Notice Our Hyslop and Cleveland Bicycles have not changed in prices -- $43.00, $45.00, $50.00--all this year's stock. -- : : . Harvey Milne 272 Bagot Street, Kingston. Sole Agents for Dayton Airless Tires. ft ras gas RS SR Rich and Exclusive Pieces in Cut Glass Those wishing something in Cut Glaes, very handsomely cut and distinotive; will find in our stock a very choice selection. WELL-KNOWN OFTIZEN DIED ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The Funeral Took Place on Monday Afernoon--Service Was Held in Chalmers Church by Rev. Dr. Wil. son. One of Kingston's most esteemed lll citizens passed away on Saturdey eynting in the person of jLdeut.-Col. Walter Hill Macnee, after 'a pro- || longed iliness. Last winter he went to Florida in the hope that the warm climate might prove beneficial, but no material improvement resulted. The late Lieut.-Col. Macnee was a son of the late James Macnee, of the well-known firm of Macnee & Minnes, wholesale merchants, and 'was born in Kingstog on September 12th, 1863, He received his education here and entered the firm, where his con- || spicuous ability an totegrity mark- ed him as one of the city's foremost business men. Upon the death of his father he succeeded him in the firm, but in the 'midst of his business ac- tivities, he found time to take a pro- miment place in the social and re- ligious life of Kingston. Among the INTERESTING GOLF PLAYED SIXTEEN CONTESTANTS ELIDMIN- ATED IN COMPETITION. More Matches Have to Be Played This Week--C. G. Shannon and C. Bermingham Tied in the Flag Competition: The matches which' were played last week in the tournament now go- ing on for the president's prize re- sulted in the elimination of sixteen contestants, In the first flight, Dr. McKee de- feated G. BE. Hague 3 and 32; C. Bermingham won from T. J. Rigney 5 and 3; James Swift defeated Col. Winnett 8 and 2, and C. G. Shannon, after an. exciting contest, won from Dr; Ross at the nineteenth hole. Méssrs. W. Harty, R. K. Hicks, W. Ellis and Col. Ellis won by default of their opponents. In the second flight Messrs. Tofleld, George McKay, W. R. Givens and Dr. Black defeated Messrs. Robertson, Baker, Brown nd Graham; and Messrs. Moxley, vis, McGinnis and W. Bermingham won by default. The matches for this week between the above winners will be played as follows: First flight, Col. Ellis vs. W, Bllis, J. Swift vs, C. G. Shannon, R. K. Hicks vs. W. Harty, Mr. Mec- Kee vs. C. Bermingham; second flight, Moxley vs. Black, Givens vs. McKay, McGinnis vs, W. Berming- ham, Tofleld vs. Davis, The novel "Flag Competition," which took place on Saturday after- noon, was very keenly contested and proved most enjoyable. C. Gay Shan- non and C. Bermingham were tied for first place, each of their flags being planted in the cup of the sixteenth green when their allotted number of strokes had been played, while those of Messrs. Graham, Givens and Mec- Kee were only a few yards away, In the ordér named. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels In and About Kingston y The steamer Belleville passed up from Montreal to Toronto at § a.m. on Sunday. Travelling Goods - If you need a Club Bag or Suit Case don't delay in purchasing, as prices are going higher évery day. We have $3.00 to Drop in and see them. .00. \ Bags $10.00 to $35.00. "Suit Cases . en i Sale of Men's Panama Hats A big discount on every hat. : Ladies' Panama Hats EL FANCY RATTAN, COOL AND INVITING for living room, lawn, or porchs; upholstered in cre- tonnes or tapestry; settees, arm chairs and rockers; it enables you to furnish in artistic way at moderate The steamer City of Hamilton pas- sed down from Toronto and Hamil- ton to Montreal at 11.30 a.m. on Sundhy. The steamer Oatland passed down from Port Arthur to Montreal at 2.156 p.m. on Sunday. Children's Summer Hats. Men's Soft Straw These range in price from $2.50 to $25.00. It's a course laid out by nature that you should require reading or close work glasses after the age forty. It you find it not so easy to read and sew after this age answer nature's warning and 3 - Have Your Eyes Exam- ined by i J. J. STEWART, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. @_jywas identified were LATE WALTER H. MACNEE. important activities with which he the Kingston General Hospital, of 'which he was a governor; the Board of Education, of --d Ocean Steamship Ticket Kirkpatrick A . S. 868 Clarence St. Phone 548w, PLAIN CHAIN CORD NOBBY GROOVED DOMINION ich he was a past chairman, and upon which he served as representa- tive of St. Lawrence ward at the time of his death; Chalmers Presbyterian church, of which he was a trustee for, nearly thirty years; the Kingston Horticultural Society, of which was a director. At an early age he entered the 14th Regiment, Princess of Wales Own Aifles, and carried #ito military matters the same enthusiasm and thoroughness that characterized him in everything he undertook. He at- talned the rank of major, and on June 12th, 1916, was grantel the rank of 'honprary 'colonel "in the Corps Re- serve of the 14th Regiment. During the war he was a member of the ex- ecutive of the military Y.M.C.A. and did splendid work. He wore the colonial auxiliary officer's decoration for twenty years' commissioned ser- vice. Deceased 'was a member of the Kingston Yacht Club, the Frontenac Club, Canadian , Club, Trade. He was a member of The Ancient St. John's Lodge, A.F. and AM. a past master; past district deputy grand master of the 14th Masonic District in