_. PAGE EIGHT JATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. ee ---------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG er Cee In the Realm of Women----Some I nteresting Features | The Luncheon Hour finds this restaurant full of People who are very evi- dently enjoying themselves, 'For there {s good fellowship here as well as good food. If You enjoy the good things of Hite stop in here for lunch and If you are wise you'll let it be soon. Grand Cafe 232 Princess street, Two Doors Above Dbore House Open from 8 a.m. to 5 as. Peter Lee. Prop. "PRIMUS" Summer Beverages Refreshing and Wholesome PRIMUS brand summer beverages please all tastes and can be used in a multitude of combinations Orange Cordial Primus. Lemon Cordial Primus. - Dorothy -| Perth, are visiting in Kingston tow days. ; BY KATHLE Autor of "The Story of Julia Page," "Heart of Rachel," "Josselyn's Wite,"" "Sisters " ote." "Mama promised for me," Gerald. ine amended, resisting the tugging and, "I haven't a costume anyway! 1, YOu need a costume--L don't think!" 'the other young woman pro- tested Y. A dozen girls and wo« men grouped about, added an eager chorus of "Aw, come on, Geraldine-- what do you eare--aw, do, Jerry-- you said you would--come on." "Go ahead!" Louis said, joining them, Geraldine, trying not to be dislodged udm her chair, gave a half- laugh ng, half-significant glance. don't feel like it--" she mur "Oh, you don't feel like it!" They would have none of that, and in the got to her feet, gave het is, and slowly walked to- ward the stage, surrounded by voei- ferous and enthusiastic admirers. "I feel like such a fool, I'm too old for this sort of thing!" he heard her protest mildly. 'The answer was a general laugh, There 'was a pleasant stir on the crowded floor as she. threaded her way through: a general welcome and seat. tered clapping, and Louis heard a hundred voices murmuring together: "There goes Geraldine -- oh, good! That's Geraldine Laird, she's a pers fect holy terror! She's going te sing I guess--there she goes now---they've got Geraldine Laird!" When she walked, And smiling wistfully, out on to the Stige a moment later; there was an Instant cessation of the shuffling feet, #nd- sudden applause, She had rought no costume, but by the sim- ple expedient of turning up her skirt and fining it in sweeping Poids about er very simply, ips, knotting a big colored hand- th kerchief about her throat, and a white one over her dark hair, she had quite metamorphosed herself, and looked mischievous and syish, and, Louis thought, entirely ¢ arming. { "She's prettier in that rig, and | /marter than she ever is in anything | lse!" he reflected. | With a nod to Mary Kenney at the slano, Geraldine began to sing, She ang "Lesbia," all the three verses, very word exquisite and distinet, and Louis saw several of the older men ind women wiping their eyes. Then the said that with' their kind permis. sion she would try a few imitations. At this there was a joyous uproar in 'he house; Geraldine, who had «done | something of this sort in his studio years before, had told Louis that with~ out the applause she was absolutely unable to go on with the perform. .{ance, Louis remembered tonight that her reception in the studio had been somewhat uncertain, and her orm- gues consequently not at at its nat. But tonight she was met with ae tual Jeary of approving laughter, and he laughed himself at the absurdi of her languishing Be the throaty sweetness of her Barrymore, | nd the sélemn, aged dignity of her ~ The Luck of Geraldine Laird: EN NORRIS, Queen Victoria. Then she said that Y request she monolog, "The Lady in the Flat Over the Saloon," and this garralous, une grammatical, complaining impersona- Hon astonished even Louis .with its brilliance, and made the audience cry Wi buss 4 ill have "l suppose they will have me go- ing th that absurd business un til I' am sixty!" Geraldine, sobered and thoughtful peain, said to Louis, a lit tle later, when the heat and noise of the hall were left behind them they were walking home through spring night. and the It was not ten o clock; but the quiet little back streets