TUESDAY, JULY 290, i019, £ THE DAIL" SRITISH WHIG PAGE FIVE ago today, uly 28 1 declared war agdirist Serbia.' Pind 'a General. on a Answer' to Saturday's Puzzle. 1, 2. Right side down, eye at. right hand, | Za a DL 5 2 ~. Aad =, 914, The 'World War began, when Left side down, eye at right elbow. bombaraea ¥ 1914, the Austrians bombarded and Serbia. a Five years ago today, July 26, ra Belgrade, the capital of Find a Serb. Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Left side down, nose at knee. rea Ability is the art of doing only what we are capable of doing. «H's satanic majesty smiles every time he sees a stingy man.' 4 his been Inoorporated by the Proving "VE Outarfo for the purpose of assisting to reinstate discharged officers and taen in evil lite. 'We cordially invite the co-operation bt the public in the Important work of Jecuring eniployment for soldiers who ve been discharged from military / . VOCATIONAL TRAINING. Classes for the vocatiohal re-educa- of 'soldiers who have been sb ; ais as to prevent them from resum- mrs 'oceu 8 Are pro- n addition, She "he period of Pr - the pe: and for one month aftor. F nformation ay 10 corrses ned from W. rock Toronto, mention, 1 W. Nichol, $ 118 cal} by th Hal {hours after she arrived in, Tokio. | i Shuts vot 2 joke. It's the solemn --m--_, Human Hair Traffic. Apart from being curious, the trade in human hair is a big indus- try. Italians easily take the lead in this trafic, the main source of their AuRply Delay abiained from the peas- ant women of Italy, Dalmatia, and Switzerland. = Several times a year these human hair merchants send their agents around to collect sup- plies, which are usually immense, for hair-growing is cultivated on a very large scale by these women and yields a good remuneration to the producer, Two ¢rops of hair a year, and looking none thé worse for the loss, is not 'extraordinary among these peasant-women. Half the hair at the back of the head is shorn off, the remaining hall being drawn over the exposed part, and dressed in such & manger as only to be detected on very close scrutiny and by those ex- perienced in the trade.*-Family Herald, The Ex-Kaiser's Vanity, Of the innumerable stories told of the ex-Kaiser's self-coneeit, none sur~ one concerning a little inci ent that took place on board a 'British warship a few years ago. The 1 ] recently-deposed emperor was being entertained at dinner during a visit to the British fleet, and when smok- Ing began took up a cigar and looked round for a cutter. One not being handy, an officer immediately offer ed him a penknife, which William used and returned with the solemn remark: "Keep it, and guard it well: one day. it will be historic!" ~Family Herald. mn ii, Teleplione Service. The Japan Times satirizes the bad telephone service of Japan by telling this 'incident: 'A lady in Karuiwaza up her«house in Tokio, left next train, got the call and to herself In Karuiwaza six |CASTORIA CANNIBALS STILL EXJST. Malekula Islanders Are Murderous and Savage. If a wild animal is a man-eater, we quite naturally regard him with added interest, The most thrilling tiger stories from India are those dealing with the ferociqus. beasts that lurk about the haunts of men and ever and anon drag off and de- vour some unfortunate native. But when it comes to stories furnishing the most pronounced thrills, none surpass the tales of man-eating men. There ls something horribly fascin- ating in the idea of humans actually killing and eating their fellows. Dur- ing the last four or five years we have been fed up on so many hor- rible tales of atrocities perpetrated by the "kultured" Huns in the big war that we Had practically forgotten that there still are cannibals on earth. But apparently they, continue to exist in remote places, particularly on some of the South 'Sea 'Islands. Thus afew days ago the newspapers carried a news item to the effect that a naval foree had had to be sent to Malekula Island, of the New Heb- rides group, to quell attacks of man- eaters upon white planters, These Malekula Islanders, it appears, are an all-around bad 'bunch, according to information furnished by the Na- tional Geographical Seeciety, -Wash- ington, D.C., for we read thus of their interesting little ways: Of all the peoples of the vast South Pacific expanse where the white man's influence has been felt at all the Malekula Islanders perhaps are the most murderous, treacherous. and savage, Not many years ago ethnologists who saw some egg- shaped skulls brought from the { island held high hopes that there, at last, might be found the missing link which marked the evolutionary step from monkey to man. Investigation soon disproved any such theory, For the cone-shaped heads of many Malekula Islanders is a deformity deliberately produced by wrapping cord about the heads of babies. If the child survives the treatment its egg-shaped head, point upward, is a Malekulan dis- tinétion akin to the uny foot of a Chinese woman. Another custom of Malekula seems equally harrowing. If a woman: dis- closes