FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1910. THE Sunburn The heat of Sunburn is quick- b taken out by an application Of BEST'S BALM The effect is simply marvel. ous----the heat and pain disap- pear at once and leave the skin cool and comfortable. Large Jars 25 cents. The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays At Best's The Popular Drug Store , Open Sundays Phone 50. Branch 2018 Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of flow Damp- Proot Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, . also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Ornamental Cement Work. Faotory, cor. of Charles and Patrick streets, Phone 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Skirts, ME Sra Sader, Yewelery, Suitcases, ete. N. Morris, 374 King St Specials at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market ~--Prime Western Beef, ~Spring Lamb. ~Cooked Meats. ~---Pickles and Relishes, ~Fruit and Vegetables. C. H. PICKERING 490 to 492 Princess Street Phone 530 Near 'actors are all right in their way, but give us the old-fashioned By AP 4 { € 4 i 10 Day Sale of sy es Umbrellas We are offering a dis- count of 15 Per Cent on all our stock .of Ladies' Umbrellas. No article is more service- able either as a gift or for one's own use, and this is an oppor- tunity to procure the finest and latest types at a considerable saving. Wedding Rings--Marriage Licenses SMITH BROS. JEWELERS p p y p : Established 1840 . King Street : Kingston > ; LC wOoOD . Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street 65h Ausiversary' Celebration At McKelvey & Birch's Limited Brock IG « . =1 HH | Street A Today, Friday, August 15, 1919 Is Our Birthday TiSN rt DAILY BRI WAR. GRATUTES FACTS N OF GREAT VALUE TO VETERANS WHO ARE IN DOUBT. i Yrs { The Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment Branch Gives Out Information to All Concerned. Through the courtesy 'of the Sol- diers' Civil Re-establishment branch, the following information, of great value to veterans who are in doubt are to their gratuities, is given: If you have dependents you will receive $100 per month. It you have no dependents you will receive $70 per month. It you were on the strength on November 11th, 1918, and are dis- charged after that date, or if you were discharged before that date, having served at the front fn an ac. tual theatre of war, you will be en- titled, unless disqualified by miscon- Suet, etc, to war service gratuity, or-- : (a) Six months, if you have been on active service in the C. B. F., for three years, any part of which ser- vice was overseas. * (b) Five months, if you have been on active service in the C. E. F. for two years, and under three years, any part of which service was over- seas. » (¢) Four mouths, if you have been on active service in the C. BE. F. for one year, and under two years, any part of which service was overseas. (d) Three months, if you have been on active service in the C. E. F. for less than one year, any part of which service was overseas. Af you were on the strength on November 11th, 1918, and are dis- charged after that date, and no part of your service has been overseas, you will be entitled, unless disquali- fied by misconduct, ete., to war ser vice gratuity fow-- (a) Three months, if you have been on active service in any Cana- dian land force for three years or over. (b) Two months, if you have been on active service In any Canadian land force for two years and under three years. (¢) One month, if you have been on active service in any Canadian land force for ome year and under two years, If 'you, were discharged before No- vember 11th, 1918, and have not served at the front in any actual the atre of war, post discharge pay regu lations w21 apply in your case. Any post discharge pay which yo have received will pe deducted frown the amount of war servitée gratuity payable to you. For further ~ information you should write or see the paymaster of the military district in which you are discharged. . AFTER THE OFFICES. Said F. M. Hugo is Agreeable to Va- + rious Candidates. Brooklyn Eagle. Secretary of State Hugo, who is an outspoken aspirant for the guber- natorfal nomination on the G. O. P. ticket in 1920, is seeking to select a complete state ticket to run with him, according to reports in RepubH- can circles. Hugo has already made overtures to ex-Senator George -H. 'Whitney and to Lieut.-Colonel Theo- dore Roosevelt, who is a candidate for assembly. in Nasau county. Whit- ney, Hugo would like to see as his candidate for secretary of state to succeed himself, and Roosevelt is his choice for lieutenant-governor. Friends of Secretary Hugo said that he had participated in no fram« ing of a ticket and that his ambi tign does not extend beyond the head of the ticket, although he frankly says that he desires a strong ticket famed from top to bottom. "I knew nothing about the candi- dacy of Mr, Whitney for secretary 1 of state until I read it in the papers," Two-thirds of a century this business concern has been serving the citizens of Kingston and vicinity, 'We are proud of its business record and w coast to coast. want you to celebrate with us. It is known from To mark the event we are offering the following reduc- tions, which will be very acceptable at this time of higher 5 Per Cent. Discount Off Prices of Happy Thonght Cooking 2 Ranges. 