Save TEN - -- _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 In the Realm of Women --- Some Interesting Features Freckles The I Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re move Them With Othine--Double Strength, This preparation for the removal of freckles is usually so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold 'by any druggist under guarastee to {refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a Yell; get an ounce of Othine and re- move them, Even the first few appli- ' eations should show a wonderful im- rovement, some of the lighter freck- in vanishing entirely. : Be sure to ask the druggist for the "double strength Othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guar- antes. TORONTO CITY DAIRY ICE CREAM THE health of your skinis tooimport- ant for you to be careless about the bath soap you use: | Keep the skin clear and 'smooth end prevent skin Bt It is the best 'of all soaps-- I itis more then a cleanser, it disinfeots too : ; has returned home | |New York, ave visit Colin Hs finished the brief summary with a smile, but the girl looked at him for a full minute with a grave face. "How can you laugh about it? You might much better have tried to Write and starved," Kennedy Bond sald under her breath, with a sort of quiet passion. "Well------!" She shrugged, looked him full in the face again, and turned away, Dean now became aware that her aunt, Mrs. Knowles, was calling her from the other side of the room. "Ken! Come, dear. It's almost six o'clock, Ken!" "Coming, Tante!" she answered brightly, Dean followed her to the disappear into the fawn-colored depths of the Knowles limousine. Then he turned back into the studio. 'Geraldine saw at once that Dean was displeased with something, and sighed a deep sigh. He was tired after his long day, of course, and perhaps things had not gone well in Albany; now he would be cross all evening. Probably things would g0 badly at the house, too, to-night, thought Geraldine, and with all that she had to do in getting the tired little girls to bed she must soothe and placate the unreasonable Dean. But she loved him, he was the cen- ter of her world always, and so when they started for home she opened the conversation cheerfully. "Isnt it lovely to have the days getting so long!" she said. They had a dozen blocks to walk, in the Spring dusk; a wind had sprung up, and the air was paexbece tedly cold, Dean, stalking at her side, dig not answer. "That was darned awkward, that last thing!" he observed presently, in a mortitied tone, ; "What, our asking Louis and his mother if we mightn't stay to din- uck of Geraldine Laird BY KATHLEEN NORRIS Author of "The Story of Julia Page," "Heart of Rachel," "Josselyn's Wily," "Sisters," ete, n't mind that a bit--we've often done 1f And more often," continued Geraldine animatedly, "they tease us to stay, and we can't!" "1 might have known that he had a date with that girl," Dean brood- ed. "Well, what if he did! Isn't that," Geraldine reasoned briskly, "just what friendship is for? Why, wouldn't give that a thought ga He was not listening: she knew by the bored, abstracted expression on his face. They walked another chilly Block in silence, \ "What is the matter?" the woman said at last, spurred by her own irr tation and fatigue into making him door and saw the Russfan-red coat | express himself, "Nothing!" and briefly, "Dean, don't say that. You're as glum as Christian charity! What's the matter?" "Nothing." he said again, annoy- ed. . But a moment later, he burst forth. "If you force me to talk about it, IT may as well Say that I--perhaps I am critical and exacting!--but 1 Would like to have my wife appear at a formal affair in something nicer than a shirt-waist!" Geraldine was quick-tempered, but she was generous too, and she was perfectly 'willing to concede him his grievance, he answered lightly "I know! But poor old Potts had the Pierce wedding this week, ana she didn't have my gown ready!" "Of course, if you don't Jack her Up as most women would, and make her tome to time, you can hardly ex- pect a dressmaker to take you very serfously," Dean 'said, wearily ana Politely, "I don't ask much, I swear I don't think I ask much, but I make a good living, and there is no earthly reason why my wife should--" His tone roused her to angry pro- test. ner?" she asked guickly, "Oh, Dean ~--how sensitive you are! They did- (To be Continued.) ee. Told in the Twilight (Continued from Page Three) The Tea at the Yacht Club, on Wednesday, was in charge of Mrs. Lawrence - Lockett, Mrs, Wi ghore, Mrs. G. B. McKay, Mrs. Gor- on Smith and Miss Bessie" Robert- son, Assisting them were Mrs. JHu- bert Stethem, Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Miss Una Polson, Miss Hilda Taira and Miss Aileen Folger. A large number of out-of-town guests were Present, among them being, Mrs. Mollet, India; Mrs. Harte, Alabama; Mrs. Arther Turner; Hamilton; Mrs. Jones, Toronto; Mrs. Gamblin, Nass sau, Tenn; Mrs. Voorhees, Philadel- phia; Mrs. Edward Barker, Torodto; Mrs. 1. 