that they foflowed were dark and still seraldine had promised to free Liz- zie for a few hours of damecing at the Bazaar, and had left her mother and brothers at the Hall . : "Well, by George, you are immense at it, Jerry," Louis said. "I've seen plenty of professionals not half so good! You know, you're such a kid on really enjoy dressing up and playing a part more than sober home life!" he decided. "With my heart like lead!" caught a flashing look eyes in the starlight. heard that He at her bright "I've always people could get through a thing, ne matter what they were privately Sduzing,". she mused, walk- ing rapidly at his side, "and now 1 believe it!" I've been worried before, of course. But tonight it seems as would give them a Picto is spending the week-end with Mr. | and Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Collins Fs J . » - - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mackenzie, St. Louis, Mo,, are visiting thelr parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Mackenzie, Division street, Little Miss Sally Wood has return- ed to Kingston after pleasant holi- days spent with Miss Angle Benson, n, \ - Mrs. A. Mackenzie, Division street, has returned home after spending a few weeks .in Peoria, I1l., ana St Louis, Mo. Rev. L, and Mrs. Lewis Webster, of the rectory;™™ilford, 'who were the guests of Rev, W. J. and Mrs. Grat- ton, at the Rectory, Pittsburg, have returned to thelr home. Miss: Florence Byrne, Kingston, is visiting dt her home fu Perth. Mrs, David Plewes and daughter, Toronto, after a week' stay with Mrs. W. J. Renton, at her cottage on the St. Lawrence, are now with Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street. > » - ~~ Miss Gladys Carroll, left today to spend the week-end in Gananoque, and took with her for a little visit, Matron Ridley, who has just returned from overseas. Mrs. 4rthur Meighen has returned to Perth after spending a few days in the city. Miss Emily Smythe, Clinton, N.Y., arrived to-day, and is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Edward Stanley, at "The Residence." Mrs. Tothill, Earl street, returned on Wednesday from Montreal where she spent a week with Mrs. Chestér- ton. Dr. and Mrs. Hopking, "'Hazeldell" Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street, and i 4 ¥ URE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS Mast modern machinery used in making our Ice Cream the ingrodients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. Prompt delivery to an parts of the city. Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 Princess St. § Phone 648 vi McLaughlin's Old Stand Miss Gertrude Strange, King street if I pimply couldn't see any way out." "Think of the first thing to do, and fdo it, then of the ne: nd so on," is advised. "Don't try to do too much at once." She was silent, until they reached her own, garden, and had nounted ie porch steps. Then she gave him a friendly look, straight into igeyes, with her good night, "And tank you, Louis, good friend to us both!" she said, "Good night," he anéwered, with that odd sense of being stirred again by this woman whora he had known intimately for six or seven years without a thrill. Perhaps it was the linge excitement of her success at the Hall, aps this new trouble of hers, perhaps the new charm of her confidential relationship to him, and dependence on him, "Dean is a fool!" he thought, walk- ing home"A woman like t could make Abything of a man!" Geraldine went = up-stairs, noiselesply lighted the gas in her own m. th little .girls = were asleep if her big ete their dark hair scattered about tieir small faces, which wore the angelic look of uncon- Selous Shildhood. When she was un- ressed, 8 aded wrap- ae she knelt beside and ga- two soft little hands against her cheek while she said her prayers. Then she gently, and with the mur- mured words of babyhood, carried the younger child into the adjoining room. £ ' (To be continued.) Ve Told in the Twilight (Continued From Page 3) Captain and Mrs, J. V. Trowell, «oronto, formerly of Kingston, an- sounce the engagement of their sec: ond daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Edward