PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1919 -- THE BRITISH WHIG 7rov'en has been gived, shows that the president has sensed corerctly the greatest problem which i, be- fore his country at the present 'dme. {| The League of Nations is a secordary matier compared with = the reat work of relleving the critical §'tua- tion into which the country has been placed by the soaring cost of the, ne- cessities of life, and the presideit fs | mc oor] One Good Result. (Savannah News) Anyhow and anyway, German kul- ture finally brought Germany to a more intimate and detailed knowl- edge of the fighting men of several '* THE WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From All Over Told in a Pointed and Pithy Way. The Chamber of Deputies, Bel- glum, unanimously ratified the peace treaty with Germany. ] A . Suit Cases Club Some U. S_ authorities predict Bags that more coal 'will be minde soon and that the shortage which now exists will not increase. . Lieut.-General Shaw, commander of the nations of earth, BIBBY'S Kingston's One Price Clothing Store For the Traveller {to give his whole time to the finding {of a solution. No doabt his as tion was accelerated by the report of the children's bureau at Washinton, which stated that from three ti; six million children in the United Sates are not getting enough-+4o eat bedpuse thelr parents cannot, at present prices, buy the nourishing fo0é re- quired. When twenty-five per cent. of the American school chil iren Good Reasoning. (Louisville Courier-Journal) Mr. Capper, of Kansas, who says it ! is more important to reduce the cost | in-chief of the British forces in Ire- of living than to get the League of| land, was thrown from his horse and Nations, doesn't, apparently, know |badly injured on Saturday at Belfast. that the cost of living is due largely The British Government is refus- to 'our not having had a league. ing to renew the licenses of some Canadian-owned vessels and ocom- mandeering the space in them for its own requirements. One dead, one missing and heavy property damage, was: the summary of the damage wrought by a. clouds burst and storm at Bathurst, N.B., Houses were torn from their founda- A Spoil-Sport. (Buffalo Express) 3 The motor "commissioner of New are insufficiently nourished, it x an |)Ct®€Y has made the important rul- : 3 ing that young men, or old arresting condition, afd it is nit to Sine Hy es olin b be wondered at that President Wil-|to forfeiture of their driving Mcense son considers it of primary idipor-|if they persist in running their auto-| tions. tance . mobiles with ohne hand while using; All policemen and troops, which . the other arm to entertain young|/had been assigned to the cago it nation in Canada is no one | women or old women with the spring stock yards, were withdrawn Satur- etter than it is in the Ugited | fever. day, It was hoped this would settle 5 | States . The same high figures _pre- the difficulty between the packers vail, and 'it is true that tens of {hou- and the employees. ; At Bathurst, N.B., durin oud sands of families find themasslves Bolshevism thrives so long as it has al gat very restricted in their buying pow- [the bank balance or organized society Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED J. G. Elliott Leman A. Guild nent TELEPHONES: Business Office Editorial Rooms . Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One year, delivered In city One year, if paid in advance ...s One year, by mail to rural offices § One year to United States $ (Semi-Weekly Edition One year, by mail, cash ... One year, if not paid in a One year, to United States $1.50 Six and three months pro rata. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES Bruce Owen, 22 8t. John St, Montreal M. 'Thompson, 402 Lumsden Bldg. Toronto. ; F.R.Northrup, 226 Fifth Ave, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Editor are published onlyy over the actual name of the writer. Attached is' one of the printing offices in Canada. Whether on business or on pleasure bent, you'll find in this store just about everything you need for your trip. The Course of Bolshevism. (Chicage Tribune) > As for Suits, light weight: Overcoats and Raincoats, here are sglections in which you are assured not only of absolute correctness of style, but style built into them by the best of skilled workmen. R. ¥, best job DACRE The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated "by 'the wr We can suit your taste -- for there is a wide choice in fabrics, models and patterns. $27.50--$35.00--$40.00 See our wide variety of Shirts," Collars, Neckwear, Py- jamas, Hosiery, Sweaters. BO Audit Bureau of Circulations. It's taking the United States as long t6 make peace as it did to make up its mind to go to war with Ger many. a. The first direct uncensored mail