PAGE EIGHT cence ee -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . ™ MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1910 A ------ -------- -In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features Whoever enjoys a perfect cup of coffee--fragrant, deli- cious, satisfying will find an added pleasure in a cup of Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRANDY COFFEE. In %: 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--Ground--Pulverized-- also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. 2 3 _| her INFANTS: DELIGHT 'Stands for Johnnie Who, with all his might, Declares there {is nothing Like "Infants-Delight." Gives that clear, healthy \ glow which only a pure soap can produce. 94 Send us three of these ads--all different--for a FREE trial size cake of INFANTS-DELIGHT. JOHN TAYLOR & CO, Limited, Dept. 14 TORONTO. « The-Luncheon Hour finds this restaurant full of people who are very evi- dently enjoying themselves. For there is good fellowship here as well as good food. It you enjoy the good things of life Stop in here for lunch and if you are wise you'll let it be soon, Grand Cafe 222 Frtacess street. Tmo ours Open from 8 ain. 1a 3 wan. Peter Lee, Prop. Good Looks und 2 Knitted into S '1a full moon, and into the dim streetpgceive a check for twenty-five dollars The Luck. of Geraldine Laird BY KATHLEEN NORRIS, Author of "The Story of Julia Page," "Heart of Raciel," "Josselyn's . 5 Wite," "Sisters," ete. She had already satisfied herself that Dean was not at home; the big bed was empty, Geraldine tucked the child in warmly, stood looking about with a mother's eye for possible old chair, and re-opened the erum- ed pages, Flattening them with one hand, and with the other, prop- Je her Sire Jorehand, she once wen rou, is letter, from drafts and chills, sud finally. went the first page to the last; sometimes slowly Dack to hes oon mn looking wearily away into space for "Why--" she said, half-aloud. "Has | While, with her eyes narrowed as if this been here all the time?" she were puzzled, and her full lower For there was a letter standing on lip caught with her teeth, and once hi ® letting her head fall back against réan the . chair, and pressing her fingers tightly. against her eyes, 18 was the letter: My Dear Geraldine: I hive been thinking this matter over for sev- eral days, and have come to the con- clusion that it is time to end it. I have promised my uncle to take a New Yerk agency for the firm, and will be there when you read this. .1 am to work for half a day only, and be paid $25 a eek, and A small com- 5 on such orders as I ean get in the af In the mornings I "Lizzie must have put that there, and forgotten to mention it," Gerald-~ Ine mused. She took it in her hand and a spasm of fear and . distaste shook her, For it was addressed in Dean's hand. Dean writing her?" Sending her a letter, when she could have been summoned so easily to the telephone ? It was strange, and she knew it was ominous as well. She stood holding the letter in her hands, unwilling to open it, and yet feeling that, even un- opened, its effect upon her life was to be incalculable, "It can't be as bad as I think it is!" she said to herself, after a while, Better any reality than the vague and painful fears that were possess- ing her. She tore it open. ternoons, shall write, Of course I am well aware that you have no sympathy with my ambition in that direction; but I be- lieve that the time has come to de- cide between dragging my life out here in an environment and among mmediately, throughout her whole | People I despise, or having the cou- body as well as her soul, she felt the | T8&® to develop my life in my own shock. It was mot only worse than | Way ; » she had feared; it was the end. Yout| I am tired of the struggle'to make died in her, as she began to read, jo Success of our marriage, tired of and hgpe died. Geraldine felt tha everything in connection with it 'This she herself might die in the sinkinglis not a kind thing to say, perhaps, weakness and chill that swept overpibut it is better to be honest now, 'and her. ave it all over at once. I have been She read it through twice, and be-lurhappy and discontented for years. gan it a third time. Then she sud-B! I am sick of the whole denly interrupted herself, and crushed the pages in her hand with a spas modie gesture, and crushed the han. against her heart. She walked to th Bs . window and looked out into the fall "While you accept my decision on miliar, shabby garden, lighted now byfthis subject, I will see that you re- The quiet neighborhood seemed to lee every week. It is not a la at her like a beloved face suddenly] : e sum cording to your brothers ideas of crazed and sneering. finance, but it will enable you to pay "Dean!" Geraldine your mother a fair board, and