Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1919, p. 16

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FOR SALE Solid Brick House, 7 rooms; B. and C.; Possession August "fst rice $2350. This is new and a bargain. ood location, J. K. CARROLL Phone 68 If you are thinking of buy- ing a Kodak or camera, why wt do it now! . We would be zlad to show yom our. stock. 'rices fange from $8.00 to $25.00. Developing and print. ng our specialty, HOAGS Drug Store * Fresh Cut Flowers palms, fumes! designs, floral CF JOHNSON, Florist. 118 Brock St Phone 229, eal Summer Resort fBwly remodelled oF Boat ang to Ne ommodation, route to Amer. i Bide, all haurs peelal rate, dag or 'week THE ISLAND HOT J. 8, Briceland, ong leaves City § am. Pe 3 and| Gem Jar Rings and Fly Killers A. G. WILLIAMS 171 Wellington St. Phone 40. Dresses, Skirts x. Creal, Dodero i N. Morns, '374 King St PALMISTRY Watch (his spnce for the return Alive, Paiminy, a American Hotel the - District Agent H. L. BEDFORD, has opened new Auction Rooms at 124 Queen Street, corner Bagot. Phone 1721 for appointments. Auction Sale Of Military Cast Horses on SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 at 11 am., on the Market Square. These are a choice lot, including sone very fine brood mares and heavy draughts, and dre all in good shape and ready for hard work, H. I. BEDFORD, Auvtioneer, 124 Queen Street. Phone 1721. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS County of Frontenac, To Wit: In tH County Court of the County of Front Y Between Kent Brothers, Hr and L. J. Day, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a writ of ssued out of the above. named Court in Je above. jnetiond eause, abd to me direct. have seiz- ed and will offer for eit by Public puation, at my office in the Court Housp the Oity of Kin lugeton, in the County o Frontenae, o n Tuesday, the 12th day of August, AD 1919, ali "the right, tle, interest and of the above-named Day, in, desoribed lands Lots Number 17 and Joseph Btreet, in the Cit aceording to Plan, B, 17, September, 1856, ana registered in the Registry Office 'for the City of Kin ston, on the 19th day of January, 18 Sale t to commence at twelve o'clock DAWBON, noon, Tuas County Frontenac, Ome ty of Kingston, Sth ti 19th Sherif' day of May, Pleasant Trips. STR. WOLFE ISLANDER (Foot of Brock Strest) @ (Kingston Time) . ! 'TURDA ves at 3 p.m. for Batteau Ther calling at Garden Island, Wolfe Island, Spoor's Wharf and Simcoe Island. Returns at 5.15 pam, * Fare 30c. || SUNDAYS--Leéaves at 10.30 a.m. and ! TEATS Laaves So " tm ANA SS tend to be far-sighted. ¥) 1 your busigess un. 1 ¥ not apply - Principle to your 8 of experience in, ; SLIRg enables us to look OU Particular case ar Moc 3 p.m. for on Island ahd Wolte Island. Retiris at 2 and 530 PB m. ¢. Riva trim calling a Our a ver & at Garden d ae Bang, Holiday's Point, Bay and Howe Islnd. Re Bresirs at 9 Sam. Fare 38c, Regular trips avery day to Garden Island and Wolfe (Island, trips be arranged for, may on ap- plication to the Purser on bobrd. BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME 15 Reels eer Pletures--15 NORMA TALMADGE In a 7<Reel Goldwyn Feature "DELUXE ANNIE" - John Drew Bennett In a Bereel Feature "One Touch of Nature" Sunes aad other Superior Vaudeville - Daily, 2, 30|Evg. at 7.30 10c & 15¢||15¢ & 25c A AA mi i iiniiy TO-DAY | "(CHARLES RAY I Ne THE AAW OF THE NORTH BABY GLORIA JOY ll Ne "I Want to be a Lady" ARBUCKLE COMEDY Mutt and Jeff Cartoon EEE) («TTY \ 4 BERT LYTELL in "FAITH" Mon., Tues., Wed. The new Series of Talmadge Productions | Norma Talmadge In Her Latest Select Picture "The Probation Wife" Gatco ui | dive to the poni- After two years in the pent tentiary, escape, aiid, then-- Army and Navy Vet. erans' Convention Dominion Park, M treal, ag Se ib ov. The Carter Case EPISODE NINE % Harems and Hokums Two Reel Big V. Comedy SE AAA a @ TRY / FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS for county purposes 15 Bills; tow By-ls bo he amend Increas- ing Bra ar tools SE lt od o loyuship ow Accounts Sut: $15 Ane : round: £4.50, D. Lu work, Hn y Ramet 994 hom Road; $0.50 "I team; Sn, Six 81) sus month Bh HELP. WANTED, -- A COOK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY VY, W. Cra, > ™o WAITRESSES. APPLY AT THE Frontenac Hotel GENERAL VANT. APPLY AL 8 and 9, to 45 William i. d COOK, NO WASHING OR VU AIRS Andy to agton NOL, 26 Wel hi Apply af oes of re "Rhea Tat of ote Princase OCLBRK GENTS FusNisk and clothing business. , Avply © Livingeto; ne Bro, Braek CAPABLE GENERAL SERV. also woman 5 day to do clea ing. Skelton, i138 Albert Fa BRAKEM noe ynnecasssryi 18! air i) 1 Wtite & SH TE so Aso. 1] N WORK ON A FARM, ragDY gn preferred. Must be a de selipsivorye rs wil made s P M8, Whig Office, ! UVE BAN WAN he avs eva trees plants Su ou A eral bod Jianta. on. Brava fed or Stendily--se Oo Nurse Lanited Brown uration. To Qu Ontario. 9] WAWEIED J Siar A 8. Bs BO ward Turner, Westport, Ontr ANT THA AOE S Noo 1 Ertaonma gn: ary $600 per annum. Apply stating experience we Li Al Wa n, secs relary-treasurer, Collins pay, Ont, \- Stor uD, TEA CTR Sept. at. eR Stating sa ss and lfications to Kesler, ey te caiony Battorion. tons hn dreine, Soneana To as " ' SUALUIED 7 500. a. FOR RI bres og Shins Dut to commence t tiomi ATE ma Mating gu on Rbotn ont. WANTED GENERAL. w Bray TE HOUSE, OR hi) OR THREE OR FOUR Apply Box ew ig oftioe T0 BUY AUTO ing, Chevro ted. Box D-§, W ILE BODY, TO or Wovemand a Ron anh. for t housekes Apply. Box i iz Hache, som south si: oe edr Co! a is BE whe hig ORs. FOUND GENRIENANY SOLD wATOR to Loo ve Shins by Bec Ipiving 3 4 Hi, « roc Owner may Be ne tice, calling at thin 'A LADS. ACK SER SEReR COAT. LAK® in Rusk ial. d. Owner may ® sdme proving Toperty. > Jired Bape keeper, Mala FOUND ARTIoLuS ADVER. TISRD ¥ yone find anything and wishing Ww reed the oWwher may i high Wie. be adver itis 3 e ~ Ts ant i be Srinted in this ne Sree of charge: "Found articles" LOST. RAM BROOCH SOME SLY NoNodR Rebecca" inscribed on BEOSCRT Finder kindly return to Whig Office. Fon RET URN OF PANAMA HEART le old bathing houses, on ursday, to Mrs. Macdonald, 175 Brn street. HAND LEVEL IN SMALL LEATHER ate prdbably oh Porismouth oar, M88 return to Mackay, Sa s Sisk Hotel. Reward. LEMANS A IR © ASP, INT. agp . . reet, Fri. day motnin AME Sth: valued ag Koa Pao po for its retuca to Neen BADGE, FOR SERVICER IN agiand, ©8120, between Tits of ms 'Huts and Mae ndld Park, on Thursday. Sof kindly return to Knights of Columbus Army Huts. STRAYED. PRON Myx PLACE .NBAR .FINGER- 08rd, August nd, a Joariing bull, black and white, John Abrams, R. R. No. 1, Kingston, AGENTS WANTED, CANDY BIG PAY, our ALIFY PROTEST) CHER i for ras Ned 14, Em Bal: BY CANADIANS FOR NTT "Canada's Sons in Se Worl War" by Colonel! Geor pe, or Yetier men or; Jaying mary pa excluslve territory; ston Company, Toronte, TO-LET, a NL PARLOR With BRED ROO ON ne Sat Car one, Apply Box fr care pen AYA vr iso BY ay EE po ERE HL Fa TE he "Hehe ho Bs on Sa CY Bar dren. Apply 388 AND BROOMS FOR yon h room Tit avely i be +» | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM a -------------------- # Te A By ry J. ARRLY (a 133 Princéss Street. ONE McLAUGHLIN D-38, 0 rolet jouring ae. Al aan AD ox A MeoMahon, os Garage. INE 3 AND ONE 5 H, or SINGLE hase, rd con anton. 2 ay by Se a at Kingston Ye TWO PASSENGER, excellent otndition. Appl y Palmer, 213 "With bat ah sion aA Bh Nous Stuart o IR Laid. law, 348 Division "sles o tf Ramp AND sorr BRICK FOR SALE, P pres o ©: aa di eleon Ar 1 'd Phone in or n > GENUING HONOLA AND TN eldctions; Your own holon, ae, se cash, $1 per week. dsay, Limited, 121 Prinoess. st A SBVEN = son A gREs, ON mown 1s : car boat anding and 3 ry Pes G_running spri te 10 £390. 