a gap (in the rows of her gleaming white teeth it means that she is married and that the older women have performed this opera- tion in something of the playfil spirit in which rice-throwing sometimes is indulged in at a Canadian ceremony. The male Malekulan is a crack marksman with the bow and poisoned arrow, and as inveterate a clubman as a wealthy bachelor. In many islands of thé New Hebrides each village has its clubhouse, and upon his standing among his club fellows depends his rank in the community, Moreover, there is a 'combination « | community forum, public dance hall, and children's playground under the banyan-tree of nearly every native { village. ' There are many differences be- tween the Malekulan and the natives of other islands, though most of them are obviously Malanesian, from their thick, woolly .halr, coal black skin, flat noses, and heavy lips. The for ferocity "and cruelty by 'many travellers, though 'they are not unique among the Hebrides natives in these respects. On some islands the women expect to be buried alive with their husbands' bodies. A' re- deeming feature of the Malekulans fs their scrupulous honesty. A travel- ler's life may not be worth. much if he irritates a native, but his property is absolutely safe. Another Malekula distinction inheres in the wooden ¢ n- cestor images found there. These effigies display a resemblance to hu- man beings and attest a latent artis: tie taste in 'their crude coloring. Trouble in the New Hebrides is no- thing new. In 1904 an Anglo-French expedition was needed to check a na- tive uprising and 'nearly two decades earlier the French intervened to sup- press a vigorous outbreak. The New Hebrides were discovered by a Por- tuguese sailor early in the seven- teenth century, explored somewhat and named by Captain Cook a cen- tory and a half later, and were de- clared neutral by France and Great Britain in 1878. Later reemients provided joint control and adminis- tration. The New Hebrides are about 1,600 'miles northeast of Sydney, Australia. « Malekula is one of the larger islands of the group. The largest is Meréna. The seat of Gove ernment is on the Sandwich Islgnd. ona oe. Worthless Crown Jewels. The greater portion of the imperial Jewels, whether belonging 'to. the Austrian. ¢ wn or privately owned by the ii. .>r emperor, have been substituted with spurious ' stones, This was done during the war or since hos i ties ended. Srl This - fact mas disoove: an inventorfol the vi ; X J i} to Presivent Sefie | : The list of 14 ~ ing stor. Jncludes gems of g alte, wi © were world-famed. Many of them belong- ed in various irs.gnia of the corana- tion robes and historic sceptres, diadems and crowns, The gems In. cluded rubies and peatls and dia- (monds weighing from- 20. to 100 sau. HE Fre L ran mule by any other name would be a kicker. in > PR n Malekulans are accorded the palm' OWE. M160 SUCCEEDED JOROSBY L.. GRANT'S ARTICLE IN STATE SERVICE. Has Helped a Former Kingston- ian in His Upward Climb. Crosby L. Grant, Watertown, N.Y. recently wrote a prize article for the State Service magazine. He wrote this in regard to a former Kings- tonian, F. M. Hugo: How often it happens that some little incident, unimportant though it may be at -the time, is really the And so it was in the case of Francis M. Hugo, present secretary of state. Twenty odd years ago a tall, green youth was standing on the docks at Cape vincent. .To all outward ap- pegrances, the world held little in its palm in the way of prominence or im- portance. Yet that day really mar- ked the turning point in the young man's life. Mr. tiugo does not know the taste of tobacco. There is a little story back of it all that is interesting. That day on the docks at Cape Vin- ¢ent, Francis M. Hugo found a job as candy and souvenir boy on one of the boats of the Thousand Islanls Steamboat Company, because he did not smoke cigarettes. Theat day brought him into contact with a man who recoginized integrity and faith- { fulness and as Mr. Hugo remained in his employ saw that the young Iman wag advanced to purser, then to assistant general manager, later {on suggesting a residence in Water- | town, where friends and others, quick to recognize ability, elected him for four consecutive terms as mayor, and really paved the way to his ultimate selection for the office of secretary of state, "I had another boy picked for the place, but he smokes cigarettes, he said the head of the line, as he stood and surveyed young Hugo, "and 'I don't like cigarettes. I guess I'll give you a trial." And right then and there the career of Mr. Hugo #0t under way, gathering momentum as the years passed, carrying him through two colleges and into a lucrative law practice. Up at the Thousand Islands, the secretary of state is still called "Frank' by the thousands who like Prepared re ae assert itself. The first frock is in charmingly developed.- The front self-materials. place tiny frills of 'The straight belt is with the belt and band abou is laid in plaits at the back. a ad bh | Ri) : First Model: Pi bust. Price. 