PAGE TEN A +. TnL Mail P1I1I>SNn wniu onal Victory elebration E OPENED BY H.R.H., PRINCE OF WALES HIBITION Muga TORONTO Sept. 6 Brifsh Grenadier Guards Band "Wor Memerial Paintings " Sensation of the art world recording every phase of operations overseas, gv" "FROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of guns, aeroplanes and gran ts of hellish et mr Canadian fram this | the Hun. 'Camade's Flying. Circus Chie. Barker and Bishop and other warlid femous aces in surzendersd German planes. TANK Me NEWS FROM THE DISTRICI we J -------- OIAPPRD FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGERS. in Brief From the Events In the Country About Kingston Are Told =~=Full of Interest to Many. Hon. George P. and Mrs, Graham are spending = holiday in New York. , Courie died in Winnipeg hos- sitai trom auto injuries. He was a native of Renfrew. Shortly before noon on Friday a fire took place at the farm of W. R. Collier, in Augusta Township, which destfoyed his fine stone residence. car driven by W. Curtiss, West- port, turned turtle while rounding a 'corner, throwing the occupants out. One of them, Miss Olive Barnes, sus- tained a broken leg. At New York on Aug. 4th, Miss Gwendolin Ross, eldest daughter of Dr. J. W. Ross, formerly of Belle ville, but now living in China, was married to erick E. Storm, New York. « Robert Wade, Renfrew, performed ithe eel task of swimming across Calabogie Lake the other day, three miles. He was accompanied in a canoe by Drew Clark and Miss Jean Easton. Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Demp- sey announce the engagement of their daughter, Norma Elisabeth, to John Fraser Tait, son of the late John R. and Mrs. Tait, L'Amable, Ont., the marriage to take place ear- ly in September, . Mr. and Mrs. George A. Baragar, The Most Ctkying ot 33 Cran Sand Speciacien Th mprender of the Gorman: Flost SEE Yersailles Castle--Viciory Arch. Allenby' entry into Jereazslem., i killed by' dogs. jito meet on first Next Week Let 1% Book Tour Orders New: gm Mache Sndeny eA At Nutt | Campbell, of Ottawa, were Syracise, N.Y., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Estelle, to Ernest A. Geen, son of Rev, A. L. and Mrs. Geen, Belleville, Ont., the mar- Hage to take place early in Septem- r. KINGSTON. --~ Aug. 4th-- Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. Motion, Heaton-Shillington, that $100 be granted Kingston In- dustrial Fair. Motion, Weller-Sproule, that W. J. McKendry receive $75 for fifteen days' work at $5 per day, Div. 30 A, and $56 for work on Div. 30. Motion, Weller-Sproule, that for rev- enue purposes, the following rates are necessary: 15 mills on the dollar for county purposes; 5 mills for main- tenance of good roads; for township purposes, 6 mills. Payments ordered: $25, grant to rural school fair; $16.85, 8. Anglin I & Co.; acct. rendered July 1st; $4.35, ii R. Uglow & Co., acet. rendered June 30; $10, George Harpell, one sheep Council adjourned Monday in Sep- tember; at 1 p.m. NORTHBROOK WELCOMED RAIN, ll | Which Extinguished Farm Fires-- Tourists at Ton Rohs t= pitiu Many Northbrook. Aug. 13.--The hea | week-end rain has. been very: bene- ficial 'to these parts, as forest fires were destroying much hay, fences, ete. Many tourists are in these, parts, and the famous Bon Echo simmer | resort is filled to overflowing. This li makes a good market for pro- duce, which is quite plemti the | | potatoes being of excellent quality. The Ore Chimney Mining Com- pany premises have been th ly gone over by all directors 4nd 4 hum- ber of stock holders during the past week and many exceptional showings were found and extensive plans laid }| for the future, There is a family reunion at the Shier house, as their son and. three I] daughtersmnd famitios sre spending the week-end together. e many friends of Miss Berenice grieved when the news came Friday of her sudden depth. Deceased always spent her vacation with her aunt, Mrs, William Both, here, and made many friends. A baby has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mont. 'Wood. Mrs, Marsh Vanness left to-day for the west, where she will reside in future. Mrs. Margarite Cassada, of Spokane, Wash., is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Robert mpson, Curtis Selman = has Jurchased A farm from Elizah sale of farm implements, stock, oe held by Eligs Wood Saturday was | wall attended, Oris Cole purchasing] 'the hatdsome. team of blacks. