Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1919, p. 8

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» PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Co Hew WEDNESDAY. JULY #5. 1010: : : ta ne In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features om : ; A ay ted era oa Jo int. IF A'SAUC i 0 Preserved DS] The Luck of : Gerald ie Lair | que. So visit his sister, Mrs. Arthur SAUCE EMPIRE | J Duri th: , Col. Tay- . aS diy Tai Raspberries : / . BY KATHLE EN NORRIS lor 'was in charge of au sirdrome in with an appetizing flavor ¢ P 3 / France. : : : . [ ) make ru eak will keep their natural z Ul, | [Author of "The Biory of Julia Page," "Heart of Rachel," "Josselyn's| Miss Hemings, Kingston, is a So). Jump a GRO ERY color if you use ; : ] Wife," "Sisters," ete. guest of her brother, William Hem- taste better than a tens ings, Metcalfe Street, Woodstock. derloi it's th "Thirty-four--Jud sayé he'd pay| "Dean at the telephone!" announe- oin, it's the sauce High Grade Groceries, Fruits sixty for the place!" ed Mrs. Fitapatrick, from the dining-| yur 80d Mrs. Clarence Chown, you want. That's what Ontdokey Meats. wl 'What a blessing it would be--"" [room door. r a t Sotared on Monday Jo eats. Geraldine mused, slowly resuming! "He's asleep!" his wife objected. x her datning, ten do funny things % that Miss Bond," her mother omis Lambert. Clorsy os : LEA:PERRINS LEWIS ORR no business," she commented. explained. ; 320 King St. Ph "What 1 started in-to tell you was | "Ah, then, wake him!" Geraldine | 73° accompanied them on the trip. Sri No. Sareas | that to-day I saw old Bates, of the |laughed. Mrs. Malloch, Riverside, Cal., was ' SAUCE bpd bac 4 100.15. ~ 2 . oF in the city for a short time. he is # 3 30,20 and 109.35, Sucks Midfield, having lunch with the old} "That reminds me that I've got to oe uuaintor 2 ahs Wh THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSMINE Ni Stems J man from our office, you know," |go up and get a number I've got to late a 0 LA - 2 : iy I : ; \ . the "fine" cane sugar which NTIC LIBRARY FREE George went on, "and the old man |call," George, removing his atten-| "i oh, forme A aSinter here will do every time. Tryit: dissolves at once, Order s ry i-mate gut from got some letter out of his pocket and | tion from the headlines and re- , Ih map 1 Set lu---- ~ Mra, Smith motored from Otta- 10 : hr 2 a showed it to Bates. It just wen.|mounting the stairs, sald lastly, | 3nd ¥ by name in original Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited through my mind that they might be |" Was that call for me, mother?" a a Saturday, returning on Sun- 0 i ow \ A QUE, ST. JOHN, NB ay. - packages. 23 discussing that; it would be darnea| "No--for Dean!" Geraldine sald. Wi J i J [uncomfortable for me if they asked ["f'ome, gitls---we're going to be of Mise Story. Nes york, Aho. gus any questions! However, I guess late!" avon e. retoo 'home on Monday y A Ar ir Soe ie I'm worryisg for nothing----!" They went away through the wet, rh 'He probably telephoned the Mid-|bare garden, Aad tuted She groups oc wang rh oN Uiamion, who == [fleld people to know what delayed [of church-goers that were already [yor ao ps ud n t ye vi It their bid, and compared the date on moving down the street. Geraldine | 3. oo b rN sede ya vigit to the letter with {he date af dslivery," [always ilked this hour with her lit-| = = °ocef, Hrs. E. H. Toung: ® {Geraldine summarized, aghast. "Oh, [tle girls; they talked of serious : : * George, how could you do such a|things on Sunday mornings, opened | Miss May Millan, Parl street is thing!" she added despairingly, the |their little prayer-hooks and read [Dolidaving at Banker's Island, fears he had momentarily diverted |them dutifully, through the service, pBrockviie. : {all awake again. and looked with virtuous dismay at Mrs. Gourley and family, of Cay- arm aC ea { "Oh, don't worry--it'll all blow |the bad little boys who riggled and 182, Ont. have arnived to take up . oved in a few days---nothing: will | whispered and looked back at the [their residence at Portsmouth, { Kill th all ! 