SATURDAY. JULY. 26. 1919. ILY BRITISH WHIG, ¢ THE DA ee -- The Market Reports |. { Mutton, Ib. | Rabbits, 1b. Ciscoes | Eels, 1b, | | | Plounders, 1b. i id $9.75 to $14.75; but. heifers, $11.10 .to and medium, es cher cattle A Toronto, $14.50. Cows, $7 to $13.50; can- Toronto, July 25.--Heavy steers, | ners and cutters, $5.66 to $7: veal choice, $13.26 to $14.25; choice but- calves, light and bandy weight $18 cher, $12.50 to $13.50; medium but- 0 $19; feeders' steers, $4 to $12.50; cher $10.50 to $11.26; common but- stocker steers, $8 to $11.50. Lambs wher, $8.50 to $9.50; fers, good 10184 poundg down, $14.75 to $17.75; choice, $11.50 to $13; butcher cows, culls and common, '$10 to $14.50; thoice, $10 to $10.50; do, medium, yearling wethers, $10.60 to $14; $8.60 to $9; bulls, choice, heavy, rowes medium, good and choice, 11 to §11.60;'do, good $9.50 to $7.0 10 $9.50; cuMs and commadn, $10; do, Hght $9 to $9.50; do, can- | g3 to $6.75. 4 hers, $4.50; feeders, 900 to 1,000 ibs, $11.60 to $12; do, 800 ibs, $10.50 to $11; do, light mixed, $9 bo $10; grass cows, $7.50; milch ows, $75 to $100; spring lambs, per ib, 18 to 19¢; sheep, light, $9.60 yearling lambs, $lz to LIVE STOCK MARKET, / Buffalo. Eas} Buffalo, N.Y, July 25. Cattle~eédmmon 'and 'grasy, 50c to 131 lower. Prime steers, $16.25 to 1417.25; shipping steers, $15.50 to |$16; butehe , $9 10 $16.50; year- 5 heayy sheep and bucks, $8 |lings, $10.50 to $16; heifers, §9 to 180 $8.50; calves, $17 10 $19; hogs, 1313.50; cows, $4.50 to $11; bulls, $7 fed and watered, $24.50; do, off |to $11.50; stockers and fdédors, $8 Cars $24.15; do, f.o.b., $23.50; do to $11; fresh cows and springers, @t country points, $23.25. $50 to $165. Calves, $1 lower, $§ to $19. Hogs, heavy, mixed and Yorkers and pigs, $23; roughs, $20 75 to 2 stags, $12 to $18 2°50: heife ambs, $12 'to $18; yearling, §8 to : iy 10 312.50 Pigs jie 314; Wethers, $10 to $10.50; ewes, $7.50; oxen, $9 to $8.50; stockers, | 34 to $7.50; mixed sheep, $7.50 to £86.50 to $8.35; feeders; "$7 to $9.50; | Salve, $6.10 $14; sheep, $8 to] 11.50; lambs, $10 to $15.60. Hogs, | Selects, $23.50; heavies, §18 16 [gy fontreal $19.50; sows, $16.50 to $18.50; | 1 Btags, $12 to $13; lights, $18 to $20.50. : . Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 25.~~Butcher Montreal. July 25.---Choice steers 800d, 311:60° to $13.50; medium, $10.50 to $11; common, 198 to $10. Choice butcher cattle, bulls, $10.50 to §12: good, $10; medium, $8.50 to $9.50. Cows, choice, $11.50 to $12.60; good, $10 {to $11; medium, $7.60 to $9.50. Sheep, $10 to $12.60; spring ladibe. 156 to 18 cents pound. Milk fed calves, $6 to $185. Chicago. , July 25.---Hogs, heavy Wwolght, $20.15 to $22.66; medium weight, $21.10 to $22.76; Nght welght, $21 to $22.75; Might lghts, $20.60 to $22: heavy packing sows, smboth, $20.50 to $21.10: packing Bows, rough, $19.75 to $20.25; pigs, $19.50 to $20.50. Beet steers, med. | ium andrsheavyweight, choice and | prime, $17 to $18.50; medium and | good, $13 to $17; common, $10.50 to $13; light weight, good = and | chofee, $14.75 to $17.50; common | GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Toronto, Toronto, July 25.