Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1919, p. 7

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What Are You Paying for Your Protection? Coolent Place In Kingston Actunl results paid on 4 Dominiun Ordinary Life Contract ! TONIGHT a" Feber He No. hs 8 J anmed 1 m3, a and Saturday TO ERR go At end of fifth yeuly fre . 4 y Nor do the restits ro foe wrk en - at 7.30 pom. the Company this reduction WIT 06 ore Bete at increased at the end of the tenth ye Get oud rates at YORE Dee age! a 8am ply "of returns on other contracts. An All-star Dlayers Big Bénuty Chorus : ; --r-- i p JK. CARROLL, District Agen WER La para oe mt, street R Bea h's B Fi or hxeakien, A PALL ANI bo ALL IAD Ea FURNL. ex Ch 8 Dest ive! Ge rd. Stade oe strest. gh Real Phiotoplay we SE Sh AS SEL 4 roca woo, rey § 9 YON £ hor me Omics. Ap- money. Owner may. obtain ost ie. x TOO FAT TO FIGHT xh a same by calling at 167 A} a TOPS, cuNHIoNS: Other Films = SECQXD-HAND Aries Tred treet. , covers, eto. 15 Lai . €00) EN. L. APPLY 124 BAGOT A ET SOLDIER'S DIS. ness. Judson's ute Tops, Be, 23, 35e Sr og Disses and ritone gers deg RET ED Owner may vilie Chapter, 1O.D.E. Ind -- ; a | soon WE APPLY WHIT ifs Suen A Bente: oor man's COLLIE aud 4th Thursdays. i ¢ § d ney Hotel, 29 sirest. ov! i a "Sadrcs 4 pore. bred rt i A er business. aT rb, ' \ | A MAID ly Rothwell yn ea sa: Robinson, oe CW ea f h er : rs SEAL : wy ¥. I ap afer $37. Alfred | street. FOUND ABTICLES ADVER- p : adi Pho : 8 \ oN WANTED--0 ALE ' If you ase thinking of buy. © LL ER Fl fom PIR oh if RA he An bo, roach le ow: ng a or camera, why : n - : r. 8 Send pos reporting th. uot do it nbw! We would be -- MAIDS oa St \ Ba eR Waite" ar b Es as" Whig. The Ser g rors ) oo Aon Hospi ores tree of Sarge. range from $8.00 to DOM i J 3 ! 3 Developing and print- JULY 187, 10 AM, Lf YVR (PRiyER yon TEAR WE WIE uy iF YOUR dovar ing our specialty a ae oC ba Including Manhattan Gignts Sovis oh Ste : nz Be a Py has ine : i p---- x Colored Team of Bumlale 4 : Sms AT ee ROOM; MM Rosen & © 23rguant LOST. : a oa t ince +HOAGS Drug Store i vs; Athletics -- § 3 Sy & Pot Pg 4 on . @treet. Pras a oar ad -- SARE bona 4 Condition; =e DEN 3 ph in Giant or Hy fini ~ , Union of EMingwood dh Ks parvali ; is "Po a E RUC TWO SMART Sins, | wire BXPERI- TOLLEY. on Sarre Monday ev ing; gold Agee 50 56 oA) Phone o¥. N ense ne herar wh erm re of- ed éncé prefer in store. bar brooch shaped ke canoe, an it A fonts a args sun} money 9 4 / Apply at Schon ace © oa Par- with fthrée amethysts. Reward for | 3 A GOO ng this aa for, 20% Princess street. sifeLE raoNt Boom. BATH PLAT. Tetum. Bok 256, Whig Office. re ELE with i } W MAN WANTED SPARS TNE Fonna NIN DY SHED FOR SALE. for tu AND SUPPLIES | WE |e a | TL JR, Snr fin on A. GC. WILLIAMS " , 38 v4 gal commiss] ro Brothers A LARGE GARAGE AND A GOOD | GASOLINE ENGINE, 4 HP. IN WORK. | Toor fen = Limited: der, Cheap. Cawson, Con- , a | ron. Nursoriess Bor on tm Stable. Apply 39 Bim st oa IE Ora ea iy sale, four =n ti © Jl CRICKET FIELD | rims tg ag ni So P| J IANO, 100 TF WANTED AN OF 10 DATE DEALER A Sitti con