Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1919, p. 2

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PAGE TWO as BS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG There are numerous advantages to be derived by placing your order now, particu- larly because of the attractive prices McKay is able to offer by reason of large early pur- chases of Raw Furs at considorably less than present-day prices. 'Beautiful Furs and Fur Coats--of style and quality, ready for inspection. y 3 John McKay, Limited "THE FUR HOUSE' His Master's Voice | Red Seal Records AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The following list will give you' some idea of what this un- precedented reduction means: : Former Price 85212-Lucia Sextette, Galll Curci Bgner ..$5.00 Caruso-Pe Luan 87200---War Baby's Lullabye--Farrar ... 88009--Goodbye (Tosti)---Eames 88073+~Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark--Melba . . © 88299---Lucia, 'Mad Scene--Tetrassint . ... 88378--Lost Chord--Caruio .. §8488--Lullabye from Jocelyn, McCormack --~Kreisler 3 89066---Elegle (Song of Mourning) Caruso-- Ses aauiy n 88577-~The Crucis 0 uck---Homeér 88530---Fiddle and F--Gluck--Zimbalist Pg HEAR THEST RECORDS AT MAHOOD BROS. ' concrete cellar floor; and outbuildings; well - $8,000.00 ns acreasea or decreased acooid- Home Bargams--We have & manner in which the glass- Choice selection of city homes ||| ®® are fitted and adjusted. - om reasonable terms. When ordering your glasses let us If i give you our personal attention in 3 eoparing, fitting and adjusting Asselstine, D.0.S. it Arredvavya HOME. FROM CONVENTION | KINGSTON LABHRALS TOOK OT- z TAWA TRIP BY AUTO, | Michael Sullivan Declares That the Liberal Party Is Solidly Behind the New Leader, W. IL. Mackenzie King. j The remainder of the Kingston | nd Frontenac County delegates to | the National Liberal Convention at { Ottawa returned to the city on Fris | day evening. They were Dr. A. W. | Richardson, Michael Sullivan ot | Kingston, apd Wi Pillar, repre« sentative for thé eounty. They made |Ki the trip by automobile. Mr. Sullivan sald he regarded the Work of the convention as eminently "Batisfactory. The tariff resolution and the debates in committee, and in the general convention, indicated the earnestness of the party in its endea- vor to do justice to the people of ev- ory class. "It shows the people of Ca nada," declared Mr. Sullivan," that the Liberal party and its policy ex- press the highest ideals of modern democracy. It has solemnly engaged itself to deal effectively with the pro~ blems that touch the individual ofti- Zen, notably the high cost of living. All delegates were of one mind on these matters, and while the western members hoped for a declaration for free trade they were satisfied with the tariff resolution as passed." Speaking of the new Liberal lea- der, Hon. W. L. McKenzie King, Mr. Sullivan. said that the party was 80- lidly behind him. If any had doubts in their minds respecting him, they were dispelled when he made his bril- liant and able speech, He simply carried the convention off its feet. His speech was the outstanding one Statements that Mr, King owed his election to Quebec, for he sald he re- and marked him as a man possess- ing the great talents, and intellectual power demanded by the position. No- body had any doubt about t whatever. Mr. Sullivan dispute e ceived a very large share of the votes cast for Graham and McKenzie after they withdraw, which were Ontario and maritime votes. BASEBALL AND BOWLING VOOATIONALS DEFEAT DISTRICT DEPOT BY 12 TO 10. In Military League Baseball Game on | Friday Evening--Results oI"Bowl- | ing Matches at Queen's Green. The baseball game in the Military Leagué on Friday evening between Vocational and District Depot was won by Vocational hy a score of 12 to 9, There was a large crowd in at- tendance, There is much comment over the personnel of the District Depdt team because many of the players are in the City League, but it is 'pointed' out that all of them were soldiers. The Depot team, while beaten all the way through the game, made a sensational effort to come back ii the last inning, making four runs. The line up was: District Depot--Trigg, 2b; Bailey, 1b; Spoor, 3b;@Baird, 1f; Derry, rf; Briceland, ss; yne, 6; Teeple, cf. Vocationals--Lawson, cf; Sills, 3b; Zeron, 1f; Stevenson, ¢; Broder, 2b; Chadwick, p; Kaiser, 1b; Nichol- son, 88; Clair, rf. Umpires--Daléy and Captain Lar- ocque. Ri H. District Depot ....2000804-- 9 10 Vocational , . ...,3211230--12 13 ' v : Bowling Games, In the four matches played at Queen's bowling lawn on Friday night, Fred Crozier won from J. Blake By 12 to 10; Sleeth from Tur- cott, by 12 to 10; Graham from Gi- vens by 13 to 12, and Green from Newman by 15 to 10. The evenings are . getting delightfully cool and many scratch games are played. COMPLETING ARRANGEMENTS For the Union of Canadian Municis palities onvention, A joint meeting of the eivie fine ance and reception committees was held on Friday afternoon to com- plete arrangements' for the conves- tion of the Union of Canadian Mu: cipalities to be held in Kingston on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next. A committee will meet the de- legates as they arrive by train and boat, The number of delegates is not known, but one hundred are expect- ed. The city will tender the visitors an: automobile drive on Tuesday af- ternoon. and a banquet in the Hotel Randolph on Tuesday night. On Wed- nesday the city will tender them # complimentary excursion ' mer Brockville to the Thousand Is- lands. 