i a Ty THE DAILY Summer Snaps finished at Best's give the great- it results possible. Quickest service-- best results -- lowest prices. These combined make ours the much appreciated sere vice. The best films we can buy and always in Yreshest condition, *we supply you. We repair or adjust your Camera and are glad indeed to be able to give you any informa- tion that will assist you to make better pictures. At Best's Open Sundays Phone 058, Branch 2018 * FOX FURS _ For summer wear in black, new shade brown and white. W.E.GOURDIER sn WOOD Sawed in Stove in ' Lengths "+ BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot 5 IH ifm STORE WILL REMAIN CLOS- ED ALL DAY SATURDAY -- the day to be universally cele- brated as-- We are showing a very at- tractive range of TABLE LAMPS in Silver Bronze, Mahogany, Walnut and White Enamel. These are very new and mod- erately priced. Wedding Rings. Marriage Licenses. SMITH | BROS. Limited Established 1840 King Street 3 Kingston THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done In the earpen- tery line, Estimates given om all kinds WwW of repairs and mew work; miso hard- est Street wood floors of ull kinds. : All orders will receive prompt attention. 28 Queen street. | aturday We Celebrate National fl Peace and the Conclusion of the Great War To insure peace at home, be sure your wife has a Happy corinne or "PYREX" GLASS BREAD PAN. Makes beautiful Bread, : J Thought Cooking do her baking with. will be delighted = wi 35; small consumption of? fuel, and very attractive appear- ance. Glass Oven Door to watch cooking, with- Ther- maometer on it; has every de- : sirable Cooking Help on it Size No. 4 is a popular stove. Ss 183%" oven and 4 8" and 2 6%" Cooking Holes in top. to With her next baking try a | Size 8% "x4%"". Price $1.25. 2 Liss ' STORE CLOSED SATURDAY, 10th INST. Told in Twilight A lovely breeze from the lake, good musie, preity girls in pretty frocks, and a very large number of visitors, made the dan® at the Yacht Club unusually, shecessful. Among the out of town guests wére Mrs. Parke Cameron, Miss Margo Fraser, Miss Gwen Gauley, Mis Dorothy Mickle, Miss Frances Thompson, Miss Anita Martin, Miss Edith Rankin; Reid Rankin and Capt Anglin. ® - * Miss Mae Barry, 239 Division street, gave a kichen shower, Wed- nesday evening, for her friend, Miss G. Tierney, the bride of next week, when about twenty girls met and showered the bride-to-be with many useful gifts. A very pleasant evening was spent. * * * A jolly party of young people went down to Major and Mrs. F. A. Walsh's cottage last night. A bonfire and marshmallows roast provided the amusement of jhe evening. . Miss Macauley, King street, asked a few people to come in at the tea hour on Wednesday to meet Mrs. G R. Conway Stephens. . - Archdeacon Dobbs, King street, entertained on (Wednesday evening in homor of Mr, and Mrs. Gedfigey O'Hara. » * - Rev. D, A. Lough, Mrs. Lough and their son, Des are leaving on Saturday, to spend a few weeks at Loughboro Lake. Miss Marjorie . Herrington, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald Young, Union street, left on Thursday for her home at Welling ton, Hon. EB. J. Davis, Newmarket, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street. . » - Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Hamilton are visiting their daughter, Miss Mary Fraser, Earl street, Miss Aileen Rogers is visiting aunt, Mrs. Henry, at Lachine, , bec. md Mr. and Mrs. Gladall, Kifig street, left today for a trip"to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Chaplean, Ottawa, and their son, are in town and are at the Hotel Frontenac. A jolly party of campers: from Trenton and Belleville are at Lae ue Innes Fraser, Earl street, is spending a few week's there with Canon Arm- strong and his family. » - - Mrs. 'McKee, Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Gordon Smith, Albert street. Flight-Lieut. agd Mrs. Arthur Wilkinson are visiting Mrs. Charles McDunnough, Woodstock, Miss Mary Rodger,'Sydney, N.S., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. ly Rodger, Ear] street. Capt. Vrooman, who has recently returned from overseas, spent the 'Wetk-end with Mr. and Mrs L. T. Best, Albert street, going on to Lind- say on Tuesday. He will return to town later and he with Mrs. Best. Flight -Lieut. R. @. Mayor, Imper- ial RAF, who came out on the Me- gantic, spent a few days fu town on his way to Toronto. -. - . Miss = Kathleen Saunders, Alice Street, is im Quebec. Miss Eva Martin and Miss Mamie Anglin, spent the week-end at Thir- teen Island Like, Miss Lottie Witherill, Toronto, who has been staying with Mrs. Bruce ville on Tuesday. Major and Mrs, W. Goodwin, have returned from a canoe trip down the Rideau and Up the Ottawa river, to Renfrew, where they stayed a few days with Mrs. 8. T. Chown. Mr. and Mrs. George Hague, Miss ed from a trip down the Saguenay. Mrs. Voorhees, who has been visit- ing her sister; Mrs. Frederick Cays, left today for, Oswego, N.Y. to visit her mother. " . Le a Capt. 6 Anglin, who has been cottage on Wolfe Island, has return ed to St. John's, Que. : ; Miss Hilda Calvin has been spend- ing a few days with Miss Laura Kil- | born, King street. 