col. and : Douglas R. Street, to Herbert: Steacy, son of the late Edward Steacy and Mrs, Steacy, Kingston. Rev. Fatlier Cornell" ofi- ciated 'and the bride was attended by Miss' Hthel O'Brien, Renfrew, and Capt, 'Plunkett, Kingston, was best man, and the ushers wer and Sherman: Hill. held later at the home of the bride's parents. Among others present were the groom's mother, his aunt, Mi McKeon, Kingston: Messrs, Nobl and Edward Steacy, and Mr. and Mrs McKeon and Miss McKeon, of Montreal. - After a irlp to Portlana, Me.; and New York, the couple will take up residence in Kingston. DOMINION: DAY BASEBALL, Local Teams, Aré-Preparing For Man- hattan "Giants. , With good baseball weather fo fa. the work of capitalists who control legislation, and in any adjustment made under it the dice were always loaded to the disadvantage pf labor, But there is now w new era in the, labor movement that calls for great-, sacrifices than ever before. "We! must twke men by the scuff of the neck and force the Our. ore ganizations," said the speaker. "You | Athi are justified using Orn and Ponies will come up y i ie An the afternoon. Both e the organiza- . benefit by vor them, the board. of management of the City Baseball League is hope- ful that the Dominion Day events be- tween 'the colored Manhattan Giants and City League teams will outclass anything that has yet heen seen in the city. Splendid 'reports are com. ing in of adeoss the Tine aig t ta an ¢ n the city on July 1st. YH ge meet the negroes 1 the teams are in 1 A 8 fettle for the ganies, and a n The staff in the! Excellent) Migs Helen Steacy, the groom's ster. pt} Gordon Reade, Lieut. Jack Williams, A reception was) | the playing pt the Giants}: Ee 0 are M struggle may belr {placed in the Ha EERE REE CHIT TERA EEO Get Under a Cool Hat 'We have all the latest die- tates of fashion. Panama Hats in all grades and prices. | Outing Hats, Special at 50c Java Sailors, Semnit Sailors, Panama Sailors All new and fresh from the factory. CLASSY SUMMER SUITS In ¢harming blues, browns, or J grays, latest English © merges and wi Priced at : 35 $28, $30, no ax low as A mew line of negligee shirts, © hats, ties, belts, boots and shoes. Dur Motto: "We save you money" - ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess Street. TAMWORTH TIDINGS. An Tamworth on lay last mireal. His family arrived es', and the remains were Christ chureh ceme- Leteh and wif 2 runswick. in the S95¢ Picnic Cases Small size suit cases-- good strong handle metal cor- ners and hinged lid--j ing bathing suits. Clearing. . .. AE ust the thing for picnics--or cary. 3 Newlywed JUNE BRIDES ! ! ; Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the new home that they are about to start. We make a Specialty of completely outfitting newly weds, so perfectly that they become a life long customer. At your service; We have a full staff of upholsterers: and cabinet makers, JAMES REID Phone 147 For Service lA toll rn semis iiny ---- REAL ES ATE UTHERLAND'S ATISFACTORY. ERVICE If you want to sell let us Met Your property. We have the buy- E kiddies think our era. If 'you want to buy, let us bread is dandy and know your wants. I that our pastry , tastes like candy. And papa and mamma and all the gdests agreq: that our bak- ing products are of the highest quality, Remem- 'ber the name of our bread and say sort of firm-like to the 'grocery man--*R ber, thtt's the bread for me" [LACKIES BAKERY 8 HOME MADE STi Ie A R. 0. SUTHERLAND Real Estate & wnee, Co

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