{/ THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1919, Urn The heat of Sunburn is quick- 10 Day Sale of ly taken out by an application ot-- » J BEST'S BALM The effect is simply marvel- es ous--the heat and pain disap Pear at once and leave the skin p Th Sto: Ep al re : b We are offering a dis- At Bestslli "Counc: Open an 15 Per Cent 4 cool and comfortable, ; : whiskey 'nowadays, and mors it you * _3 | Hon. A, G. Mackay, Minister of Mu- are caught with it. Everyone knows Large Jars 25 cents. Biéipal Altaus, eg tiie cost |that greater production would cer- 4 m e 1 ir tainly effect a cure, according to the 3 4 Ladies' Umbrellas. Keeley Ir, M.0.D.0. No article is more service- able either as a gift or for one's own use, and this is an oppor- latest types at a considerable saving. Wedding Rings--Marriage Licenses SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 And We Use Ne King Street t Kingston Phone 59. Bude 3 MRD on all our stock .of tunity to procure the finest and ] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = | . PAGE THREE | BY GOVERNMENT TO SOLVE HIGH COST OF LIVING. be if bo Present Unrest And Its Solution. | A Btrong Resolution Passed By the | Bolingbrooke, Aug. 11.--(To the| | Union of Canadian Municipalities | Editor): Much has been said and On Wednesday Evening. written concerning the high cost of A livel living. Millions have been spent in-| vely tilt developed at the mdet- vestigating the cause, etc. It Mas alll ing of the Union of Canadian Munici- {ended where it started. Wise men, | Jalities iS She City Hall on Wednes- |jearned men and men in suthority| rr Y " when Dr. J. W. Edwardsinave frequently asserted that greater ants > To hienac, came into direst production is the only remedy. Talk ct With Mayor Hardie of Leth- lis hear but it takes money to buy bridge and into indirect conflict with 4 of living, Mayor Hardie insinuated that Premier Borden had not done ly oD rr EL all that might have been expected of | ip on nowadays, him to alleviate conditions! arising But one thing is certain: Talking, oul of the high cost of living. preaching or writing will never per Ran instant Dr. Edwards was on {sy .d0 men to wilfully work against his feet endeavoring to castigate the their own interests. For example, gentleman from Alberta for his as- where would you get a farmer who persions. He claimed that the prime would plough, plant, hoe, bug and minister, despite an onerous burden dig say ten acres of potatoes just to of other duties, was fully cognizant oring the price down again to fifty of the conditions resulting {rom the cents @ bag, when he can make more high cost of living and the member money off a half-acre at the present bointed out the great amount Of re- price? Men are not built that way. medial legislation passed at the last More money with less labor and ex- Session and which was now getting pense is the order of the day. The into operation. farmers are waking up to the idea of His remarks were interrupted regulating the RE. and creating with amusing frequency by interjec- a demand as Well as the manufactur- sions from Hon. Mr. Mackay, whei SI2TC 9% ngs are all planned and has tried to the curry the favor of no | man in the convention, who wants |°alculated, and the only people who i n 5 {would do anything are those who | RA whole nok GIFald lo ask The [have everything io buy and motbing {to sell, and one-half of them are of! hi Dr Soha boatad his demand |,,, party and the other halt are of ! he 2 the other party, and they would op- missioner, should be forced to for- ward the facts on which he bases his | POSe each other if it cost them their reports to the attorney-generals of nd %0 organized robbery has the province who might take action . 4 G upon them, and ultimately he had a |. There is a world-wide unrest. a clause inserted in a resolution to be|°rYone knows there is something forwarded to the Government, wrong; few know just hat it Is, and Incidentally Dr. Edwards, who lefy [les8 know the remedy. Therefore, the hall after his encounter with the | {here are - strikes, onl re westerners, claimed that no good |Fe¥OMutions, etc., whic a a could be accomplished from the re. Pad matters worss, The rou . Ss, solution as it only advocated the es-|¥® are divided by party churches, tablishment of machinery which was |PATEY politics and party societies, and already in operation ; and that it [through those organizations mes are showed a surprising lack of knowl- Slested ang Iu. i Positions H A edge of the legislation of last ses-|'Rey do Justic no Pp hrm ston. i TI oe a, poh However, the resolution was pas-|28!8. Fo y o sed in the following form with only |tician and he ia a Mauuractuel of three dissenting voices: has an interest in a manufactfifing concern, How can we expect that man ed in S | Princess 8 Street jawed in Stove "If a man calls on a Woman she is BOOTH & co, feased--either when he comes or Phone 133 Foot West Street AER am "Whereas the investigations of the [doubling the output for the purpose to 'willingly try to put his company The Resolution. to the extra trouble and expense of Committee of the House of Commons |of cutting the selling price in two? has adequately proven the popular al- | We are apt to blame the man in the legation that profiteering existed in { position, but it is not the man in the the handling of the necessities of | position so much as the position the life; man is in. I# we expect men to work "Be it resolved that the U. C, M.|against their own Interests we will speaking for the citizens of their | get left every time. There is only communities urge that the greatest one remedy and that is not by chang- efforts be made by both parties to ing the man in the position, but by §! solve this pressing question without changing the position the man is in.