from America to Germany began ar- riving at Berlin on Friday, the let- ters received ranging from business communications held up for weeks, months and even years to recent let- ters from three to five weeks old. Germany is a broken nation, both} in body and spirit, and a long time will 'elapse hefore the efficiency of her people is restored, it is declared in a report of British scientists on food conditions in Germany. Rioping Rhymes ] CARS AND CARS. I have a large and costly car, upholstered in the richest plush ; and when I wish to jaunt afar, I ought to get there with a rush. It truly is a gorgeous boat, and should with ease my person hatil; the man who sold it sprained his throat explaining how it beats them all, But every time I take it out, it gives me naught but grief and toil; the carburetter has the' gout, a cylinder, sparts pumping oil. And while in agony'1 try to find what makes its works complain, the cheap tin cars go whizzing by, their drivers grinning with disdain. My tumbril cost 4,000 bones, and every time Be I'd drive she quits; she coughs and backfires, heavens LI and groans, and throws a hundred kind of fits. And Kingston's Industrial Exhibition will be the next big attraction. It pro- mises to beat all records. Even Ma- nager Bushell says so. We carry a full line of travellers' accessories -- hand bags, suit cases, steamer trunks burst Vincent Power, a returned sol- | J dier, was killeg as he neared a barn ers where food is concerned. No |to squander. When that slowly ac-| jn which to take shelter, by the col- official figures are available as bs the cumulated reserve is at last thrown lapse of the structure and the falling number of children who are Nr to the winds, it must resort to de-|of heavy beams upon him. ei » Suffer- | based currency to promises, to -the The peace conference has gecided & from want owing to this ¢)ndi- | slaughter of those who protest, and{to carve Thrace into a number of tion, but it fs quite likely tha) the |then to the inevitable collapse, parts, some going to Greece and oth- percentage iz on a par with thst of ers being designated to form the fu- the United States. What Canada y ture Eree State of Constantindple, ds, th The Greater Evil Free and a new Free State under the Lea- needs, then, to cope with this situa- a 2A i tion 1 1 (Toronto Times) gue of Nations. 8 a eader who will do as Fresi-|* It is a crime to carry concealed, dent' Wilson has dome. It nes ds a peither a pistol or aslarge knife, yet Cures Catarrh, Bron- man at the head of affairs who will | 20Y one can buy such weapons with- re V subordi out any great difficulty. The sale of chitis Without Any ordinate everything else to the soluti poisons {is rigidly supervised. An on of the problem of the high |automatic magazine pistol is. worse Drugs. cost of living, That is a big task, |than carbolic acid, especially as the If you suffer from a cold, sneez- but it should be tackled without any | 800d citizen has no occasion for its| ing or catarrh---don't use a snuff--- delay. Every day that goes by use. ' 'use a sensible treatment like Ca~ without an ti Fr ------ tarrhozone, It heals and soothes, . ¥ action being taken is a Members of the Chinese peace de-| brings relief at once, cures thorough- day wasted, and there should bg no |legation declared at Paris they were| ly. In bronchitis and throat trou- {time lost in this matter. We psom- | highly dissatisfied with the state-| ble no doctor can do better than pre- mend President Wilson's attitude to [ ment of Viscount Uchida, Japanese | scribe Catarrhozone. Try it--see the attention of Pp foreign minister, with regard to the | what wonders it works---what power d remier Borden, | proposed return of Shantung to Chi-| it possesses. Different from the old and call upon him to lose no tine inn way---you inhale Catarrhozone, : Get using all the power at his command the dollar outfit which includes tha to secure some relief for the pebple inhaler and is guaranteed, Smaller of Canada, who are borne dow by Shue 50c; sample size 25c; at all deal- the heavy burdens they have to A Ag AAA A AA carry in providing themselves and At The College Book Store. their families 'with sufficient nour- 'o ishing food and ample clothing for their needs. 