" PAGE SIX S00 OS a 2 G. W. V. A. CARNIVAL CANADIAN VICTORY SHOWS All This Week On the Grounds Opposite Victoria School Cor. of Union and Alfred Sts. SPECIAL ATTRACTION BOTH AFTERNOON AND EVENING G.W.V.A. band will give a concert on the grounds every evening during the week ADMISSION FREE Fresh Ot Flowers Ferns, palms, funeral designs, floral sprays, wedding bouquets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. __ 115 Broek St. Phone 220, HERE'S health and longevity in- the bread Wwé bake. It's a safe food for the little ones and that makes it the proper meal-time stand-by for the rest of the family. If your food store doesn't handle it let us know about it. | Tewelery, Suitcases, "THE DALY BRI{iSH WHS, THURSDAY, JULY, 1919 =i GANANOQUE (From Our Own Correspondent) July 3.--Thomas P. Richardson, one of Gananoque's aged and highly esteemed residents, passed away on Monday evening at the family resi- dens, Church street, after being in failing health for many months. - For upwards of twenty-five years he filled the position of postmaster of this town. He leaves a widow, one son, Gorden Richarfison, of Toronto, and ore daughter, Mrs, Donglas Matthew, of this town. The funeral was held yesterday afternbon to Gananoque cemetery, and was largely attended. ! Word was received here by reld- tives yesterday of the death of James Hayward,a former esteemed resident and business man of this section, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Williarhs, of Toronto, after being in failing health for some time. Deceased was twice married, hig first wife being a Miss Stunden, sister of D. H. Stundén, Wellington street, by whom he lédaves two daugh- ters, Mrs. Williams, at whose home he passed away, and Miss Lizzie Hays ward, who made her fiome with him. The funeral took place this afternoon with Masonic honors. The remains) were interred at Willowbank ceme- tery here. Helen Harris, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harris, of Mes Donald's (Hog) Island, met with fn I ATO CC That's the "bunch" doing business at the old Kelly Roh 54 Queén. street. fone 'propenly and Promptly: Light wagons of various kinds for gi can build that truck ly for you i Horse 'shoeing. quietly, Phone 1217w, WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Tadies® Suits, ncisds, tts a. Men's Sults. Overalls. N. Morris, 374 King St The Cash Store Nice drinks for hot weather, | Welch's" Grape "JTillde, "Ginger Wine, Vichy Water, Rises Lime Juice, Dalton's Lemonade Dal- ton's Orangeade, Gurds Ginger Ale, Soda Water, git Alex Porter. The United Grocery 138 Princess St. Phone 207 a. mishap on Tuesday evening near the King street bridge. While attempt ing to dodge out of the way of an auto coming towards her she was {struck by the fender of one going'in the opposite direction and knocked {down, her knee and face being quite {badly 'gashed, but no serious injury was done, |i "The Ponies of Kingston and "Pop" Watkins" Red Sox aggregation put up [the best exhibition game of baseball handed out in this town for years at the driving Park yestérday afternoon before a large attendance. Vietory, however, perched op the banners of the Red Sox, the score being 5 to 3. At the last regular meeting ' of Gananoque Encampment No. 89, these officers were elected; P.C.P., Walter Cross; C.P,, F. R. Pickette; H.P,, siete | Wilter Cross; S.W., Joseph Dillon} J.W., Murray Day, PLC. P.; recording scribe, George S. Mastin, P.DD.CP.; itréasurer, A. H. Allen, P.C.P. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, [River street, and nephew of John G. Thompson, Stone street, are at Chaft-fy ifey's Locks, where théy will spend the next two months. Mrs, Thomas Sherby, of Cleveland, ! Ohio, arrived in town on Tuesday) evening for a short visit with her! mother, Mrs. Flora Bullis, King street. Mr. and Mrs. John McKellar and children, who have been spending several "weeks in town with 'the; former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKellar, Garden streef, havo left for their hime at Moose Jaw, Sask, | | Regular Saturday afternoon Hp to! {Alexandria Bay. Leave ferry-dock at! 2 p.m., passing among the beautiful. Jatands on the Canadian side. Fare, | Windows and balconies from which fo see the Victory parade in the Chamips de Elysees, Paris, on July 14th os being rented at from 2,000 to 25,000 francs each. Steamer America, excursion to Alexandria Bay Friday and Batur- day. Leave Swift's Wharf 2 p.m. Fare 7 bi Hr i than a private [eessaries of 'her. 