8. Macdonald, Calgary; Mrs. Wilfrid Shore, New York; Miss Bdna Booth, New York. - . . . Brig.-Gen, Victor 8. Willams ana Mrs. Williams gave a farewel. din- ner on Wednesday evening tor Brig.-Gen. and Mrs. Perreau. Covers Were laid for eight. 2 . - . Mrs. Harold Davis, Stuart sireet, gave a Jolly = children's party on hursday in her pretty grounds. The iittle people had a glorious time. - . . A Jolly load of young people went out on Tuesday evening to the dance on R. H. Fair's grounds at Glen- burnie. r * -. . Miss Gretta Barclay, William street, left on Thursday for W 1 visit her niece, Mrg. (Dr.y-A. W. Al lum, 119 Mschray avenue, Pose Brouse, Iroquois, who has heen staying with Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock street, left on Thursday for Ottawa to visit her cou , Miss Harriett Brouse. as: Murphy, of Flint, Mich, " after a visit to his parents, Mr. and M D, J. Murphy, 116 Colborne street. - © Dr, and Mrs. es Slacphorton, r Tr. and Mrs, Macpherson, University ave. {nue Dr. Macpherson has just re- day trip up the Saggpenay river, They will: bé gone three weeks, Charles Wilkison, Sault Ste. Ma- rie, Mich., a former Kingstonian, is newing old acquaintances. : PF. W. Jackson, Oswego, N.Y., spent some time in the city recently with Mrs, Jackson and their baby son, Franels James, who are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. James Quigley. Mr. and Mrs. Ww. @aughter, Lola, left for their home van, Sask., after visting Mr' and Mrs. Oscar Aykroyd, Johnson street. " . » ® Mrs. W. I. Gillerlain and family, Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived on Priday last to spend the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Laidley, street. Mr. Gillerlain ac- companied them and spent the week-end here, «Judge H. A. Lavell ana family have taken a cottage at Thousand Island Park for the summer, His Honor is able to spend week-ends at the summer resort, Mrs. 'H. A. Toffeld and Miss Hain Tofteld, Barrie street, left on Thurs- day to spend the summer at Oax Point on the St. River, Rev. William 'G, Berkley, pastor of 'the Congregational church, Lim- ington, Maine, is for a few weeks visiting his sister, Mrs. Ww. B. rShuflebotham, of this eity. $s gs | H. Hanter and Heorge Allan, King- 8 r's par- Mrs. James Tagram, , Pettingill, Picton, came onto be with relatives. fo son, J. F. and H. E. . Counter, William Teturned to Watertown, B two. week's visit in spending a few days in the city, re- | tario will then go to Mont-| week for Ottawa. He will sail for England shortly and will Tetgpn in the autumn accompanied by Mrs, Cartwright who has been with her parents in England while Colonel Cartwright was dn France and Sib- eria. a. Mr, and Mrs, C. 8. Powers and their son Waldo; Mrs. H. M. Walsh and A. A. Stearns, Clairmont, N.Y, motored from Toronto and spent a day or s0 in Kingston on their way back to 'St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, King street, "have returned from Lough- boro Lake. . * -» Miss Mary Jones, Alfred street, asked some young people to spend a 'week at Rev. J. W. Jones' cottage at 'Beaver Lake next week. Mrs. C. W. Greenland will chaperon the house party. B. W. Robertson, Jr., came down from Belleville to spend a few days in town. Dr. and Mrs. James Third, who have been spending some weeks at Quebec and Murray 'Bay, returned fo town on Wednesday. Mrs. Austin Gillies, has returned from Carleton Face. ' Miss Virginia Fair will go to Bost- wick Island on Tuesday with Mrs. Arthur Evans and Miss Marjorie "Evans. © Mrs. C. Stuart Macdonald, who has been visiting Mrs. B. J. B. Pense, West street, will leave with her children for Calgary 'on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Antho! Rankin, Collins Bay, will entertain on Tues- day for the returned soldiers who went overseas from that locality. WEAK MOTHERS REGAIN HEALTH Through the New Blood Dr. Wile liams' Pink Pills Actuhlly 2 No mother should allow nervous weakness to get the upper hand of her. If she does worry will mar her work' in the homie and torment her in body and mind Day after day spent amid the same surroundings is enough to cause fretfulness and de- pression, But there are other causes as every mother knows, that tend to make her nerves run down. A change would benefit her jaded system, and rest might improve her blood so as €o give the nerves a better tone But rest and change are often impossible and it i& then that all worn out wo- men should take a short treatment with Dr. Willlams® Pink Pills, which make new blood rich with the ele- ments on which the nerves thrive. In this way these pills restore regu- lar health, increased energy, new ambition and steady nerve. There Is a lesson for other women in the case of Mrs. Harry P. Snider, Wilton, On- rio, who says:--" years ago my twin babies were born, and I was left very weak and very miser- able, hardly fit fo do anything. The dootor