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bomgard, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street. ---- New York Stocks. Opening. Close. Triad 154% 50% | Si0% | Atchison ... ... .. L &0. 0. Cons. Smelters . . : . Flying Crooks. Undoubtedly one of the problems which Seotland Yard will have to cope with in the near future will be the pursuit of criminals through the alr. Plans for the organization of a corps of aerial trackers, with a fpecial Scotland Yard airdrome from which detectives could make an immediate start in. pursuit of wrongdoers who sought to escape the clutches of the law through the air, are already being carried out, It may be some time before crim- inals include private airplanes among their equipment, but it will be a comparatively easy matter for the swell cracksman and wealthy mur- derer to arrange for an escape by air. Whether he will succeede depends on the aerial organization of Scotland Yard and the alertness of the cus- toms and coastguards. Quick com- munication between the police and the latter may result in an easy cap- ture. As a member of the Criminal In- vestigation Department points out, although the air is wide the flying criminal has got to come down some- where, and by wireless his déscrip- tion and that of his machine can be flashed over the world in a few minutes. One method of stoppage and de- tection will be ti®eugh the medium of a series of sound-detecting instru- Juents along the coast, linked up by telephones with each other, and also with corps of aerial police. The noise of the machine will be detected, and if it does not land for inspection, As required by aerial navigation rales, it will be located "and reported, and a strict watch will be kept at all points. Control of flying machines is being 80 organized that every machine en- tering Britain, for instance, will have to land for inspection. The watch will be so strict that the possibility of evading the cordon of guards will be very slight. Other ntrien; in' worordance "with: suggestions of the "Aerial. Advisory Commission of the: British: Peace Delegation, = are. adopting similar plans for the control of air trafic. The chances of the flying criminal escaping justice, therefore, are not of the rosiest. Sailors' Nerves Affected. Some interesting stories of the way in which life at sea during wtrtime- affected the néryous systems of a number of dur sailors are told by Surgeon-Lieutenant Alan F. Grimbly. Dr. Grimbly has witnessed in (wo or three of his patients "a very re- markable state, which I can best de- scribe as ihe. dear of going ashore'. This paradoxical, he adds but t this Condition of mind has real existence. It'lies in the dread oN Sreriing & space of sea in a "1 have knows a man to stay on or six months rather than face a journey. of a few minutes' duration in a picket boat.' * One A.B., who was near a high ex- Dplosive shell when it burst, could re- collect nothing previous to a date four months before the action. tHe "In St. Chke's @ TUDO, AUGUST IV, wav. ARE T0 PLAY MORE GAMES BUFFALO PROSFEC y 10 MEET PONIES AND ND ATHLETICS. Mrs. R. N. F. 'Mactariane and Miss Kathleen Carruthers Were Win. ners in: Golf--Rowlers Have Gone to Belleville , The board of management of the City Baseball League have completed arrangements with the Buffalo Pros- pects to play two more games in the {city with the Ponies and Athletics. Mayor Wilson of Gananoque and some 'interested parties had a con- ference with the team management on Monday evening, and they com- sented to remain in this district un- til after Labor Day. Accordingly, they will 'meet the Athletics at the Cricket Field next Thursday evening at 5.46 o'clock. This should be one of the most at- tractive features of the season, as Athletics won out last time by 3 to 2, and will make every effort to main- tain thelr reputation. ; On Wednesday, August 27th, the Prospects will appear in Gananoque, and will meet the Ponies, whom they defeated on Saturday by 4 to 3, on August 30th. Many fans are asking why exhibi-| tion games are being played on Sat- urdays ipstead of the regular sche- duled features. It is not generally known that Red Sox have dropped out of the league, and therefore the management is endeavoring to bring the best outside teams to meet