Gage's Cash Grocery Cor.Gore and Wellington Sis, BROOMS! Good. strong Brooms, berries. 100 tins Lombard Plums PHONE 248. bn si ii eT -- medivm weight. SPECIAL FOR WEEK-END: Green Garden Peas--Beans--New Currants--Cherrie s--Plums--Melons--Ripe Tomatoes -- Rasp- BROOMS! Sale price Potatoes--iooseberries--Red .19e¢. tin PROMPT DELIVERY Ideal Kodak Weather If you fare thinking of buy- v ing a Kodak or cameéra, why not do it now! We would be glad' to show you our stock, Prices range from $3.00 to $25.00. Developing and print- ing our specialty. HOAG'S Drug Store Opp. X. Watts iis : 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers daily; funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. Out of town orders given special attention, TA AAA A AAA PALMISTRY Madame Alice, famous Scotch palmist and phrenologist at Anglo- American Hotel. Hours: 10 sm. to 10 pom, All readings $1.00, Fresh Gut Flowers Ferns, palms, funeral designs, floral aprays, wedding bonguets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist 115 Broek St. Phone 220. Br BATHING CAPS 35¢. to $1.25 A. G. WILLIAMS 171 Wellington St. Phone 40. NOTICE. The Laundry Business at 412 Prin. cess St, conducted by Yin Lee, will be transferred to Lee Won on the 21st of July. All nceounts payable by Yin Ree must be presented to him y. Be eee] DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEONI| Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling- ton Streets, Kingston. Tele- phone 368. Do you realize shat you pay from $10 to $20 a year for foot- wear? _ What do your eyes cost.yon? "Not that much---yet your eyes are of more value than your : Dow neglect them. Come today v8 JOUr eyes exams nea by our optometrist. | provinces wf Ontario and Quebec, tt sg G.W.V.A. (Incorporated) General Meeting~--Mondays at 7.30. Band practice, Tuesdays, S p.m. Richardson Chapter, LO.D.E, 2ad and 4th Thursdays. When You Want An Auctioneer Call H. L. BEDFORD, (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R.) fice, G.W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2101w DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a special ty. All work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenac street. NOTICE. H. RICHARDSON, 216 Wellington street, is giving up his business and leaving the city, Friday, July 11th. Anyone having shoes in for repairs, kindly call for same before the above mentioned date. Residential Property FOR SALE BY TENDER Subject to the existing tenancy, which expires May First, 1922, the undersigned will receive offers until July 31st, for that desirable property on Barrie street, now in the oceupa- tion of His Honor, Judge Lavell. The lowest or any other tender not neces- sarily accepted. W. F, NICKLE, 104 Ontario street, Kingston, Ont. WE SELL ON EASY TERMS CANADA TENDERS FOR COAL SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for I' for the. Dominfon Buildings, On- tario and Quebec," will be received at thls office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, July 25, 1919, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Combined specification and form of tender can be obtajned at this office and from the Caretakers of the different Dominfon Baildings. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender most be accompanied by an accepted cheoue on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, squal to 10 p.c. of the aanount of the tender, War Loan Bonds f the Dominfion will also be accepted as security, or war bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 3, 1819. STRAND HorseRaces|-= Baseball! == KINGSTON SEALBD TENDERS, addressed Postmaster General, Poolest Place in Kingston BiG DOUBLE PROGRAMME/ 15mBeels Hest Pictures--18 GEORGE WALSH a 5-Reel Fox Featu "NEVER SAY QUIT" BILLIE RHODES In a 5-Reel Feature "HOOP LA" Superior Vaudeville Daily, 230[Eve- at 7.30 10c & 15¢! 