EARN TO SAVE.~ [452 ery man, woman "and child can save. should save. Every person does save. : artment of the tandard Bank of Canada ords every facility for aid- ing you to save, =m STANDARD BANK OF CANADA KINGSTON BRANCH J. F, ROWLAND = « Manacen GRAIN QUOTATIONS. T \ Tortonto, July 2.--Manitoba wheat--No. 1 northern, $2.24%; No. 2 northern, $2.21 1-8; No. 3 northern, $2.17 1-8; No. 4 wheat, $2.11 1-8, In store Fort William. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W., 78- 8c; No. 3 CW., 73 5-8¢; extra No. 1 feed, 73 7-8c; No. 1 feed, 72 3-8¢; No: 2 feed, 68 8-4¢c, In store Fort Manitoba = barley---No. 3 CW. $1.26 1-4; No. 4 C.W., $1.22 1-4; rejected, $1.15 1-4; feed, $1.15 1-4, in store Fort William, American corn---Nominal. oats--No, 3 white, 77 to 78¢, according to freights outside. # Ontario wheat---No. 1 winter, per oar lot, $2.14 to $2.30; No. 2 do., $2.11 to $2.10; No. 3 do., $207 to $215, t.o.b., shipping points, ac- cording to ts. Ontario wheat--No. 1 spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2 do., $2.08 to $2.14; No. 3 do, $2.02 to $2.10 f.0.b., shipping points according to freights Peas--No. 2 nominal, Barley--Malting, $1.16 to $1.20, nominal Buckwheat--No. 2 nominal. No. 2 nominal, Manitoba Flour -- Government standard, $11, Toronto. What Cash You Need experienced travellers is old established form of international banking, i because Infrefarsed by man of Credit are cashed Kingston Bran go» - . - - ately Deposit Boses to Rent 8; insures OF CANADA to tisfaction of safety, and guards agai NTS BANK Established 1864, . H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. J. W. MeCLYMONT, Manager. at Kingston Branch, ! TR ageing ~ N country. A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS Ir is as necessary to select a safe place for your savings as it is to save, yet few give this matter much thought, and many lose their savings because of ignorance or carelessness in this respect. For over fifty years The Canadian Bank of Commerce has been serv. ing the people of Canada in ins " ereasingly large measure, until at the present time it. has over. 470 'ing facilities in all parts of the THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE CAPITAL PAID UP . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . . Ontario Flour -- Government fsmndara, $310.60 to $10.75, In jute bags Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment Millfeed--Car lots, Montreal, freight bags included. Bran, $40 to $42 per ton; shorts, $42 to $44 per ton; good feed flour, $2 per bag. y---No. 1, $20 to $23 per ton; mixsd, $18 to $19 per ton, track To- ronte, | delivered Straw--Car lots, $10 to $11 per ton, 'track Toronto. Montreal. Montreal, July 2.--Oats, extra No. 1 feed, 87%¢. Flour, new standard grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats, bag 90 Ibs; $4.25 to $4.40. Bran, $43. Shorts, $44. Hay, No, 2, per ton} car lots, $33. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, | July 2..Oats, No.' 2 C.W., 76%; No. 3 C.W., 738¢; ex- tra No. 1 feed, 73%c; No. 1 feed, 723%; No. 2 feed, 72 %¢. Barley, No. 3 C.Wi, $1.26% ; No. ¢ CW. 81.22%; rejected, $1.16%. Flax, No. 1, N. W.C., $4.94; No. 2 C.W., $4.837%. Sams pn, Chicago, July 2.--Corn, No. 3 yel- low, $1.77; No, 4 yellow, $1.78; No. 6 yellow, nominal. Oats, No. 3 white, 533%c to 89%c.. Rye, No. 2, 143 to $1.44. Barley, $1.08 to 1,20. Timothy, $9 to $12. Clover, nominal. Pork, nominal. Lard, $34.07. Ribs, $27.26 t0 $28. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, July 2:--Flour un- h d. Barley, $1.03 to $1.14. Rye--No. 2, $1.29 3-8. Bran---- $36. Flax, $5.02 to $5.04. Duluth. Duluth, July 2.--Linseed, on track, $4 to $5.50; arrive, $; July, $6; 'September, $4.88 asked; Oct-, $4.67 asked. New York. New York; Juiy 2.--Hay easier; No. 1, $2.15 to $2.25; No, 2, $2 to $2.10; No. 3, $1.90 to $1.95. Hops tirm; state, medium to choice, 1918, 60 to 63¢; 1917, 30 to 40¢c; Pacific Sout 1918, 56 to 60c; 1917, 35 to e. --- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, July 2.