gave me medicine, but if did not help me, Then I tried another doctor, but with no better results. One day T went home to my mother, telling her how miserable I felt, and that the r's medicine had not done me any . . Mother asked me why 1 did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as I was glad to try anything that might help me, I got three boxes when I went back home. By the time these were used there Was no doubt they were helping me, and I got three more boxes But I did not need them all, for by the time the fifth box was used. I was entirely cured, and never felt better in my lite, Now when I hear people talk about feeling weak or miserable I always recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pils and tell what they did for me, and In similar cases I shall continue to recommend them." 'At the first sign that the 'blood is out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and note the speedy improve- ment they make in the appetite, health and spiréts. You can get these pills thr ugh any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $3.50 from The Dr. Wil-' Medicine Co., Br-ckville, On- taro. fT TAKING OVER) When You Arelll 'He's a dear old slow coach!" { sald the fair fat and forty matron, speaking of her husband, "He would never in the world be able to sell a bottle of hair tonic to a man who had the use of his eyes; and in a pinch back suit he wouid look Hke the illustration ot a funny story. 'I M never, even when we Were courting if cduld delude my- self into thinking taat he was good a looking. BUT-- when I am sick, ha looks like . the angel Gabriel, and i} acts 11ke the good Samaritan. "That's when you can prove a ------ man! Almost any wavy h.ired he-doll will measure up to standard while a woman 18 well, while she can dance WITH him, and dance attendance upon him, every- thing Is rosy. But the day she has a bad headache, and he comes home to find the sink full of dishes, and no. supper. ready; that is the day his. wavy hair either looks like .a halo, or a bunch of hay. "It is the test of how much he cares, when he cheerfully gets a hot water bottle or an ice pack, and tiptoes round getting 'something njce for a poor little sick girl'; and then finds a bit of something for himself in the icebox, making a show of having a great feast on the cor- ner of the kitcMen table. "You never feel that you're in trouble to & man like that. He ney- er needs to be told to put a glass of water by your bed side where you can reach it; and he never fails to change it often so that it ig always cool. He is careful not to flash the light in your eyes, and he remem- bers not to whistle. He THINKS about you, and your comfort. He would bear the pain for you gladly, if he conld. "Oh he isn't handsome, and he isn't over powerfully clever, but rd rather be the wife of that little bald fat man than be married to the handsomest Apolo of the sereen' Activities Of Women. : Women workers employed in the mines in Ecuador receive only 30 cents a day. g great bulk of the Fifeshire (8sotlend) textile trade is in the hands of female labor. In July, 1918, over 23,000 women were employed fn agricultural pur- suits in Seotl alone. 'omen ol employed by the various insurance compainies in Great Britain now number about 32,000. The British parliament is expected 90 Dass a bill now before it which confers upon women the right = of qualifying either as solicitors or bar- risters. Miss Elizabeth Marburry, well- known in New York as a social work- er and theatrical producer, has sail- | ed for France on her sixteenth trip to Burope, She is to do special work in Paris for the Knights of Columbus and will visit the various K.C. head- quarters in France, Anna Warwick, the American nov: elist, has returned home after eight months' service abroad with the Rea Cross, where she was in charge of thirteen recreation huts at the Mes- ves Hospital certre, th der the direction of the Red Cross in France. Agreeable Entertainment for Young and Old Wil LIAMS Wi TEN the price is no higher, wouldn't you prefer 'to buy a Canadian-made high-grade piano? oe only one answer, and that is "Yes." The Wil jams New le ranks among world's 'best. The late Queen Victoria se one for Wi Castle. Famous artists like Melba, McCormack, Clara Bug, Kathleen Parlow, Alma Gluck; and hundreds of others, all' ch the Williams New Scale for their Canadian tours, Faots like this enable you to form an idea of its quality--a quality that meets the most exacting tests. And the Williams is made in Canada by Canadians, for Canadians. Give yourself a musical treat-~go to any Williams Dealer and hear the Williams New Scale. IHustrated literature sent on request. WILLIAMS PIANO CO, LIMITED Canada's Oldest and Largest Piano Makers ! OSHAWA ONTARIO e largest un-|' See and Hear the Williams New at THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO., LTD. KINGSTON Star Fruit § AX Candy Store Bi Candy, 11 oh Jaunta! 3 Food Board Fru $-1020; Pid