PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1919 vo n the ealm of Women --- Some Interesting Features Sweets for Winter Have plenty of summer's de- licious fruits preserved in ., Lantic ready for use. "'The "FINE" granulation makes clearer, better pre- serves. Buy in the original packages. 2 &51b. CARTONS [3 10 &201h BAGS There was a stir at the door, and the confused murmur of the room died down under the clear, laughing accents of a strange "voice, heard in the passage. "Louis--you : disgraceful boy-- you've compromised me! You kept me driving so late--I wonder you can look me in the face!" Louis Redding's eager, nervous laugh sounded in answer, and then on a little wave of merry protests, apologies, and accusations, he return- ed to the studio, accompanied by the stately figure of 'Mrs. Knowles, and by the guest of honor. Geraldine, Superior Ice Cream Parlor We serve the very best and purest of ice cream QUICK SERVICE; NO WAITING Home-made Chocolates and Candy fresn made every day. 204 Princess St. Phone 648 McLaughlin's Old Stand The Man Who Banished Corns Blue-jay was invented by a scientist of distinction. By a man whose lifetime has been spent in the study of surgical dressings. This is a master's method -- correct, complete and efficient. And the millions of people who know it, never think of enduring a corn. All in One "The first step is to stop the pain, Jr is done by ze. moving '¢ = by the soft a erting Hi ring marked A. 'The next step is to gently sue the corn to disappear. gs is done oy the re- LP B 2B W B Wax, which no corn can resist. This bit of wax marked Bis centered on he corn. It fannot spread. - So, unlike , it acts on the corn alon, plication, protecting everys : 8: You apply this Blue-jay in' a jiffy. The corn pain stops at once. The wrapping is comfortable and you forget it. In two days you rem e it and the corn can be out. Only rare corns eq a second application. This is the scientific way, the easy, sure and right way to end corns. You will never return to any wrong method when you try a Blue-jay once. Try it tonight. ~ Blue.jay "The Scientific Corn Ender Stops Pain Instantly Ends Corns Completely ; 250 At Druggists BAUER & BLACK LIMITED Chicago, Toronts, New York : Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products awh 8. C is rubber-coated adhe- sive. This snugly wraps the overcome by irrepressible curiosity, rose in her place, and looked eagerly toward her, {Miss Bond was a small" woman, I dressed so astonishingly that every , eye in the room was instantly riveted i upon her, She wore an enormous cir- cular coat of shining red Russian- gold silk, glittering lke enamel, lay~ ishly edged with white fur, and fas- tened with c¢linking gold-and- ena- mel chains, But from this she slip- ped almost immediately, revealing a slimy, exquisitely corseted and supple tinted garment of gauzy silks, whose dull mauve and pearl and pink and salmon tissues hung straight from her shoulders, and were carelessly belted by a band of brilliants. From the shéer folds about her slender young throat rose a dark, sleek little head, with the black hair drawn from a white forehead with almost Orien- tal severity. Her skin was fresh and soft and pure. in coloring, her eyes black and 'bright, and in the dell- cately marked eyebrows and on the scarlet lips was just a hint of arti- fice that seemed to harmonize with der startling beauty. In the tips of the ears that the oddly arranged dark hair revealed were dangling or- naments of pearl and filigree, and the stockings and slippers that the drifting film of her 'brief gown ex- posed were of gold. She took the group around her instantly gathered by storm. young figure, ¢lad in a mysteriously The Luck of Geraldine Laird BY KATHLEEN NORRIS Author of "The Story of Julia Page," "Heart of Rachel," *"Josselyn's Wife," "Sisters," ete, There was no possibility of resisting her absolute - self-possession, her charm, and the radiant simplicity with which shé assumed. he centre of the little stage and accepted their admiration and interest, She had a rich, clear voice, and an extraordin- arily distinet ehunciation; it was the cultivated, deliberate enunciation of the actress, and it had all the charm of the actress. "No, it's Miss Bond," every one in the room heard her say- ing to old Mrs. Redding. "I was mar- ried, you know, but somehow it didn't take, aud I've repented in sack- cloth, you see, apd I've got the ashes somewhere. You're Louis's mother? You know I'm in love with your son; do you mind my 'being in love with your son, Everybody in New York is, 80 you don't be cross at me, will you? He drove-out so fast and so far this morning that I 'was Beginning to rea: lize the danger of a4 young girl's ever leaving her quiet country home, but he brought me safely back, and now all is forgiven, even tho it can not be forgotten, and 1 love him again! You stop listening to me, Louis! You--"" It was all said with such a say rush, and it was accompanied wit so infectious a gurgle of laughter, and with so many appealing and mis- chievous glances, that he could not stop listening to her, nor could any- body else. "He hasn't asked me to marry him yet," said Kennedy Bond, '*hut I ean see from the look in his eye that he means to, this very afternoon Louis laughed. his full, free