Summer Snaps finishiad at Best's give the great- est results ible Quickest seryice---hest results --"Mowest prices. These combined make ours the much appreciated ser- vice. pos can buy and condition, The best films we always in freshest we supply you, We repair or adjust your Camera and are glad indeed to be able to give you any informa- tion that will assist you to make better pictures. At Best's The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays #hone 69. Branch 2018 Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an éye examin vation are agreeably dston< ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no omfort, or inconven-+ fence, And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street Have you ever notic- ed'how a black back- ground will enhance the appearance of a small diamond or pearl. Black i. forms such a background and is very fashionable at present. We have an excellent gelec- tion of Black Onyx designs in Rings, Pendants and Ear-rings set with pearls of diamonds, + These are very attractive and very reasonably priced. Wedding Rings. Marriage Licenses. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Limited Established 1840 King Street Kingston THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done In the earpen- tery line. Hatimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; alse hard- All orders Shop wood floors of nil Kinds. will receive prompt attention. 28 Queen street. Seasonable ¥ ¥ Saturday Specials McKELVEY & BIRCH, HOSE-~We place on sale Saturday 200 feet %"s3 ply Garden Hose. Coupled r Regular price $7.50, Saterday . lengths, BREAD BOXES--Size 10" 50 feet eifly for use, /$6.00, x 10" x 15"; nicely finished in white or colors; of good quality tin. Regular price $2.15. $185 Saturday PAINT We have in stock 2 beautiful shades, enpecinily 49, Blue Green--regular price ¥1.35 quart cam. On sale Saturday $ro0 alls--No. REVRIG BRATOR--Depth 2475 height 397 itable for side arey; No, 47, Sea 16%, width 8 good slze ice box; » white enamul-lined food compartment, Especially priced for Saturday $16.75. GAS HOT PLATE--3 burner Mission de sign; nlokle plated frame; nas adjust able air intake on burners, Fatuvaay OVIEN--=WIIl cuver Friced for hn, 2 burners; sheet metal; glass front; used on elther ¢ val Or EAs Stove Speofal saturday STORE. CLOSES AT 5 EVERY EVEN: ING EXCEPT SATURDAY = {number {summer School for Mission Study at Sod Toldin | Twilight i (Notiee--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of ble. for inserting an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement. * * . Fhbbdd charming place on Wednesday afters noon, Tha cool breeze from the lake, the dancing waves, with several white winged yachts sailing lazily to and fro, made the heat and dust of the town seem very far away indeed. Bridge tables were at the end of the long verandah given over tp the de-~ votees of the game, and in the e¢lub room was the dainty . tea table in charge of Mrs. W. K. Ross and Miss Bessie Smythe. Assisting them were Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs. Hubert Stetham, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Bessie Robertson and Miss Harriet Gardiner, A very . large of members were pres ent, bringing with them some out-of« town guests, among whom were Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Jack Innes and Miss Gilmore, Torontos Nursing Sister Shearer, Brockville; and Miss Gladys Counter, Watertown, N.Y. * - * On Thursday evening, the members of theVictorian Order of Nurses' com- mittee held a tea at Lake Ontarie Park in honor of Mrs H. P. Smith, who is leaving for Philadelphia, Pa, to take up residence permanently. Mrs. Smith has been president for the past eight years and her depars ture is deeply regretted "by all con= nected with the Victorian Order here. On behalf of the commniittee, Mrs. Oberndorffer, the oldest charter mem- ber, presented Mrs. Smith with a beautiful leather club bag in token of their esteem, 'There is only one other charter member of the local branch of the Viétorian Order still active, J. B, Walkem, K.C. ». * - Miss Eva Coon, V.A.D., came out on the Minnedosa, arriving in Kings. ton on Thursday. Miss Co and Misa Freda Burns went over to England in July, 1917, from St. John's Ambu-~ lance Qverseas Brigade, M.D, No, 3. They were stationed at Caterbury military hospital for some time, leav- ing in the spring of 1918 for Italy, where they were in No. Hospital till the nursing units wers demobilized. Miss Coon is a Queen's graduate and ome of the first girls