PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1919. (° ~ ry a Sn from ow hick, | hed thebghd et ' a ~+| FRONEENaE CHEESE Bo; ; | rosaue JN EVIIRS MO FR OE BO fe es . ' " " - - 4 to the elevator, 'st Mion [0 karan Coming on g : Pounds oT OF THE WHEAT OVERAGES port iniam, operated by the Grain P Shades ahd at 30 9°16c on ; i 10,000 » (D SCREENINGS. rowers' Grain Company, of which, : rontenac Cheese Poa \ § nd al. d y AND SOR Hon. T. A. Cremar is managing dir-| The Medning Of the Present Unrest] day afterndon. There was boarded n ea Kingston, June 25. To the Edi. Ww i, orc Military Tents Reap a Tidy Harvest Asnuailfes bia Me. as ahowed fr 3 101): May Toons ontrente. the Bah 335 Doiee: of white and 228 colored, from 8 fo, 1.06, On Sale at 50¢; The Commons Discusses e Op. and screenings in spite of the hor-|Muminating article from the pen. of White---Arigan, 36; Howe Island. 5 5% By % " Beil and - Marquees for sale, ' erations of Terminal Elevators, ror with which Mr. Crerar and the|that eminently saintly ang gifted wo- 32; Model, 90; Ontario, 57; Silver Sc, A per pound. iv i 2 8 cheap Ottawa, June 26.--Operations 'of | Western Grain Growers viewed the brio 3 Mrs. Penn-Lewis, in a recemtf Springs, 105; Thousand Islands, 35; This sale ocers &n opportunity to Bae th terminal elevators, including that ofl profits of Eastern manufacturers hm Sat of the Christian (London }fWoite Hiand. 81. Dest toa at a saving of 85 y s &C the Grain Growers' Grain Company | and packing 'houses. The Grain Sut Be ea Breath of the New Coloréd---=Glenburnie, 60; Glen- Re cont, I. Cohen 0. at Fort William, were under Heavy! Growers' Graii Company rents the 48%" Which deals with the meaning|vate, 65: Gilt-Bdge; 50; St. 'Law 295 Ontario Street. Phone 584 fire in the Commons yesterday. They elevator, Assuming that it owned SF guryant the light of p {rence, 51. + were brought to the attention of the| the plafit, Mr. Stevens computed its|P She truth? : At 30 9-16 cents, the following House during the discussion of thelannual average profits over a five = grr Foy Shai les were made: Resolution which isthe Tore uliey of year perfod 'from fees alone #t 7.73 and of Ohrid and a Toa ith Dh K NeCullagh, Glenburnte, Gilt a "10 amend the Can Graiu| per dent. Its profits taking into ae- ; x ge, St wreace, ACt. "THAL resolution calls for the] opat fees and sorceing. Lo cof pam. 8 thousand: years. Mus. Penn . To J. B. Forster, ntario, Silver appointment of a Board of Grain Ap-| culated at 11.81 per cent. and ftak- "Mote and fore oe 1s. chldent that Wolfe Island, Peale iy ear Sppeals from the outs ing into account tees, screenings and | po only: key: 10: the present condition a Murphy, Howe Island sions of the Grain Inspector at | overages at 19.835 per cent. Basing Le Hipeg as to the grading of wheat inl Kis aleuiations tan the capitalizi- of the 'world 'Hes in the fulfilment To John Gibson, Glenvale and Ari transit to the heud of the lakes. Tul tow bf $50.000 for. exch million oy Dybeex: oar. in the throes otf gan. : ; Age, and the! ' The buyers t : iA : the resolution is a section stating] bushels capacity allowed by expert breath of that Gomi e is almost bay: present were Messrs. '} * ] y. that "stock shall be taken of © t Qitors. actifie for a Government oming Ag orster, Murphy, Gibson, MeCullagh, |}. : --- eo Quantity of each grade of grain & ad to be felt in the midst of the chaos! Thompson and Smith. a 11 1 aps. A We have a large number of i mmission, which enquired into store in the terminal elevators, and| the operations cf clan at the eo; ee ae Frere, AA pr oo Bones ur ool fhease a 0 We Tosa E ' x i a Surplus in any Eads of grain 1s} head of the lakes, Mr. Stevens said | secular press about 'reconstruction,"} bail oI . + ound, In excess of one-half of onelthe Grain Growers' Grain Companys' | ate., belong only to the millenial dis- AME E \ Groceries and Meats per cent, of hie hose Bilouat of Hie elevators' profits reached 211 per aE Sly tut) issues that a ELEPHANT: BALL. 3 aler Win S grain receiv in the elevator dur-| cent, in 1916-17. ; constantly avising te be settled be- of a If you Wiis the best in. the 3 the many stunts performed b ¥ 1 Ti come tok our tore. jie ne Sop Jan. Sue Surpias en) {Ween masses of people ean only be!the Sparky Circus herd of elephants ; . . Bue tack. 1 compl tor the. [1711 be iF await 5 ene re Tyo iv nd net of it nef Dotivem senor | SARGENT'S ' DRUG 'STORE summer trade. Everything you of ram "Ol 38100679," AN ao The elevator 'has . a capacity of King, and the setting up of His newfapreciation is the 'game' of base- ! : 1008 for Camping at he Laken plied to pay the expenses of admin-| 9 606.000 bushels, and the capital.