0SMOpo 1 an "America's Greatest Magazine" Some people are debating whether d the ex-kaiser should be hung, shot or FORRES oo Cr electrocuted. It might be the surest policy to do all three. KINGSTON LEADS THE DOIN. ION. The report of the dnformation and Service Branch of the departinent of soldiers' civil re-establishinent for Kingston shows that this city has now attained the proud position of leading the whole dominion in placing returned soldiers in employ ment. The figures given show that during the week 136 men applied for employment. Every one of these was placed in a satisfactory position, and in addition six men whose ap- plications had been lying over irom the previous week were placed. This gives a percentage of 103.6 fo; the Kingston office, which is the read- quarters of the «Southeaster); dis- triet of Ontariv. Since the offign was opened in the Bank of Toronto bhuild- Ing in February, W. G, Bailey, 'the tl ' on. ih Be LL t,o, ot ui Public ownership has not streng- thened its case by the half billion dollar sJeficit in the operation of the United States railways by the govern- ment during the last eighteen 'months. { - -- Boys' Clothing In The Store Next Door 3 A > [4 always when she gheds a sigh, and leaves me stranded 78-80-82-84 PRINCESS STREET far from home, the cheap tin cars go whizzing by, and ~ : . officer in charge, kick up gravel, dust and pam. I'm often stalled; it is : A | L T8e, reports that wut of my fate to have a car that will not run; and all the : ] 1960 returned soldiers who have ap-|. eéap cars in the state whiz by, and have all 'kinds 3 - : - ; S : : ROU COC CC 00 OC CC Emukx plied for employment, 1,900 hdve|of fun, /With patienee I could bear my load, and make some showing, toa, Henry Ford says twenty days' la- bor a year i8 all a farmer need give to his soil. 'On bis part, Henry needs to give further particulars before he can convince the farmer that he is talking sense. Steamer Trunks Valises The Hungarians occupied Buchar- ist, 86 why should not the Ruman- iaus occupy Budapest? Revenge is sweet; tor the Rumanians as to other pgople. At the same time, it is us- ually a foolish policy. a EENEENEER i i § : : i ; i i i § 4 * - * s 3 3 ' The high rate of exchange is caus ing Canadians to stop buying in Buf- falo, and the merchants of that city are grieving over the facet. Our peo- ple should boycott all American cities until the Canadian dollar is recog: nized at its par value. ¥ been found suitable work, this mak-| Of glee, if I were stick upon the road, and there was no one else to see; ing a percentage of approxitatel but when I vc the motor die, and know I'm stalied for half a day, the cheap ¥1tin cars go wh zzing by, so insolently blithe and gay! 97 for the whole period. Al . MAS( )N This is a remarkable record. The Ww. T : Whig has from time to time fraced the growth and development of the work of this department of servicell] for the soldiers, and #t is with much gratification that we learn that it Sow leads the whole dominion. These offices, which are in erati | yey ] i practically every city bis pi, 4 5 g ; made » sight goles, tion. of over 10,000, are doing'a ||] g Wak Se % splendid work towards the stabiliz- 12 cakes Laundry Soap nh Le A ! eH ET Te Te bes wi ing of labour conditions ta Canada, 3 cakes Palmolive Soap FREER La Er rs As SEER ees vey Se girls in the public schoplssthat the |EYery soldier who is placed in a sat: Kellogw'e Corn, Flakes finest business in this world, the one | 3¢10rY position is an asset to the|| ry ur Breen Saint Bo that ofters the biggest opportunity |°OUNrY and every dissatisfied sol-{fl Lone se for j& building' and the greatest [11°F 18 a danger to Canada. These or-|f Hi : : . home ty to me a useful citi. fices exist for the primary object. of | 2 os a aS the scii oh a seeing that every man who has serv #004 Tarm/--Hon, Duncan Marshall, ed his country during the war is gi-| Alb Ean ven every = opportunity of : desta, pa La 800d in civil Hfe. Its work does not | " o has decided to "spend | Stop when the man is found a posi- 3 : Loran erecting an arch in honor |tion, but trace is kept of him, and in = maa fe 'of the Prin Some cases many positions have to be , [rom 5% to 6%, without sacrificing the found for hs same man before he is ' featurof di : a? satisfied. ese problem cases a : 7 : 1 Hard, -to handle, dle but it is worth while { : i. Safety to ensure they are y A e Sha be glad io mail you ou Properly / eurrentlist of ergs on request ood, Gundy "LOWE BROS. ce 'N] "VERNICOL" ~ Floor and Varnish stain. For woodwork, floors or furniture. The failure of a municipal coal yard to have its order filled by any of the fifteen companies appealed. to gives food for thought. The pillic 'will naturally want to know the rea- 'son why a muiftipality cannot pur- chase coal for its citizens when it has the money to pay the bill: gualitiy) aioxas ee, (no advance Phones 20 and 990 License Nos. 6-450, 8-184 Store Closes 1 p.m. Wednesdays nvestments in Bonds of Provinces and Municipalities, return FARMS FOR' SALE: 100 acres, 10 miles from n y good bulld- - ings; 90 acres first class till- : able Jolt, plenty of water; price - 125 acres, on Bay of Quinte, | good location; first class build- ings; 115 acres of excellent soil + in high state of cultivation; a . {dealt with. Unless this were done, the man would rapidly become a follow-|