THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, is the essence of a vacation. You'll enjoy your vacation all' the more if coolly and comfort- ably attired. or Before Going . Away see our lightweight Suits, Silk 'Shirts, Athletic Underwear, Wash Ties, Silk and Lisle Hose, Flannel and Duck Trousers and other cooling apparel. | Livingstons 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. = IAEA EAS All Big Stock TT THEATRICAL. | At the Grand. An 'excellent performance of high- class photoplays and vaudeville was Presented to the large crowd at the Grand Opera House last evening. dane and Katherine Lee, the youth- ful Fox fun-makers, appearéd in a five-reel feature, "Tell It To the Ma~ rines," a picture ghowing the many pranks and tricks performed by the Lee children. Lew Fieids, the popu: lar stage star, was seen in a five-reel feature, "The Barker." An entire gircus, with the sawdust ring, pink lemonade, brass band and the side- show, with its freaks, was engaged for a day to make a suitable back- ground for the splendid acting of Mr. Fields and his leading lady, Miss Amy Dennis. Other films shown wer a Mutt and Jeff cartoon, "Efi- ciency," a scenic reel showing the cause, and the means of overcoming a forest fire in British Columbia, also a good comedy, "The Camou- flaged Baby." A novelty act come bining singing, dancing and banjo- playing, was offered, 'and proved pleasant amusement. This first- class bill will be repeated to-night and to-morrow afternoon and even- ing --Advt. At The Strand. . "Some Bride," with Viola Dana as the star, was shown at the Strand Theatre yesterday to crowded audi- ence which thoroughly apprectated its fine comedy and delightful acting. Miss Dana is seen in the role of Patricia Marley, a young bride with "can't behave" eyes wihich are the constant source of annoyance to her Jealous husband. Patricia is fond of life and' flirting and is just a lit- tle bit careless of her husband's feel- ings. That he Is unduly jealous is true, but she goes a little too far when she allows another man to kiss her. The rift between the two widens until it almost reaches the breaking point when Patricia, and her friend Vie- toria, devise a plan whereby Henry, the husband, is given the lesson he deserves and is brought to realize that he indeed has 'some bride." The play is brilliantly written and cleverly acted and gives an evening of real entertainment. The support- ing cast consists of names well known to screen audiences and numbers such players as Irving Cummings. Ruth Sinclair, Billy Mason and Florence Carpenter. The picture was directed by Henry Otto and the production madejunder the personal supervision | of Mawel] Karger, director general, --Advt. At Griffin's. The Griffin Theatre management, in introducing to its patrons a new departure from the usual pr of all motion pictures in the form of a legitimite vaudeville act, has been extremely fortunate, in that its act is one of merit and high class. Miss Jean Dawn, "the wireless girl," affords a clever act of so-called mind reading, which is.delightfully entertaining. The audience is s0-| licited before and during each per- formance by Dawn's assistant; who passes out to persons desiring to do so, tablets upon which to write questions for Mjss Dawn to answer, Blindfolded, she is seated before and in plain view of the audience, and without suffering herself 40 go into a "trance" or hysteria as is commonly employed by mind-readers with which to hoax an audience, she takes up the questions one by ofie and answers each, despite the fact the written question itself reposes in the hand or pocket of its writer. Miss Dawn's answers are clever. Miss Dawn will remain at the Griffin all this week to answer questions.--Advt. EASTERN DAIRYMEN LOUD IN PROTEST Resent the Fixing of Cheese Price .by the British Food Board. Cheese Board a heated discussion took place over the ari ents made for the handling of .Canadian theese. Much indignation was ex- pressed that members of the British Food Board should come to Canada and dictate prices and terms %s to how the Canadian theese business wad to be handled ,with drastic rules for buyers, with penalty of suspense for nou-observance . Both buyers and salesmen expressed the opinion J in their re- marks endorsed the action of Drock- ville, Cornwall and other boards in their protest to the Dominion Govern ment. : ho Picton, July 29.