St. [Two _CcHOIOR SQUARE. PIANC F - | ) Da hy 81 Lo street. en. Apply y n Johel : > pular well. Owner WE SELL ON EASY | Saturday, June 28th : Bir, Tiree ines Time room ior | mr Sn de Rodger, Princes street. replacing. Ji wie model nd : , DOUBLE-HBADER '| Kmgston and district. State full fbr pr ioyse or Ni : LOT, CHEAP Self smarter. Trial invited. Apply facilities. John B. Keeble & Com- Stustt street. or pone. 1 LR A SMALL HOUSE AND » quick before Oe from "boat, » 3 Ti for a quick buyer; month end of Box 208, Whig O Indies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, 1.30 p.m. j i } ny: Ltd, 85 Colborne: street, Victoria street. Apply Mrs. George y | . fon to. P DONVEN Nu: Men's Baits, Srdrali Underwear, Y.LC. B. LA vs. Red Sox a i sea RE, suet be fo gd Chamberlain, 150 C street; k Yowelery, Suitcases, ete. | ITRESYRE #38, D! x opie PRIVATE SaLn oF _omokon WA clay losm, 140 acres tillable, never NCED WA 8 ;nut and rn itere, failing spring, windmill PERE a i 4 i : Fu monthly dnd board: Experienced | gipem CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD N. Orris, 74 King St. Red Sox, ro VS. Ponies C chambermmids: $27.00 Rath] all mprovements: oehtraiy jocat' es Ste Tony x #8 n, Afterngons water to barn and aebiticinge wire Al _- ACRES OF ACK AND board and room. Apply persons ed. Apply 243 Bro fencing, ond outh RET AR RTE P or DY ster, ape. exh] ONE NEARLY NEW ONEHORSE go Fos, Soe Je i fensisig, ence, fo e 5 - RETAIL BUSINESS ger, Hotel Waverh Tes, Toronto: Timber wagon; one team ® tat house and ToRAG BAY Bucky od wagon With top Sitaheai r a dy Wathen, for picnics or ouhtle tiie Pe ' lL ge MEN ANE oH by Is 143 Netbon Tou ARNG Bis 6 1891}, Apply 4 439 Brock Stroee. - piasdd Ei a: "Fo poten to aR tore Jean fu lars. Ap 170 Wellington St. . apr + ex~ 3 - Freak eu t Sowers i aay Yor. Semana TO FOX NEW HOUSE; SOEID BRICK, SIX ply J. 1 "Agency, 56 ron and realtone. er to oo Out or e Sk ta fais ih 1 dicts as there is oe CSET URE eat BS rooms and bathroom; extra well reet, ;Anished interior, with splendid of town orders given special attention. fork Sony do alr a vo es a OE DRE ton : I bi to offer for sale one of the asses. Structor, nira corations; Tgain on erms. largest: real businesses in the City Hove, Army LARGE, BRIGHT BEDROOM IN. MO-{ Lawson, OConcéssibn street. BATEMANS NumAz I ESTATE AGENCY. of Kingston in meats and. groceries. i tiembnr omy need: BPD. Prone COVERS FOR $2.50} §2000--BRICK VENEER BUNGALOW. Annual turnover more than $300, bo $185: es from $1 bd Rely JDleveies New {mprovements. - + RC ; $40.00 up; QUICK'S CHOICE [fi ic. Toe protis ars of u yory mi Thursday, Fri, Sat. |} ser wn on i, dnt wuts won wt ES Hote on RL hd ery any inte Apply. ouse modern r month. Geo, Muller, Sin Western Meat Mar- A Peron ood 3 Wolte Island. A ehents. ik street. POoAL 108Tw SIBOOMMICK HOUSE, 1 10 dg 3 ' , 3 treet. . #1 'mprovements; wn I have no hesitation in offering The World's Peter" Pan Girl : ; a Vmprov we YE von S418 ALL KINDS ox econd hand furnitures thi invitiig (nvest . Choloe Western Reet can show" tgures to warrant this Viola Dana In : 8 = Sid Tani ott x pe An: havi dtoves He, so000_emissup Brey aon aan Ohdice Hib and S| Roustn e "FALSE EVIDENCE" i Hi Nv : Ever 4 Ste Ses oly. de oN 8 (Gar in furuitut prices a Choice Hine of Bios ot lowest A. cia ane i Solicitor 1x an of Thi = Prinooss Birest F Phompgon ! 