'Tof fier 'husband's pocket a tew -days|0 WHEN YOU'RE YouNa ms HARD TO Performed. ro anything can Bold up a wedding 'trom 'objecting friedds and parénts to the Jiltinig of the party oF the A Auta néw drawback was 8 e other day in_. the litte village of "Godfrey. A Tove sick 'maiden of Seventéen and her swiln, Several years her elder, sought to be entered into that happy state of matrimony from which the traveller may retumn ohly by 'will and consent of the honorable gen- |p tlemen of the Senate. J. J. John- ston, a Methodist probationer, was to have led the pair to the happy land hut he was incapacitated by reason of the fact tht he had 'mot béen ordained to perform marriages. Rev. W. H. ry, . Holiness Movement pastor, was sought by the amorous two but he did not feel in« clined to tie the knot and shifted them to Rev. A. W. Stewart of Har- rowsmith who sent the youthful cotrple -hothe to their parents for consent 'to the manridage. This ocon- fat nt Was Shaina) u 'and the eoromony WAS CHNRGED WITH THEFT FOLLOWING "FINDING OF MILI- TARY GOODS IN HIS HOME, Michael McNully Has Been Before Magistrate Thirtyssix Times in le Last Six Years -- Youtg Couple Air Domestic Troubles. On Wednesday afterncon a war- rant 'was taken out. to search. the home of 'Sergt. 'Major Herbert Fow-| ler, A large gyuantity of military blatikets, coats, boots 'and other military 'goods were found and seized {by the city dnd military police. Coh- stable Lesslie Clark 'placed Fowler under 'arrest on a charge of theft. A truck 'was 'used to carry 'the stuff to tha police dtatidn. 'When the case was cdlléd Thurs- day morning in 'Police Court the ac- cused did not plead. A. B. Cunning ham appeared for him, and asked that he be handed over to the mili- tary authorities 'for court-martial. The mdgistrate agreed, stating 'that the goods recovered would be held by the police 'pending the résult of the éase. A young mun giving the mame of John Morr{s was up for being intoxi- cated, but stated 'that 411 he hind was some beef, iron and wine. 'H Initted being 'a 'ttle stupid," ut it ,but denied being intoxicated. Cotistable Cotter found Him decorat- ing the corner 6f Princess and Mont- real streets at 10.06 p/m. Wednes- day. He was remanded a day. Michael McNally admitted being {intoxicated in a publle ace. Ma~ gistrate Goked tp 'Mi- SR WE WR Th nd ol Joan. os m 8.) times i fined "For ha r fh a place other dwelling, another ed fined $200 and costs. {rd, very yowie, with a aby, sald Her 'hirsband, not 'provide 'the ne- for hefselt and child. She " she often Had to go hdngry, dnd would have fared 'yery badly if Her 'motHer 'and her: husband's 'brother 'had not heiped 'She told 'of "stealing" $2 out i's 47 one tweet al Harry Bird ago, bit he cluinied He 'gaye her this 'money. The ningisteate enlarged the case fora week. In order to see if condi- Hons 'would pre dn the Bird {home. Atchison ...5.. .. HB. &0. ... .... a ----. enn Quotations Wirnitshed vy 'Botigara, | For Ryeréon & Co., 287 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. 'Opening. Close. 102% 43% '168 wanmy!f ra % a Very i k i oy Seige. 17th % death claimed an old und respected Our Awful Streets. . Kitigston, June 3 (Ta, the Edi- tor): 'Will you kindly allow me a small space in your valuable paper? 1 would like to ask a few questions 'In. régard to our street conditions. One is, could you or any of aur city . fathers explain why fhe city should | be working and making up such a 'good street in Kensington avenue, away out of town, and our old streets stay in"such a condition as they are? It's a shame to see Bagot, Barrack fand King streets, from Princess to Place d'Armes, with the big holes and crossings and man holes sticking up from six to nine inches above the level. Again, in regard to the ofl- ing of the streets, we notice the city has started to oil away from the Junction halt way to Portsmouth, and 'places where