George Archer, Toronto, son of BE. A. Archer and the late Mrs. Archer, Petrolea, ithe saat ge to take place early in Se m! A number of graduate nurses of the city were. entertained by Mrs. George Nicol, Cataraqui, yesterday uests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Tweed. and Irene , lor a Fa Gratton, at the Rectory, Pittsburg, has. left for her home in Montreal to spend the remainder of her vaca- tion. : / ave- nue, Toronto, is the guest of Migs Lillian Rees, Front Road. > Mrs. R. Anglin and family, Greens bush, have returned to their home in Kingston. i Kisigato 2 anley, n, guest of Miss M, Kelly, B Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Flint, daughter, . - - Miss Muriel Dunn, Glendale is kville. manville, who were Halloway Waddell's g have re. ee td Hi is saili tof! i x ora is sailing Canada, on Monday, by the 8. S. Car- a. > { the || d their motored from Toronto last |i BY, and are the guests of Mrs. ||| Union street. . Major and Mrs. Anderson, Bow: ||| : and Mrs | left yesterday, by motor for The Ou- tro, . Unadilla, N.Y.," where couple of weeks. Dr, and Mrs. _Hop- kins will return early next week. J. C. Smythe, West street, has re- turned from Association Island, Henderson Harbor, N.Y. ; X . » - Miss Flossie Derry, Peterboro, has returned home after spending a two week's holiday with friends in King- ston« Morley Lyford Smith. & medieal student at Queen's University, is the guest at the home of Dr. J. 8. Watts, Oswego, N.Y. Miss Jape McCarthy and Miss Mary Murphy, of Kingston, who have been in Oswego, N.Y., with friends. have left for Pau] Smith's, in the Adirondacks. 3 "Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher, Albert street, and daughter, Mrs. (Dr) Young, Seeley's Bay, and son, Capt. Gallagher, left on Tuesday on an ex- tended trip to British Columbia to visit relatives, On their return they will visit St. Paul and Chicago. ~~ wT Miss Hthel McCullagh, © Montreal street, has left for Hartford, Conn., on a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. C. Nichols. \ Misses Lily and Belle Dunne, of this city, are the guests of thefr sis ter, Mrs. Summers, Detroit, Mich. for the next two weeks, ; Mr. and Mrs. Joh. Femifhaugh. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arniel, have returned Home to Hamilton. Miss Gladys M. Graham, B A, and sister, Margreta, are camping with friends at Fourteen Island Lake Dean and Mrs. H. T. J Coleman have left on a trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Spokane. In the last place his brother WY etaes They will be away for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Simmans; announce the engagement of thefr eldest daughter, Ethel Hortense, (graduate nurse) ' to M. Franklin Ker, B.Se., youngest son of Mrs. Harriet 'C. Ker, and the late Prof. Franklin Ker, Niagara Falls, Ont, the marriage to take place Sept. Sth. et-------------- | treats Toes yes a welcome wherever Mrs. | '§ Pense and Miss Strange will spend a | The tender leaves -- carefully picked and more carefully pre« pared--impart that same charm to your cup of Japan Tea as to the sacred tea ceremonialh.of Japan.. Japan Tea carries a government guarantee of purity. "Tea purifies the blood and cheers the heart". ~Ten Rhyne, th Century. nomm--_ SAN A. Rd i AA HOSK 'signs of wear that you have noticed on the back of bowl and handle of even S90d quali silver-plated. spoons and forks are yr § to the silver wearing can = ut now buy silver-plated flatware Yhat is protected where the wear comes. } Ask your jewelst to show you the HOLMES & EDV 1DS "Silver Inlaid" and" f Plate" Flatware. In the "SHver Inlaid" the wear are ratte by a welded i 5 Sterling r. In the "Super te" a wear ri Tebtive, instead 2 she rling a) vy extra deposit of silver to protect thems. " Guaranteed td give abundant satisface tion with no regrets, Silver ind! a5, Sper Plate, $3.28 Mannfacrured ehclusivaly in Canada by The ard Silver C Spent Stver Compuay di Girls! Have the Long eautiful Hair that is Rightfully Yours * Short, scraggly, unsightl hair is psd a habit than anything else. Hair must have intelligent ¥