--Choice heavy steers, $14 to $15; good heavy steers $18.50 to $13.75; butchers' cattle, choice $13.26 to $13.50; do, good, $12.25 to $12.75; do, medium, $11,50 to $11.75; do, common, $9.76 to $10.25; bulls, choice, $11.25 tol. $11.76; do, medium, $10.25 to $10.75; do, rough, $8 ito $8.25: Butchers' cows, choice $11.25 to to $12; do, good $10.50 to $10.75; do. medium $9.25 to $9.75; do, com- mon, $7.50 to $8; stockers, $8.75 to $11.76; feeders, $12.50 to' $13; can- 'ners and cutters $4.50 to $8.25; milkers, good to choice, $90 to $140; do, com. and med. $656 to $75; springers, $90 t0°$160; light ewes, $10 to $11; yearlings, $12.50 to $14; spring lambs, per cwt. $20 to $21; calves, good to choice, $17 to '$18.60; hogs, fed and 'Watered, $22.25; do, weighed off cars, $22.50; do, f.0.b. $21.25. Buffalo. : Buffalo, July 2.---Calves, $6. to Camping in C $20.50. Hogs, heavy, mixed and Yorkers, $22; light Yorkers and pigs, $19.75 to $20; moughs, $19.70 to $19.75; stags, $12 to $17; state, $21.76. : Lambs, $12 to $19; changed. others un- New York, New: York, July 2.---Beeves, $11 to $15.25; bulls, $7 to $12.50; cows, $3.76 to $11. Veals, $18.90 to $21; culls, $12 to $16; skim milk and fed calves, $11 to $14. Sheep, $6 to $9; culls, $5 to $56.50; lambs, $17 to $18. Hogs, frm at $21.25 to $21.50; roughs, $18.50. Wi A Winnipeg, July 2.----Butcher steers $7 to $13; heifers, $7.50 to $11: cows, $4.50 to $11.50; bulls; $5.50 to $7.50; oxen, $5.50 to $9; stoek- ers," $6 to $8; feeders, $6 to $9: calves, $7 to $14; sheep and lambs $10 to $15.50. Hogs, selects, $22; heavies, $18 to $20; sows, $16.50 to $18; stags, $11.60 to $13.50; lights, $18 to $19. Chicago, July 2.--Hogs, heavy- 'weight, $20.85 to $21.85; medium- weight, $20.40 "to $21.10; Hght- weight, $20.60 to $21.40; light light $18.76 to $21.15; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20 to $20.60; pack- ing sows, rough, $19.25 to $20; pies, $17.25 to $18.60. Cattle, top steers, $14.75; beet steers, medium 'and heavyweight, «choice and prime; $14.50 to $165.50; medium and good, $12.50 to $14.60; common, © $11 to $12.60; light weight, good and choice, $13.40 "to $15; common and medium, $10 to $13.50; butcher cattle; heifers, $7.75 to $13.50; cows, $7.40 to $12.25; canners and cutters, $6 to $7.40; veal calves, light and handyweight, $17.25 to $18.50; feeder steers. A Fo Sl is the rate we pay for sums of $500 and up- wards left with us for fixed periods of 3, 4 Or 5 years. Enquire personally or write for booklet National Trust Company Capital Paidup $1,500,000 Reserve « - '. $1,600,000 18-22 King East, Toronto [ee ci anada's fh Sp -- Ann, $9.25 fo $17.25; stocker steers, $8 to $12. Top lambs, $17.35; lambs 84 Ibs, down, $15.25 to $17.60; culls and common, $8.50 to $14.75; yearling wethers, $10.25 to $13.75; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.50 to $8.25; culls and common, $2.50 to $6; breeding ewes, $7 to $14.50. GENERAL TRADE. Montreal. Montreal, July 2.--CheeseFinest easterns, 30%¢c to 3lce. Bitter-- Choicest creamery, 61%¢c to 53e. Eggs--Selected, 62¢; No. 1 stock, 48c; No, 2 stack, 40¢ to 42. Pota- toes--Per bag, car lots, $1.25 to $1.40; Dressed hoigs----Abattoir killed, $81 to $31.50. Larfd-- Pure, wooed pails, 20 1bs. net, 88¢ to 38 %e. Toronto, Toronto, July ° 2.--Butter, choice dairy 60c to 65¢; do., creamery, 60c to 65c; margarine, 1b, 27c¢ to 40c; eggs, new laid, doz., 55c to 60¢; cheese, Ib., 40¢ to 46¢; turkeys, 1b., G0c to 65¢; fowl, Ib., 48¢; chickens, roasting, 50c; cantaloupes, each, 15¢ to 20¢; oranges, doz., 38c to 60¢; lemons; doz., 30¢ to 40¢; grapefruit, doz, 75c to §1.25; strawberries, box, 16¢ to 20e; watermelons, each, $1.10 to $1.25; asparagus, 3 bunches, 25¢; beans, new, .qt., 15¢ to 20c; beets, bunch, 5e; 'carrots, new, bunch, 10¢; cabbage, new, each, 10c¢ to 20¢; cucumbers, each, 5c to 15¢; celery, head, 10¢ to 25e; let- tuce, 3 bunches for 10¢; onfons, imp. box, $5.25 to $5.50; do., 1b., 16c; do., green, bunch, 56 to 10e; parse ley, bunch, -0¢ to 16¢; potatoes, bag, $1.60 to $2; do., new, peck, 65¢c to 90¢c; rhubarb, 3 for 10c¢; radishes, 3 bunches; 10¢; sage, bunch, 5c to 10¢; spinach, peck, 25c; savory, bunch, be to 10c; tomatoes, Ih, 25¢, Cheese Markets Belleville, 2,000 at 30 3-8. , Listowel, 2,783 at 30. Watertown, N. Y., 9,000 at 30%. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 7560 at 29%. Much to be Thankful For. At a church conference a speaker began a tirade against the universi- ties and he had never been corrupt- ed by contact with a college. Af ter proceeding for a few minutes the bishop, who was in the chair, inter- rupted with the question: "Do 1 un- derstand that Mr. Dobson is thank- ful for his ignorance?" Well, yes," was the answer, 'you can put it that way if you like." "Well, all I have to say," sald the prelate in sweet and muaical tones, "all'l have to say 1s that he has much to be thankful for." Bronze Statue of Queen Victoria. London, July 2.--A bronze statue of Queen Victoria, thirteen feet high and weighing two tons, is shortly to be conveyed by steamer for erection in the Parliament Hoise garden 'at Victoria. It was Tashion- od some years ago for the British Columbia Government, and it is hop 16d that it will arrive in time to be unveiled by the Prince of Wales. At Prescott, on June 26th, Rev. Arthur Wilkinson united in marriage} Bernice Elmer Cooper, Lord's Mills, to. 'Miss Hyvelyn Elizabeth, Barton, Domville, Yes, Thelma, there would be few- er divorces in this vale of tears if theme were more good cooks. New National Park. BR PR See | Elam fi Something il Every Week No matter how litle, you owe it to yourself, your family and your business to save something every week. Regularity pays. Open a Savings Ac count with this Bank. Add to it regularly. It will quickly grow. . It will help you to something really worth while later on. Paid-~up capital § 9,700,000 Reserve and Undivided profits 18,000,000 | Resources 220.000,000 I THE BANK OF A. N. LYSTER Manager Kingston Branch A safe, reliable repwiating ye Sold in three de mY of strength--No, 1, $1; fo. 2 $3; No. 3. $3 per box. Bald Oy all druggists, or sent repaid on yoecipt of price 'ree pamplilets Address THE COOK MEDICINE CO TARANTA Aue A number of friends gathered at the home of Frank Tomkins, New. burgh, on Saturday last, the occa- sion being the birthday of his moth- er, Mrs. Harriet Tomkins, who had attained the age of eighty years. The old lady is hale and hearty, and is in full possession of all her faculties, The old lady entered fully into all the enjoyment. C. W. Cate, K.C.,, Sherbrooke,Que., died on Saturday, He was an ex- mayor. SNOS 3 NIMA0D 'H 'M Heheing TAoums SONYVANSN! Guid Auedmo) duwinsey AVE NOSANH «avodualys og wim vyuwy,, ' 3 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY All kindy of cholce western beef Salt Pork ... ... ..30, 35¢c a Ib, Green Sse as RA 38¢ Ih, 50 Ibs. Dripping st Stew Beef ... .. .... Cholee Steak ... .. .. QUICK'S CHOICE Western Peat Mar- et 112 OLERGY STREET : . Y An TALKIN MACHINES Parts for all makes supplied; expert workmanship, moderate charges, quick service. J.M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham St. Phone 2056) AR Do It Now Send us your hair or felt mattress to be renovated and recov- ered. Feather beds and pillows thoroughly sterilized and made into mattresses st modern cost. Cail or phone. Kingston Mattress pany BBG Princess street. Phone 80%, \ EO RELIABILITY. On schedule to the minute, on the job all the time and at a low cost of operation. VER HEAR OF A REO stopping save on the initiative of the driv- er? The Reo is as reliable as the sun in its orbit, \ VER SIZE BEARINGS. Which means being capable on occasion, of carrying twice, es, three times its rated load, without danger of a breakdown. Boyd's Garage,