the locals. Ladies Played Golf. On Monday at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club course two handi- cap matches were played. In the finals of Class A, Mrs; Stevenson was defeated by Miss Kathleen Carruth- ers, and 4p the finals of Class B, Mrs. Hansard: Hora was defeated by Mrs. R. N. F;: Macfarlane. Prize matches are scheduled for next Thursday and next Monday, Mrs. William Harty donating the prize for the former day and the professional, Mr. Newman, for the latter. ' Have Gome to Belleville. Kingston will be well represented at the Central Ontario bowling tour- nament which opened at Belleville on Tuesday. II was a merry crowd, and confident of winning, that set forth in the rain on Tuesday morning via G. T. R. for the bay city. Those who will skip the Kingston rinks are A. Turcott. W. € Crozier, R. 8. Gra- ham, A: McMahon, H. D. Bibby, and H. W, Newman, and the players in- clude R.-H. Crooker, C. C, Hodgins, Dr. R .C. Cartwright, E. Green, A. E. Treadgold, J. Newell, W. N. Linton, 0. O. Boyd, W. Jackson, G. Lawes, R. H. Stevensony G. Hague, R. F. Macfarlane, J. A. Newman, J. F. Me- Millan and G. Lemmon. No games were played at the local green on' Monday evening owing to the dampness of the ground. WEDDED IN ST. LUKE'S, The Be aman Nuptials on chuseh on Tuesday morning, Anna Matilda, eldest gaugh- ter of James McCammon, €4 street, became the wife of Charles Henry Reid, district agent of the Al- berta Lands Company, and formerly a merchant of North Augusta, Leeds county. The church was prettily dec- orated. The bride was a member of the Altar Guild and the choir and her [friends had the altar dec- orated, The church was c#bwded. The bride entered on the arm of her father and wore « pretty white satin gown with tunic of georgette crepe. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses, sweet peas and ferns. Rev. J. DePencier Wright officiated. The choir was present and Miss To- man sang "0 Perfect Love," and at the conclusion of the service, Mrs. H. Horton sang "Because." Lunch was served at the home or the bride after the ceremony. Rev. Mr. Wright acted as , Mr. toastmaster, : and Mrs. Reid will spend their honey- moon on a motor trip in New York State and upon their return will re- side on Nelson street. | ACCBPTED CHIHAUHAN NOTE. carly Lot Money by Kingstonian Nearly Accepting Tuesday morning J. Smith, em- Slaretin "heburds bemind th Star Fruit § Candp Store IL you want to have a good time plenies or hol Canad Food: Board License: Fruit, 09-1030; Candy, 31-418 T'S sll wrong, Mrs. Houge- I wife, it's all wrong----this idea of sacrificing fifty-two or a hundred and four days out of the year in front of a hot oven, that blasts the enjoyment of every week. We'll do your baking for you -- and pleise pardon us madam, we don't méan anything personal but we'll do it better, too. - JY: TE HOME MADE READ & PASTR Approximately ten and a half mil- lion pounds of meat has been found by special agents of the Department of Justice in Lyndenville, Medina, and Waterport,"N.Y., storage houses. Last Week to Get Cheap Tea I will sell the balance of my stock of 60c. and 70c. Teas for this week at . . . .-.50c per Ib. This in face of two advances in wholesale prices. : : The Thompson Bottling Co. -e THOMPSON, Prop. Phone 894 % TrOD- of Princess Street Is uniform day after day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school satisfied, anad hurries them home again for more. 11 Cents al 1-21b. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman will call. 5 MIT----------------------"_----: SS CN ; A modern Player-Piano in its place would bring new _lite into the home. 'A Helntzman & Co. or a Lindsay. Player-Piano, can be played as any other Plano; in addition it 1s an instrument which anyone, even a child, can play. For dancing, for song accom- paniments, for any kind of piano music, any one of these fine instruments will bring countless - new pleasures into-the family circle. eh 5 Perhaps you 'would prefer a high-grade Phono graph. We have them; Sonoras and Columbia Gra- fonolas. Or a Grand; we bave the Heintsman % ote EE Have You a Siest Pian ton Home or an Old Organ? Thensellittous, We will pay cash for it at a reasonable valuation, 2 upon the date of its manufacture and upon he condiin an, Orif you : you may accept : so mush cash to apply fowards: fhe f a Player-Piano,