> One year ago today, July 24, 1318, French villagers and peasdnts began returning to their shattered homes at Chateau Thisrry. Find her husband, Answer to yesterday's puzzle. . shoulder. WINNIE P 'When the last hypocrite dies his) satanic majesty will not have a faith- | Belleville, celebrated their ful servant on earth. Most people are sorry only after it | gan. Is too late. EMPLOYERS Mr. and Mrs. Isa C. 18 also was the Mrs. Badgley. THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE - OF CANADA -- . The PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS SECTION "Nas been established 0 assist professional, business and technical men and womet; } ff {Many officers, soldiers, sailors and war workers, who sacrificed their positions during the war, now desire to secure been ent in the occupations for which they have ly trained. Employers should not wait until increasing business forces them to entploy anybody they can obtain, but should look ahead and avail themselves of this unusual opportunity to enlist the services of highly trained workérs ordinarily secured only with difficulty. On application there can be to you, for example :-- + - ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS LAW CLERKS A TRAVELLING EN CHEMISTS YOUNG GRADUATES These workers are returning ¥o' civil occupations with initiative, a broader view of life, and a greater eapacity for work. EMPLOYERS Please state your requirements to the nearest office of the * EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS In each office the INFORMATION AND BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF /SOLDIERS' CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT has a representative to" render Service in the special re-establishment of the retumed soldier. 1 OTTAWA, Bonk of Toronlo Bidg. 132 Queen Street Upper right corner down, eye at left Badgley, golden | wedding anniversary, July 13th, at|success, and it will be but a short The shortest horse gets the long- the home of their daughter, odds Bessie Hicks, Grand Rapids, Michi- birthday of Mrs. ra He ne they are paying for their p in full will be interested in our Payment THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ] : BRIEFS FROM SUNBURY, Demonstration Held On William" Webb's Farm. J Sunbory, July 18. --Berry picking, | | which has quite the order of j the Sug 1s about over, The many | frien $ b + Shannon e | shocked th hear of his degth whith { {occurred in Kingston General Hos- | {pital on Friday evéning last. Mr. Shannon accompanied by Mrs. Shan- | non, arrived # the city from Delisle, | Sask., just one week agy to visit his | brother John who ig at present very {Il and while on the way was taken {ill and upon arrival in the city was {| removed to the Hospifal where his {death occurred. The remains were { torwarded to Delisle where Inter- .ment will take place. 4 Congratulations t6 Miss® Bvelyn Moreland, who passed with honors, the recent entary no exam- | inations of yay Shenton. of Music, aldo to her teacher, Miss Agnes McCallum, who suc ed in winning her A.T.C. The many friends of Benjamin Kells, regret to hear of his iliness, and hope for a speedy recovery. The young peo: {ple are all looking forward to the | evening of August 7th when a lawn | social in connection with the Pgesby- {terian churéh will be held. | Major and Mrs. Thomas Todd and | Miss Lena Todd) who have spent the {past year in Southern Alberta, have [returned and are with Mr. and Mts. {Hugh Moreland for a time, prior to their taking up residence in the city. The Trdctor Demonstration on the farm of Willlam Webb, was watch- ed with interest by "all the local farmers. It promises to be a greal time before it will be looked upom as a most essential farm implement. All are delighted to welcome back from overs Ptes. Ross Smith and Daniel McConnelle. Real estate still continiies to change hands, J. B. Smith having recently purchased the house and\lot of James George, r From The Countryside Er tn t------------ Frontenac BUNKER'S HILL. July 23.--Big crowds have attend ed the Free Methodist ghurch camp meatings at Verona. In spite of the hot weather the people from far and near have béen in attendance. The last service wag held on Sunday. Mr. Fairburn was one of the speakers, The rain has helped along the corn afd potatoes. Huckleberries are very plentiful. © ARDEN, July 21.--The remains of the late Mrs. Goodberry were brought from Verona on Saturday and interred in thé Methodist cemetery' here. Much sympathy is felt for the bereayed relatives. Miss Lulu Greene has gone to Torontg for a few days. A number of teachers from the vigin- ity are attending the summer model school, at Sharbot Lake. Miss Lela Kirke, Kingston, 'ls visiting at het home here for a few days . Miss McGregor is visiting at B. Detlor's. Berry-picking is the order of the day, but owing to the dry weather a soanty ¢top is reported. A . July 19. -- Tha Chandler-Jones Company's saw mill closed last week after a very successful season, and has turned out a large cut of lumber. . and Mrs. Charles Dunham gave a farewell dance before leaving Ompah to re-open the Trout Lake hotel. The young people report a where he sobn will take up his resi- dence. REMAINS AT LANSDOWLE AND INTERMENT TOOK PLACE IN. THE UNION CEMETERY, Deceased Mét With a Tragic End In Colorado-~The Visitors In the Vil lage Are Quite Numerous. Lansdowne, July 23. ---Tha re- maing of thé late Dr. irifin Austin, who met with such a trigle death in Colorado, arrived hete on Sunduy aftertioon and the funeral was held at the Undon church on Mouday. In- terment was made in the cemetery. Rev. E. R. Kelly, Cataraqui, Held a twilight "service at Lansdowne dock on Sunday. A young sou hag arrived at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur McCready. Eric Dobbs left on Wednesday to téach school in the west. et Mrs. Wright who underwent a Serious operation on Sunday Kingston General Hospital is doing wicely. Mr8. Leslis Robertson, Win- nipeg, 1s making a short visit with filends. Mrs. Freak Giffin and childs ren, Belleville, are visiting friends. Mr. Delbert Reynolds is able to ate tend to business in after a short illness. Messrs: T. A. Bradley aud Guy Clendeming motored to Lynd- hiirst on Sunday to see Miss Bertha Willoughby gwho has lately returned from active duty overseas. Misa W. has been appointed matron of Queen's Military Hospital, Mrs. H. Leacock will be chaperon for 'a. panty of girly at Noah Petk's cottage next week. Mrs. Bimer Burns received thie sad news on Sun- day that her father, the lite George Liddeell, Gananogue, had: heen found dead in & berry/patch. His demise was probably due to heart tiouble. : : Mrs. Samuel Tedford is visiting Mrs. 8. Mullins, Mrs. L.