| BEOvernment--the reigning saints ball played by these mighty and un- Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts, grocery and meat market. istration of the Grain Act. ., | zation allowed for it would be|Who are to reign with Him a thous feldy pachyderms, "Every Pedr Mr. Stevens pointed out a profit} $100,000, Its revenues in 1916-17 [sand years. Zone through with in fhe Most ludi- : FR pon was made by the elevators from the amounted to $445,000, made up of 8 rous manner, and 'the laughs fur- : v C. H. PICKERING |[[|sale of the screenings themselves. | S533 000 duriied. Ao: fees; $51. [sure ished by this number sill remain . , Broadly speaking, the Vancouver| jog derived from the sale of screen-|E0vernment of the. world-system aq a pleasant remembrance of the 490 to 493 Princess Street member asserted, many of the ter- ings 'and $156,000 ve Bun under the control of Satan is havi circus. » ~ minal elevators had been paid' for overages, Is 'operating exponses| DE to face its dissolution and to give All 'the accessories--pitcher, bat. . ees) almost entirely out of overages sud | amounted to $186,000 Pras Way to the-coming new government top catcher, umpire, fielders and " ; IF Irs IN : = ramon. | Screenings, to $30,000 and: rental payments to[ Jf the King of Kings. The erush their gloves, masks, bats ant rob ll - day Tihe federal authorities have taken Mr. Stevens gave figures to show Janne, it earned a. a Brel of \ y fe SEASON, IT S ' bilize the Swiss the amounts of money revenue de-| $211,000. ring ithe year, 'hows the ener! upheaval betoken's ¥ 30 i be dheasures to demobilize rived by Various elevator companiés | ever in 10580 $24.000 hax. tacoma me a a oars in the in. © Nomerun swat, and has thus. es --_ ON OUR MENU § . b i ' : tablishing a .400 mark batting record 3 . We strive continually to fm- from ordinary warehouse fees, aud|in dealings in 'wheat options; and x { I S m- Cond 2 y reduced the Profits to. $18%;000, or signa by angre We Mall puder tor homer Sink She hases and X Suisine, ve frankly admit EE EE 1:2! 187 pes COTTON the tion | 24RD Jophe slide to hon plate never fall to / ; ge, ink or hnkly admit TT per PON the' cagitalize : ything points to the nedre : Tho. way to EEE ERATE SAE 5 1 1 ee "Everything poiuia to the helm forth rouse' of applause and wl fuer "Breen 0nd perfects G. W. V. A. 'ful f time' when God's purposes! as ide) arb noth fulness of time! when Go purp jother funny siffation is when the . hy don yo. on i ~-CANADIAN VICTORY SHO | Pr " : commenting upon the figures quoted |are ripe, the church Which 18 to TelEN pitcher: has two: strikes om. Big E DY io onired. Eat he re am | sturant is by' Mr. Stevens, argued that they | with Christ will 'be taken to share Afapy he and the: catcher got into June 30th To July 5th c : ipdicated thst lie farmers were| His throne. Even NOW MARY Of 1S Gn animated argument over the So popular, * Vi » ] On the Grounds Opposite Victoria Schoo i HG J railed ing robbed iy tire elevator com-fmembers are boing prepared for their 'next hall to be served. b itoh ey panies, "aug that the disclosuse | mitlenial work and are. being taught gang trumpet tuto ei ne ars. : i ', Gran@ Cafe for shortage on grain shipments,| passing through it, and was legally entitled to retain overages. Mr. Ma-huphedval and tumult, and the awak- mong Shows, which are Billed to exe hate replying to Mr, Morphy, sajdfening of desires for better things, nie here Friday, July 4th, at Depot that it might be possible to devise 'af With the revolt 'against their ol |gennot Grounds, Montreal 'street -< system whereby the farmer might | manner of life, Is, as it were, the Advt. . 3 - . Cor. of Union and Alfred Sts. SPECI L -- } which is taking place to-day: is sig-| arsonage. 'The brid@¥Who was un- : Olaifn line niffeant in view at the. mille 288 Stterided, wore a' beauttfiil gray $500 Fror a Sad ote h : Horizo The RIS ut to Marry. get his share of overages, but thag|Spirit of God moving upon the 2 I A such a system would be cumbersome{0f the 'deep as He did at creation. Montgomery-lLoughlen. God Tas sald' let there be Nght," undl® 4... Tir Lioughlén daugh- a give Ee TERR to light has broken in upon the dark. Gertrude Lough daug) ; ld esa which hus-Covered: the: degradac cq; cap wag on Wednesday mornin ARRESTED IN MONTREAL: |t/on of millions pt men and women £0r nad in marriage to Bdward Moiit- Wa centuries: . gomery, late of the 2nd Battalion, NTED IN KIN ,. "Bven the emancipation of women oppo Rev 1. A. Lough, at the iter of J. FH. Loughten, 348° Brock HSE SEHR) would "shock the morals 'of