TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1019. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, PRIUTIVE BoORKEEFING. | Drink Charm" Black Tea Sold in Packages Only ; GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited ] 3 NLT Jour first Meal here. 3 oa" Grand Cafe 222 Princess street, Two Doors Above Opera House TIDINGS-FOR OUR READERS | LESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST 3 POSSIBLE FORM. Remarkable System of the Nliterate | Peruvians. It you have spent precious Sours | computing your income tax and other | x. a finsncial problems, you still have | The Whig's Daily Condensation of |... te cobgratulgte yourself that ! this News of the World From Tele: | yo, are not a Peruylan. For Peru- | graphic Service and Newspaper | vians keep their accounts by means Exchange. | of knotted strings, It is sometimes claimed that knot- vibe Coghlan shipyards trouble in | records have been used to commen- | orate important historical events, or ha, ofger, for soragding the eXDOTL | reserve traditions, ete. Whether At New: York, ride Hoffman, | °F not this be true, it is well known | that the usg of knetted-string records | Suomi Sanoens has disappeared from | oo oourving numerical accounts has been widely practiced by primi- | wo ae pear | tive peoples, particularly in China \ on oP { and Peru. The most remarkable de- | There are dearly 100,000 peopte | 1iobment of knat-records is to he, Lumber, Laths and Shingles -- good stocks; prompt delivery. a so result of the | found in more recent times among | For quality and service, try-- . Macedonia { the Incas of Peru, Many carefully | { - Vi T be % t } 1k: o kept knot.records have been found | 4 Victoria Street - - - - 2% i 8 doe ron Is The Place where good eating is the rule without exception, ESE We ex- = 8rtise the mast 2s astaking care with every dish we pre- pare. We look on each one as an advertisement which will HIM (0 TAKE IT F. Roberts, is, Successful Cat~ Dealer, Gains 18 Pourids "in 60 Pays Taking Tanlac. oh i 8 RETR INP RRB RH Hy 6 Ga AE IWS dics "One of tha best doctors in Colo- do advised we to take Tanlac, and hats not ¢nlly overcome my troubles 1 have gained sixteen pounds 1 began taking 4 sixty days said A. F. Roberts, who Mves at pekytord, alberta, ganada, a few again and how well we pian you will learn when you take | i Bai $ bring people here again and 3 oo BEBO. r. Roberts is one of the largest tle dealers in this section of the ntry and before moving to Can- 4 short time ago, he had spent t of his life in Colorado, U.S.A. 1 gan now understand why Tanlac Joys such wide popularity both in and the United States," con- ued Mr. Roberts, "and since it has @ me so much good, I know that 'very dependable medicine and 6s all the praise that is being Bit. For the past two years I} suffered from © trouble' wnen | commenced taking this ag, it was almost impossible for © retain anything 1 ate, 1 was y Betvous and never got a good § oloep, and finally gut #0 weak A AE I KS {in Inca among the variety of pér- | Ee BE I a | sonal possessions buried with the | 0 vincia onss dead, The Canadian Workers' Federa- | = Th. ness, although representing | tion of Retumed Soldiers and Sail | Sen Iop 8 advanced stage of civilization, and |} ors had fig first meeting in Mont- | | possessing a highly develaped gov- asl. 7. Mowhihney hoa. heen Hoini- | ernmetital machinery, a wealth of nated by West Bruce Liberals for tradition and an unusually rich and expressive language, had no tem the Legislature to succeed C, M. P language. ha SYS Bowman Fifteen Kitcheper pulic school of writing. Yet they kept aceciirite records of all the accounts of the Inca empire, cedsus and tribute teachers have resigned for Various | .iucemefts, birth and death statis Teasons, and their places have been | 11.5 add so on, as well as private | d & rindows that 1 was hardly able Former Chancellor Michaells says about, I often had dizzy spells ormer : : : Yor bothered a great deal with | the former emperor was responsible accounts such as crop and stock re- ! cords, Still more surprising, they | ipation. | tor the rejection of all offers of ¥ physician certagnly knew i» used the decimal system. | A knot-record consists of