15¢ & 25¢ COOL AND REFRESHING Mon., Tues., Wed. MME. PETROVA In Her Third Petrova Picture "THE LIFE MASK" A First National Attraction FATTY ARBUCKLE In a 2-Reel Comedy "THE CARTER CASE" A Craig Kennedy Serial PATHE NEWS INCLUDES E140) i IN ED id & WHERE [eT TO.NIGHT Enid Bennett in The Law of Men Sunshine Comedy "0, WHAT A NIGHT" WESTERN DRAMA BRITISH NEWS AAPA AP A AAAI At Murray's, Saturday, July 12th, at 12.00 Noon Irigcoe Touring Car, in good condi- tion in every way; extra tire. A snap for someone. NOTICE T will mot ba responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife, Ida Niles, she having left my bed.and Eoard without cause, BURTON H. NILES, Toronto street, City. a --] The Best Grocers Can now supply you with the celebrated "YUBAN " COFFEE Insist on the Dest. CAND DOUBLE-HEADER FAIR GROUNDS Civic Holiday, July 28 216 trot and pace 240 trot and pace 230 trot BASEBALL Havana Red Sox vs. Pontes Havana Red Sox vs. Athletics. JEIMEN'S DRIVIN AND MATINEE CLUB % STORE ly. ann GOOD BUSINESS SECOND-HAND CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES -- halt. ations GIRLS WANTED FOR THE IMPERIAL Steam Laundry A NIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY 8. Anglin. & Co. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK. Apply #30 Brock street 2 DINING ROOM GIRLS, APPLY TO Steward, Frontenae Club, A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 252 King street, A MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK. AP- ply Y.W.CIA, 196 Johnson Street. WOMAN FOR LUNCH COUNTER. Apply the Hostel, King and Clar. ence NURSE-MAID TO GO TO Apply to Mrs. Blaek, House, 4. PANTRY GIRL AND A SCRUB WO- man. Apply to Manager of Ran- dolph Hotel. TWO MBN TO work. Apply Wolfe Island. A FEW SMART GIRLS FOR THE BIS. cuit department. Apply W. J. Crothers' Co. A GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 22 Russell street, to Mrs. A; Dufty. TWO WAITRESSES WANTED, $8.00 week, room and board. fiehiand Court' Hotel, Hartford, Conn. TORONTO. Rockwood DO GENERAL FARM Albert Docteur, with knowledge uf book-keaping. Apply to King 'and Smytne, 7173 Clarence St. AT ONCE--AN -- -- FARM hand; good wages for the right man. Phone or write Hill, Odessa. Jas. A CLERK FOR GROCERY STORE. Must have references and be good at figures. Steady position. Apply Box 300, Whig Office. AT ONCE A GENERAL SERVANT: one o can walt on table; the highest wages pald. Apply Mrs. Stinson, 212 King street. A MAID TO DO PLAIN COOKING: NO washing or ironing or upstairs work. References required. Apply Mrs. Harold Davis, 174° Stuart , Stréet. LIVE MAN WANTEDSPARE TIMER or steadlly---selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. i Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontario, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN Telegraphy; big salaries to start with; have direct wires with outside points, which gives students practi- cal training. Day and evening class es. Apply Instructor, third floor, Windsor Bleck, 205 Princess street, Coat, Pant.and Veit Makers Wanted Coat start at . fl Vest start at 6 Pant start at . Extras paid. Permanent position to workers. Apply Mr, McNabb The Veterans Clothing expert Co, " WANTED GENHRAL. NAL ao N HOUSE WANTED BY ple, no children; cen- ML Whig 'oftice. section, suitab siroe store. ply Box 243, Valleyfield, Que. A -- ---- PIANO for cash or in part p ia of new anos fo ay Limited 130 poe A CUSTOMERS FOR NEW masaaoy transfer business. Prompt Apply Roth 1 Bros. oh s0l- g ere 437 A street. ht: AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER | FY No. 2, Pittsburg; Pauwrick Powler, No. 1, Kingston, se A NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR duties to com- once September 3rd. Apply stating experience aha salary expected to ¢.~treas., R. School Section Salary $650. Bept. Rn. No. 1, Joyceville, Ont. na 'class certificate for Thos. ~~ M, AGENTS--SALARY stock, including Sold only by eur a free samples. ion Nurseries. Duties to 2nd. Apply Fred Wilson, exclusive specially hardy, grown only by us. A FEMALE PROTESTANT TEACHER holding secondsclass certificate for 11, Pittsburg. commence R. tem ape, MALE TEACHER HOLDING SECOND Separate School Section Ne. 4, Wolfe Island. Apply stating salary and experience Greenwood, treasurer Wolfe Island 'R. R. No. 4. to secretary- AGENTS WANTED, AND COMMISSION to 'sell Red Tag: stook. Conyp lete lines, gents. Elegant Write now to Domin- nations in World War." Canadian publishers. Great making money; students, teachers, men, others. Specia paid; credit. ton Co., Toronto. Canadian authorship; Outfit free. PEACE TREATY AND LEAGUE OF complete "History of edition; Canadian opportunity for returned soldiers, preachers, wo- 1 terms; freight