'Miss Alice King has gone to Nova Seotia for a month, : Prof. and Mrs. 0, D. Skelton, with their family, are spending some | weeks at Omemee. as © Miss Frances Thompson; rs, Bruce Taylor, - Queen's Mise Miss Mystie Me Hazel 'and Millan, Mon Miss pei Hopkins, "Hazeldell" went to Brock= 3 Hague and Miss Lewis, have return vigiting Dr. and Mrs. Anglin at their {wash it with. » post. jmount, is the guest of Principal and treal, are the guests of BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919. Lave, the Manse, Quebec. The mar- riage is to take place early in Sep tmber. . oy (Continued on Page 10.) ASK FOR $15,000 TO BUY PROPERTY Board of Education Committee Will Wait on Civic Finance Committee. The Chairman of 'the Board of Education, F. R. Anglin with the members of the Propefty Commit- tee of the board, will wait on the mittee, at their meeting to-night, in regard to the dew school for Oata- raqui ward. The deputation will ask the cams mittee for $15,000 for the purchase of the property for the building of the new school, to take up the option which will expire on Sept. 1st. The question of sending a deputa- tion before the committee was deeid- ed upon at a meeting of the mem- bers ofthe Board of Education held on Thursday night. Township Comcils | » Loughbore Township Council. Sydenham, July 17.----Council met at 2 p.m. All members present. Bills paid: $966.70, Alex Thompson "ay list for work on Portland Boundary; $462.54, Alex, Thompson, pay list for work on Sydenham streets and nearby roads; $72.50, A.B. Page, pay list for work on Desert Lake road; $20, Hirman Johnston, work on Guthries'. road; $28.75, Chas. Shales, jobs on the Wilmar, Maple Leaf and Opinicon roads; $20, EB. Barker, street lights for June; $108.- 50, Harvey Amey, pay list for work on 'Eel Lake road in connection with colonization grant; $24, Timothy Freeman, work on Portland 'Bound- ary; $103.50, Henry MeCadden, re- pairing road leading to Buck Lake bridge; $11.40, Varley Smith, work on the road near his place; $6.12, Elgin Brawley, drain under walk, and grate for same; $10, W. H. \Smith, work on road; $8, Bert Simp- kins. work near Maple Leaf school; $6.50, H. W. Guess; 'hauling tile, plank, and repairing bridge at Mur- ray's Swamp; $22.50, D. Sargent, repairs tosauto damaged on Wilmer road. Couneil granted Mrs. Wm. Leeman $20 to help build a road for her across James Burn's farm and Shore Camp near Consecon Mastepyirank Campbell $10 on: concession leading to-his place. Council adjour- ned to meet Monday, August 3rd, 2 p.m. 1919, Books At B0c. iDere Mabel series, Treat 'Em Rough, Too Fat to Fight Bating in 2 or 3 Languages, and others regul- arly priced from 75¢ to §1. Special at 50¢c. The College Book Store. Moonlight =xcursion. Under eo auspices of Queen Street. Methodist Young Men's Chub, Monday, July 21st, on S.8. Brock- ville; Boat leaves foot of Brock street at 6.45 p.m. Tickets 50¢. In Paris, according'to despatdhes rbeeived Bela Kum, head of the Hun- garfan Communist Government, has been ousted, : $5 : TTT Tr -- good condition, be careful what you Don't use prepared shampoos or anything els8, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, make jthe hair brittle, and Is very harmful members of the Civic Finance Com-- FACE PROBS: Saturday, fine and very warm. Ee Ty oe or We are indeed pleased to be able to put such big values in your way. We know these specials are things that a lot of shoppers want and are coming to get. These articles will be strictly as advertised. STORE OPEN TILL 9.30 P.M. Hosiery at Special Prices White Silk Hose--75 pair Ladies' White Silk Hose in all sizes, 84 to 10. © Worth to-day $1.00 a pair . . .. .To-night 75¢c. Lisle Hose--200 pair Ladies" Black and White Lisle Hose--a splendid value .-- with double garter tdp--while they last fii oiii one I Tonight, 3 for $1.00 Silk" Hose --60 pair fancy Silk Hose in White, with Black Circular Stripes. Sold regular at $1.00 .. . /... 'Tonight 75¢, THILDREN'S SOCKS Just the thing to keep the child- ren cool->all sizes, a} to 94; in plain white with fancy tops. .- " .......To-night 25¢c; to 48¢c. "BLACK SILK HOSE A small balance of 50 pair only --Black Silk Hose--all sizes a special value | - Tonight 59c. UNDERWEAR That Fits Well and Wears Well NEW SWEATERS ~~ Beautiful Monarch knit Pullover Sweaters, in sizes 36 to 44; two styles to choose from, sleeveless and with sleeves... . ... +.. "Tonight $2.48 and $3.50 60 summer knit Vests in no sleeve only--a very special value coitus Tonight<3 for $1.00 If you want to keep"your hair in 50 only, Women's fine knitted Combinations in' short and no sleeve ......... Tomight 69c, Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Ji Drawers, in all sizes 32 to 44: . da A beautiful range of Ladies' Silk Sweaters in new summer shades. All sizes . . Tonight $13.50 up ¥ aw vl } %y * wien Ey i BATHING SUITS FT eRe dea So (Tegra 22: and Girls' Bath- siZzes--a A table of Boys' Bal. Shirts and Drawers, in'sizes 20 to 30. Priced from 50¢. to 75¢c. each i. . iy . oF Wp