5 ¢ome of it!" he answered comfort-|choir.. To-day they came home hap-| Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson and em » and the Sold in Packages Only ably. He kissed her, rumpled her pily through the first slanting lines Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Oshawa, with germs too 10¢ a t hair in his boyish, affectionate way, |of a hard spring rain. Breathless Shel Jautilies Bave The he spend at Dru : € ne and went off to bed. and laughing they rushed up the |®& mon 8 Oty. ey have tak-, Tocers GEO. ROBERTSON & SON Limited It was the privilege of Dean Laird, | front steps, and with much noise and {én Mr. Drysdale's house on the and oe y ' 7 who was in Ris office nine hours ev- bustle disposed of wrapa and over. [corner of Union and Albert streets n Stores. ! |ery working day of the week, to|choes in the hall. ~~ Then the chil- @nd have as their guest for the next sleep late on Sunday, but his wife |dien raced upstairs to get at their |week Charles Jackson, lately return- vmstat TT AAA A A Dr Nara . and the little girls were always early | delayed play with paints and doll- [ed from overseas. ? astir. house, and Geraldine went into the . ue { She bathed and dressed the chil-|dining-room to find her husband eat- Dr. and Mrs. Pettypiece, Ottawa, dren with many whispered commands |ing his breakfast. There was a fire [have left for the Thousand Ielands 9 for silence, and they descended to/in this room, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick Whe-e they will spend a month at STRAWBERRIES ge S as rocery the eight o'clock breakfast fresh, had brought a caller to the fire, an |the Hay Island House. ; . dainty, and chattering happily, ready |e!dierly widéw who held her wet| Miss Marjorie Gamsby 8 on a . Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. |||«r, te sivari enjorabie Sunday." |braver-book becween cotian gloves short * wis * with Miss Larratne GD Y * . They almost always found Mrs. [ar she talked. Dean, who hated [Shortt Ottawa. On Sale All This Week Fitzpatrick there, with her face cold [these familiarities on the part of his| Mrs. A. Fisher, Ottawa, is here to De : BROOMS--BROOMS and rosy from the early walk to mother<in-law's old friends, was visit her sister and will also visit re- Pr ompt livery to All Parts of the City. a + B church, and her stringy black veil sternly reading the paper. She [lations in New York before return- . Er unwar 85¢. 1 ON Sale dangling from her honnet. George |went to sit beside Her husband and [ing home. 3 . NEW 200 tins PUMPKIN ? was always late for breakfast, Dean {atiempt to engage him in agreeable | Mrs. Kidd, wife of _ Lieut.-Col, YORK FRI 11 I S I ORE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES latest of all; the women and chil-|conversation. | Kidd, Kingston, is returning to Can- 31 . i Ry : dren could join comfortably in a do-| "It's wonderful out!'" she said en-|ada shortly. -Mrs. Kidd went bver- 4 Princess St. Phone 1405 PHONE 248 : RA : PROMPT DELIVERY mestic conversation from which Liz- |thusiastically. {reas with her husband in 1915 and zie Garney was by no means exclud- Dean' recéived this with a shrug, has since been on active service, first ed. Geraldine tried again. {on Lemnos Island in the Mediteran- i J} The little girls, in ruffle snowy "What did the charming Kennedy ean, and later in France, Se SE petticoats that made them look like | have to say?" | 8 . inverted flowers, and the trim sailor He looked away from his paper, Duncan McTavish, a Queen's suits and black' hair-ribbons that, | with the quick little scowl that was student, with his mother and sister Contented ' rather to their grandmother's dis-| partly a ouestion, and partly an ef- are visiting in England. 3 . 2 | f gust, seemed preferred by their mod- {fort to hold his glasses securely in| Lady Falconer paid a wisit ¢o her Ww rk 0 ern mothér to challies and velvet Blace. 