25 The Splendid Characteristics That | shaping influence of pne's entire life! | 1d Medium size calls for "plain gingham. with 1% yard lning for foundations. etorial Review Dress No. 8408, = Sizes, 34 to 44 inches Second Model: Dress No. §384, Sizes, Mito ds to remember him as the young pur- ser on some of the Liggest boats which were then plying the Island region. They say 'that he was a str.ct purser, too, and there is a story to the effect that he wouldn't pass even' his mother, unless she was pro- vided with a tiokdt. Those summers netted young Hu- go an average of $500 to $600, mo- ney enough to put him through col- lege during the winter months, along {with a little which he borrowed from ftime: to time from relatives. The Hugo family, while in fair. circum- stances, had no money for extra schooling, If they were any spoons around tbe Hugo home at the time ,of Francis M.'s advent into the world, it is safe to say that they wi of the pewter variety. = He was not. born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. But that made no dif- ference to the lad he has never tra- veled the road of success in any plush lined limousine. ' And he never wanted to. He is ready to hoe his own row with the rest of them. A man of tremendous ambition and energy, he does not ens trust the carving of his future to other hands. A few years residence in Water- town brought the young attorney to the front. To-day the northern city hag Hugo to thank for its miles of macadamized streets and superb sidewalks. In those days Mr, Hugo made tt -a peint to meeting of the city's board. He wanted to keep in touch with things. Probably much of his success can be attributed to this one characterestic --keeping in touch with things. Wa- tertown found in him a man who was | not content to let the city remain in a rut. One day in the latter part of De- cember, 1914, the Hugo familly mo- ved its household goods to Albany. The youth of 20 summers ago, steamboat purser, had ween selecled by the citizens of the greatest state in the union to serve as their secre- tory of state. PILESE:S ti Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you an Ae Ca es: Hass oD xe or Torouto. Sample box freo if you mention this | ls SHR a: paper Cr EO Te RG ACETIC a A 00 - Hint on Pirmly fixed in the favor of fashion leadérs, gingham continues to Chinese blue, with trimming details is soutached in vest effect, while the sides of the skirt are stitched with narrow bias bands which hold In Flare culfs finish the short sleeves. ] d at onc side with studied indifference. Medium size requires § yards 36-inch material and one bunch of soutache braid. color scheme in the plaid frock is white, lettuce t the neck in plain green gi blouse closes on the left shoulder and at , sen and black, the left side. os A or §% vards 26-inch plaid attend every} BEWARE OF TENDER TAN , with & prefnature less of teeth, is almost inevitable if you do ngt properly eare for your gums. Here is the explanation: 4 As you age, the body tistics natural. ly ralax. You sof this tissuc loosening in the neck. It goes on in your gums, too, "As you grow older, your gums shrink (1 how the n gum line. Through lack of care. they become spongy and inflamed. Then you have P ea (Riggs' Disease). Four out of five people over forty have Pyorrhea. And many under forty, Don't let a tender gum spot de- velop. These tender spots breed "disease which enter the system germs 1 1 through tiny openings--infecting' the, joints 'or tonsils--or ca other ailments. Immediately get hans, which positively prevents Pyorrhea used in time and used consistently. Forhan's tones the giims and hardens them. They in turn k the teeth healthy. Bruck your tecth with For han's. It cleans them scientifically-- k them white and clean, ! gum-shrinka; ) in, start using Forhan's and consult a dentist immediately for special trcat- ment 35 and 60¢ tubes. All Druggists. FC: ANS, LTD., 807 St, James St, Mentreal. HOUSE "gy CLEANING . ™ - Cadillac Electric Cleaners Make the Work Easy $32.50, $37.50, $42.50 Rental $1.25 per day J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Tel. 810 41 Clarence 8¢. Jas already set The Cash Store Specials For This Week: Fresh Lettuce, Beets, On- dons, Cucumbers and Vege- tables, etc. b Fresh Fruits arriving daily-- Red Currants, Raspberries, "Peaches, Bananas, Gooseberries and Pears. $ 'Watermelon, whole, or by th slice. Cholce fresh Butter 30 to BSc The United Grocery St... Phone 207 204 Princess St. ' PURE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS Most modern machinery used in making our Ice Cream--- the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Superior Ice Cream Parlor Phone 648 Mclaughlin's Old Stand wd manufactare all parts of the city. CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS St. Lawrence Ale & Porter all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver to Special attention given lawn socials and picnics. . Special line of Canvas Oxfotds, leather sole ~and heel--just the shoe for boys--sizes 11