---At the Picton] The Ottawa Cbtizen says: "Phere will be ho more troops demobolized | in Ottawa. Major J. A. C. McPher- son states that the discharge depot {dn Oltawa Will close at the end of thig {month and the: staff will be disbax- | ded. Major Mc Pherson will proceed {to Kingston where he will be situat- (ed temporarily, and in future all de- mobilization for No. 8 district will take place from Kingston." Troops firom the hospital ship Esrequibo arrived from Ponuwnd via C.N.R. on Saturday eftermoon. The panty consisted of four officers and thirty-four other ramks and all were conveyed to the Queen's military + They were welcomed by the Mayor and the R.C.H.A. band. Troops trom ithe 5.8. Regina con- sisting of two officers and twenty- four other ranks arrived in the cluy via C.N.R. on Saturday afternoon. They proceeded to Barriefeld Hut- ments where they 'were granted discharge, The case of Sergt-Major Fowler was not concluded on Saturday. Mas Jor 8. T. Medd, Peterboro; is acting as judge advocate general at the count maufial proceedings. The finding of the court will not he known until the sentence, if any, is passed, has been confirmed and promulgated. f ------- IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels About Kings« ton Harbor. Down--City of Hamilton from Té- ronto, Toller and T. P. Phelan from Port Colborne. Up--Belleviile to Toronto, Bick- erdike to Fort William, Sarnor to Lake Erie, City of Ottawa to Toron- 0 "Unloading coal--Jex at peniten- tiary, St. Louis at Booth's. The League Shoots. The third league shoot in the jead- quarters rifie league took place on Saturday, July 26th. The leaders were: Capt. W. E. Swaine, Q .M. 8. T. W. Pugh, Sergt. BE. Osborne, Sergt. H. J. Baker, Sergt. Parks, Lieut. Skinner. On Monday there was a team ! shoot. The teams were captained | by Capt. W. BE Swaine and Q. M. 8. Pugh. The results were: Q. M. 8. Pugh's team, total points, 515; Capt. Swaine's team, 490, The three high- est scores were: Capt, W. E. Swhine, 95; Q. M. 8. Pugh, 94; Serg. E. Os- borne, 93. Police Court Brevities. Four liguor cases came before magistrate Farrell dn "Police Court, on Tuesday. One tippler, who had a bottle in addition to his jag was fined $200 and costs, and the other three 'who had the Toad but were minus a bottle, were let down with a fine of $10 and costs, Two cases of assult were on the bill-of-fare but both wore dismissed. The City's Assessment. The Ssmessmont, is proceeding. The prospects are that not m: in valuations will be ma The income assessment, owing to changes in the law, will be less. The population will be stationary or less than last year. Ladies' Auxiliary. A Dominion Ladies' Auxiliary to the Army and Navy Veterans of Can- ada has been formed at Montreal Mrs. M. Ingledew is a vice-president, and Mrs. W. Holtham, Kingston, is on the executive committee. Moonlight Excursion. Str. America, Wednesday, July 30, AILY MEMORANDUM DAILY i.® three, right hand ities. 3 i e's Choir, Wednies- America, Swift's day, July 39, wharf, 7.30 pam. . BORN. & Westport on July 3th, to Mr. pl and CWme T. Dier, a daughter. ELM Jn Kingston, on July 28th, ERT Mr. and Mrs. ¥ M. El mer, 29 Colborne sireet, & son, Don- ald Frederick. ; DIED. N--<Drowned, Lake, July 27th; 1919, Willlam Lowe, beloved youngest son of Mrs, A "Eatson, 57 Colborne. Street 'on July a8tn, ~ - pp Is a Pleasant Season 'Are Dressed For To have nothing new is a calamity to most women; and next in gravity is having a dress out of harmony with the time and place it is worn. » Our stocks are amply pro- vided with fashionably correct dresses for every exigency of the summer season, wherever it mayy be spent. You will like them for their originality and appropriateness, Constant variety is the secret of style for this summer. of beautiful Voiles--ecrisp, cool Organdies and smart new Gingharms. * . MIDSUMMER SILK FROCKS of Crepe de Chenes, Satins, Georgette Combinations and exquisite Ninons-- Cty a Very Attractively P riced at "Loughborough i i} | John Laidlaw & Son m- James Mur-(} tt ---------- sD --------.