| delay in view of the great hardships | What we want, what we must have, | resulting to the common people and |is a new foundation, new laws and the bitter and dangerous feelings in [regulations on the lines of equal However, the early boom doesn't 0 , oes evidence. towards Coase indivi. | rights and privileges. We want a law re ich We omianion. | TIMID $0325. ov 55 se and. ai eee snd ving. Wo vans 14 | 65th Anniversary. Celebration McKelvey & Birch's Limited Brock Street - FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1919 _ You have heen wishing for some article for use in your kitel Br home, Jor Some time, fut, have put off buying until prices i : ur Anniversary ebration will give the opportunity you desire, to obtain it. sive You FRIDAY, AUG. 15, 1019, and SATURDAY, AUG. ; we will give 5 per cent. discount off J ne Ca Ranges, 10 per cent. discount off all other articles with the ex- ception of some few lines that selling prices are fixed by the manufacturers. Think over your needs in Tinware, Enamelware oF Hard. ware. We will be pleased to see you. oe Sr Hang ALL SALES SPOT CASH. the same; proach, but will deal justice high and "That the machinery provided for |low alike without respect of persons. investigation by municipalities js| We must have a reasonable limit cumbersome and unworkable and [set to.all salaries, prices and profits, further that in the opinion of this and a law strictly governing the same convention such jnvestigations should [In justice to the consumer. Profi be at the cost of the federal Govern teering must become a punishable ell" and firther that the Govern- crime in-law as {i is in reality. But ment should see that the new Com-|how are we geing to get these things 'merce Court or some other body. pro-|established? It is against the in- perly constituted and with an ade-|terests of those in anthority and posi- quate supply of funds should proper: tion. They may talk of what they ly investigate the cost and profits in|intend to do; they may start out to the case of all necessaries of life Investigate and so on, but they will without any delay and where profit-| certainly come back to just where eering is found adequate means they started from and invent some Should be found for the prosecution |eXcuse, tell the people just what they and. punishment of those responsi-|knew before, take the ratepayers ble," 3 money for their labor and leave ev- "Further this convention demands |ervthing just as it was before. You that the statements made by Dr. Mc. |868, everyone is kicking about the Faul, if true, be followed by immed} price they have to pay for what they ate action on the part of the Govern- (have to buy, but they dare not do ment." suyiliing Jor fear that they ould sot During the evening the maeting|&et the big price for what they have had the opportunity of hearing Clin-|to sell. That is the reason that there ton Rogers Woodruff, since 1894 the|is no improvement. Our laws have very efficient and capable secretary |been revised, twisted aud turned to of the National Municipal League of {Suit the ple in authority, and the United States and a recognized [Seems to the whole object. If a authority on municipal affairs, In a jan has money and a social position, forceful address which was vigor-|he can defy the law almost to the ously applauded, Mr. Woodruff urged {limit, while the poor men is punish- the very present necessity of strong (®d for the smallest offence. The law municipal union not only for the pur (of supply and demand is one of the poses of stable organization and self-| Worst rules on earth. It gives the protection but also to develop a|™ear and the bull a chance to do their clearer understanding of the func- | Worst; they gevern the market to suit tions of municipal administration fn |themselves. g its various ramifications. He recount-| There is no use for the government ad the splendid work accomplished [to fix the price on one or two a . it-{cles. That is net. fair, The only|f by ie municipal league of the Unit way 'Is to figure the' o ost. urged that the Union of [then allow a reasonable rate and set Canadien Municipalities perfect their |# reasonable at socording tof true basis in order to be able to confer a | balance of justice to al benefit upon 'the municipal [Prices and profits, punish the p Sovarnments aud" the people of (netfilter as the sommon thls Hat be. my 1 'ons which sat until after midnight. aE os " S$ 1 bs Sry ow Letters to te Eltr | Hl PROBS: --Friday, warm; showers in a fow places. A day for thrifty women, with seasonable goods at special prices. Now is a vertible harvest time for bargain seekers. Here are a few hints of the irresistible program of money-saving opportunities that have been specially prepared for F riday's selling. WOOL SWEATERS Wonderful values offered at very special prices for to-morrow: A wide range of colors and color combinations : fe visinis's miniinie oso m niin s 4.00 0 nn snnn uve Friday, $10.75 10 $12.50 AMERICAN GINGHAMS Small balance, 350 yds. only, of American Gingham, in stripes only--a regular 40c.value ........... . 0. Ti... ava fo ov sevens vareiis oo: Friday, 256; WHITE COTTON 200 yds. only, of soft White Cotton; full 36 inches wide, and vegiat23c.ayd. ........ ion .Friday, 5 yds. for $1.00 - FRIDAY MORNING SPECIAL The Greatest of all Sale Attractions DOUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS {0% Shep sarly in the morning, from 9a.m. till 12 noon, and save % on all cash purchases. MEN'S CAMPING JERSEYS 50 only, Men's Cotton Camping Jerseys, in sizes 34 to 40; short and long sleeves. A reg. 75c. value .......... .. .. . Friday, 59¢. BOYS' BALBRIGGAN 60 odd Suits of Boys" Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; sizes 22 to 32. Priced regular at 50c. each. ........... Friday, 25¢. each | EMBROIDERY SALE A cleanup in Embroidery Insertions in widths ranging 1} to | 8 inches wide; all prices er 95 Pricedor Tk sg lise. . Saws ah keane ey saa ss + + Friday, 2}e. vd. | LISLE HOSE 100 pairs, black Lisle Hose, in two sizes only, 9 and'9}. A spe- 50 pairs, black Lisle Hose, in all sizes; double garter tops and heels and toes v0 s.eruesers Friday S00 this popular selling hose, Friday, 3 pr. pad s