--Manitoba 1 northern, $2.24%; No. 3 northern, $2.21%; No. § northern, $2.17; ~~ Ly ye { 7 Ve * ' Yo: { 7% aM Lu -- -- N 3 A i) 0 ol INGE our Hens LY orolsEs ring 30c. or $1.00 per dozen, the profit from hers ake your pe be profit from M: hens lay more eges by ving ti food, mill-mixtares wil keep papits' aieis 41 : ut, for complet (Ay oes an ears 3 ETT w! produces whites in equal portion ks. Piirina Scratch ¥ead and rina i eT urs che result of scientific re. SCRA CHICKE 7A L search man, Dractical experience Ii deveionings Jeng erect ectly producing combinaton, © users of BIVe & Buarastes of ORE SOLSRowder we 8 SEED Rice Young chicks grow A. or SA EI Brees. Writ for 34 Wom Sy The CRISHOLM MILLING C0 W. iT Jame 8 7 s indca Food Board Cer: i Licens Go Ee AEA EN NYE ENE " Rr PARTIAL A Safe Systematic LJ n . LJ LJ L | LL] LJ LJ LJ A -- hl | in OH " nH cae p ha Be A Surplus with Interest on your Funds while PAYMENT Accumu- lating convenient and profitable means of Accumulating P L A N Write for free descriptive booklet describing this method of investing. bo HERDMAN & COMPANY BANKERS AND BROKER Members Montreal Stoek 201 Dominion Express Bldg, » - . . . . MONTREAL LOEW'S TORONTO THEATRE FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS Payable Canada and Now York. Due any year; 1021 to 1084, Yield 6 1-4% The amount, BONGARD, RYERSON best miord ¢ y. : Nik rings investment offering tod ay. A Meitdd 4 | wheéat---In store, Fort William: No. ! car lots, $28. | Fillets, Jb. .. .. No; 4 wheat, $2.11. - {Flonan haddie; 1b, Manitoba oats No. 2 O.W.,| Haddock, fresh, Ib. ,. 34%; No. 3 C.W., 90% c;: extra No.| Halibut, 1b ..., .... 1 feed, 90%¢; No. 1 feed, 88% ¢; | Herring, fresh, 1b. No. 2 teed, 86% ¢; all in store, Fort | Kippers, pr. .. .. William. Oysters, ge. .. Amerfean corn--Ng. 3 Mackerel, 1d. . nominal, Pérch, 1b, Manitoba barley in store, Fort| Pike, 1b, William--No, 3 cw. $1.30%; No. [Rockfish, 1b. 4 CW, 81.26%; rejected, $1.20 %. Salmon, 1b. Ontario wiheat---No. 2, $2. nomi- | Smelts," 1b. nal, f.0.b. shipping points, according (Soles, 1b. ,, to freights. Steak, cod, 1b. ,. .. Ontario oats--No. 2 white, not | Trout, salmon, Ip, quoted; No. 3, 87¢ to 90¢, according Tom cods .. ,. |. | to freight, outside. . | Whitefish, tres, 1h, atloy--Malting, $1.22 to $1.26. | Whitings, 1b. ,, ,, eas--No, 2, nominal, according | to freight, outside. ! BlickWheatNominal. Rye--~No, 2, nominal, Manitoba flour--Government stan. dard, $11, Toronto, Ontario dur--Government stan- dard, Torowto-Montréal, $10.23 $10.60, new bags. Millfeed--Car Montreal, shorts, yellow, Apples, doz. ... .., Bananas, doz, ... i Oocoawuts, each , ' Cantelopes, each... |Cherriss, basket to [Grape fruit... ,. {Lemeons, doz, | lots, delivered, | Watérmelons, each | $44 to $45; bran, Oranges, doz. Tea $42 (6 $43; feed floyd. .not quoted: (Plums . a °° middiings, not quoted; good feed | Peaches, doz, -.. flour, pér bag, $2.99 to $3. | Raspberries , | Hay--Baled, track, Toronto, car | Pineapples, each lots, No. 1, $21 to $23: No. 2 mixed, | Sma $18 to $190 per ton; straw, car Tots, | Vegetables. | Beets, peck .. ,. .: $10 to $11. { Cabbage, 1b, New York. {Celery, bunch New Yotk, July 25. --Plotr-- (Cucumbers, each Markét steady: Spring patents and | Lettuce, buneh Kansas straights, $11.75 to $12.50; {Onfons, buneh Spring 'cledrs, $9.50 to $10: winter Potatoes, bag y ; straights, $11 to $11.95, | Tomatoes,/ 