TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1919, Dis tinctive Stationery New artistic Stationery in the following shades: Corn, Dove Grey, Mauve, le » Light Blue, White; hemstitched; with or t t Dresden lining. ; ENVELOPES and OORRESPONDENCE ci beautifully 'xed. D8 to match; all \ At Uglow's. 141 Princess St., Kingston. N DIAMC DS QUALITY Why not, when selecting a diamond, get the best quality; | you will never be sorry*for pur- 'chasing a good stone, but al- ways regret taking an inferior one. : We only have in stock first quality Diamonds, whether in Rings, Pendants, Brooches, Earrings, Stick Pins. Kinnear & d'Esterre Next month the kiddies will be back to the task of making semisives better fit for the lite PARENT S 'are you giving the child a fair show? Is he backward, cannot 'Study any length of time, with- 'out headaches and print blur- g? Does he suffer pains in or back? " These and many other com- plaints come from ~ defective ight. If your child 18 backward and has any of the ahove symptoms consult A STEWART = CY CONLIN SESSION Hr SANCTIONED TI THE PRESENT SYSTEM ow BOAR, PATCHING | Gave the Board of Works $3,000 More , For Further Road Repairs--10 Rectify Bailifl's Seizure For Tax, The City Council had a special ses. sion Monday night after the recep- tion to Brig. Gen. Hoss and, spent two hours in talking about road re- pairs; the manner or their doing and some irregularities reported upoh by Auditor muir, who wiote the acting city engineer that unless the schedu- les of paving by-laws were properly completed he would not pass the ac- counts for paying out any more mo- ney on the work. However everything was set rights, and the couneil sanctioned the road patching system of the chairman of the Board of Werks, who received praise trom some members of council for the work he is gratuitously doing for the city aud & scolding from others be- cause he has not done some in their wards. A large number of citizens oc- cupled the gallery benches and ap- plauded when Ald. Grabam recount- €d the amount of road patching and ing done so faf this year. . Graham as usual was the lead- ing mim, and the mayor and the city auditor re his targets. He read a letter fromi"the auditor to the acts ing engineer saying that he coula; not pass any turther amounts for road work unless the by-laws were completed, and that the work on some of the blocks, which had be termed patching, looked to Him like reconstruction and Should be done on the loeal improvement plan. Ald. Graham claimed that the auditor was trying to block his street work and declared that the Utilities Commis- Sion was altogether too slow for him. They were always in his way and holding him back in paving. He bad done no paving with coal tar. All the work was merely patching. The Auditor's Denial Auditor Muir denied that he was trying to hold up street work, but pointed out that the statutory re- quirements had to be fulfilled. It was his duty to seé that moneys were not improperly paid out, and he would be remiss in his duty if he did not draw irregularities to the attention of the council when he became aware of themy, Ald. Wright came to the rescue at this stage of the discussion and the by-laws for the paving of Princess and Stuart street were finally 'com- pleted according to requirement. Ald. Corbett announced that the auditor Bad also drawn to his atten- tion the necessity of making changes in the wording of the agreement be- tween the city and the fair associa- tion regarding the mode of the ex- penditure of money in répairs on the fair buildings and grounds. The ebanges were accordingly made, and that matter was set right, the audi- tor receiving Ald. Corbett's commen- | dation. In telling of the work done on the roads, 'Ald, Graham stated that he had patched twenty-nine blocks so far at an average cost of $145 a .{ block. He still had $2,000 of his ap- "J propriation and $1,000 of coal patch » Dand, He had used stone taken Princess. street in patelling oth ro rots. 