to hold an office in the Alma Mater Society, * . . » Riss Margo Frazer and Miss Lillie Murray, who have graduated from Toronto General Hospital, came down to Kingston to-day. Miss Bud Hazen, who is Mrs. Ars thur Cuningham's guest, won the prize at the ladies' putting match at the Cataraqui golf links on Thursday. Major and Mrs. E. H. Pense and their children came out from Eng. land on the Grampian, arriving in Kingston on Thursday. They have taken rooms 'at "The Residence," Barl stréet. Mrs. aR. J. Wilson, University ave. nue, and her sister, Mrs. Anderson, Toronto, have gone down to Echo Lodge, Thousand Islands, to spend sone time. Rev, T. W. Savary is attending the Ridley College, St. Catharines. . » . Miss Alberta Jesmer;, Montreal, is the guest of 'her aunt, Mrs. Z. Pres vost, Earl stréet. « Col. and Mrs, Winnett were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Balfe Mudie, at théir cottage near Gananoque this week, Lieut, Granville Sinclair, who spent Hl parents, yeveral days in town, has returned 0 Belleville, Rey. I. B. Lindsay, rector of St. Luke's church, Ottawa; Mrs. Lindsay and Miss Dorothy Lindsay, are spends ing some weeks with Mrs, Lindsay's Mr. and Mrs. Montray, "Farnham," Stella, Mrs: A. "R: B. Williamson, King street, left to-day with her family to spend the summer at their cottage at Longhboro Lake. Miss Chrissie Wright and Miss Violet Brition, Gananoque, are in town. . ys Mrs, Arthur White and daughter, ean, have returned to Adolphustown after spending a week with Mrs. (White's sisters, Mrs, 8S. H., Coulson and Mrs. M. Deem, Division street. Miss Viola Irwin, Division street, spent Dominfon Day In Brockville. Dr. Annie Lawyer, a graduate of Queen's University practitioner among the Bahama Is. 8, 'is visiting at her old home; Miss Nellie Gould, Kingston, . JAI} of the "the week-end. IMIS Buid Hendrie's friends will her 'ding, which takes placg July Sth. - The Yacht Club verandah was al; arrive in 'Kingston next Work to visit 62 Generalimer home at Baker's Point, | (medical eol- 4 loge). whose home is in Morrisburg, "but who for some years has been a is Visiting her parents in Bowmanville, ; - g ers of the sume mer colony at the nousands Islands re entertaining large house parties "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919. TT) Mrs: E. A. Taylor, and son, have re- turned to: Ottawa after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Sidney Brown, Mark- land street. +" PROBS: --Cooler to-night and Sunday. =. Mr, and Mrs, George H. Kirkpat- rick leave on Monday for Plevna, to be present at the Dawson-Ostler wed- Mrs. Taubman, Canton, Ohio, who has been a guest at "Wyldwood" since the Cogswell-Sherlock wed- ding, has returned home. William Arment, Canton, Ohio, who has been the guest of Mrs. Sher lock, "Wyldwood," has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanson and Robert Galbraith, the latter of the Whig staff, left this morning to spend the next three nionths in Ire- land. Miss Muriel Brooks spent several days in Watertown, N.Y., this week. Mrs. "R. H. Partridge dnd Miss Freda Burns are coming down from Toronto on Monday and will be with Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Fron- tenag street, La Mrs. Clark Walton has returned from Brockville and she and her sis- ter, Miss Eva Coon, are at "The Regi- dence," Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Ottawa, have taken Mrs. 8. Birch's house on Bagot street for the sums mer, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Prime, Not- tingham, England, have sailed for Canada on the S88. Megantic and wil Mr. Prime's sister, Mrs, A, 8. Brooks, Earl street, Miss Hazel Brown, Kensington avenue, is coming back from Ottawa to-day. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith, Bagot street, have returned from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. Brokenshire, Pe- terboro, spent a few days in town this week. » * Ld Miss Christine White is coming down from Ottawa on Tuesday to end the summer with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White, University avenue, Lieut.