Cate-fin the midst of the chaos and tumult pie irtle feed 0 pl ways. IE 242 Pri Doors ada." Hon, Pi A. Crerar and J. A fot the world, to exercise their priestly Bais with aa roa : - : : Avore" pera ous Muharg, of Maple Creek, président|functions of spirit, by praver, al- 'the audience, and adds greatly to the | [I Sis Gen rom why. 103 a.m. Peter Lae. Prop; 1 of the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' ready to begin their reign over the glready funny nymber, This dct rs - isan » Association, and at the head of the|earth. Whilst in the world itself the vay presented to' New York city's = : Grain Growers' Elevator Company,|breath of the new age is unkunow-!geiishted millions 'last winter, and which operates country elevators in [ingly moving upon the people. Men age in for more favorable newspa- ei oN 3 r ' duchess silk dress' tiinimed with || al Re os RE ' : Lea. ap 1 0. Bre that her oorgette and cordl Lg alll +f % aft da ; +h ef vor G.W.V.A. band will give a concert an the == : - ro EY v's hi Gop Jute he bouquet of white~Toses and sweet Is a ay. er . Ys 'has: Sr grounds every evening during the week | The law has a good memory. On solbnte bo CE Ls ai a, Sap ay be ser that pleases; Sends the kiddies off to school He & Thr F180 S August 1th, 1918, Michael Para- | hot thay are being set free from. the After the ceremony, luo was (fl satisfied, anad hurries them home again for = Seva, or ian Brion nL, Hamit subordini | position ot a uries. &erved at - the' residence of the | mor : i © Dolic | heenuse it wis not ordained for them. Sor ve | ore, . | that lie had" been robbed of $500-by [on prac. bu Laanor continue: in the Pride's parents, and. the: guests were Saskatchewan, replied: They point-|do not know why they want ' . wn RH Pauline' Gazell. Word 'was received millenia] age, wien the serpent. who|O01Y the immodiate friends. Tue | |i 11¢C all2ih ;. 0 ed out that the elevator was liable fen Thursday morning to the effect its original cause, will be cast; PPP couple left by the Cape boat | : 3 : Jthat the woman had been placed Tate the abyss; his plans and his oF * on thelr: Raneymooy tei | if Phone 467 and our salesman will call. f under arrest at Montreal, and would {works at last destroyed and his wies[T0 Amsterdam, N.Y., and on their oe : w 2 0 ve brought to Kingston for trial. An tims delivered. = ~ rot will reside in Kingston. } Er hi = Fog Toad Gx 5 4 Ta ¥ a # AE pn eg 2 3 > REA 5 % pes . fad i Liaml Le officer will be sent from 'Kingston| It is necessary. that God's children TH -- ee : ---- : : ¢ A Lo to bring the woman back, should see clearly the meaning of allfi} Lond nate Wrouen Wish. td : er IoC : in Parasieva sald that he was Boing [that 18 taking plice fo-day 80 thatl, a Jans Co er Siva os A: Syd N.S., despatch = sa¥s- | Tie Pennsylvan las pass- y ; ui to marry the woman. - They were they do nok fail lu thelr priestly work: ey as received from the Cana ney, N.S., despate y ney! ia Senate le V ; ; military stores: 700 tons of froz-| Whether the companies agree or not, { ed a bill permiting the brewing and 'JUNE 123.28TH y Saping a Doarding --ouse here; kof Rar The outlook Is so vist: u- fish for distribution among the| the miners wilk go on a five-day a | selling of beer 2% J TW JO . bs 0 ug dy ; ; 1 alle he was and" God is doing is so stupen: of London Eee Week schedule, commenetng July Tet! cenf, aloghot. 5 °° KSs Mouday, 23rd--Woonlight Excursion dewn the river, 7.90 pm. §{ out securing the marriage 'leense {dous that only 'In the spirit' is it H000 . ; - enn ns ; db mis FA Tuesday, 24th--Popuinr evening trip to Amherst Inland and Bath, the woman skipped out - with his possible: to understand what is' clears = : . : ; . Le ey Canasbane to X Bay. money. LIE. x Jy 'made known. In the scriptus -- -- + Shik He, monk As a result the ' wedding; of fe. eS par $1.30 pom. course, did not take place, and ever evening trip to Amherst Island nnd Bath, : since Parasieva has been trying to ow attetaiin and evenini ramble among the Inlends locate. the woman and. iis money. 3 Ol [sin in spite ot all the accumulated : : 2 wd ls CR 'wisdom of centuries. Tie Cross of * : » Calvary is vindicated as the only way, i the Holy God could have dealt with al Tallen Let us believe that since | 8 ad : \ an oe 4 bak 50c. per ton in 'the cases of] GNM a 7 ipa see a oe Rak istove and' nut, making 'these $12. There 15 no change in the . ite Of pea and furnace or broken, er hoine $10.50, and the Jat Mortgage ind be i of ie, for graee- of design and for perfection of in- is most anyone would choose 40.000 acres. tibber and palpwood: lands. of wood, water wer and mills.