the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, and member of the Ancient Scottish Rite. He always took a keen interest the fraternity and his death is the fon of déep regret throughout the large membership of the order in the city. Col. Maenee possessed a gonial and kindly disposition and was most generous in his contributions and church memberhis loss is felt throughout the city. | He was the organizer of the cadet oorps in the public schools and a di-) rector of the public library. He fs survived by his widow, one son, Lisut. W. K. Macnee, late of the C.BE.F.; one daughter, Miss Norah, who served for several years over- seas as a V.A.D. nurse; two brothers, s Francis, 7} {thrown The steamer Samuel Langdon pas- sed up en Monday. The schooner Jamieson cleared on Monday. There was a heavy fog over the lake and river on Sunday night and as 4 result many boats are overdue. It was expected that they would start out again as soon as the fog lifted. ORPHANS' HOME OUTING Fifty Children Saw the Cows and Chickens on . Through the generosity of a friend the children in the Orphans' Home spent ofie of the brightest days of their lives at Glenmore Farm, in Pittsburgh. on Saturday. Nearly fifty youngsters went out to. the country place, where the wonders of the farm yard were unfolded to them and they spent a wonderful day romping around. The évent was in charge of Miss McKenzie, assisted by Mrs. Merriman and Miss A. G. MeKenzie, and it certainly was great- ly enjoyed. The Western Orops. It is estimated that about 15,000 men will be required to work ad farm laborers to assist in harvesting the srops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and ris. Board of |Albe The Canadian Pacific has arranged and is advertising usual special fare of $12 to Winnipeg,and will run spe- cial trains from Toronto, Tuesday, August 12th, and Tuesday August 19th. for tickets and information apply to F. Conway, C. P. A, corner of Wellington and Princess streets, Kingston, Married In Toronto, The marriage of Florence, eldest daughter of Fred. 8. Tremble, Tor- onto, to John Albert, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hawley, Toronto, (formerly of Kingston), took place on Saturday, August 9th, in St. George's Church, Toronto, Rev. Mr. Clayton performing the ceremony. The bridal couple left for a motor trip to Detroit and Cleveland. » Was Heard With Pleasure. Miss Clare Flint, Toronto, sang the solos, at both services at Syden- ham Street Methodist church on Sunday, Miss Flint, a young girl of eighteen years, has a soprano voice of great range and Syeetness. and her singing yas the Jost 3 Such favourable men! © niece . Ee , Dix, Union street ' m she is visiting. A brilliant ture as & soloist is predicted for . Damaged in a Galo. In a gale on Thursday night at Charlotte, the yacht Natestown was a 3 efore dam-| doubt be Hats All at Clearing Prices CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Dwelling and barn, one acre land, in good village. Price $600. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate & Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 494 OVER 1,500,000 COPIES (osmopolitan "America's Greatest Magasine® Get Your Copy At The C.B.S. MILK PRICE MAY JUMP TO 16 CENTS A QUART The Producers Fix $4 a Hun- dred Pounds as the Win ter Price. Lower cost of living? Not on your life! According to an annouhcement made by the Kingston District Milk Producers' Association, which met on Saturday afternoon, next winter's milk is to $4 a hundredweight. That will mean that the local milk retail ers will have to tharge about sixteen cents a quart after the 1st of October, At present the retailers pay $2.60 a hundreédweight and sell the milk at eléven cents a quart. Last winter the producers sold their milk at $3 a hundred pounds and the retail price was thirteen cents a quart. Next win- ter, therefore, will see a record price for milk and the Infants of poor fam- {lies will be the chief ones to suffer. The high price of feed is to blame for the. increase in the price, but whe- ther $4 a hundred pounds is too much prices. Phone 147 for service, as a full staff of ers and cabinet makers are at your service, JAMES REID : Phone 147 For Service AO A % Your Picnic Basket «~~Ox Tongues, in glass, --Lunch Tongues, in tins. --Sliced Smoked Beef, in tins. -Peefsteak and Onions, in tins ~Corned Beef Hash, in tins, --Potted Meats, in tins. ~-Canadian Boiled Dinner, in tins. ~Baked Beans, in tins. --Grape Juice, in bottles, -~Lemonade, in bottles. «Z0rangeade, in bottles. ~Montserrat Lime Juice, in bottles, Anything else you may want, Just ask for it. Aiba dh dh da a a Henderson's : Grocery 59-61 Brock street. Phone 270 A Aa aa aan a aad AA PTT POPP IOS Aha a a Choice Sirloin Steak . ..35c. Ib Choice T. Bone Staak . .85¢. Ib. sie 80c. Rib and Shouer Rogats 28¢ Stewing Vy to 20¢, Salt Pork, for boiling, 25c. Choice Lamb, Pork, etc. Ib, Ld ib, ib. 112 CLERGY NOTIOE OF REMOVAL Owing to the Government tik ing over the lower part of the building in which my offices were located for the Income Tax Com- missioner, I have been compelled to remove to other premises, and may now be found dt 111% Brock street, a few doors above als dron's Dry Goods store, where I will continue to carry on my buai- ness of General Insurance, Real Egtate And Brockerage and will be pleased to see my old customers ag weil as any new ones Who may see fit to entrust their commands to me. upholst- Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling ton Streets, Kingston. Tele phone 363.