Wins- FINANCIAL LIVERPOOL, LOYDON Fire Insurance Com assets $61,187,215. which 'the policyho security the unlimi city property, possible rates. old or giving rates Agents. Phone 325. insured 'Before renewing new business get from Strange AND GLOB any, Avaianie n addition t- lders have for ted lability of at lowest & Strange, ment Soclety; President, W. P. N esident, A. proportion, muni debentures; mor LEAR! ence street, Kingst FRONTENAC vwOAN AND IN incorporated 2 Nickle, Hi vice- investment bonds for only ey de received and Interest ailowe: C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- TO-LET,., FURNISHED ROOMS. Montreal street, APPLY 146 street, between 6 a A GOOD GARAGE. APPLY 301 EARL nd 7 pan. stable. FU RNS 18 Good street. locality. App A LARGE GARAGE AND A GOOD Apply 39 Bim street, ED ROOMS WITH BOARD, ly 84 L.. Union BUY A MoD oo pce lox vara] or house 0. 850 ma use: $1500 to $3000. G. A. Bateman, 158 Willington street, city. : SE Sonar, mon including r and potato bags, - able for fatmery. HY M. Rosen ne Jot" 140 Rideny seni all PUBL An een feed, flou A THREE ROOMED apartmenit; Se ntrai; Telephone 897 J. OFFICES AT PRESENT ply W. J. Crot: thers FURNISHED no children. OCCUPIED BY Webster, 302 King street, Ap- SEVEN-ROOMED HOU condition. Apply 682 Montreal SE, IN GOOD Possession immediately, street, FOUND » LACK SI BAG IN LADY an Park( Owner may have samme by Hing at 14 George street proving A WATCH AND Fon ox TUES- day morning. Owner may have same by fdentification on | application to Thomas Mills, Swift's whart, GENTLEMAN'S COAT ON Rideau. Owner may have same by caling at 15 Lower Charleg street. A PURSE FOUND ON STEAMER Hroexvitie, 'Owner may have same by calling at 166 Lower Bagot street. A PURSE, CONTAINING SUM OF money, key and bill, on King street, opposite St. George's. Apply at Whig Office, DISCHARGE PAPER BELONG- ing to Pte. G, Breem, No, 3411. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office, FOUND ARTICLES ADVERe TISED FRER. Anyone finding anything sad Fish Hn to reach the owner may do y reporting the facts to The "British Whig. The adver. tisement will £2 printed in this column free of charge. LOST, PAIR OF GLASSES IN CASE, ON SAT- urday evening. Finder kindly ve- turn to Orphans' Home. A SMALL STEEL FISHING POLE AT Cataraqull bridge, Monday evening. Will finder kindly return to Whig Office? A PEARL CRESCENT ¥ + SET WITH pearls; lost on Peace Sunday, June 24th. Finder. please phone 1508W. Reward offered. SATURDAY, JULY 5th, A GOLD Crescent pin (with pearis, valued as A Keepsake.) to 182 Wellington street city. Re- ) ward, AS SILWV CR WATOH, WITH A LEATHER st , at St. Luke's pienic, Brophy's Point Wednesday, on the Point or on the boat. Finder please return to Whig Office, PENDANT, WITH LARGE OVALINE IN centre, surrounded with pearls, on Union street, between Division and Frontenac. Kindly return to 41 Union street W. HORSE SHOE BROOCH, SET WITH A crown of pearls, and one small green stone, on belt line or depot cay or on the Carnival Grounds, Finder please return to hig Office apd receive reward. FIFTEEN DOLLARS, ABOUT 2 ©O- y night on Brock street, ra New iBngland Cafe and Barrie street." Finder please return to 281 Division street, and receive reward. DENTAL, TWO OR THREE FURN \ suitable for FURNISHED ROOMS, FIRST CLASS ROOMS od, STORAGE aon, Apply STORAG and ary Agency; Ca 86 Brock , for one or ann, Real Estate, § Phone 326 or 631. for light housekeeping; locality. Apply Box 621, Whig BOARD all mprovements; Jentrally locat~ ADDIY 243 Broek stree! SARAGE IN REAR OF AjJGRro § ISHED ROOMS, Mght-housekeepin - ply 263 University Avenue. Ap CONVENIENT in good fice AND 3 vRNITy RE; CLEAN KE, Wathen, in Nelson Street. Phons 139013. ws Real Bi Batars #treet. Phone two C= 8 Brock } Street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS housekeeping. Bath Johnson street. FOR dagur room fiat. « for cooking. All improvements. S08 all conveniences: Box $00, British Whi, AGE FOR FU Sizy, roe Fooms, kor. Queen st stress » 20 T™WO ROOMS, PARLOR AND DINING roomy bed couch and use of piano; central. Apply ig. + our SH an phone 526; Fstag ded 282 Queen. 12661. PAPER A Fr on HEE A. KNAPP, BA, LDS, BE, D.0.8,, Jftice 260 Princess street, Phone DR. GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST, 200 Princess' stract, 'near Montreal street. Phone 1678. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. PFnone 346. UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD Gavine, upholsterer, ne street. Bagot 2 FORD TOURINGS, 1 FORD RUN- about; all in good condition; will Apply to Box 68, XTRA LARGE, SPECIALLY pile Refrigerator; 3 feet | high, t. wilde, 20 inches deep; large Ice ox three separate compartments with shelves. Apply Box J-9, Whig Office. be sold right. Odessa. AN MOTOR BOAT, 23 FEET OVER ALL, T% foot eam; 14 horse power double cylinder, Grey engine. Built for fish boat. Would do very nice- for pleasure boat. Apply 80 rontenac street or phone 1879 'W, WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS 0 good second hand furnlturg ane Fits Stoves, Any person having and furniture lo 'dispose of, we wil' BY phinosss Street. Phooe T600w A BEALTIFULLY » INISHED 8 ROOM. in Newboro, overlooks en. House is finished in quarter cut oak, fire p! and garage, ideal summer is property or ratused. roperty can Been oA X. Carroll treet, Views'ot thin ® at office, Agency, 56 Broo Finder please return lake; 3 acres of land, nicely wood FOR SALE. HORSES, APPLY 1535 BAGOT pet, ™o 8 MOTOROYULE, PRESTOJLITE TANK, Cheap, Phone 988 J, a cASH AT BAR BARG) AY (ion. ean, Co. poe Bh T A BARGAIN « NEARLY NEW Clark Jewel Gas Range. May be seen at 406 Johnson street, T™O 2. HIaI0E 29 Squane leno Depts 10 30 Rodger, SO as street, poUBLE SEATED_O SUVERED n; MacGregor; 2 Russells atreen. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE; IN USE less than six months, nau at 301 Earl street, between 6 and 7 p.m, A SMALL HOUSE AND LOT, CHEAP for a quick buyer; north end of Victoria street, Apply 150 Clergy street. SPRING WAGON; WITH TOP ATTACH «d; suitable for picnics; will seat twelve persons. Apply 439 Brock street, AUTOMOBILE To CUSHIO covers, etc. LEC A hE ness. a son » . vilie HALL ov AND KITo nolenim, parlor, cabinet an LL char. Appl ly he street. A FORD TOURING CAR; IN GOOD OR der; good tires; snap for qu'ck hs er; "owner in the pr oht. Apply Joe ves, 171 Raglan Roa A NEW BO: AT, TWENTY FERT LONG and four foot beam. Can be used ag a row boat or a family launch, ay be seen at 357 Johnson Ln city. Street, for $176. and $5 per month, App vd GENUINE AAD oi "we per eek 181 Prncens Ne. STOVE ohiMd's vision FOOT LOTS ON $8 ap Carroll Agency, §6 Brock # A MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE-CAR; IN« dian; twin cylinder power «-- plus equipped with Presto Light; in Boog condition. Owner leaving town. Avply 3 32 Ontario Street. A GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY IN the village of Seeley"s Bay, with dwelling and outbulidings, must be 801d, For further particula; Py J. J. K. Carroll Ageney, 56 street. TIRES--$3.50 COVERS FOR tubes from $1 up; also bicycles from $40.00 up; prompt attention given to all kinds of bicycle repair work, also bicycles to rent, ay, week or month. Geo. Maller, Se 373 King street. Phone 1032w. BRICK HOUSE, CENTRAL, LARGE lot; house consists of ant rooms, in good condition; modern Improve ments. This ds a real bargain. Price $5500. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Breet. Phone 68, RELIABLE USED 188250 BUYS Runabout Truck; $276 buys smal Runabout; $350 buys 5 Touring, I also ster, McLaughlin, Overldanu, Studebak: with starters. Also two Fords and two trucks. If you have a car for sale see Palmer, 218 University Avenue. Phone 2160 W. ACRES OF LAND, BLAC AND clay loam, 120 acres tillable, neve= failing spring, intimin pumping water to barn and house, and wire fencing, good outbuildings with barn and house and wire Soment 8 good outbuildings it house's floors, also good tenant ouse barn in connection. situated in the owas, of hustown, a splendid farming tion, For Jurthee particulars. Ap- pd 3 K. Carroll Agency, 56 Broek © he BATEMANS REAL KSTATR AGRNOY RICK VENEER BUNGALOW, New improvements, LOTS FOR SALE--g10 DOWN ANF tive dollars per mon $3500--BRICK HOUS 10 MM all 'mprovements; hardw. ; Pardwood Boor and stable. A pr a Hodern; ele: Cc pate loo! trance. "Beau 1 Jocation. " : FARM--150 a ARE 8 ge FROM ght and CEME! BLOCK HOUS Srp Tovements "mouse, « Hght ARM NE NEAR soft and Pom i stone dwelling: i oa Jor Largs head cattle and py RL 2 Kingston, or Henry brook, Ont.