a series | of kncited cords, depending, like 5 fhe was doing when fle prescrib- a fringe, from a main cord calla] = anlac a quipn" (from the Quichua lndi ty for or mtn ne ome te | jeral Mannérheim by a vote of 143 | word meaning i The cords Strong now as I ever was in my life. to 50. used in knot accounts were spun - fact it has done much more for|. Highwaymen robbed a New York | twice the desired length, then dou- Me than 1 expectad it would do. 1}Doat line ticket seller of all his cash | bled and the two strands twisted to- ave a fine appetite and' everything ibefore Hundreds of people on Sun- | gether. a loop being 16ft at the closed gat agrees swith me perfectly, and day alternoon. : end. In attaching to the quipu or never have the slightes®sign of | The Lesion of Honor decoration | main cord, the pendant cord was laid 'Blomach trosvle of eny kin. 1 am {18 to be given all Frenoh totally dié- | around the quipu, the freé end being "Rio longer bothered with constipation [[@bled, maimed soldiers holding mili- | passed through the loop formed by ad neve: have those dizzy spells [[tary medals. the doubling, and was then drawn iny more. 1 have vegained all myll The ManRatton hooked and Harel ength, too, and that nervousness House, Alm srenw, RY Ne Se gers feft me, and 1 sleep like a log |[Btroy y: fire on urday. loss Is over $200,000. taut. 'every night. In fact 1 am simply The Army and' Navy Veterans' AA GI For Year 'Round Service Is a Present Day Necessity Health «statistics "absolutely prove that an Tea Box is a household necessity for the good of the family's health all year around. Better take this precaution and safeguard your food before it's too late. Here is a complete assortment of Ice Boxes in 4ll sizes and styles at moderate prices. ET BIG SALE OF CHOICE BEEF, PORK AND VEAL AT HOOD'S BEEF Round Steak ......,.30¢-85¢ Fronts . Sirloin Steak rears 30a Loins as Choice Roasts . HOOD' S, Comer of Eari and Baris PHONE 407. - - PROMPT DELIVERY Prof. Stamhlberg has been elected President of Finland, defeating Gen: RA RTA CI 55 and. 87 The knots in the pendant cords represent different numbers, their valuo depending on their distance from the main cord and on the man- ying perfect health again, and give Tanlac oredit for it all." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. + in Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, ttersea by C. 8. Clark, in Fern- gh by Ervin Martin, in Ardock by , Ji Beuliom, in Sharbot Lake by yc Cqunon 4 ~=Advt. TFALL FAIRS, 1919 ih of Agriculture 3 he following Hst #nd dates © Banc vise e ea Bept: 10 and i Ontario Sept. 23 and sept 18 dnd. 1" ..Oct. 3 and 3 righton . rockville Uentrayille .. Song i . os 4 and : .Sept, 23 tp 37 LSept. 18 and 19 en rase Sept 18 is + Sept. ab WR Sart 5 una 10 . LTH » Oct. 0 Bop. § to 19 olan apopoletic stroke, Sept. 35 and 26 Se 17 and 18 bk 15 and 38 : sep £ gE to 11 P t, 8 Sept. 25 ad 26 ,. Oct. 7 and 8 convention has resolved to appcint a representative do att for the as- sociation with the government, It is reported at Rome that an ap- peal will be made to 'the United States to flnanocd Maly to the extent lof cme billion dollars. A Trace riot between blacks and whites at a Obhicago bathing beach on Sunday resulted in three deaths end probably a hundrad injured. The Supreme Council sent a nete to Hungary that if they eject the Bala Kun government, the blockade will be lifted and food provided. Patrick Cudahy, president of the Cudahy Bros. Company; packers, of iCudahy, Wis., died suddenly from | aged 70° yeoars. Arrangements 'have been made, # return seven thousdnd German pris- onérs to Germany, from Britain, These prisoners have been filling gitrenches along tha eastern ccact. Tholisahds of Canadian scidiers are unable to sell cn account of the Liverpool dock strikes, Al the Mn- erg ave tied up dn the Mersey, There {3 no prospect of « settlement. ,. AN the employees of the Siemens- uckent y, one of the larg- oi lettrida in Germany, have struck. The ers. number 30,- Stefansson been asked to pay Sit 30 log ner.of tying. A single or overbhand knet tied in a pendant cord, if it is in the position farthest from {he main eord (units position) stands for 1. Two such knots in the'same peal tion