laugh, and all the others laughed, too. "He might do very much worse!" said the little old lady, patting the girl's hand with her own ty, veined hand, "Now, I thank you, » Miss ny) aa- sured her. "I think that is most sweet and dear and good of you But introduce me to all these rid people, my aunt's been telling me about them, and I'm going to try to get all the names straight!" (To Be Continued.) iene sine TALKING IT OVER ~With Lorna Moon-- Se meses) Charmer, Housewife, or Chum Most women start matrimony with the determination to be all threo, Many end matrimony because they have failed to make a success of any one of the three. A few women ara 80 blessed, that they are capable of playing all three roles successfully to the end of the drama, but they are rare. The young grasps the two rolés . that come i* eagdiest, the role of charmer, which she hag been re- hearsing all thru the courtship, and ' @the one of house- wife which holds all the thrill of an adventure fir her. @ Her success 'n the second rola soon outruns her suc- i ceas tn the first. Foolishly, and unthinkingly = she makes no attempt to 'learn the lines of the third role, Mera beauty (in his own wife) cannot continue to charm a man, The most beautiful woman in the world has no advantage over a plain woman after a year or two of mar- riage. In the eyes of a husband who loves her, a woman IS beautiful, no matter how plain the world may think she is. The shape of her nosa can add or detract nothing from her charm in his eyes, : fhe role of chum is really the 'leading role' in the matrimonial drama, and the one that carries off the bouquet as the curtain falls. The wife who runs the house without a wheel being heard to creak, and the wite who could look like a baby vamp to the end of the chapter, each get their round of applause; but It is the wife who could discuss her dy golf score with inteli- dimpled bride gencé, the wife who never threw his fret-saw. in the garbage, the wife who listened whefi He read the gports news, and who knew where she had been cleven when he ex- plained a 'deal he had just put though." SHE is the one who gets the 'curtain ¢allg'==the wife who was his CHUM. i Told Twilight » » . (Continued from Page 3.) Mrs, George Wright, Gore street, entertained at 'bridge on Monday af- ternoon, in honor of Mrs. Thomas Slater's guests, Mrs. Turner, Hamil- ton, and Mra. Joves, Joronto, Mrs, Frederick Cays, = Wellington street, asked a few le in to tea on Monday and Tuesday to meet her sister, Mrs. Voorhees, Philadelphia, who is her guest. * * - Miss Alma Merritt, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Muriel Graves, Brockville. Mrs. Frank Stayner, "Kingston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Baxter, Brockville, Mr, and Mrs. PT. L. Anderson, Rosncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, are the guests of Prof, E. W, and Mrs. Henderson, Frontenac street, Mr. and Mrs. Fortt, left to-day, to spend a few Woks in Lindsay, . Miss Ruby Donnelly, University Avenue, is giving a picnic at Lake Ontario Park on Friday in honor of Mrs, Eyssell who is with Capt ana Mrs. Hinekly, University avenue. Abraham Shaw, Philadel hia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Al Shaw, University avenue. Lieut, S. E. Prouse, Aylmer, has been spending a few days with Mrs, Peter Devlin, William street. W. iF. Nickle, MP, Earl street, has returned from Ottawa. J. H. Mitchell, Bank of Nova Sco- tia, Alexandria, and his son, Malcolm are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R, C. Dobbs, Albert Seraek« General ad Mrs, T. ---- Ottawa, city. Mrs. Stuart Macdonald and her two children, have returned from Ot- tawa and is again with Mrs. E. J. B. Penge, West street. Mrs. A. H, Fair and Mrs. Lilian Fair, who have been visiting Rev. J. Dowdell and Mrs. Dowdell, at The Rectory, Merrickville, have gone to Rochester, N.Y., to spend a few weeks. Mrs. George Mills, University ave- nue, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Ely, at her cottage at Christie's Lake. General Jones and Capt. Symons, Ottawa, spent 2 fey days in town. ° spent the week-end in the Mrs. Williamson, Ottawa, town for a few days. Mrs. R. H.' Partridge and Miss Freda Burns, came from Téronto on Sunday and are with Mr, and Mrs, Easton Burns, Frontenac street. Mrs, Fred. Carson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, E. Van Less- lies, at Ingersoll, came back to town on Monday and is with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romilly House' Bar- rie street. Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner and their family have come up from Montreal to spend the summer On Bostwick Island, near Gananoque, Mrs. L. M. Brigstock, Wellington street, has returned from ingersoll after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, B. Van Lesslie, of the Bank of Montreal, was in Mrs, Mollett, Miss Wilhemina Gor- don, and Miss Jessie Smith are going ont to Bob's Lake on Friday to spend a week. Mrs, Arthur Evans and her ehild- ren are going down to Bostwick Is- land early next week. Brig.<General and Mrs. Henri Pa- net came out on the 8:8. Metagama, and are expected in town early in the week. Capt. F. 