to feel | independent. But I do this only on ondition that you agree not to at-| empt to follow or see me, and that | ou consider our marriage as over. | She walked irresolutely to the door, came back, dropped into her ow SAAR A er rm ADD A DELICIOUS FLAVOR shall simply go away from there, nd from every other city to which you trace me. I do not Wish to see you or fo see the children, and any notoriety that is given th ill proceed entirely from you. I have meditated this step for several weeks nd feel sure that you must eventually respect my honesty in telling that I am tired of A to left-overs. Makes second cuts equal to first. Makes the month- ly allowance go further, LEA<PERRINS SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Get that tang and flavor m hance to lead' the life for which 1 m Sted, Give your family to under- stand as mu oF 38 little as you like, Pi ae per, tat { mmedia any ste vard a reconciliation, by nk ne a ove that will put it out of the ques- tion. You can easily secure' my ad- dress 'and easily follow me, of course, but T advise you to consider well the inevitable result of such a_ HERS That was all, €xéept the full sig- nature of Warren Dean Laird, The lefter was hand-written, in his Deau- tiful, square penmanship, on club pa- per. Geraldine had a vision 9f him there in the club's quiet writing-room, all this long afternoon, while she was wondering about him, filliig page af- ter page with the ely, bitter words. She felt ill. Her throat was dry, her hands icy, the actual pangs of pain ran through her whole y. It was as if the contents of the envelope had poisoned her, and the . insidious drug were slowly wrapping her in its . Moments went by, hours went Ys still she sat there, staring dully ahead of her, shivering as the spring Might wore on, brooding, brood- ing, b ng. Fhe impudence of it!--she thought, in one mood. Th dacity of the married man, father of utiful children, husband of. a devoted and virtuous woman, to dare--to dare to send her such a letter! "But you can't do that, Dean!" she said aloud. "No, indeed, you can't! Marriage would be a very different af- fair if every kms a man got angry he could go to his club and write a letter like this! No, you can't do it--" (To be Continued.) the Mig hotel in the pines this year; and Mother has bought him a porgee suit, and some white flannel trou- sers. Dad looked at her purchases with the expression of a hunted deer, but he didn't say a word. His poc- kets and hat bands, are full of fish- ing tackle and his elk-skin boots stand in a corner of the kitchen, smelly, with a new coat of oil. Mother glares at them, Dad croons over them. To-morrow Dad will mention his gréy flannel shirt with a nonchalance that will deceive no one. Mother will weep or rave, I am wondering if the clothier will take back the flannel irqpsers and the pongee puit! The death of Charles A. Merriman, president and treasurer of the Og- densburg Wholesale Mercantile Com- pany inc., and for many years a pro- minent insurance man of Ogdens- burg occurred Thursday night at his summer home at Terrace Park. Ralph Soper, aged nine, who with his parents, Hr. and Mrs. John Soper, Belleville, have been visiting rela- tives near Niles' Corners, was drown-| » ed in an abandoned quarry, Wednes- day, He fell in the water, 4 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of WILSONS \ Kill them all, 'and the germs too. 10¢ a packet at Druggists, (Grocer and General Stores. res. As Milk and Cream Carnation Milk comes to you doubly richer than ordinaty Milk. Itis thus more convenient than ordinary milk. You You can use it as cream for tea, coffee, fruit and cereals. this rich, You can whip it--chill it first, of course. whole milk ERAN 3 + ' wherever gro- You can also 'use it in every way you use ordinary carlen are milk--for the children's drink, for cooking. Because it is . aporated--you should dilute it first--add an equ! quan tity of water. Your grocer is the Carnation Milkman. Ask him to send you three or four trial cans (16 oz. tall size), Directions on every can. Carnation Milk Made in Canada by "from Contented Cows ® Carnation Milk . Products Co., Limited A Ont. » Board Seattle ATimgr: On USA: Lica a0s at iar. ara AP Ary Yo NEW YORK FRUIT STORE CHOICE CALIFO RNIA FRUIT BARTLET PEARS PEACHES PLUMS .... tereaadexn arian aati eee ns 200 tO 406. ORANGES '. shane a dfie. to 800, BARANARB si inne ra sang) 30e. to Soc. Goods delivered to all parts of 314 Princess St. (@ inalion Condenseries al Aylmer and Springfield, Oni. { 40¢ to goe. A to 60¢. a dos. a doz, 4 dos, a dos, a doz. the city. Phone 1405 ------r ------------ Pine Mouldings DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, TRY Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street - - - - Phone 1042 a Flavour for every fasfe