represent 2. Two such kno the position next farthest away from the main cord (tens position) Indi- cate 20, or, if in the next position (hundreds order), 200. The décimal system being used, not more than nine single knots are ever found in one group. A long knot was used in plate of a cluster of single knots to express the repetition of units of the same order. The rows of knots representing units, téns, hundreds, ete, in a complete knot-record wera kept straight (so that they ran hori- zontally across the fringe), jut as our columns ®f fAgires are kept straight in accounting. Differently colored cords were used, sométimes merely 4s a matter of Taney or convenience with the re- cord keéeper, but frequently to indi- cate differént aceounts. My. L. Leland Locke, of Columbia University was the first to work qut the signifieance of the Peruvian kpot-records. To him belongs the distinction of having analyzed what wis "probably" the earliest decimal system of notation of the western world. Mr. Locke his demonstrated, by testing and checking, that he can rebdily and correctly read the knot- aE ny ibn is FAR VEER SRA FS gituwn (Central Canada). eh 6tol am . An official ht 16 and 17 Jas to Stefansson to Revkiavik, capital of Iceland. Mr. Stelanason, it is stated, has consent- records of the Incas. The Only High Flyers. N ' Death of Robert Lanark, July 28.--S8hoe Poland, which took place at hi ce on Jdlyi21st. ' i dehy reached e -seven years, he t ¢ of Resi up to the th. = He went abdut his da 5 as on 'Monday, and in he lay down for a sh Later his daughter went to im for tea and found that life Death was sud HH &d to fo. fng and udden was the death of Rob: ef Hart, resi~ Although de- the , advanced ved | wi e of At Rochester, N.Y. Henry A. Strong, president of' the Eastman Kodak Company, New York, end 3 | veb-president of the Bastman | 41 Company, New York, and vice-p dent of the Basiman Kodak oompany 3{of New Jersey, and the largest stock- Helder dn both at Fons péxt next > George Eactman, 'Was Badly b Perth, July 26. --W ra Kirk- Ki twelve-year-old san of Peter yl , cheesemaker at Fallbrook, ly scalded last Wednesday hay. He was working with du- | his father in the factory, and wes in ®|the set of going through an open window to get a pail of water when he missed his footing, and Mapped backwards into & tank of hot wa water. He was y scaldéd oh both lim An organization which will stand in the same relation to aircraft as Lioyd's does to sea-going craft is about 'to be established.r bh It will be practically worldwide in 118 scope, although its headquarters will be in London. All airship$ and airplanés, including, of course, seas planés and similar Aerial hybrids, will be registered, and classified ac~ cording to their build and carrying | capacity. + The qualifications of aerial chauf- feurs also will come under 1ts sphere and & standard set by the establish- mefit of an Alreraft Pilots' Register. A profesgional pilot whose name does not gure in the register will stand Spe chance of getting a job worth Another Branch of the organlza- tion's activities will relate ho 4 in- surance of aireraft and their passen- gers and 1 ge, and in this connec THE string on his finger isn't really necessary, because Chi_lets addy likes imself, and 88 A A J A AS ACI SN A 3 AN a En D t failure. Mr. n in Scotland in 1833. short: "his marriage he and Mrs. sailed for Canada and se farm in Poland, tion rules will be drawn up regulats ing air trafic of every SeCHplon These are now being & they will he enforced reraation, agreement, " This part of the scheme is &till in the air--both literally and figura tively--but* it is probable that the atmosphere will be divided into zones for d t classes of Thus /it 6 » shall be - from foot knee. knows they are good for his little girl. | Radical decentralization is Admi- ral 'Kolchak's policy in Russia. Chiclets are as beneficial as they are "Really Delightful." Even the tempting candy-coating of pepper- int has its place in aiding the. digestion. And the chewing of a iclet makes for smooth tempers It cases nerve strain and allays thirst. : Chiclets are cold everywhere. Take home at least one package 'to-night. Five centsfor ten Chiclets. "MADE IN CANADA -