1b, =." "i" Ty Rye flotir--Market steady; falr to | ood, $8.50 to $9: choice to taney, | 8.95 to $9.25. {Barley . White corg flour--Market firm at| Bran, ton Fe a $4.86 to $5.25. : | Buckwheat, Cornmienl---Market steady; yellow | Cornmeal, owt. .. grafiuliter, $4.83; white Branu- | Corn, yellow feed, Lied, $4.97%~ : | bush ,.. Ryé--~Market firm; No. 8 western, | Flour, standan cwt v.30 to 1:80 to 1. +o 40 to 1, 30 to ? to to 3 Ley 80 44.00 to 45.00 1.40 to 2.95 6.00 to 8.50 Fee. 100 to 2.20 d (Gov't) 5.75 to 5.90 26,00 to 28.0 23.00 to ~90 to «86 to 95 45.00 to 47.00 12.00 to 14.00 8.00 to 10.0 2.15 to. 2.3% -. 2 [31.72% cost and freight New York. | Ns aah Barley--Market strong: feeding, | Hay! baled, tas $1.35, and malting, $1.38. cost and | Hay, labse, ton . "a freight New York. |Onts, Man, busy | Buckwheat--Market quiet: souffd (Oats, local, bush, milling, $3.86, cost and freight New | Shorts, ton ., ,. York, % Straw, baled, ton Wheat--8pot market steady; No.|Straw, loose, ton , , 2 yellow, $2.34, cost and freight New | Wheat, local, bush. . York track export to arrive. Oorf--8pot market firm; No. 2 3.14%, and No. 26.00 { Hides, Ys: Hides, heef, 1b, ! ork, LLamb skins, fres Oats--8pot harket fitih; standard, | Veal skins, ib i x» » le. Deacon skins, No. 3.5% | Horse sking, No. 1, Chicago. |. large, up to ..." July 28 --Corn-aNo. 2, | Tallow cakes | va $1.98 to $1.96; No, 2 yellow $1.951 | Wool, washed, iv. | to $1.97. | Wool, unwashed, 1. Oats --No. 2 white, §2%¢ to $35; | Beesway, 1b, 1p to .. 30 No, 3 white, 81% 0 to 88ec, (Shearling, up to ;,. | 50 tg 75 yeNo. 2, $1.62 to $1.63 14. Gensing, wild, diy; fb 8.00 Barley---$1.19 to $1.30. © Kips, 1h, |\"' 2, 00 an Clover har Si. THOMAS. : ver--Market fiominil. ) LEGGA i Pork--Market nominal, --_i BURIED Elgin Man's Body Was Little Lake. Bigih, ard----$384,15. ibs---$27.75 to $29. July 21.«<Miss Be is viskiihg at Smith's Falls he Guthrie was called to Perel - the illness of her father. M kins, Westport, at B. Haskin, Miss Plerce, Newboro, at J. PF. Baris. Bdmund Coon, Almonte, was the guest of velatives. Miss Edith De- Long, Seeley's Bay, spent the week With relatives, ; Mr. and Mrs. Willan Berry and daughter, Kingston, spent the week at H. H. Ripley's. Miss Hisie Ker | Was removed to Kingston Genera) | Hospital suffering trom appendicitis, Rev. Mr. Stillwell and family legve this 'week for their new Bons near Toronto. = They were given a fates Wall soctal, in the school room of the church Monday evening and pres- ented with a purse of money. Rey up to $3.50 10.0 80 to 85 35 10 50 ---------- Ohicagy, Found 1a 7 Montreal, Montreal, July 25 Oats, extra No. 1 feed, $1.01. Flour, new stan: dard grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolsa O&ts, bag, 90° 1bs., $4.76. Bran, $42, Shorts, $44. Hay, No. 2, per toh, y Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 25, ~Wheat, No 1 porthern, $2.24%; No. 2 northern, 2.21%; No. 3 horthern, $2,173; 0. 4 northern, $2.1715, Oats, No. 2 OW. 94%c; No. 3 CW., 90%e. Extra No, 1 feed, 90% ¢; No. 1 feed, 2%; No, 2 feed, 8$5%c. Barléy, . 3, CW., $1.30%; No.-4 CW, $1.2634; feed, 31.20%. "Flax, No. 1, NW.C.; $5.95; No. 2 C.W., $5.85; No. 3 C.W., $5.08. . ? Minneapolis. é Minneapolis, July 25.