4 sout gloves, and The Sorder at aod . PAGE TEN HAD TO CALL N THE NEIGHBORS Mrs. Rock Was So Rundown {Oouldn't Do Housework--- Restored by Tanlac. "This is the only medicine I've ever taken that does just what they say it will do," said Mrs, J.L. Rock, R.F. D. No. 4, Flatt, 111, in telling her ex- perience with Tanlac, 5 "For eleven years," continued Mrs. Rock, "I suffered with stomach trouble and was in a general run- down condition, butts all different with me mow, for thrée bottles of Tanlac almost made a new woman of me. I lost my appetite and got so that actually I would get sick at the smell of food cooking. What little I did manage to force down would causes gas to form, and press up around my heart so bad at times 1 could hardly get a good breath. 1 would have cramping pain in the pit of my stomach which would last for many hours, then to make matters worse my kidneys became affected and I had terrible pains in my back and sides and at times could hardly turn over in bed. I finally got so weak and run down I couldn't do my housework and had to call in the neighbors to help me. I was so nerv- ous the least little noise would upset me, and I could sleep but very little wt night. "I wits in this very condition when I 'heard about Tanlac and asked my husband to get me a bottle, amd to my surprise and delight I started to improve right from the start. 1 have three ottles now and 1 tell you it's wonder- Mul the way this medicine 'helped me. The pains in my back and sides have all left me. My nerves ard quiet and I sleep fine now, all night long, and when I get up in the momings I am rested and refreshed. I never know what it is to have a headache now, I have a splendid ap- petite and feel perfectly well in ev- ery way and I want everybody to know what a great medicine Tanlac » L Tanlac 1s sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, in Battersea by C. 8. Clark, | Tie leigh by Ervin Martin, in Ar M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot L W. Y. Cannon. --Al Use Cocoanut Oil For Washing Hair If. you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oi} (which is pure and entirely grease- less), is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with wa- ter and rub it in. One or two tea- spoonfuls will make an abundance of . rich; creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particles of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex- e ofl. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, flufly and easy to man- age, You can get mulsified cocoanut oil' at most any drug store. It 1s very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the family for MEXICANS TO GET IT. Every Time They Cause Trouble ; Along the Border, (Canddian Press Despatch.) : ashington, Ro 30.--The gov- ernment has 6 le the Mexican situation from now on with- 'send troops across 2 least provocation. ----------------_ Are Arranged. : a Press Despatch) ween Sir Auck- * majority : from . 20.--An agreement | bet + {ftom Our Own Correspondent) August 20--Onu account of a mishap which placed the engine for furishing auxiliary power for the works of the Skinoer Co., out of commission, the old engine is being removed and another installed in its place. A wel] attended service was eld at the town hall last evening when Mrg. Hamilton Scott of Tor- onto, (formally Capt. Millie Goodall Gananogue's first S. A, Officer) gave an interesting "address. The store of McParland Bros, grocers, King street, is closed for stock taking this week and is expected to re-open shortly in charge of W. V, Webster <f; Trenton. The Gananoque Water Power Co., has made arrangements for shutting off the water from the local factories on Aug. 30th, to permit of the an- nual repairs to their dams, canals and flumes, which is expected to require about two weeks. The board of provisional directors: of the Gananoque co-operative soc- ety which, for the past few weeks has been busily engaged if the dis- posal of stock in that organization, has practically doubled the ameunt of stock sales necessary to permit of incorporation and has made due application to the Lieutenant-Gover- nor for letters .patent granting to the society a charter of incorporation. Adam C. Hudspeth, accountant of the local wraitenr of the Bank of To- ronto, i= supplying for the manager of the Lyndhurst branch of that or- ganization, for a few weeks. Horace G. Gould, King street, has taken a: position as junior clerk on the local staff of the Merchants Bank. Hewitt Smith of Kingston, spend- ing the past few days in town with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Crouter, King street re- turned home yesterday. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co,, 237 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening. Close. 40% 154% Anaconda ... ..., Bethlehem, Steel .. Int, Nickel ... Rep. Steel ... U.8. Steel ...- Canadian Stocks. ' same BY Can. Steamship ... Cam. Lovo. PRINCE TO OPEN HOUSE. On the Ist of September----To Help the West, (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Aug. 20.--While Orders- 'm-Counefl are t0 be continued in force after the formal proclamation of peace is made, the legislation be- fore the House of Commons, which will be opened Sept. 1st by thé Prince of Wales, may not be very heavy. The of the bills will "stmiply make provision for the continuance in ores of the orders, for a specified period. Supplementary etimpies wil be Mght. The matter of tf for certain western districts badly hit by successive crop failures is now engaging fthur Meighen and Hon. J. A. Calder, who are in the west and may call for Jegislative and financial assistance 'parliament. pn ep dit. ., Excursion to Ogdensburg. Steamer America for the "Burg" on Friday, Aug. 22, calling at Gan- anoque and. Brockville. Boat leaves Swifts whart 8. a.m. a------ ei "¢ Lack Only One Subject. examinations with of one subject (in they Tite lower the attention of Hon. Ar-|' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ------ The Late Mrs. Edgarton. An aged and highly respected resident of Kingston 'passed away on Wednesday In the person of Mrs. Sarah A, Edgarton, at the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. Marshall P, 'Reid, corner of Union and Arch streets. The deceased was the widow of the late locey Edgarton, of Bing- hamton, N.Y., and was ninety-six years of age. She resided in Kings- ton during the past fifteen years. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Frank Jones, Kingston; Mrs. Andrew Dolan, New York City, and one son, Winteld Mersells, of Binghamton, Y. The Late Samuel Hamilton. The death of Samuel Hamdlton oc- curred at his residence, 127 Union street, on Wednesday. The deceased was elghty-two years of age and a life-long resident of Kingston. For many years he was an employee of the Canadian Locomotive Works. He is survived by his wife' and one daughter, Mrs. Hudson, of Parry Sound. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and Items of General Interest. R. A. Caughey, of the penitentiary staff left for Ottawa on Tuesday. Miss Culeheth, Portsmouth, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E, H., Hagen, Gananoque. Misses Janet and Eva McCullough left Tuesday, for Saskatoon, where they will remain for somé time. Dollar Day, Allan M. Reid shoe store, Thursday, August 21. See windows for bargains. Tae steam roller which the Board of Works decided to purchase, was shipped from Hamilton on Saturday last. Five years ago today No. 1 Ambul- ance corps, in command of now Brig.- Gen. A. E. Ross, left Kingston for overseas service, You are interested in the prices of things--and that is why so much of the store advertising deals with that phase of merchandising. At a special meeting of the Portse« mouth Council on Tuesday evening, the tax rate was fixed at thirty-six mills, the same as last year. " Nursing Sister Burnside, Kingston, is sailing for Canada on the S.8. Me- lita which sailed from Liverpool on Aug, 15th. The steamer will reach Montreal on Aug. 8rd. Edwin Mooers, city assessmentcom missionér, who has been in the hos- pital for several weeks threatened with pneumonia, 'shows considerable signs of improvement and hopes to be out again in a short time. Walter Mosher of the litia De- partment, Ottawa, holidaying at Am- herst Island, is a wizard with the rod and line. He is catching everything frcm salmon to perch, where others can get nothing: -y The military football ghme played betwéen the A. & N. and R.C.A. teams Tuesday cvening was won by the A, & N. by a score of 4 to 0. It was one-gided throughout. McFar- lane was referee. On Saturday the 21st and Vocational will meet, THE WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM -- Tidings From All Over Told In a Pointed and Pithy + Way. i The Niagara grape crop promises to be one of the largest ever taken off in the district, : David Jolley, of Brantford, about twenty-one years of age, was drown- ed in Muskoka River, Joseph Coburn, a farmer near Westport, was seized with oplexy while tending his stock and . A lucrative trade in moss for the usé. of nurserymen and florists has sprung up in the district around Brockville. id a "Refugees from Odessa report that thé German peasant colonies in South-West Russia have joined the anti-Bolshevist partisans. A. CNR, train hit a buggy in} Trenton, bruised the occupants, 'two women, and so mangled the horse that it had to be shot. Mrs, Mary T. , Dover town- Dp. died as & result of burns reeeiv- $d nearly two weeks ago when using 0 - to quicken a fire, 1 . 'Death came suddenly on Monday after a brief illness to John Morri- soa; an Aged resident of the town. velarin OF the Fe nian Raid. | British exchange fell to a new low record Wednesday ; dropped WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1019, LIFT OFF CORNS Doesn't hurt at all; and costs only a few cents | Magic! Just drop a little Free- zone on that touchy corn, instantly it stops aching, then you lift the corn off with the fingers. Truly! No humbug! Star-Fruit a oy If you want tp have 2 good time or holidays get your sessonable Fruit 66 Princess Street. Canada Fruit, Phone 273. Food Board Id : 9-1020; Candy, 11-410 Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle for a few cents, suffi- cient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and callouses, without one par- ticle of pain, soreness or irritation. Freezone is the discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius, GROCERY YUBAN Will Be At CAVERLY"S Next Week Let 1s Beok Yeur Orders Now, Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets. License No. 8-27149 Phone 1844, = EMPIRE High Grade Groceries, Fruits _and Vegetables, Cooked aud Uncooked Meats, LEWIS ORR 220 King St. Phone 349 License No. S-27448 In the historic city of Chester, Eng- land, recently, Capt, EH. €. y Co ALL Toront to & Scottish |. MG, 0, Wag wed beauty, a girl from Inverness. Su a so Bi T'8 all wrong, Mrs. House wife, it's all wrong--this dca of sacrificing fifty-two or a hunlred and four days out of the year in front of a hot oven, that blasts the enjoyment of eve.y week. We'll do your baking for you -- and please pardon us madam, we don't mean anything personal---- but we'll do it better; too. [LACKIES BAKERY HOME MADE ~ READ & PAST i X Purina Products At The of several scandal 8 on YOU CAN EXCHANGE the thing Tou Jo Jonger heed for something you se lis, : Fry p ly-- through the hv A man is compelled to keep his word when no one will take it. The light in the eye of a gossip is BOWE, Exhibition UG. 28rd TO SEPT. oth Last Week to Get Cheap Tea I will sell the balance of my stock of 60c. and 70c. Teas for this week at . . ...50¢ per Ib. This in face of two advances in wholesale prices. ' The Thompson Bottling Co. GRO, THOMPSON, Prop. 1s By 209 Princess Street Prone 04 1 BN Palm Olive Soap Three Cakes For 29 Cents SARGENTS DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Lots 50 ft. by 120 ft. to 15 ft. long, overlooking the St. law- rence on Kensington Place; paved street; boulevard: : services established. ' Buy quick, as these: lots and Ta onl! Apply to: Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston i TOYE'S BREAD Is uniform day alter day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school satisfied, anad hurries them home again for more. .> 11 Cents a 1 1-2 Ib. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman will call. ss -------------------- a ---- BE