-D, John- ston hag returned from an oining at the river. Mrs. J. H. Donovan ijand Mttle don returned on Saturday from & visit to Kinguton. Mrs. 8. Fowler leaves on Wednesday for a visit in Biogkville. 8 rin st iii The News of Seéley's Bay. Seelay's Bay, July 22..---Boma , to Mr. and Mr. F. McAvoy, on Wed: nésday, June 18th, a daughter mother and child are doing well Mrs. M. C. Maxwell, Detroit, is spending the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chapmsa Mrs. George Briden and Allison , Kingston; Mrs. Lodge ani hard, Chicago, spent the week-end at the home.of Mr. and Chapman, 2 The he rovers oar . g are delaying the farmers in thelr haying end harvest Paul A. {Mrs. James Derue, jr. 'and little daughter have returned home after vifiting the former's sister, Mrs. R. M. Munro, Belgrave. A party of summer = fesortérs motored from Prescott to spend their holidays at George Hamilton's. Miss . A." M. Fraser ha§ gone to Sharbot Lake to attend summar school. Mr. and Mrs. 'HK. Babcock and family spent an evening at Erwin Martin's, Fern- leigh. Miss Florence Webber has returned home after visiting friends at Perth, Kingston, and other places. Mrs, J. B. Myers and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. T: Kelley, at Railton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunham spent Sunday at Mfe~Gray's and John Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin at James Derue's. Al- lan Watkins and sister Hilda and Roy Hamllton visited at R. G. Wat- king' Sunday last A shower of rain would be greatly welcomed by the berry-pickers. A number from here attéended 'the dance at William MecDotgall's, Ompah, given in honor of their son, Gordon, who has return- ed from overseas. Miss May Bab- cock-has returned home from.Kings- ton. | very enjoyable evening. Mr. and THE "POPLIN" A Coat that will appédl to the man who motors a. lot. Good for dust and rain, My price ..8$18. vy \ | / POOLE'S RESORT. July 19.-~Farmérs are busy mak- ing hay while the sun shines. Blue- berries aré very scarce, but there is an abundance of raspberries. Sergt. Btéwart, * recently returned from overseas, en route for Victoria, spent the week-end with friends here. Mrs. William Hoffman and children are visiting at Robert Poole's. Mrs. de Santos and children, New Jersey, and] nubse, Claudia Senecal, are spending the summer at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Senecal. Pte. Wilfrid Dickey, Caintown, call ed on friends recently. Mrs. Wal- ter Williams and son, Leonard, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carley, Brockville, last week. William Poole, sr, who, has been suffering from gangrene, had ¢o have a leg amputated. Courtice, arrived home this week. [Lemox and Adingtn ¥ ; DENBIGH. © ! aly 19.-- This village and viein- ity has been favoréd with ae a Miss = Amelia Lear, | pa £53 ul Kingston, Ont. sessiat a tread, FROM ork, Caronia Fo For information and rates apply to J. P. Hanley, O.FP.8T.4, GT. Ryu ANCHOR-DONALDSON ANCHOR-ONALDSON NAKD I iE pe a EI=========--= Come Men and Save Ten SPECIAL PRICES NOW On Palm Beach and Kool Kloth Suits The Yery Thing You Need For Hot Weather They're washable and will last for years--buy now--they'll be worth double the price next year. ; 4d | am showing a great variety of Palm Beach and Kool Kloth Suits at prices that mean a big saving to you--and remember-- you save. the wear and tear of your good Clothes besides that cool feeling. Get into one of these Suits and go through your ddys' work feeling cool and comfortable These Suits are well'made up in patterns and styles that will ap- : peal to the man and young man. Come now before your size is gone and get one of these heat- defying Suits while the getting is good and the weather is hot. $12.50 My Special Prices: ODD "PANTS" £, YA Suit vod i 8 3 1 b | BA) SEO «05 | ns The Lardest Exclusive o NClothiers in Cadada ing and i me hunting days by weal a pair of Montreal (2 Stores), Toren= o Ottaws, Vancouver, ete YIN = g g -- " SYSTEM ' . Gage's Cash Grocery Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. On Sale All This Week BROOMS---BROOMS Good, strong Brooms--regular 86c. On sale 200 ting PORK & 'BEANS--regular 1230, 200 ting PUMPKIN . + + 10e. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i PHONE 248 © : ¢ : i PROMPT DELIVERY $15.00 $18.00 I have received some of my new Fall Suits and these are now be- ing shown in my shops from Coast to Coast, in the new patterns and styles that will be the talk of New York this season. They are skil- fully designed and tailored. Ask to see them. Prompt Delivery to All Parts of the City. free "Aum. 3 314 Prin cess St. Phone 1405 a gt 3 » NEW YORK FRUIT STORE. | ui Steamer Brockville Bulletin : July 21st--27th Lo Monday, PR Military Hosp. ital, down the river, Lv, Ivening inte ; », St. Chu M : RL AR ha #sh: Moonie E 14r trip to A rst Island . Honing out of Bellevlile, nr a TRE AU NE 5.00 p.m. 18r trip th Alexandria Bay'... 108 pm h tian a pm £5.00 pm Go ea