10 PHR CEN. DISCOUNT OFF ALL OTHER LINES WE SELL. including Enamelware, Aluminum ware, Tinware and Hardware These reductions apply to everything we sell, with the exception of some | manufacturers. few lines on which selling prices are fixed by . DON'T MISS THIS PURCHASING OPPORTUNITY. sald Mr. Hugo, who was in the city Wr ----_ to-day. "He never discussed it with me." VETERAN CAPTAIN CELEBRATES EVENT ------ ' { Capt. and Mrs. W., J. Vincent, | of Clayton, Married Sixty Years. { At Clayton, N.Y., Capt. and Mrs. | Wilber J. Vincent on Thursday cele- | brated the sixtieth.anniversary their marriage. Clayton relatives | and frien"s of the veteran lake cap- tain and his wife cal'ed between 2 and b o'clock in the afiernoon. In- vitations to aftend the gathering had been sent to those not living in the village. On Aug. 14th, 1859, Miss Dorliska Dean, then a young lady of seven- teen, whose home was near St. Law- rence ,was married to Wilbur Vin- cent, twenty years old, of Clayton. The ceremony took place in Depau- | ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent came | directly to Clayton and set up house. | keeping in the little home in State! street that Mr. Vincent had ready for his bride . Here they lived for ten years. They then purchased the pleasant proverty in South Wa- ter street which they have owned and occupled for over fifty years. Two sons, Elmer D., who died sev- eral years ago, and William, of the Carthage. Republican office, were born of the union, and they also have four grandchildren, Mrs, Inez Car-| penter, of Carthage; Carleton W. Vincent, of Carthage; Elmer D. Vin- cent, and Grovene BE. Vincent, of} Carthage, and four great-grandchil-| dren. Capt. Vincent sailed the Great Lakes for many years, and was mas- ter of several upper lakers during the twenty-one years he sailed. For thirteen years he superintended the care of Castle Rest the beautiful sum- mer home of George Pullman. Five vears ago he retired from outside ac- tivities. and now devotes hig time to caring for his garden and home. The attractive garden and lawn surround- fag his home give evidence of his watchful care, Capt. and Mrs. Vificent have heen ~wembers 'of the Methodist Episconal "hurch in Clayton for over fifty Tears. Cant. Vincent is a member af Clayton Lodge, A. F. & A. M. and #alumet Chapter, O. E. 8. bt 8 3 Here are a few questions for the wide-awake boys of Err Can you answer all of them? You can any day see a white horse; why do you never see a white colt? How many different kinds of trees grow in your neighborhood, and what are the good for? Why does a horse eat grass back- ward and a cow forward? Why does a bop vine always wind one way, and a bean another? Where shoulq the inside of a chim- ney be bigger, at the top or bottom, and why? Can you tell why a horse when tethered to a rope, always unravels it, while a cow always twists it into kinky knots? Why do leaves turn upside down just before a rain? What 1s the length of a horse's head--4is it as long as a flour barrel? What animals have no upper teeth in front, and why? Employees of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company won their demands for recognition of their union when Federal Judge Mayer announced that over fifty per cent. of the men were members of thé union. Three persons were killed and a fourth badly injured when an auto- mobile went over a high embank- ment near Lake Placid, N.Y. on Thursday. { Wide-Awake Questions. 1 : of | § " WHIG PAGE THREE PROBS :--Saturday, showers in some localities. SATURDAY A Day Of Exceptional Values % \ All women who appreciate values will shop here Saturday and share in this wonderful list of bargains. Ready-to-Wear for all occa- sions, and all types of women are included iri this sweeping clearaway. Seldom does a clearance sale invite so many participants or offer re- ductions that make it so inviting to participate. : An Absolute Clean Sweep Sale of - ~ Ready-to-Wear Read this list of sweeping reductions in ready-to-wear and then shop early Satur- day morning and save dollars in every in- stance. JERSEY SUITS. 7 only, pure Wool Jersey Suits, in col- ors of Paeyon Blue, Russian Green and Coral; all smart styles; priced at $45.00 creases nes esses Saturday $19.75 GABARDINE SUITS 4 only, Cotton Gabardine Wash Suits; smart models, in button and embroidered trimmed; sizes 16 to 38. Regular $24.00 to $27.50 ............Saturday $14.95 I ---- fo oo 7 | 1 only. Beach Cloth Summer Suit, in white with color trimmings. Regular $15. de viess sa danaiiad ena sn va Saturday $6.95 PALM BEACH SUITS 2 only, Palm Beach Suits; both good sizes and priced at $25.00 regular ....... i...) a i Sy v $11.95 SILK SUITS A wonderful bargain--2 only, Navy Taffeta Silk Suits; priced at $37.50 and $39.75, less than half price . . . . . Saturday $19.95 2 only, Grey and Fawn Moire Silk Suits; priced at $75.00; Ys $29.95 1 only, New York Suede Poplin Coat--a smart creation; pric- ed regular at $25.00 ................%..... Saturday $9.95 2 Wash Silk Suits, in two shades, green and natural; sport stylesandregularat $20.50 ......... .. Luv iibain kia. tories ov. Saturday $9.95 | in ¥ Summer Dresses 1 only, Pongee Silk Dress; size 16: regular $37.50 a Ceiianiei.s.. Saturday $11.95 } 10 Gingham and harkod gor quick clearance. Beach Cloth priced at $2.00, $2.50 and $3. smart styles.