10S y Patrick Welsh, ACRES FIRST CLASS GRAIN AND dairy farm; Saontyive Sr ecrre Ss maple ar bush; stons outs. bu pons; a Ho. fe doses! a to oe ly Box 1 Whig Of- WE HAVE A LOT, 07 VERT FRONT. ge; water and hewer connections; also sidewalk, wnich we will sell At § cents 4 squate foot, Terms to suit purchaser. Apply The J. K Carroll Agency, 568 Brock street. LE Vakn CARS, Bonestirruthiul ary ist ls ohanging dai he includes Me fan ar: debakers, (Chevrol to Feucke it t dale, see Palmer, oF shone 3160W. FARM FOR SAL E~-200 ACRES Lot\ 20, 5th Con., Township Braon: town, County Lennox, between Nap+ anes and Kingston, 120 Acres cult]. vated, % Jos ure, 20 small timber. ever falling creak k crosses n t LOA. large barns head cattle, horses; new Wo pig pens, chicken choo Opposite cofner; telephone. Benjamin tate, Odessa, Ont. Por a stabling § randry, Ouse, rural mall; vis Esta A DRY GOOD ors, ORS AND & thing ly in a A Vile ® hear Cingntun, 1noluding Atore ey dwell'ng property, at fair valuation. The Pro fi oti sists of a two. atarey." be! a meer Store and & ten-roomaed dwellir 5 dwellin a 0 ass Font and electric 1 ontage of 1 oat on h main wtrest. x5 thor business this kind in the village, Jituated a a 2blenaid farming coun naey, A acted 4° property in hich 1s in on rocery, hatdwars ficur and fee i hn ess. Sul = rented for the ek abies O sell a a solid bri; furnace a : ing. h is es - dK. Carroll Agency, TETWTTTTYreY FOR sALE ord Muto: reeently overhaul. painted; ghook absorbers: new tires and kit aa ded. al Meal ley's Drug -Stor Jotmson street and University Vi SPTTeYre PAPERHANGING * a, Ba =n a a Bene ht LHGAL 2% A aha solar Low ofan VIER ence street. DOMINION EXPRES. Ss " Hod five ola Muy on re SALE from 9 a. tod fred stree: ooUBLE OF FURNITU Pm. Apply rea vo wor po be 5 34 Russell street. THREE ee Wagon She, 2a honsy on aah, la aiso oon Xen bo: Chas. H. Powe 103 ha ian FE 1 HAVE sor SEVERAL Price $3200. machines, 1 fi Chon ~ £00d locati phates tor od sae WELLING oN handle, 4 paood ma. Britian Whig Sttee. Loy gae i Agency, §¢ 3 EES WE Aye FOR Ere iid BR 2 hati A FRA "T ROOMED Alfred street; Vigod h iota, Ne Rt Rives 100 RAGLAN ROAD; » class delivery Seggon s 1 first ¢ sot light bob proighs. 3 2 ranges i NS Slectre heater. atieM buyer FRAME HOUSE; ¢ ROOMS; foundation; improvemen sion September 1st. Pride 3 Terms to Apply J. ency. 56 Broek ice, 88; residen: Oi 3% ACRES OF GARDEN LAND village of Cataraqui, Kingston, on ocorder Biden and York roads. This - 0! best garden ots in Eastern O Apply G. A. McMichael, R. R. ngston, NO. 1486 LOWER ALBERT House thoroughly modern; ha water heating; open fire » hardwood Ors; seven 'Poom sides bath and toilet; with radiator; 0. 8, -- et es ATES a to good 'cellar { crete floor), - with many gon ri noes; gas range in kitohen; url ret storm windows; lot 200 feet dedp, Phone 657W. for | inspection the [3 Hu "none othr i SED BL ehn oven SPER PRS d std tai pT TTRRTREITETRTT RTI FOR SALE Twenty-five acre farm land aie for garcening; fine or- chard; house and barn thirty' Minutes driye from ety, é Apply 408 Johnson street. i aa » i Peete | [ees REAL L ESTATR AGENCY i $2100--Frame Houses north eni; § rooms; tcp | lot; improvements, PS & " Lb 2 Sida ree v oki TIEVIRReIrY $2700---Cement Blok: 7 tooms; © vetricjights an gan, $3800--Frame house; "4 rooms: provements, SS0FRAME BUNGALOW; § Roous, : improvements, BL. ana i all im. $2800 CEMEN UK HOUSE; ¥ at FST PE, JEON $3500 -- BRICK HOUSE; IMPROVE. 'ments; central. 3 $3800--BRICK HOUSE) 10 ROOMS, improvements; hardwood foot Th 2 x Al deli; rear $ntra beautital Jo loca tion, * nin nee: : FARM-150 ACRES, § ii : z Xing &9ton; ih house and Dan, FARM-130 ACRES, NEAR WEST. rooke; stone house a 80 pn under cultivation LOTS FOR SALE-$10 , DowN AND five dollars per month 5 Bavnis; 159 Wellington St. Phone' BOGW. Proposition. "in North America" Brasent filled to capacity, with ae oon through death, REE i

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