79 Clatetice oft, Ont. we Red Woods 5 2 ston To 3 8: PORN tices, CAIl wad set our guode. . apa Ping RR : Si én oro a Lar ph SI RE To Arad BUYER, ONE, tis Rouen, TRPROYE. Ane : BONE i % al edie 61s PA, Toh, P| ARM ish Asai MILES FROM r Poa carts, one single harness, = two Kingston; ban and tty Cordon In : ; 4 Bile om Ts ne Ames and Th aut SA . : PP: IN, SUIr- chuind, two stable bla 8, robes, HOUSHK ton sien TO FARM FOR SALD--130 ACRES, 7 % 9" AR ' LH Posses- ete, Apply A. Jackson, 158 Bagot miles from ity. The Crweling Hand TS, BERTH RK Luly sna" emt aS ; 8 removed permandnely, £5015 B0x"354, Whi Oven ; 150 WELLINGTON. PHONE $06. }| Department of Saliwhre and Canals, WELLAND SHIP CANAL "Lightning Raider" ' 4 Aske Eye lan Noss sromace rom romNErORS, ¢ : $eteee odes 4 e-- . e bs HE FA o: hur ock 5 ROUGHCAST HOUSE " WITH PRARL WHITE hs i HE (3 Fores! i a a 4 NOTICE TO STEAM TUG OWNIRS. . ARENT : , Phone i: 98 i be ] dh 8" an Femoved Teeal 0 ERS, British 667, on Wellington | St. -T Suipments, Hi Fach ts 21418 [ll ihe mnamivignes ana sudemed Tender Harold Lloyd Comedy = Ht ot and joine | poy 1, Welling Dest service in any work in this ||| for Tugs" will be received at his of- » £5 Yo peek fort eels: aed rege oe HE A F000 5 ni Prices Rensonable. quired for the Welland Ship Canal de. deatts Jo AL Hite, ia ST aaRione up SBo 456 B i St ; Syered at Port Ea housie, 4 ts and to i 2 he ajowment : div- Pub. Co. LORE Po than 76 pe aot A .y A ? gladly supplied by P. } | ers Johnson 2% It. a D mot less thih 9 £C, not thors . : a <8 : a 0 0 , fogs fda 195 1a. PY . hat el fou. if de . Jack i -- £ =A er pliiple expansion condens 44 YUBAN "El i | is mets : i Rouse in Nawpore Power--250 to 400 Sndscuted Sap. Corner A aly ike; 3 tian, edt w Steating coven), 'and 'warden. House is oe # i hem No reasonable offer fefused. . e . > v wa 8 pr can se iat on he se. 1852 he" Ms a Co AT fice: until 13 o'clock moon on. Monday, | a Gl ow the Tth July, 1919; for two br tugs re- N---------- | ; the-atot Phones 1341 or 1» Tui 18 ft 3m Ian or oe Onn now a you with the : DPrissure--mot 'Enginés--fore and am i or Hui ated an ; ? es & { - Ha cut oak, fire places, Uh roa mAL_comble sEORTEE : bn 7 wa ble and garage, ideal summer Agency, 66 B = Street. dae c AUTOMOBILES: ¥ BRUEVE IN AD. a ; 4 'wihioh: 4 \ vertising, that's why 1 want to let tae elleving in py & y 3 Ew ' ; g you Re that the 1 Srnen r eyes n ee of es et oes his St bn wi be and your vision is blur The dhoque of the Aticoessrul tender: when you pg can't er will be held as security, or part se- Relieve. has CUFMtY, for de due TUMTINELt of the contract to be.entered into. "Don't. take xe. chances have 1 dowent Sat or any ténder Wot tiéces- your eyes by "om optometrist. siaiiined Te "¥ w. PUGLEY ois i. be 3 oF . of b

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