4 4 nr a ater Mrs, James Thomson, in i - Y ribbons, kept up an intimate under- "I don't understand you!" he sald. | Napanee last week. | N ! a; orkers : : tone, while their elders talked. Liz-| Geraldine looked at him blankly a | Fiiiss Muriel Grant and Mrs. Sydo| ARNE Bou Srreptins Js the rule . 3 \ zie Garney asked. respectful in man- | moment, {ney Armstrong, Toronto, are visit ri \ ercige the most painstaking Give Better ; ner, if "Clem's folks'" were coming | "You got her message?" she ask- [ing Mrs. James Reid, Priticess street, i y " [to the one o'clock dinner, and ob-|ed, with a sudden sinking at her E. C. Mitchell, London, Ont., is in * & reserved that Mrs, Clem looked like | heart. the city on a bpliday, the guest of Trvice : . déath. Geraldine, finishing her| "I got no meesege!" he answered.| Mrs: Winnett, Bagot street. K breakfast, wandered to the window, "At the telephone---just before Miss Mary and Bdith Johnston, ; = and observing that the weather nine!" she said blankly. Pembroke, who have been wigiting T HAS been proved = threatered rain, organized a search| 'Do you mean that she called with friends in Kingston and viein- over and over again . 3 for umbrellas, overshoes, and rain-| me?" Dean questioned. ity, left to-day for Napanee and Ot-| that comfortable sur- | iv coats, ' "Why---why---mother," Foraldine tawa. roundings lead tomore It was then' that the .telephona said, looking about deYensively, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bridge, Hamil- d hett cork. Erol f labor have 1 d rang, and that George began slowly | "didn't Dean get that message from (ton, Ont., are visiting with their an er wor mployers of labor have learne to come downstairs, in his bath-robe,| Miss Bond this morning?" son, at "Blstonbridge," Collins Bay. that even the lowest employees in factory or store tonsled and yawning, but ready for| "I thought he did!" hér mother often appreciate the little conveniences, and better nis breakfast. Little Jane gathér- | answered with conéern. "I certain- service results. ed up asgreat sheaf of Sunday papers [ly ealled out to you that it was for EDDY'S from the front step, and = carried | Dean." . 7 them towerd him. (To be continued.) Sanitary Paper Towels afford the opportunity to provide youreniployees with f 4 ress enmessm aise || LT ONGIT OVER 1 TO'4.in a NE "yo eg A and spotless towel for every user. Every towel used only once, by one person. You would appreciate this improved service Twilight ; Compare the cost of the Eddy system, with your linen towel service, You will be favorably surprised. With Loma Moon-- : "Via a a | - (Continued from page 3.) A The E. B.EDDY CO. Linfited Prof, and Mrs, Chambers, Ganan- oid HULL, Canada ue, are spending a few days. Im Also makers of the Famous Eddy Matches and Indurated Fibreware. The Little Girl You Used Kingston. Sues - oN Mrs. P. B. Ewing, Westport, spent To Be the week-end in Kingston, Miss Belva Curtis, Kingston, is Do you ever play hide and seek id ith the little girl you used to be? Young ber uncle, D. 'A, Curtis, © peeps at you every time you see \ H a little miss going to school; there is Miss Marion Clark, Kingston, a tear a APmpaLy in hes eye when your neighbor's © girl falls and! co} L. Irving and Mrs. | Irvin Burts herself; she never goes very| penfrew, are ang the. summes far away, for she wants to be remem-{o¢ Brule Lake Jacad, S a. Xnaws is, Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Waterhouse, bu Hy old untit Whitby, accompanied by Mr. and the day You forget 1. € | Mrs. George Waterhouse, Kingston, her." 5 are on a motor trip through the Un- he word oy i LY [ited States, . A itl aon Ey ' Ray Baker, Mr, and Mrs. Edward e. y : 2 : patron, Miss Reta Kilpatrick apd H | Mrs. David "Caughey, Amherst Island motored to Pittsburg on Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and, Mrs. David McClément and family, - Miss Avis McConnell and Mrs. Har is the guest of Mrs. B. O. Britton at Tremont Park. yey Wooluough arrived here to-day en route to re ootiar sum<i mer bome, Alexandria Bay. ; Miss Irene Pactell "ana Veronica , Perth, visited in Kings.en for pd Riis vite) Mrs.

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