'W, Jackson, Otterburn, who has been motoring in Western Ontario, has returned to town, Mrs, Traill, Prince Albert, who has been staying for a few days with Miss Millie Ferris, Albert street, left for Quebec on Monday. Mrs. Gamblin, Bahama Islands, is "en pension at 28 Wellington street. The Dean of Ontario and R. 8S, Rayson have gone down the Rideau on a canoe trip. -w- =» Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barker, have taken an apartment on Lower Union street for the summer. Miss Etta Richmond, who spent the week-end in town, returned to "Roseneath," Bostwick Island, on Tuesday, Miss Foster and Miss (Montgom- ery, Frankville, are at "The Resi- dence," Earl street. Mrs. Stanley Mills, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Mills, Univer- sity Avenue. Mrs. Harte and her three children. have come up from Alabama, to spend the summer with Mrs. Harte's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Smith, William street, - Miss Frances and Miss Katherine Wright, University avenue, are go- ing out to' Collins Bay next week and will be at Mrs. Clarke's, - le. Mrs. (Dr.) Gibson and children who have been guests at Stirling Presbytery, have returned te King- ston 'accompanied: by Miss O'Reilly, sister of Mrs. Gibson. Miss Lorraine Shortt, has been spending the past month visiting at Geneva Park, Weston and Jordan, Ont. Prof. and Mrs. Callendar, King- ston, who have been in Toronto for some weeks, have gone to Algonguin for the summer, 'W, J. McGall of New York City is visiting his mother, on Queen street. H. J. Steacy and his bride have re- turned to Ottawa from their wedding trip, and are visiting for a week with the latter's parents, Colonel and Mrs, Street, before coming to Kingston to take up residence. Mrs. W. G. Robinson and children, kWinnipeg, arrived Friday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. George Elder, Barris street. * Mr. and Mra. Silas Woodcock, Na- panee, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Forrest N. Hagerman, Toronto, the wedding to take place the latter part of July; SUFFERED TERRIBLE AGONY "Frult-a-fives" | Alone Gave Him Quick Relief Buckingham, Que., May 8rd, 1915, "For seven years, I suffered terribly from Severe f{eadaches and Indiges- fion. 1 had belching gas from the stomach, and I had chronic Constipa- tion. I tried many remedies but nothing did me good. Finally, a Jriend advised " Fruit-a-tives", 1 took this grand fruit medicine and it made me well. To everyone who has miserable health with Constipa- tionandlndigestion and Bad Stomach, I say take "'Fruit-a-tives", and you will get well", ALBERT VARNER, t0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. YUBAN Will Be At CAVERLY'S Next Week Let ws Book Your Orders New, Bon Marche Grocery Oo ies No. aT, & = >a Fruit & Candy Store Watch for fresh atrawherrion, Fresh, seasonable fruit all the time, Special sale on Saturdays of home made Tandy. Prompt service to ail 58 Princess Street, Near King. - Phone 278 Food Board 9-1020; Candy, Canada License: Fruit, 11-418 --~------ THE London Directory with Provincial & Forelga Sections enables traders to communicate direct with in Lond and in the Provincial Towns and Industrial Centres of the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe. The names, addresses and other details are classified under more than .. 2,000 trade headings, EXPORT MERCHANTS with detailed particulars of the Goods shipped and the Colonial and Foreign Marketg supplied; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi. mate Sailings. One-inch BUSINESS CARDS of Firms desiring to extend their connections, or Trade Cards of omagn and in. the & DEALERS including DEALERS SEEKING AGENCIES ean be printed at a cost of 8 dollars for each trade heading under which they are inserted. Larger advertisements from 1¢ te 80 dollars. A copy of the directory will be sent by parcel post tor 9 dollars, nett cash with order, The LONDON DIRECTORY Co., Ltd., 25, Abchureh Lane, London, EOC. 4, England, BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 105 YEARS, a FOOD of good quality," not eaten, is wasted. An unpalatable dish is re- jected. = Hundreds of tasteless dishes can be made enjoyable by the use of the celebrated LEA:PERRINS SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE "The World's Greatest Condiment." ly Killers 1 per Packet at all Eilers 10 League, held Sunday night at Grocers and General Stores Hissés and groans greated 'the mention of President Wilson at the meeting of the Irish Progressive the me SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY All kindy of choice western beef Salt Pork ... + +30, 35¢ a Ib. Green Bacon .. . A 50 Ibs. Dripping at * wi Stew Deer .. . Choice Steak ... .. EN ..a8, 40¢ Ib. QUICK'S CHOICE Western Meat Mar- ket 112 ea TY STREET ee sit sam------------------ Sree we -- Ce al EMPIRE GROCERY High Grade Grocerles, Fruits and Vegetables, Uncooked Meats, Cooked and LEWIS ORR 326 King St, Phone 240 Ileenwe No: 827448; ee nn, a 25 acres good land, house and barn, six miles from Kings. ton, for sale. - 89 Brock St, Phone 424 l Real Estate & Insurance -- Premium Grocery Fresh Seasonable Fruits of all kinds arriving daily. Tomatoes, Cucumbars, Ru- barb always on hand. D. B. GAGE & SON 254 Montreal St. The Premium Store License 8-3979 Phone B40W Lexington Theatre, New York, tor the purpose of obtaining the recog- nition of the "Irish Repulse, » YOU PROTECT YOURSELF