--Flour un- 2 tehanged. arley, $1.13 to $1.23. Lansdowne to 1 Rye, No. 2, $1.58%. Bran, $38.50, tho ocr oe. Smiles [he tumetal of Flax, $5.85 to $5.88. mains of late Thomas Leggett wero Patek conveyed here for burial in the fam- uth. Duluth, July 25.--Linséed on track, $5.98; arrive, $5.87; July, $5.02 asked; September, $5.87 bi 3 October, $5.73 bid; November, $5.65; Deceniber, $5.57 bid. et ® . Churchill. Mr. Leggett Montreal. was eighty-seven yeats ald. i cam ontreal, July 25.--Oheese, finest (a 0 TAN purchased a new Ford car. easterns, 26% to 27e. Butter, Hugh Soper has retumed from a : oreamery, 5S to 56c. Eggs, trip to Winnipeg: 'M. Ferguson and No. family spent Sunday at Trenton. ve , 84e; selected, BSc; 3 AN ICE OREAM SOCIAL stock, 5%¢; No. 2 Sioek, ihe. Pasar: oes, » oar lots, $1.25. Press or aT Was Held at "Amherst Island and a Stella, July 28.-- The killed, $38.50 to 34. busily en 7 ago. Mr. Leggetts wandered away trom home on July 14th. Search was kept up for him during the Week until Friday when ome hin: men turned out with the result Vd, pure, wood pails, 20.1bs. net, 38% ec. : Kingston, July 25th, Dairy Produce. { ery butter, 1b, .. . BRETT butter ... § s jou, ve, Ib. ; og ... Chlckeits, dressed, Ib... . Chickens, ire, Ib. Srey yd wee ww 5 | Fourteen Island 0} Watertown, N.Y. L.00 [turned from Godfrey, | to | the oécasion, ily plot on afternoon. His wife Pradacessay wi three © yeaps M fe| ter singing the National Anthem, CLARENDON, July 23.--Haying is the order of the day, and = great many people are picking blueberries, bist report a poor crop this year. Mr. Martin, Spith's Falls, has a number of men here, building a new station. Mrs. George Crain and daughter Atnfe-are ppend- ing a few days with friends in King- ston. Miss Irene Murray visited friends at Perth and Fallbrook last week. Master Emery Mbss is spending a few days with his brother, M. Moss, Kingston, A few of the young folks attended a lawn social at Shardbot Lake oft Tuesday night. Misses Net- tie and Jean, Master David, and John Bourke, Perth, are spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boles. Miss Alice Walker, Sydenhani, visited her sister, Mrs. John Boles, Jr., last week. Mr. {and Mrs, John Glenn and Mr. ana | Mrs. George Crain were visitors at | Tahn Craifi's on Sunday, Jamés Rovd itended a lawh socldl at Calabogie u Tuesday evening. HARTINGTON. | July 24---Barry pickers are plen- jtiful. John Dowker: is camping at Lake. Another of our boys has returned from the § (front is the person of Harold War: | jah: We extend a welcome, Mrs Goslif 1s doing a rushing business {n her fee cream parlor. Archig Amey and family, Deseronto, spent Sunday at Harry Campsall's. Earl Ryan and family, George Brown and wife, were at Wolfe Island for Sunday, Quite a number from hers attended the eamp mesting. at Verona. Mrs. Jamieson and cousin have gohe to Elda Leonard is Improving. Mrs. T. Sigsworth has re. Stanley Wood- man and family, Wolfs Island, spent & couple of days last week at B. Campsall's. Farmers are very busy with thé hay and report a good crop. A. Van Luven and family, Kingston, at Roy Leonard's. Daniel Freeman and wife was in Kingston attending 4 hirthdey party given for his mother, who fs eighty-four. PITTSFERRY. July 24---A fine rain on Monday refreshed' the crops. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, on July 18th, a son, Perey Donald. The sec- off annual meeting of the Golden Rule Class met at the home of Mrs Orr; on Monday evening, with two of the members. absent. The new officers were electdd. The teacher, Mrs. R. Barclay, was fe-elécted for the following vear. President, Miss Annie Maitland: vicespresident, Miss Elsie Dunlap; secretary, Miss Gladys MeMpster; treasurer, Miss Dessfe Lane. After the meeting, 4 few hours were Rent in playing games, and the avening was much enjoyed. Lanch was served and hest wishes were given to the members of the class for another succesful year. The Ladies' Ald met at the home of Mrs. ternoon. THe Ladies' Aid sill hold a lawn social on Mr. and Mss. Robert Barclay's lawn on the evening of August 14th. Mrs John Paddle, who has been on the sick Hst for the past week, is improving nicely, INBURG: July 24 --Mohgay evehing, July 218%, a recéption for six of our noble young men, who have returned from . | OYerseas, was held in the village hall. A short programma was prepared for Dr. Edwards, M.P., oc« cupled the chair. Rey. mn Codling, Battersea, and, Robert Vair, Glén- burnie, were the speakers of the ava. ning. Besides some home talent. Prof. S. Anglin, B.A., Battersea, and re. Vair rendered some very enjoy- able music. Dr. Edwards gave a pro- fitdble address, after which a présen- tation was made to thé men who very early in'the war responded to the all to serve Kihg and Country. Mrs, Harry Bearance and Mrs. John Silver Presented the married men, Joseph Hawkey and Harold Johnson, with beautiful mantel clocks, while four little girls, Pearl Bearanee. Helen oore, Cordukes handed the young nen, famely Russel Bearance, Alex. Prin- gle, Donald McLauchlin and Bert Hurd, leather sult cases gnd brushes. Rev. W. Charlesworth replied on be- t of the boys. Ice cream and cake as served to about<150 friends. Aff- our left their homes, good wishes for & very prosper ous future. LS ------------ a ; B. J. Barker, has pur. chased from ise Faomel Brough, the fine river shore property known 8 Kiwassa, a short distance west of 1 flle. It is one of the on the river. post iy George Maltland, on Wednesday aly Marjorie Silver and Jean | best lo- | | -- Dominion Testile's Big New Bong | Issue, The Dominion Textile Company announces the calling of a special meefing for @ugust 26th, when the sharehglders will be asked to sanc- tion a Wy-law enacted by the direc- iors authorizing the creation of a bond issue to the amount of $15. 000,000, ing bond indebtedness now is 390,000. Joins Steamships Board. Sir Henry Pellatt has been elected {a'\nember of the Board of Directors of Canada Steamship Lines. Decis- | fon was made at a meeting of the board at Montreal this week. The selection has a certain background {in that Sir Henry was formerly a di- | rector of the Richelieu & Ontario | Navigation Company, which is one {of the companies in the merger. Will Move Head Ofice. At a"special meeting of sharehold- ers of the Consolidated Mining and {Smelting Company held in Toronto {the shareholders unanimously rati- | fled the by-law authorizing the 're- {moval of the head officé of the com- pany from Toronto to Montreal. It {18 expected that the records of the (company will he Moved po Montreal | this month or next, but