4 « In Marine Circles® Steamer Kingston from Toronts. Saturday Morning; ¥ Had- dington, up, Mon! NGCDENTS OF [HE DAY LOCAL NOTES axp ITEMS OF the Readers of the Whig. { W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders ati McAuléy's, or "phone 564w. | 'J. H. LeBlane, Cornwall, came to! Kingston to receive treatment in the Hotel Dien Hospital. = DALY'S BLACK TEA: DALY'S JAPAN THA; the best value obtain- able. At MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, ngston Joe Marks is on the road as pub- lelty and booking agent, for D. W. Grittith's latest firm production, "The Hternal Love." Now 18 the time to have your plano tuned, Wa Carry two axpert tuners and will assure entire satis. faction. ©. W. Lindsay, Limited. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months. if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow hs x _Sonths rental 2 Jusenase ie arrange easy terms on bal. ance. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. "Tommy" Jones, messenger boy for the C. P. Telegraph Company, had A DArrow escape from a serious ac- cident when a taxi collided with his bicycle at the corner of Clarence and King streets. The bicycle was brok- en, but Tommy was not hurt. NO INQUEST NECESSARY, In Connection With Death of Lad Killed by Truck. On Friday evening Coroner D. B. Mundell investigated the cireum- stances connected with the adeideng that caused the death of little Ber- tram James Coldham, four-year-old son of Sergt.-Major Frederick B. Coldham, and concluded that an in- quest was not necedsary, In the evidence taken he found that the driver of the truck held a Hcense and that the truck was going slowly when the accident occurred. The driver did all that was possible to avoid the accident, but as the lad fell in. front of the wheels it was impossible to stop the truck in time to save him. Mr. and Mrs. Coldham have the eep sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. -------------- the stea-| BANQUET TO SOLDIERS. Given by the Salvation Army on Fri. day Evening, The Salvation Army gave a ban- quet to the soldisrs on Friday even- ing, and there were present about 350 men with their wives and ohlld- ren. After a splendid supper, a con- cert was given in the main hall at which Major W. J. McManus of dis- trict headquarters' staff presided. The band, under the direction of Sqrgt-Major Christmas, - played a number of stirring patriotic airs that weregereatly appreciated. Addresses were given by Major, Ensigh Madele Wilson of New York, Adjutant Ow- ens of the Toronto Temple and Adju- tant Smith. Phe evening. was a most enjoyable one and was brought to a close with the singing of the Nation. al Anthem. ] ra The 21st Battalian Club. At a meeting of the 21st Battalion Club the secretary reported that there -was a favorable balance left from the funds collected for the bat- talion banquet, The members feel that this balance should be used for the: benefit of ths hospital patients, The matter was referred to Ahe exes cutive for action and in all probabi- lity the hospital-patients will be 'the guests of the club for & trip through the islands. All tha subfcribers will have a full financh statement sent to them shortly by the secretary, ---------------- Fined for Adul Milk. A farmer was fined fifty do and costs by Justice of the Plce Hunter for adulterating milk he sent to a cheese factory. He pleaded guilty. Another farmer of this dis t has been charged with the same offence, and will likely plead guilty and pay the penalty. < ets Pleasant Week-End Trip. Visit your friends dowa the river. 8. 8. Brockville every Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. EE ------------------------------ A When it comes {0 speaking; ill of their neighbors most people are there with the goods. ] Be happy and perhaps you'll be A aD R ~ " "The Hat Store" 4 LATEST POPULAR MUSIC p p | 'LATEST POPULAR COPYRIGHTS | LATEST BIG DANCE NUMBERS b 4 Girl of Mine, Dear Heart, Buddy, Everybody Wants a Key to My Cellar; Mammy 0' s Mine, Eyes That Say I Love You, Prohibition You Have Lost Your Sting, Mickey, Dony Cry [ Frenchy, Come On Paps, Till We Meet Again, Granny, Memory Land, ete. / I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles, I'm Always Chasing Rainbows, Kentu¢ky Dreams, By the Camp Fire, Beautiful Ohio, Sweet Siamese, Ruspana, Enid Waltz, When You Look in the Heart of a Rose, Dear Old Pal of Mine, Hindustan, Rose Room. - Telephone 991 The College Book Store Open Evenings : OUR LINE OF LADIES' WHITE LISLE HOSE Ask To See Extra fine quality; sizes 8% to 10. ' Special at... nd... Selling fast. 50c. a pair Lots of other snaps all throguh the store. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" Highwaymen Of the Air. Great Britain is not a visionary imaginative nation. In fact, it is; ir the prevalent opinion of the public aud yet it government has foreseen, and . taken measures t ivresiall, the most fantastic and ro mantic criminal "of all Himer-th Rih waman 2" She ar new | world the war made, one would be co SRE WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Oampbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's hae Soup Clark's Distributors for Rose Boat no Good Tea | Victory Bonds are the thing. Buy them! W.R. Mchae & Co. GOLDEN License No, 6-543 x, popular v ray - a den of Paying Rent? ALFRED STREET ments, irs jon, in Aine re n pair--$2,100 ii - Prue era OE , 7 rooms, J ¥ electric light, in rst. a , Pair. Stable and drive sheds: ood $8,000. The above er with a cartage !busi- Including Word ' truck Harness, team Ask for our } on Bilos. .

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