-Col. Douglas Ellis, D.8.0., in the guest of his mother, Mrs. W. 8. Ellis, Albert street. Miss Ida Garbutt, University ave- nue; who has been visiting in Co- bourg and at the Sand Banks, has re« turned to Kingston. Mrs. Baker, Newboro, spent sev. eral days in town this week with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Bagot street. Miss Kathleen Carruthers has come back from New York and is at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers' sum- Prof. Dale, who will bé in Kings- ton for the summer school, has tak- en rooms at 119 William street, - » Miss Muriel Walweigil, V.A.D., who has been for two years in the military hospitals in England and Italy, came out on the Minnedosa and is: at her home in Ottawa, Miss Eleanor Minnes leaves for Toronto early in the week. Miss Edith Carruthers has return. ed from Toronto, { Plight- Lieut. and Mrs. Arthur Wil kinson arrived in town from England and are with Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Bagot street. Miss Stella Campbell, Markham, will come to Kingston on Tuesday and be: en pension at 72 'Sydenham street. Miss Gladys Counter,. who has been spending a few weeks with Miss Muriel Brooks, Earl street, has re. turned to Watertown; N.Y, Miss Bertha White, who has been in New York for two weeks, has re- turned to town. - * * Miss Nora Staples, Woodstock, is spending a month in Kingston with relatives, Nursing Sister K, C. Bricker (for- merly Miss Kate Milroy, of Brock ville), who has been with the Queen's University hospital unit overseas, arrived in Canada by the 88. Caronia. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Macpherson are camping at Sharbot Lake. Miss M. M. Abernethy, formerly in the C.AMC,, left yesterday for Winnipeg. . » Mr. and Mrs. E. /F. Sears and son William are at their cottage on the St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. James Milligan of Toronto, motored to Kingston and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Braniff, William street. Allan M. Reid and sister, Miss Agnes Reid, are at their summer cot- tage on the St. Lawrence. 347 Albert street are at their sum- mer cottage on the St. Lawrence. Lieut. Col. H. ERE. Pense retirned to the city from Al- gonguin Park on Thursday. will take up residence at 304 Col.) tingwood siroet for the summer, Mrs. A. R B. Williamson gave a picnic at her cottage at Loughboro lake to-day, the guests being some of Miss Nora ~Willlamson's small | Miss Benjamin' and Miss * Bessie town. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Fleming, Of = lh or Banat. drs 37% Seam and amit. WE HAHA BR EN | Joseph Fournier and family of {== and Mrs, |= They Benjamin, Yarker, spent Friday in : mmer outing » 'wear a = un I Store Closes Promptly at 9.30 o'clock. We have ready a number of attractive values that will appeal for their exceptional quality and lowneis of price. FOR LADIES -- 200 pair Black and White Lisle Hose, with double foot and heel. Tonight ; : . 35¢., or 3 for $1.00 120 pair Mercerized Black Lisle -- a splendid wearing quality -- worth 50c.. To-night ...... 39¢ 172 pair Black Silk Hose, with heavy Lisle Garter Tops--seéonds-- regular 85c¢. for first quality. To-night . se waa + aa De 184 pair of Queen Quality White Silk Hose--a special $1.00 value. To-night .. ii. .ove, w oadn a0 won vie Other special values in the finest quality Silk Hose in black and eol- ors. . Priced at 85¢c., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. ele leis was os A eb se gn I -------- CY FOR MEN-- 300 pair, heavy, black Cotton, Lisle Socks; all sizes. To-night .. .. SER A 240 pair, black, white and brow n, Mercer-Lisle Socks -- Penman make--worth 65c. a pair. Tonight ...................... 50e 180 pair fine Silk Socks in black and white--sold everywhere as a special value at 75c. a pair. To-night ................... 49. (A limit of 4 pair to a customer). FOR CHLDREN--- 180 pair of fine one in one rib White Lisle Hose in sizes 4} to 94. To-night . SOE INR SR Ca LT 600 pairs of Children's plain and novelty colored Socks -- a broad variety to choose from. Tonight. .............i....25¢. to48c. You MISSES' SLEEVELESS BATHING SUITS FOR BOYS! SWEATERS 10 dozen boys' two-in-one-piece 160 bright colored, sleeveless, Bathing Suits, in sizes 20 to 32-- - Sport Sweaters, in sizes 36. to 42 in navy, grey and black in. com- --a splendid assortment for your bination colors----Penman make. thoesing, Tomight :c...9248 Tonmght . .. og 7oe.and 30, WHITE COTTON 1,200 yds. of fine, heavy, Bleached Cotton, full 30 inches wideoa special value to-day at 23c. ayd To-night . ee He 19. HUCK TOWELS 300 heavy, bleached Huck Towe's; good full size; regular 50c. val- ues. onight v7 . docuis sats drial ss vo Coo visi 2a B00 $y ; " 180 extra heavy, livin bleached Bath Towels. Regular. 60c. values. Tomghts; os ei GidiBe aw & PALM BEACH AND SHANTUNG SUITING % 360 ya of the season's smastes "Suit jv colorst rove, rose, pink, sky, [eopena and natural---double fold---reg. 8 Oe a yd. nehon: a a