the head of- [fice in Montreal iil not be officially KINGSTON BRANCH {opened until Sepfember, J. F. ROWLAND MANAGER DBretveries May Merb. Se ------ ii | Heavy buying of Frontenac Brew- AA A tng, . FALL FAIRS, 1919 Pg at the end of last week. when Ontario Department of Agriculture it Was sent up to a mew high level, | [came from quarters already cnriched | issues the following list and dates: Alexandria ,, ... . +<:Sepl] by. profits from National Breweries, | and had the effect of rushing the 10 and i1 stock to a 20-point Jump, : ns Almonte Va ad xe pt. 23 3% hoped to force the stock up to {Arden ., . Ls. JO0 Although Frontenac is back both Arnprier " Ben i,and as {in its bond and preferred interest. Belleville..." ..Bept. 1 and 2 {the earnings aré sa great that it is Bowmansiile ces +. «Sept. 18 and 17 jeonfidently predicted both will be Biighean .,. ses waa i vi ii ang 12 {pald oft in September. The Drew- | ravi oh 2 eu {ery, like National, is working day {atid night, and ednnot cope with the : demand. -- rn There Is some likelihood that Fron-| Hone! kn {tehae may join the National Brewer- Demorestville . | {8s mérger, preliminary negotiations akville or to that end having, it is understood, Ha rowamith {been commenced, If that is aceom- Kingston Na [plished, no doubt a high pried will Lanedomme |." RT [ba paid for the stock, and it may be Jahdnav Ale real motive behind the advance. Mabverly -- Madoo .. .. Commercial Notes, Marmora . yeu Total net income of the Southern | McDonald's Corners he | Pacific Railway Conipany for the The company's outstand- | 1 ERVICE.--Our highly-developed. service 1s available at all times forthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded business man appreciates the importance of theco-operation, guidance and information on financialmattersof hisBanker, STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Cobden ,, . oan Coboupr ws " olhoros 25 and 26 Sept. 3 to 6 -+ +.Sept. 15 to 17 | Morrisburg .. ... .i | year ending December 31st last was | Napanee . | dessa | 111,313,823.53. Odessa The Eastern Holding Conipany , 3 oF has changed its name to the Ford to 14 Sept. 9 and 10 wre JOM BR Ai aaa «Sept. 8 to 19 (Central Candda) .Sept. 6 to 18 sv ers as eee 44 BEPL 16 and 2% ++ +x Sept. 3 to. b .Sept. 16 to 81 Parham | Motor Conipany and incredsed the | Dertn xs | cépital stock from $100,000 to jpaston .. | $100,000,000. Jor, ent 1148 SREPBW uy Lil va. Pp "¥ | Sake of stockholders voted in fa- Shinhoneille ve vie. vor of increasing the capital stock Pacer au trom $30.000,000 to $50,000.800 by Silrithg', . LC" gat inereasi the preferred stock from Toronto (Canadian National) Aug, #3 $15,000,000 to $25,000,000 and the Pea PL 6. Oct. 3 ands common stock from $15,000,000 to Winchester..." .", 1 'Seve 3 ana $25,000,000. 1% and 1 Sept. 15 to IT iPort Hope Quaker Oats Co. of New Jérsey, viv «sBEp Wolfe Island ., ,.. «+ Sept, Safety for Savings |f + JFEW people are sufficient- I7 alive to the need of carefully selecting a deposi tory for their savings. In transacting business with this Bank it should be re. membered that you are deal. ing with an institution that has grown to be one of the great Banks of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. RESERVE FUND, : $15,000,000 $15,000,000 " Nr 17 A