there are not many houses. Why cannot we have the streets oiled first starting from the dentre of the city and 'work out- wards? There would be more' ¢om- mon sense in it. As regards the said avenue, the six houses on it éan get a dandy road just because a few big bugs reside out there, and as for us hard-working ¢lass, we cannot sit at our fronf door or even have it open but what we are poisoned with dust, I consider it is nothing but favoritism, and the sooner the work- ing class are considered the quicker we will be satisfied. Wake up, citi- zens of the east end and other parts; get busy and demand fair play. Our halls and bedrooms are always cov- with Kingston's street dust. No use housewives cleaning. There is {nothing that carries consumptive germs quicker than inhaling dust from the dirty streets. There is a lot of talk about finding the men work, Let the city employ one hun- dred men and fix up the streets and make Kingston a place worth living in. Bad streets are too numerous to mention. -~ROBT. E. WARD. Ce lon and 1:00. le wt Sf, Be ai. This sale pportuni mes ban tn a Bev oh Sn So Bathing Caps 'and Water Wings SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Champions the Grocery Clerks. Kingston, June 30---(To the Hdi-! tor): I noticed In an issue last week an article from John R. Marshall, representing the retail grocers' clerks, in the matter of Wednesday half closing. I would lke to say a few words in comment. First, 1 would speak from the customers' side of the case , I am sure I voice the sentiment of most of these when I say we will not purchase less gro- ceries in account of the closing. We will consume the same amount of food whether the shops are open or closed. Neither will 'we be incon- venienced from the closing. Al- ready stores are closed all day Sun- day and nobody is pit out in 'any way. We merely 'plan to buy food ahead. So in this case we plan to' buy half a day in advdnce. "What we do on Saturday for a whole or we cin elsily do on Wednesddy for halt a day. ut again, I 'would speak from my a onal eS a, the clerks 'thie. 1 8," Tong and: éon-" |i stant BoE a get no Saturday afternoon. Indeed, the revérde is' true-they work ottén £1 midnight on that day. This is to the Shame of the customer who is more thought. + less than intentional %§ late shop-: ping. Surely, thése workers ought fo have at least half a day a week: Wear no time {s more 'suitable than 'ednesday aftertioon, I trust that the employers and the press will ad- | Iv © this movement for the relief a faithful, hard-working class, too seldom 'recompensed as they deserve, 4 You will oblige if you will 'insert : 'this. Faithfully yours, I JOHN D. ELLIS, Pastor 'Queen St. Methodist hire, WANT T A BONUS For "the Men Who Serve Osun | 6 War, Vascouver, oA 3. After 'an all day disciigsion 'the 'Great War Vet- eras Association in the convention has wdopted a calliig on the Dominion Go | with $500. extra for those who went i overseas and still another $500 for fl men who served in the actual theatre! The resoldtion as wdopten : Siiille to 'the famous Cai} 1H A Same Bruce Bue Monday, Jime B30th---Popular trip to Amherst Island ...... 5.00 pm. Tuesdny, July Taf sATIOnE the Islands. Stopping one hour a Alexandria 2.00 Wednesday, July And---Rubning out of Belleville. Thursday, July Srd--Running out of Belleville. Fray, July 4th--Excursion from Picton and Bay ports to King- Amherst Island excursion cancelled. the p.m tion. Suturany, July Sth--Aftérnoon ahd evening ramble Thousand Y islands sivas among 2.00 Telephone 199 for FOR SALE We have a large number of Military Tents Bell and Marquees for sale, cheap Groceries 'and Meats It you want the best in the above line come to our Our stock 'is compléte for summer trade. Everything you need for camplig at the unique | grocery and meat market. C. H. PICKERING 490 to 492 Princess Street 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 5384 "De Lux" Electric fron "De Lux" Electric Toaster "De Tux Electric Stove pa" 1] [2 H CC NY "Is uniform day after day, is the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school hed ad anad hurries them home again for 11 Cohlsal 1.2 1b. Loaf. 467 and 'our salesman will call.