'All he was charging the |} city for his labors was the cost of the gasoline to run his car through- the day. Ald. Graham claimed that this year the city had something to show in road repairs for the money spent. He was working on a system, and If Ald. Litton would-be patient 'he expected to get around:Albert and 'upper Earl streets after he had tched the holes in Union street om Barrie. Board of Works chairman wag pI "for his work by Alds. Wright, | Cowper and Stroud. # - Money Illegally Spent. : Ald, Chown moved that the council sanction the system of road patch- ne adopted by Ald. Oran that the system be continued for the rest of the season and that the B ; quted @ further spp on of §3,000 for road repairs. Newmsn thi er appropriation was until tas finance com- the motion was rectified, Ald. Gra- ham and His Worship had a little ar< 5 The Board of Works chair- 'mittee had dealt with it, and before | to having the bailiff vefurn & side. board he seized from Mr. MoGregor's home to meet a demand for dog tax, 1 Mr. McGregor has had no dog for se- veral years, but he failed to protect himself by making the required ap- peal to the Court of Revision, so the eity officials had no other coursé but to collect the amount, and the result was that the bailiff was sent in to make a seizure when Mr. McGregor, who is as Scotch fs hik name, refused on principle to pay something he did not owe. The council decided to pay the tax and secdTe the returh of Mr. Motiregor's sideboard. In attendance at the meeting were Mayor Newman and Alds. Armstrong, Anglin, Chown, Couper, Corbett, Graham, Kent, Litton, Norris, Peters, pafterson, Rodger, Robertscn, Sim- mons, Stroud, Smith, Wright and White. BRIG.-GEN. ROSS WELCOMED HOME (Continued From From Page 1) may long be spared to serve with con- tinued energy and publfe spirit the best interests of our country aud city and to enjoy the affectionate esteem of your fellow citizens. Signed on behalf of the citizens of Kingston. H. W. NEWMAN, Mayor Kingston, Aug. 18th, 1919. On the conclusion of the reading of the address Bandmaster W, J. Christmas, conducting the Salvation qn | Army band and the first Canadian bandsman to cross the Rhine. into Germany, called for three cheers for the brigadier-geperal, which were heartily given with great gusto and vigor and were followed by the sipng- jag of "For He's a Joly Good Fel low.' Brig.-Gen, Ross' Reply. In a simple reply Brig.-uen, Ross stated that he was deeply touched with the warmth of the reception and that it was 2 pleasure to be thus welcomed to his home city. He ex- 'pressed his thanks of the very gen- erous words and the kind feelings and assured Mayor Newman that he had made no:attempt to escape the reception which had beén planned for him, He declared that it was. a great opportunity to have served with the many fine officers and men that the war had produced and now that the conflict was terminated he was hap- Py to return to the city in good health and to receive such testimon- jals of edteem and affection was the crowning event of five years' service. He expressed his thanks to those who had allisted in carrying on the struggle in the various spheres of duty--to the men from the trenches, to the nurses and to those who alded at home, especially the women Whose work 'was a source of comfort and cheer at all times. Brig-Gen. Ross also paid a fine tribute to - Lieut. Gen. Currie, commander of the Cd- nadian corps, who bad stimulated the meén by his very evident desire to ease their hardships and diminish their worries. faces th ident th averted and he 'urged that turned men show the SAMS. & 'sell-sacritice, Jiscipling and © - ¢ time demands sour ym Facipun line, all that is finn tor wi them we lose év- to An énemty whom xs * hates ST and Thos 00 for a chance to Drift 4 on us. Stand Fad ho All must pul iors, There should be no 18m w eep the a8 itrohj Ser Ned he the words o . Ross to Mis -! disr of Brie 9 - Hulogy For Queon's Hospital. He told of Ba ie tet phd ¥ of his. WOMEN'S SATIN CALFSKIN PUMP with buckle-- high Louis Heel--just arrived for August trade. PRICE $8.00. TRUNKS SUIT CASES Sale of Men's Panama Hats A big discount on every hat. Ladies' Panama Hats Children's Summer Hats. Men's Soft Straw Hats All at Clearing Prices CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers FANCY RATTAN, COOL AND INVITING for living room, lawn, or porchs; upholstered in cre- | tonnes or tapestry; settees, arm chairs and rockers; . it enables you to furnish in artistic way at moderate prices, Phone 147 for service, as a full staff of upholst- ers and cabinet makers are at your service. JAMES REID Phone 147 For Service pL i I Unique ls atthe Meéat Market «Primes Western Best. ~=Spring Lamb. ~Cooked Ments, ~~Pickles ang: Relishes. ~Fruit and Vegetables. oH NOTIOR OF REMOVAL Owing to Government 5 over the lower part tn bulla logated 75r the Then missioner, I have. bao